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1、(P3)駐開普敦總領事郝光峰在招待會上的講話(jing hu)女士們,先生(xin sheng)們:首先,請允許我代表中國貿易代表團,并且以我個人的名義,對大家的盛情邀請和熱情接待表示衷心的感謝!對長期以來為促進中南經貿關系發(fā)展、增進中南人民友誼做出積極貢獻的各界人士表示誠摯的敬意。這是我首次(shu c)踏上南半球,我所到的第一個國家就是南非,我所到的第一座城市就是開普敦。一個星期以來,我和我的同事耳聞目睹了“彩虹之國”的神奇魅力,領略了開普敦這個世界名城的迷人風光。我還很榮幸結識了許多新的朋友,受到了當地政府和各界朋友的大力支持,真切感受到了南非人民的友好情誼。中國和南非都是發(fā)展中國家,加

2、強中南合作符合雙方的根本利益。今天在座的各位都是中南經濟工商界的領軍人物,中南經貿合作的巨大發(fā)展?jié)摿τ写銈儊硗诰?。我深信,只要大家以開放的心態(tài)把握機遇,以合作的精神面向未來,一定能夠不斷開拓中南經貿合作的新局面!女士們,先生們,我知道,今天在座的有很多僑界的朋友。祖國的發(fā)展也離不開廣大僑胞的辛苦努力。真誠希望大家繼續(xù)團結一致,為南非的發(fā)展和中南友誼做出新貢獻!新年剛過,再過兩個星期我們將迎來中國的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日春節(jié)。在此,我謹祝各位在新的一年里,身體健康,事業(yè)興旺!最后,我提議,為南非的繁榮昌盛,為中南友誼,為各位的健康和快樂,干杯!consul general Based in Cape Tow

3、n Hao Guangfengs speech at the conferenceLadies and gentlemen: First of all, please allow me to express, on behalf of the Chinese trade delegation, and also in my own name, our profound gratitude for your kind invitation and gracious hospitality, and to send our greatest respects to all those who ha

4、ve made great contributions to the promotion of the development of China-South Africa trade relations and the friendship between our two peoples.Its my first time land on the southern hemisphere and South Africa is the first county I have visited, and Cape Town is the first city I have visited. Sinc

5、e a week, my colleague and I witness the magical power of “the rainbow country” with our own eyes, and also enjoyed the beautiful view of this world famous city Cape Town.Its my pleasure to make friends with many people, and accept the big support from the local government and the friends of various

6、 circles, and feel the warm friendship from the people in South Africa clearly. Both China and South Africa are developing country, enhancing t cooperation of China and South Africa in the fundamental interests of our two counties. Today all the people present here are the head of the China-South Af

7、rica economy commercial field, the tremendous developing potential of China-South Africas economic relations and trade need your support. I sincerely believe that as long as everybody seize the opportunity with an pen mind, face the future with cooperation, a new stage of China-South Africa economy

8、relations and trade must be open up! Ladies and gentlemen, I know that many overseas Chinese present here. Chinas development also need your support. I sincerely hope that we can keep on uniting to make new contributes to the development of South Africa and the friendship between China and South Afr

9、ica! New Year has just pasted, and after two weeks, we will have the Chinese traditional festival -spring festival. Wish all of you a happy, healthy and wealthy new year! Finally, Id like to propose a toast to the South Africas prosperity and the friendship between the two countries, as well as ever

10、yones health and happy.Speech by Commissioner for Tourism at luncheon for the travel trade in Mumbai, India (English only)*Following is the speech by the Commissioner for Tourism, Miss Margaret Fong, at luncheon for the travel trade in Mumbai, India today (October 2):Distinguished guests, ladies and

11、 gentlemen,I am delighted to join todays luncheon for our travel trade partners from India and Hong Kong.To most of us in Hong Kong, Mumbai is not unfamiliar.The city is synonymous with the Film City of India.Bollywood is one of the largest centres of film production in the world and the movies find

12、 a ready market in Hong Kong.Several months ago, when I was attending an international conference on movies impact on tourism in Hong Kong, I told the audience that movies, like travelling, allow one to take a snapshot of a different way of life.Indeed, both films and tourism appeal to our emotion,

13、stimulate our imagination and indulge our fantasies.They are the true dream factories.As tourism operators, we work to make our clients dreams come true.We help them live their fantasies during their travel, experiencing the magic first hand.Last year, Hong Kong received 29.5 million visitors.That m

14、eans some 29.5 million people from all over the world have chosen to live their dreams in Hong Kong.And why?As Asias world city, Hong Kong is a widely acclaimed tourist destination known for its international outlook, sophistication and diversity.We are the regions aviation hub with flight connectio

