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DNA-Alkylator-Crosslinker-Inhibitors-Modulators-MCE.docx 免費下載



1、 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator_Crosslinker.html DNA HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator_Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator_Crosslinker.html Alkylator/CrosslinkerDNA alkylator/crosslinker is a molecule that alkylates DNA or can c

2、ross link with DNA. DNA alkylator/crosslinker can havemutagenic, pharmaceutical, or other effects. Alkylation is the transfer of an alkyl group from one molecule to another. The alkylgroup may be transferred as an alkyl carbocation, a free radical, a carbanion or a carbene. Alkylating agents are wid

3、ely used inchemistry because the alkyl group is probably the most common group encountered in organic molecules. Selective alkylation, oradding parts to the chain with the desired functional groups, is used, especially if there is no commonly available biologicalprecursor. Alkylation with only one c

4、arbon is termed methylation. In medicine, alkylation of DNA is used in chemotherapy todamage the DNA of cancer cells. Alkylation is accomplished with the class of drugs called alkylating antineoplastic agents.Crosslinking of DNA occurs when various exogenous or endogenous agents react with two diffe

5、rent positions in the DNA. This caneither occur in the same strand (intrastrand crosslink) or in the opposite strands of the DNA (interstrand crosslink). Crosslinks alsooccur between DNA and protein. DNA replication is blocked by crosslinks, which causes replication arrest and cell death if thecross

6、link is not repaired. The RAD51 family plays a role in repair.www.MedChemE 1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html DNA HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html Alkylator/Cr

7、osslinker HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html Inhibitors, HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html Ch

8、emicals HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html & HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker.html Inducers HYPER

9、LINK https:/www.MedChemE/cbi-cdpi1.html (+)-CBI-CDPI1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cbi-cdpi1.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cbi-cdpi2.html (+)-CBI-CDPI2Cat. No.: HY-128880 Cat. No.: HY-128881(+)-CBI-CDPI1 is an enhanced functional analog ofCC-1065. (+)-CBI-CDPI1 is a DNA alkylating agent.(+)-CB

10、I-CDPI1 is an antibody drug conjugates(ADCs) toxin.(+)-CBI-CDPI2 is an enhanced functional analog ofCC-1065. (+)-CBI-CDPI1 is a DNA alkylating agent.(+)-CBI-CDPI2 is an antibody drug conjugates(ADCs) toxin.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No

11、Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/minus-irofulven.html (-)-Irofulven(MGI 114; 6-Hydroxymethylacylfulvene; NSC 683863) Cat. No.: HY-14429 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/s-seco-duocarmycin-sa.html (S)-Seco-Duocarmycin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/s-seco-duocarmycin-sa.

12、html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/s-seco-duocarmycin-sa.html SACat. No.: HY-129356A(-)-Irofulven (MGI 114), an Illudin S analog, is aDNA alkylating agent. (-)-Irofulven inhibits thereplication of DNA, induces tumor cells apoptosis,and has potent antitumor activity.(S)-Seco-Duocarmycin SA is a DNA a

13、lkylator,cytotoxic to cancer cells, and acts as a ADCcytotoxin for antibody-drug conjugates.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 99.0%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/2-oxo-ifosfamide-d4.html 2-Oxo HYPERLINK https:/www

14、.MedChemE/2-oxo-ifosfamide-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/2-oxo-ifosfamide-d4.html Ifosfamide-d4 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/2-oxo-ifosfamide-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide.html 4-Hydroperoxy HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide.

15、html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide.html cyclophosphamideCat. No.: HY-17419S Cat. No.: HY-1174332-Oxo Ifosfamide-d4 is the deuterium labeledIfosfamide. Ifosfamide is an alkylatingchemotherapeutic agent with activity against awide range of tumors.4-Hydroperoxy cyclophosp

16、hamide is the activemetabolite form of the prodrug Cyclophosphamide.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 10 mgPurity: 98.0%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide-d4.html 4-Hydroperoxy HYPERLINK http

17、s:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide-d4.html Cyclophosphamide-d4 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Altretamine.html AltretamineCat. No.: HY-117433S(ENT-5085

18、2; RB-1515; WR-95704) Cat. No.: HY-B01814-Hydroperoxy Cyclophosphamide-d4 is the deuteriumlabeled 4-Hydroperoxy cyclophosphamide.4-Hydroperoxy cyclophosphamide is the activemetabolite form of the prodrug Cyclophosphamide.Altretamine is an alkylating antineoplastic agent.Purity: 98%Clinical Data:Size

