1、Track 01adhereChina will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.cherishI will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!ascribeThe agency ascribed the temperature climb mainly to increased greenhouse gases emissions, cyclical temperature f
2、luctuations and less cold air generated from the Arctic.coincideHer taste in music coincides with her husbands.overwhelmOur team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.overwhelmingBeijing took an overwhelming majority of votes and won the Olympic bid.pursuitWeve simply reaffirmed an old truth : the p
3、ursuit of affluence does not always send with plyChina will strictly comply with the universally acknowledged market rules.conspicuousThe house standing on the island is very conspicuous.endeavo(u)rDespite our best endeavors, we couldnt get the machine started.homogeneousMilk and cream are homogeneo
4、us foods, and they are both dairy products.immerseShe was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper.indulgeWill you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?persistentShe eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.retrieveThe shopkeeper went to the window and retr
5、ieved Reubens treasure.revivePeter tried to revive the frozen robin; but it was stone-dead.suppressAll these movement were suppressed by the government.testifyThis excellent book testifies to the authors ability.accustomThe hunter is trying to accustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.ambiguous
6、Thats a rather ambiguous answer-what exactly do you mean?ascendStep by step the ladder is ascended.billionaireThe billionaire is campaigning for political reform.briskTaking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.certifyYou are basically asking people to certify, with big penalties ,t
7、hat nobody has lied on their expense accounts.conceiveThe coach conceived the strategy that won the game for us.contemplateShe stood contemplating the painting.disableAn accident disabled him from playing football.eccentricA few weeks later I began saving again. Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder?
8、Not at all.Track 02essenceSenior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting againstdiscrimination by age.extravagantWhen asked to use three words to describe societys rich,the top responses were “extravagant”, “greedy”and “corrupt”.flushThe childs cheeks were fl
9、ushed with fever.fundingEven Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building or co-funding a space hotel.grantedadGranted, some amount of delusion (錯覺)is probably part of the human condition.hauntHe was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well
10、into his adult life.initiateThe concept of a “non-smoking” Olympics, initiated in 1988,has been put into practice since the 1992 Barcelona GrinsicThe intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made uitionNobody told me where to find you.It was sheer intuition.irritateThe
11、 boys foolish question irritated his mother.manifestShe manifested little interest in her studies.mingleSecurity men mingled with the crowd.obscureI received a letter of complaint from them; but the letters of the sign were made obscure by rain.paradox“More haste, less speed” is a paradox.privacyWit
12、h seven people squashed in one house, you dont get much privacy.radiateThe sun radiates both light and heat.refrainYou must be able to refrain yourself in some matters in order to accomplish others.supervisorThe supervisor didnt have time so far to go into it at length, but he gave us an idea about
13、his plan.surgicalThe doctors and nurses had surgical masks on.suspiciousI am always suspicious of anyone who wants to sell me something on the cheap.terminateThey terminated their agreement and renewed another one according to the situation.terroristTerrorists hijacked an airplane with 260 people on
14、 board.tumbleI tumbled several times when learning to skate for the first time.absurdShe said to herself that the idea was absurd.allegeYou alleged that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime, didnt you?analogyMy theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you.arrayThe royal coup
15、le appeared in splendid array.articulateIt is believed that girls are usually more articulate than boys.ascertainThe researcher ascertained that he had discovered a new element which led to the SARS.assertiveKatsue Reynolds has argued thatgirls nowadays are using more assertive language strategies i
16、n order to be able to compete with boys in schools and out.availabilityHuman population growth and technological development result in dramatic reductions and alterations in quality and availability of wildlife habitat.baffleShe was completely baffled by his strange behavior.barrenThere are about 98
17、% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock in Antarctica.bewilderThe child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.coincidenceIs there any coincidence between your statistics and your friends?conformNowadays, it is commonly observed that young women are not conforming to the feminine lingui
18、stic ideal.Track 03conscientiousThis essay is a most conscientious piece of work.consolidateAs we all know,too many countries lapse back into violencewhen efforts to consolidate peace or create stability are weak.consultancySoftware, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oilthan steel or ca
19、r production.contriveAfter much difficulty I contrived to pull the boat onto the beach.convergeCapitalism and socialism will not eventually converge.decisiveYour English proficiency is the decisive factor in getting the job.deduceYou will notice water rising in the tube; now what do you deduce from
20、that?deemHe deemed that it was his duty to help.depriveIt is absolutely unfair that these children are deprived of the rights to receive education.deteriorateLeather quickly deteriorates in hot, damp climate.diminishThe amount of water in the pond will diminish as the dry season comes.disciplinedThe