15、ns to some 150 cities, including major cities in India.We operate a liberal visa regime where the citizens of 170 countries/ territories can enter Hong Kong without a visa.This of course applies to Indian nationals who enjoy 14 days of visa-free access.Such travel convenience speaks for our desire t

16、o welcome friends from round the world to make Hong Kong your home or home away from home.To make Hong Kong fun and appealing, we have attractions that meet the needs of every visitor.For families, we have our two flagship theme parks, the Ocean Park and Disneyland; the spectacular Ngong Ping 360 ca

17、ble car; and the world-famous Madame Tussads.And we must not forget, of course, our varied shopping and dining scenes which Hong Kong is renowned for.For visitors who prefer to explore the nature, Hong Kong offers a pleasant surprise.Our mountainous landscape lends us spectacular rock formations and

18、 excellent hiking trails.We also have a Ramsar-declared wetland, a wetland park and are planning for a geological park.And our beautiful islands with their immaculate beaches and unspoiled forest are sights to be beheld.For business visitors, we have top-notched facilities coupled with world-class p

19、rofessional services to stage exhibitions, conferences and business meetings.We are the ideal location for MICE (Meetings, Incentive Travels, Conventions and Exhibitions) events.Each year, some 300 international conventions and exhibitions take place in Hong Kong.Whilst on events, I must mention tha

20、t we have successfully hosted the Equestrian Events of the 2008 Olympic Games last year.And in December this year, the East Asian Games will be held in Hong Kong.Recently, we have set up a 620 million Indian rupee fund to attract more international signature events to be held in Hong Kong.Together w

21、ith our numerous international sports tournaments such as Rugby Sevens and Cricket Sixes, and the must-see Chinese New Year Parade, to name but a few, we can promise our visitors an exciting and unique experience every day.We are also pushing ahead with our new world-class cruise terminal that will

22、allow the berthing of two of the largest cruise vessels in the world at the same time.With over 40 flights every week between Hong Kong and India, you can easily catch a plane to Hong Kong and enjoy a relaxing cruise holiday.Ladies and gentlemen, I came to Mumbai to meet our Indian trade partners be

23、cause I am confident of the immense opportunities for bilateral tourism.And I must express my heartfelt appreciation for your kind presence and support.After todays meeting, let us join hands in expanding our dream factory.I look to you all to design appealing travel itineraries and roll out attract

24、ive products that will unleash the imagination of the many in our two cities.Together we can make their dreams come true.Thank you.Ends/Friday, October 2, 2009Issued at HKT 20:06演講由旅游事務(shw)專員在午餐的旅游業(yè)界在印度孟買(只有英文)* *以下是由旅游事務專員方舜文,在演講午餐會為旅游業(yè)界在孟買(mn mi),印度今天(10月2日):尊敬的各位來賓(libn),女士們,先生們,我很高興能夠加入今天的午餐會,為





29、的很多想象在我們的兩個城市。我們可以一起使他們的夢想成真了。謝謝你。P22在首輪中美戰(zhàn)略與經濟對話開幕之際,我謹代表中國政府并以我個人名義致以熱烈(rli)的祝賀和良好的祝愿。On the occasion of the opening of the first-round China-US strategic and economic dialogues, I wish to extend on behalf of the Chinese government and in my own name warm congratulations and best wishes.建立中美戰(zhàn)略與經濟對

30、話機制,是我同奧巴馬總統(tǒng)達成的重要共識(n sh),也是加強中美各領域互利合作、推動新時期中美關系 HYPERLINK /en/tingli/fanyi/2010/0510/50543.h t _blank 健康(jinkng)穩(wěn)定、全面深入發(fā)展的一項戰(zhàn)略舉措。自今年月這一機制啟動以來,由兩國元首特別代表率領的雙方團隊為落實兩國領導人達成的共識、確保首輪對話如期順利舉行,進行了精心準備,做了大量工作。我對此表示高度贊賞。To set up the S&ED mechanism is an important agreement that President Obama and I have r

31、eached. It is also a strategic move aimed at strengthening the mutually-benefcial cooperation between the two countries in various areas and promoting the sound, steady ,comprehensive and in-depth development of China-US relations in the new era.Since the launch of this mechanism in April, Chinese a

32、nd US teams headed by special representatives of the two presidents have made careful preparations and tremendous efforts to implement the agreement of the leaders and ensure the smooth convocation of the first-round dialogue as scheduled. I highly appreciate your efforts.作為世界上有重要影響的國家,中美兩國在事關人類和平與發(fā)

