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1、目 錄 TOC o 1-1 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc116631590 New Beijing, Great Olympics PAGEREF _Toc116631590 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631591 Love Is Just a Thread PAGEREF _Toc116631591 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631592 The Lotus Sutra Parable of the Good Doctor PAGEREF _Toc116631592 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631593 A Bro

2、thers Miracle PAGEREF _Toc116631593 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631594 Piano Music PAGEREF _Toc116631594 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631595 Thefurthestdistanceintheworld PAGEREF _Toc116631595 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631596 I have a dream PAGEREF _Toc116631596 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631597 Of Study PAGEREF _

3、Toc116631597 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631598 Enormous Debt PAGEREF _Toc116631598 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631599 The Best Kind of Love PAGEREF _Toc116631599 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631600 A Good Heart to Lean on PAGEREF _Toc116631600 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631601 If I were a Boy Again PAGEREF _Toc116

4、631601 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631602 The Last Class PAGEREF _Toc116631602 h 28 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631603 Flower In The Desert PAGEREF _Toc116631603 h 33 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631604 One Hour Of Time PAGEREF _Toc116631604 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631605 Love Your Life PAGEREF _Toc116631605 h 36 HYPERLIN

5、K l _Toc116631606 The little Match Girl PAGEREF _Toc116631606 h 37 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631607 Farewell Address by President Clinton PAGEREF _Toc116631607 h 39 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631608 On His Seventith Birthday PAGEREF _Toc116631608 h 43 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631609 Three Passions I have Lived For PAGER

6、EF _Toc116631609 h 46 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631610 Blood, Sweat and Tears PAGEREF _Toc116631610 h 47 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631611 The Gettysburg Address PAGEREF _Toc116631611 h 49 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631612 YOUTH PAGEREF _Toc116631612 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631613 Whatever Love Means PAGEREF _Toc116631613

7、 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc116631614 Story of Regret PAGEREF _Toc116631614 h 53New Beijing, Great OlympicsThe 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shif

8、ted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made. In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation sy

9、stem and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image of the city meanwhile. Next, to add enchantment to con

10、venience, overall cityplanning is indispensable. Time permitting, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architect

11、ures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from firstrate architects and make an overall plan. Thirdly, quality of the population should be improved. To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important.However, Rome was not built in a day. To carry out

12、 the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words.Love Is Just a ThreadSometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They dont act in the romantic

13、 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion,“I love you”is too luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentines Day is even more out of the question. Finally my father has a bad temper. When hes very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose his tempe

14、r.One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat down beside her and looked at her.“Mom, I have a question to ask you,”I said after a while.“What?”she replied, still doing her work.“Is there love between you and Dad?”I asked her in a very low voice.My mother stopped her work and raised her he

15、ad with surprise in her eyes. She didnt answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was in a great embarrassment and I didnt know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:“Susan,”she

16、said thoughtfully,“Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but its really there. Love is inside.”I listened ca

17、refully but I couldnt understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very pale. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness.After they w

18、ere back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road. My father had never been so gentle. It seemed they were the most harmonious couple. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened thro

19、ugh the leaves. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world.The doctor had said my father would recover in two months. But after two months he still couldnt walk by himself. All of us were worried about him.“Dad, how are you feeling now?”I asked him one day.“Susan, dont worry about

20、me.”he said gently.“To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.”Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our

21、life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.The Lotus Sutra Parable of the Good DoctorThere was a good doctor. He was wise and intelligent. His medical skill was superior, he can cure various diseases. And he had many sons. One day, the doctor went away from home to visit his patients in other

22、 country.After the doctor left, his sons drank the poison by accident. When the poison in their body went into action, they cannot take the pain and suffering but rolling on the floor. Some of the sons were heavily poisoned and lost their perceptions, but rest of them did not. In the mean time, thei

23、r father came back home. All of them were very happy to see their father coming back, and they all kneeled down and folded their hands to welcome their father coming back home safely. The sons told their father that, they were stupid and they drank the poison by accident. They asked their father to

24、relieve and treat them. The father saw his sons suffering from the poison, he wrote the prescriptions for his sons, and bought the best herbs for them to take. For those sons who were not heavily poisoned, they took the best medicine right away and get cured. For the sons who were heavily poisoned,

25、although they were folded their hands to welcome their father coming back home and asked their father to treat their illnesses. But they did not want to take the best medicine that their father gave them. They said this medicine was not the best medicine. The father thought, these sons were very pit

26、y, they did not want to take the medicine because their perceptions were upside down. Although they were very happy to see him, and asked him for the best medicine to neutralize the poison. He should think of a good method to make them taking the medicine. The father immediately told those sons that

27、, they should know he was senile and could be die at any time. He left the best medicine here so that they can take it. After the father saying that, he went back to other country to visit his patients again. After this good doctor arrived the destination, he sent a messenger back to tell his sons t