21、 inventiveness of the early Americans shed light on disciplined school management.disperseA thunderstorm came up and dispersed the picnickers.divertOnce young offenders embark on a life of crime, prison does little to divert them.ejectThe fire ejected yellow flames into the night sky.elapseThree yea
22、rs have elapsed since we last met.elevateA special device elevated the stage for the finale.elicitAt last weve elicited the truth from him.eligibleOnly native-born citizens who are over 18 are eligible to the office of president.emissionThe emission of radio signals was interrupted by a power failur
23、e.endangerDrunk drivers endanger the lives of others.endowShe endowed the new hospital with a large sum of money.eraseThe vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be erased from my memory.exhaustionThe exhaustion of the armys ammunition caused its defeat.exquis
24、iteHe has an exquisite ear for music.extractThe newspaper extracted several passages from the speech and printed them on the front page.flawThere is a flaw in the marble near the base of the statue.fraudBend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud.hamperOur progress was hampered by the bad wea
25、ther.impartA good teacher should impart wisdom to his pupils.incentiveHis words gave me incentive, and I worked twice as hard.incidentallyIncidentally, your letter came only this morning.indignantHe was most indignant with me when I asked for a days leave.infectiousAn infectious disease is one that
26、can be passed from one person to another.Track 04ingeniousSo you fitted that wire through that little hole there: thats very ingenious!instantaneousShe accidentally swallowed the poison and death was egralThe form, the sound and the grammar rules are integral parts of a
27、elligibleHe used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.jeopardizeThe security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person.lawsuitA bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.lingerShe lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star.magni
28、fyThe microscope magnified the object one hundred times.maturityThis highly polite style is no doubt something that young women have been expected to “grow into”- after all ,it is a sign not simply of femininity, but of maturity and refinement.migrateWealthy people often migrate in winter to warmer,
29、 sunnier countries.misfortuneThink about the misfortune of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot.negligibleThe damage to my car is negligible.notoriousMaradona, a most famous football star, is a notorious drug addict.outdateMore companies are learning the importance of destructive techn
30、ologies - innovations that hold the potential to make a product line, or even an entire business segment, virtually outdated.outflowWe watched the heavy outflow of the tide.permeateOn a spring moonlit night, birds are singing, the air is permeated with the fragrance of flowers.porchA porch is a cove
31、red entrance to a building.predominantHer predominant characteristic is her friendliness.prescriptionShe feels fine now that the doctor has made fine adjustments to her prescription.prevalentTraveling by motor car is becoming more and more prevalent in the foundThe doctors discovery will
32、have a profound influence on longI do not want to prolong our talk; it is time to go home.reassureWhat reassures executives does not always reward shareholders.rectifyOnce we get to know our mistakes, we should rectify them as soon as possible.refuteYou can easily refute his argument.repe
33、lThe soldiers repelled the attacking enemy.reproachShe reproached him for forgetting their anniversary.roughlyI could not keep my anger down when I was roughly treated.sensationalAfter a sensational trial, the football player was cleared off the killing.simulateThe computer simulates conditions on t
34、he sea bed.sociologist “Music expressed its times,” says sociologist Irving Horowitz.spaciousI want to live in a spacious house.subscribeI subscribe to Newsweek.subsidiaryThe question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.surpassThough we thought that we mi
35、ght lose in the first round, the result surpassed our hopes.temptMoney and beauty tempted him to commit crime.terrorismBush said both countries love freedom and together they will fight against terrorism.towIf you park your car here the police may tow it away.transitionThe transition from planned ec
36、onomy to share system is certainly a painstaking course.Track 05underlyingIts the economists mission to try to find out the underlying causes of the depression.unprecedentedPeoples living standards have been rising steadily and Chinas comprehensive strength has been clearly enhanced. This is an unpr
37、ecedented miracle in Chinas history.unveilThe queen unveiled a statue of Prince AlbertvoidThe desert stretching away before the traveler seemed frighteningly void.vowThe couple exchanged vows in a romantic Labor Day sunset ceremony on Maui.vulgarThe houses and cars of the newly rich are huge but vul
38、gar.wastefulHis wife was wasteful and he had to keep his nose to the grindstone.abortThe rescue mission had to be aborted.accessoryThe accessories for a car include the heater and the radio.adherenceHer adherence to her principles cost her her jobadministerShe had a huge department to administeraero
39、spaceThe Challenger shuttle crew, of seven astronauts-including the specialties of pilot, aerospace engineers, and scientists died tragically in the explosion.affiliateThe college is affiliated to the university.alienWe should not ignore others opinions just because they are alien to our own ideas.a
40、lleviateThe medicine is administered to alleviate the pain.alternateMary and her sister will alternate in setting the table.ambiguityThere is a degree of ambiguity in her answer.amendThe government has amended the law twice to accord with the changing situationappraiseSothebys apprised Donald of the