33、展的一系列重大問題上肩負著重要責任,擁有廣泛的共同利益和廣闊的合作空間。在當前復雜多變的國際經濟政治形勢下,中美雙方通過戰(zhàn)略與經濟對話,擴大共識,減少分歧,加深互信,促進合作,符合雙方共同利益,有利于推動中美關系朝著積極合作全面的方向發(fā)展,對世界的和平、穩(wěn)定與發(fā)展、繁榮也具有重要意義。As two countries with significant influence in the world,China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities on a host of major issues concerning

34、 peace and development of mankind and enjoy extensive common interests and broad space for cooperation. In the face of the complex and changing international economic and political situation, our two countries should endeavor to expand common grounds,reduce differnces and enhance mutual trust and st

35、rengthen cooperation through the stategic and economic dialogues. This serves the common interests of the two sides and will help advance a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship between China and the United States. It is also of great importance for peace, stability and prosperity of

36、the whole world.內容來自英語堂希望雙方平等協商,坦誠交流,集思廣益,就兩國關系發(fā)展中戰(zhàn)略性、長期性、全局性問題進行深入溝通;希望雙方開闊思路,務實進取,共謀雙贏,廣泛探討擴大兩國互利合作的新領域、新方式、新途徑。我相信,在雙方團隊的共同努力下,中美戰(zhàn)略與經濟對話機制一定能夠不斷完善和發(fā)展,為促進兩國各領域互利合作、發(fā)展積極合作全面的中美關系,注入新活力、作出新貢獻。I hope the two sides will conduct consultations in an equal and candid manner and bring into full play colle

37、ctive wisdom and engage in in-depth discussion on the strategic, long-term and over-arching issues in our bilateral relations. And I hope that the two sides will be innovative in thinking , adopt a pragmatic and enterprising approach , seek win-win progress and explore new areas ,methods and avenues

38、 of mutually-beneficial cooperation.I am confident that with concerted efforts of both teams,the S&ED mechanism will keep improving and growing and inject new dynamism and make new contribution to our mutually-beneficial cooperation in various areas and to the growth of our positive and cooperative

39、and comprehensive relationship.祝首輪中美戰(zhàn)略與經濟對話圓滿成功。I wish the first-round China-US strategic and economic dialogues a crowning success.祝中美兩國關系和兩國人民友誼取得更大發(fā)展。May the relations between the two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.(P94)尊敬(znjng)的各位來賓,女士們、先生(xin sheng)們, 很

40、高興(goxng)出席“澳門國際會展CEO論壇2008”,分享各位的真識灼見。在此我謹代表中國貿促會對本次論壇的召開表示衷心的祝賀。 當今世界,經濟發(fā)展已經突破國界,呈現全球化趨勢,各國經濟發(fā)展你中有我,我中有你。隨著經濟全球化趨勢的不斷深化,20世紀80年代以后,被稱為“朝陽產業(yè)”的現代會展業(yè)得到了蓬勃發(fā)展,并且已成為一個重要的新興服務產業(yè),出現了高速增長,呈現出專業(yè)化,規(guī)?;?品牌化,國際化的特點。 近年來,亞洲會展業(yè)的規(guī)模和水平逐步壯大和發(fā)展,取得了很大成就。國際會議與展會舉辦地的重心已由歐美(u mi)轉向亞太地區(qū)。亞太地區(qū)蘊藏著巨大的市場發(fā)展?jié)摿Α?澳門在經濟多元化進程中,優(yōu)先發(fā)展(

41、fzhn)會展業(yè)。這無疑為澳門的經濟發(fā)展注入了新的力量。會展業(yè)不僅為澳門獲得了經濟效益,也獲得(hud)了巨大的社會效益,并成為向世界展示澳門魅力與美景的窗口。內地改革開放30年來,經濟發(fā)展迅速,人民生活水平顯著提高。隨著社會主義市場經濟的發(fā)展,內地展覽業(yè)非?;钴S,展覽的總規(guī)模以年均增長近20%的速度發(fā)展,無論是數量還是質量都發(fā)生了質的變化。辦展主體不斷增多,場館規(guī)模不斷擴大,為相關行業(yè),特別是酒店、餐飲、旅游、物流、交通等行業(yè)的發(fā)展帶來了新的活力,成為不少城市新的經濟增長點。 女士們,先生們, 中國貿促會在內地展覽行業(yè)發(fā)揮著積極的促進和推動作用。作為中國最大的貿易投資促進機構,受中央政府委托