28、hat, your father is dead. The sons were very sad and worry when they heard the bad news. They thought, if their father were still alive, he would compassionately relieve and nurse them whenever they were sick. Today, their father renounced them and died in other country, they became orphans and they

29、 did not have father to depend on. The sons were sadly remember their father with longing and grateful to him very often. Because of this, their perceptions were awaking gradually. Then they realized that the medicine that their father gave them were the best medicine with the best quality. So they

30、took the medicine immediately, and their illnesses were cured. As soon as their father heard that all of his sons were cured, he came back home to see them. Similarly, Buddha is like this good doctor, he went through countless four asankhya kalpas in the rise, duration, and end of every universe to

31、teach innumerable living beings to enter the Buddha path. For delivering the living beings, Buddha used an expedient method, that is, entering the Nirvana. If the Buddha dwelled in the world for long, the sentient beings with less merit would not cultivate the good roots. They would be in poverty, a

32、ttach to the five desires arising from the objects of the five senses, and trap in the net of wondering thoughts and false views. If Tathagata was always abiding and not dying, the living beings would be arrogance and pride, weary and lazy. They would not generate the thought that It is hard to have

33、 Buddha dwelling in the world and the reverence mind. Thats why Buddha used this expedient method entering the Nirvana for delivering the living beings. As soon as the Buddha entering the Nirvana, the living beings made offerings of Buddhas Sari, they were all remember the Buddha with longing and gr

34、ateful to him. Because of this, the living beings generated the reverence mind. They had cultivated the good roots after they believed in and submitted themselves to the Buddha. They entered the supreme way or truth that of Buddha, and attained the three fold embodiment of Buddha quickly. A Brothers

35、 MiracleTess was a precocious eight-year-old when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didnt have the money for the doctors b

36、ills and our house. Only a very costly surgery could save him now and it was looking like there was no-one to loan them the money. She heard Daddy say to her tearful Mother with whispered desperation, “Only a miracle can save him now.” Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its h

37、iding place in the closet. She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be absolutely exact. No chance here for mistakes. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way si

38、x blocks to the pharmacy with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could

39、muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! “And what do you want?” the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. “Im talking to my brother from Chicago whom I havent seen in ages,” he said without waiting for a reply to his question.

40、 “Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,” Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “I beg your pardon?” said the pharmacist. “His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can sav

41、e him now. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We dont sell miracles here, little girl. Im sorry but I cant help you,” the pharmacist said, softening a little. “Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isnt enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.” The pharmacists brother was

42、 a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?” “I dont know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up. “I just know hes really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy cant pay for it, so I want to use my money.” “How muc

43、h do you have?” asked the man from Chicago. “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered barely audibly. “And its all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.” “Well, what a coincidence,” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven cents C the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.” H

44、e took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Lets see if I have the kind of miracle you need.” That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery

45、. The operation was completed without charge and it wasnt long until Andrew was home again and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place. “That surgery,” her Mom whispered. “was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?” Tess s

46、miled. She knew exactly how much a miracle costone dollar and eleven centsplus the faith of a little child. Piano MusicThere are 1)advantages and 2)disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as

47、when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year.My mother knew that she could not send me to school and pay for it. She worked in a 3)retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home.

48、If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there. I found that I qualified for some 4)grants because of the size of our family, my moms income and my 5)SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and 6)board. I accepted a job as part of a

49、 work-study program. While not 7)glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria. To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water a

50、nd steam 8)broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes 9)in stacks. My 10)wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever d

51、one. Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings. “I heard that you need some help,” he said. “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant. “Financially, to stay

52、in school.” “Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.” “Well, I think I have a way to help you out.” He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and

53、out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job. My first discovery was his grandmothers great love of music. She spent hours playing he

54、r old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didnt have enough fun in my life and 11)took it upon herself to teach me the art. Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking; they were filled with the wonderful sou

55、nds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers. When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadnt been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Gr

56、andma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home. As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang. “Daneen, dont rush back,” he said. “Why? Whats wrong?” I asked, panic rising. “Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a ret

57、irement home. Im sorry.” I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again. The financial aid advisor looked at me as

58、if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. “This is for you,” he said.It was from grandma. She had known how sick she was. In the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory.I dont

59、think “The Old Grey Mare” was even played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when I walk by a piano, I smile and think of Grandma. She is tearing up the 13)ivories in heaven, I am sure.ThefurthestdistanceintheworldThefurthestdistanceintheworldIsnotbetweenlifea

60、nddeathNutwhenistandinfrontofyouYetyoudontknowthatI LOVE YOUThefurthestdistanceintheworld Isnotwhenistandinfrontofyou Yetyoucantseemylove Butwhenundoubtedlyknowingthelovefromboth Yetcannotbetogether Thefurthestdistanceintheworld Isnotbeingapartwhilebeinginlove Butwhenplainlycannotresisttheyearning Y


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