19、: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 99.64%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 100 mg, 500 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/altretamine-hydrochloride.html Altretamine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/altretamine-hydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/altretamine-hydrochloride.html hydrochloride HYPERLINK

20、 https:/www.MedChemE/altretamine-hydrochloride.html (ENT-50852 hydrochloride; RB-1515 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/anticancer-agent-11.html Anticancer HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/anticancer-agent-11.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/anticancer-agent-11.html agent HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/an

21、ticancer-agent-11.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/anticancer-agent-11.html 11hydrochloride; WR-95704 hydrochloride) Cat. No.: HY-B0181ACat. No.: HY-139635Altretamine hydrochloride is an alkylatingantineoplastic agent.Anticancer agent 11 is a broad-spectrum anticanceragent that inhibits angiogenes

22、is and induces DNAcross-links.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg2 Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 Email: salesMedChemE HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Bendamustine.html Bendamustine(SDX-105 free base) Cat. No.: HY-135

23、67 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Bendamustine-D4.html Bendamustine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Bendamustine-D4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Bendamustine-D4.html D4(SDX-105 D4 free base) Cat. No.: HY-13567SBendamustine (SDX-105 free base), a purineanalogue, is a DNA cross-linking agent.Bendam

24、ustine activates DNA-damage stress responseand apoptosis. Bendamustine has potent alkylating,anticancer and antimetabolite properties.Bendamustine D4 (SDX-105 D4 free base) is thedeuterium labeled Bendamustine. Bendamustine is aDNA cross-linking agent that causes DNA breaks,with alkylating and antim

25、etabolite properties.Purity: 98.0%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-hydrochloride.html Bendamustine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-hydrochloride.html H

26、YPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-hydrochloride.html hydrochloride(SDX-105) Cat. No.: HY-B0077 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d4-hydrochloride.html Bendamustine-d4 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d4-hydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d4-hydro

27、chloride.html hydrochlorideCat. No.: HY-B0077SBendamustine hydrochloride (SDX-105), a purineanalogue, is a DNA cross-linking agent.Bendamustine hydrochloride activats DNA-damagestress response and apoptosis. Bendamustinehydrochloride has potent alkylating, anticancerand antimetabolite properties.Ben

28、damustine-d4 hydrochloride is the deuteriumlabeled Bendamustine hydrochloride. Bendamustinehydrochloride (SDX-105), a purine analogue, is aDNA cross-linking agent. Bendamustinehydrochloride activats DNA-damage stress responseand apoptosis.Purity: 98.94%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 25 mg,

29、 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d8-hydrochloride.html Bendamustine-d8 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d8-hydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bendamustine-d8-hydrochloride.html

30、hydrochloride(SDX-105-d8) Cat. No.: HY-B0077S1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/busulfan.html BusulfanCat. No.: HY-B0245Bendamustine-d8 (hydrochloride) is deuteriumlabeled Bendamustine (hydrochloride). Bendamustinehydrochloride (SDX-105), a purine analogue, is aDNA cross-linking agent. Bendamustinehydr

31、ochloride activats DNA-damage stress responseand apoptosis.Busulfan is a potent alkylator with selectiveimmunosuppressive effect on bone marrow.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98.0%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 500 mg, 1 g, 5 g HYPERLINK https:/www

32、.MedChemE/busulfan-d8.html Busulfan-d8 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/busulfan-d8.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Calicheamicin.html CalicheamicinCat. No.: HY-B0245S(Calicheamicin 1) Cat. No.: HY-19609Busulfan-D8 is a deuterium labeled Busulfan.Busulfan is an alkyl sulfonate that acts as analkylat

33、ing antineoplastic agent. Busulfan formsboth intra- and interstrand crosslinks on DNA.Calicheamicin, an antitumor antibiotic, is acytotoxic agent that causes double-strand DNAbreaks. Calicheamicin is a DNA synthesisinhibitor.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98

34、.28%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Carboplatin.html Carboplatin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Carboplatin.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/carboplatin-d4.html Carboplatin-d4(NSC 241240) Cat. No.: HY-17393 (NSC 241240-d4) Cat. No.: HY-17393SCarb

35、oplatin (NSC 241240) is a DNA synthesisinhibitor which binds to DNA, inhibits replicationand transcription and induces cell death.Carboplatin (NSC 241240) is a derivative of CDDPand a potent anti-cancer agent.Carboplatin-d4 (NSC 241240-d4) is the deuteriumlabeled Carboplatin. Carboplatin (NSC 241240

36、) is aDNA synthesis inhibitor which binds to DNA,inhibits replication and transcription and inducescell death. Carboplatin (NSC 241240) is aderivative of CDDP and a potent anti-cancer agent.Purity: 99.96%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development Repo