42、,貿促會負責審批和管理各地區(qū)、各單位出國舉辦經濟貿易展覽會;代表國家參加國際展覽局的活動,負責組織、協調、監(jiān)督、管理我國參加國際展覽局和世界博覽會的相關工作;在國外主辦中國貿易展覽會,參加國際經濟貿易博覽會和展覽會;在境內主辦經濟貿易展覽會和博覽會;負責貿促會系統(tǒng)在境內舉辦的對外經濟技術展覽會的審批和管理;制定落實貿促會出國展覽計劃;與國內外有關展覽機構開展業(yè)務交流和代理服務;進行展覽理論研究,收集展覽信息,提供與展覽有關的信息咨詢和業(yè)務培訓等服務。 女士們、先生們, 在全球化的今天,中國貿促會愿意提供更優(yōu)質的服務,并將一如既往,繼續(xù)推動和加強與世界各國特別是亞洲各國,與澳門、香港、臺灣地區(qū)的

43、展覽業(yè)者合作,共同推動會展經濟的健康發(fā)展,促進各國各地區(qū)的經濟進一步的繁榮與發(fā)展。 預祝論壇取得圓滿成功。 謝謝大家。Dear ladies and gentlemen,Ladies and gentlemen,I am delighted, Macao International Convention and exhibition CEO Forum 2008, sharing your true general insights.Here, I would like on behalf of the China Council for the convening of this forum

44、 to express my heartfelt congratulations.In todays world, economic development had gone beyond national borders, shows the trend of globalization, the economic development of countries you have me, and I in you.With the deepening of economic globalization, in the 1980 of the 20th century onwards, kn

45、own as a sunrise industry modern exhibition industry has been flourishing, and has become an important new service industries, there has been a rapid growth, showing a specialized, large-scale, branding and internationalization features.In recent years, the scale and level of the Asian mice industry

46、 gradually grows and develops, much has been accomplished.International Conference and exhibition will be held in the center of gravity has shifted from Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.The Asia-Pacific region contains huge market potential.Macau in the diversification of the economy in the proces

47、s, giving priority to development of Convention and exhibition industry.This has injected new strength for Macaos economic development.For Macao to obtain not only the economic benefits of the exhibition industry, and also received a great deal of social benefits, and become a showcase to the world

48、Macaos charm and beauty of the window.30 years reform and opening up in the Mainland, the rapid economic development, peoples living standards improved significantly.With the development of the Socialist market economy, the exhibition industry in the Mainland is very active, total exhibition scale w

49、ith an average annual growth rate of nearly 20% development, both quantitative and qualitative changes in quality.Exhibition subjects increased, the facility continues to expand the scale, for the related industries, particularly in hotels, restaurants, tourism, logistics, transportation and other i

50、ndustries brought new vitality to the development, as many new points of economic growth of the city.Ladies and gentlemen,China Council for the promotion of the exhibition industry in the mainland play an active and catalytic role.As Chinas largest trade and investment promotion agency, entrusted by

51、 the Central Government, and international trade is responsible for the approval and management of regional economic and trade fairs held abroad, and offices;Representing our country in the activities of the international exhibitions Bureau, responsible for the Organization, coordination, supervisio

52、n and management of our participation in the work of the Bureau of international expositions and worlds fairs;Host China in foreign trade fairs, participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions;Sponsor economic and trade exhibitions and fairs in the country;Responsible holding of foreign e

53、conomic and technological exhibitions within the territory of the Council for system approval and management;Elaborate and implement international trade exhibitions abroad program;Business Exchange with exhibitions at home and abroad bodies and agency services;Theoretical study on exhibitions, colle

54、ction and exhibition information, provide relevant information on consultation and exhibition business training and other services.Ladies and gentlemen,In todays global, CCPIT is willing to provide better quality of service, and will, as always, continue to promote and strengthen cooperation with co

55、untries around the world, especially in Asia, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan regions exhibition industry cooperation and jointly promote the healthy development of Conference and exhibition economy and promote further economic prosperity and development of all countries and regions.I wish the Forum a c

56、omplete success.Thank you all.(P96)Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Picture Exhibitionof “World Expo 2010 Shanghai China” at the UNYour Excellency Mr. Kiyotaka Akasaka, Ambassador Zhang Yesui,Distinguished guests and friends, Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening!First of all, I would like to expr

57、ess, on behalf of the Executive Committee of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, our most sincere gratitude to the agencies and departments under the United Nations for their generous support and help in our preparations for this exhibition.I would also like to extend our warmest welcome to all the

58、 distinguished guests present at theexhibition this evening.In the past 150 years and more since the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations held in London, in 1851, the World Expo has paid more and more attention to the major issues in development facing all mankind. The theme of “

59、Better City, Better Life” for the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China marks the first time ever in history that a World Expo focuses on the city. Through the exhibitions and interaction by the participating parties, we hope we will all together address three major issues: What kind of city makes peoples

60、lifebetter? What kind of lifestyle makes a city better? What kind of urban development modelmakes the world a better and more harmonious place to live in? We look forward to theparticipants making the best use of the platform provided by the World Expo Shanghai to demonstrate their achievements in e


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