41、 fact that his “Rembrandt” was appraised as worthless.appropriationThe mayor approved the appropriation of the new school.aptEveryone at present was very excited at his apt remark.arroganceI would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.assuranceThe only complete defense
42、 is the elimination of nuclear weapons and assurance that they will never be produced again.athleticHe is taking part in an athletic meeting.attendantSally is too flighty to be a flight attendant.authorize/iseI have authorized him to act for me while I am away.availThey made great efforts, but it wa
43、s all to no avail.baldToo much knowledge makes the head bald.bankruptcyThe company is reported to be on the brink of bankruptcy.behavioralThe behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explana
44、tions have been hard to find.blunderThe police blundered badly by arresting the wrong man.brightenThe new carpet brightened the room.capsuleThe capsule failed to separate from the earth satellite.carefreeHow wonderful it would be to be young and carefree again!chronicIs your disease chronic or acute
45、?circulationPolice say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.clearingThis is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist who has shown that burnt clearings in the Amazon, dating back more than 1 000 years, helped create patches of rich, fertile soil that farmers still benefit from today
46、.Track 06collaborationGarment making typically calls for a collaboration among yarn spinners, fabric weavers and sewing factories.collideThe government collided with parliament over its industrial memorateThe Nobel Prize is awarded to commemorate Nobel, the great mentaryIt affords a striking comment
47、ary on the limitations of our present monplaceWhen leaving the house, she was heard to make some commonplace remark to her plementA flaming dessert complemented the plimentYour presence is a great pulsoryEnglish is a compulsory subject in this course; Art is optional.conciseHis letter was concise, o
48、mitting everything not pertinent to the job for which he was applying.condolenceThrough his spokesman he expressed his condolences on the victims of the accident.confidentialYou are probably on much more confidential terms with Kitty than I am.configurationWe know little about the configuration of t
49、he stars surface.conformityYoung people today do not care so much about conformity- they do what they like.confrontationShe wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.congressmanTheres not much prospect of Mr Smiths being elected as Congressman.constrainPeople with poor motives will alway
50、s exist,” he says. “Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity.”contaminationWe must pay much attention to the contamination of the water supply.correlationPeople believe that there is a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.credibleA
51、 will must be attested by two or more credible witnesses.criterionOnly social practice can be the criterion of truth.cumulativeIt was a cumulative process.decentralizeThe two major U.S. political parties are vast, sprawling, decentralized conglomerations of varied ideological positions whose members
52、 do not feel obliged to vote the way the party leaders tell them to do.dedicateDedicated to helping Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World, One Dream to every continent, Fuwa reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through the Games.defectiveMay I re
53、turn this machine if its defective?deficientOur knowledge of the matter is deficient.degradeI felt degraded by having to ask for money.delicacyTry this dish. Its a local delicacy.deregulationLiberalization and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital markets, and
54、 established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment.destinyI dont know if we each have a destiny or if were all just floating around accidentally like on a breeze but I think that maybe its both.deviateThe teacher deviated from her custom and gave out no homework.diffus
55、eThe clowns in the play are mainly to diffuse a feeling of happiness.discontentTo Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent.diversionStrangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.doubtlessDoubtless hell be bringing his guitar, a
56、s usual.drawbackThis is a good car; its only drawback is that it uses a lot of petrol.duplicateIf you lose your key, I can give you a duplicate.Track 07dwellThose two young men dwell on an island and live on fishing.embarkPeru embarked on a massive programme of reform.empiricalScience studies are em
57、pirical researches in most cases.enforcementThe new law needs strict enforcement.enthusiasticThe diplomat received enthusiastic praise.entrepreneurDo you know Liu Hua, a famous female entrepreneur?evokeThe music evoked memories of her youth.exceptionalThis warm weather is exceptional for January.exp
58、ectancyBabies today have a longer life expectancy than those born a hundred years ago.expeditionThe Arctic expedition reached the North Pole.expenditureThe research is very important, but the expenditure of time and money is also considerable.expireIn the play the heroine expired of a broken heart.e
59、xtinctThe woolly elephant has been extinct for a long time.fabricateThe story about his life abroad is completely fabricated.fabulousDuring the two world wars, the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.facetThere are many facets to this question.falsehoodThe girls father punished her for fals
60、ehood.feastA good conscience is a continual feast, A good conscience is a soft pillow.feebleThe old woman is too feeble to do her own shopping.flapEverything was working smoothly, there was no flap.flipShe flipped through the pages of a magazine, not really concentrating on them.fragileThis old glas
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