37、rtedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgwww.MedChemE 3 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Carmustine.html Carmustine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Carmustine.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/carmustine-d8.html Carmustine-d8Cat. No.: HY-13585 Cat. No.: HY-13585SCarmustine is an antitumor chemotherapeutic agent,which works

38、by akylating DNA and RNA.Carmustine-d8 is the deuterium labeled Carmustine.Carmustine is an antitumor chemotherapeutic agent,which works by akylating DNA and RNA.Purity: 99.94%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 500 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize:

39、1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Chlorambucil.html Chlorambucil(CB-1348; WR-139013) Cat. No.: HY-13593 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chlorambucil-d8.html Chlorambucil-d8(CB-1348-d8; WR-139013-d8) Cat. No.: HY-13593SChlorambucil (CB-1348), an orally activeantineoplastic agent, is a bifunction

40、al alkylatingagent belonging to the nitrogen mustard group.Chlorambucil can be used for the research oflymphocytic leukemia, ovarian and breastcarcinomas, and Hodgkins disease.Chlorambucil-d8 (CB-1348-d8) is the deuteriumlabeled Chlorambucil. Chlorambucil (CB-1348), anorally active antineoplastic ag

41、ent, is abifunctional alkylating agent belonging to thenitrogen mustard group.Purity: 99.84%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 100 mg, 500 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chlorambucil-d8-1.html Chlorambucil-d8-1(CB-1348-d8-1; WR

42、-139013-d8-1) Cat. No.: HY-13593S1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Cisplatin.html Cisplatin(cis-Platinum; CDDP; cis-Diaminodichloroplatinum) Cat. No.: HY-17394Chlorambucil-d8-1 (CB-1348-d8-1) is the deuteriumlabeled Chlorambucil. Chlorambucil (CB-1348), anorally active antineoplastic agent, is abifunc

43、tional alkylating agent belonging to thenitrogen mustard group.Cisplatin (CDDP) is an antineoplastic chemotherapyagent by cross-linking with DNA and causing DNAdamage in cancer cells. Cisplatin activatesferroptosis and induces autophagy.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5

44、mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 100 mg, 500 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/colibactin-742.html Colibactin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/colibactin-742.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/colibactin-742.html 742 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/colibactin-742.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChem

45、E/Cyclophosphamide.html CyclophosphamideCat. No.: HY-139621 Cat. No.: HY-17420Colibactin 742, a stable colibactin derivative,induces DNA interstrand-cross-links, activationof the Fanconi Anemia DNA repair pathway, and G2/Marrest.Cyclophosphamide is a synthetic alkylating agentchemically related to t

46、he nitrogen mustards withantineoplastic activity, a immunosuppressant.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98.0%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Cyclophosphamide-hydrate.html Cyclophosphamide HYPERLINK https:/www.Me

47、dChemE/Cyclophosphamide-hydrate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Cyclophosphamide-hydrate.html hydrate HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Cyclophosphamide-hydrate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d4.html Cyclophosphamide-d4(Cyclophosphamide monohydrate) Cat. No.: HY-17420ACat. No.: H

48、Y-17420SCyclophosphamide hydrate is a synthetic alkylatingagent chemically related to the nitrogen mustardswith antineoplastic and immunosuppressiveactivities.Cyclophosphamide-d4 is the deuterium labeledCyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide is a syntheticalkylating agent chemically related to the nitro

49、genmustards with antineoplastic activity, aimmunosuppressant.Purity: 98.0%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 100 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 10 mg4 Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 Email: salesMedChemE HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d8.html Cyclophosph

50、amide-d8 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d8.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d8-hydrate.html Cyclophosphamide-d8 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d8-hydrate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cyclophosphamide-d8-hydrate.html hydrateCat. No.: HY-17420S1

51、 Cat. No.: HY-17420ASCyclophosphamide-d8 is deuterium labeledCyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide is a syntheticalkylating agent chemically related to thenitrogen mustards with antineoplastic activity, aimmunosuppressant.Cyclophosphamide-d8 hydrate is the deuteriumlabeled Cyclophosphamide hydrate. Cyc

52、lophosphamidehydrate is a synthetic alkylating agent chemicallyrelated to the nitrogen mustards withantineoplastic and immunosuppressive activities.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.

53、MedChemE/DC1.html DC1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/DC1.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/dc10sme.html DC10SMeCat. No.: HY-112899 Cat. No.: HY-135122DC1, an analogue of the minor groove-binding DNAalkylator CC-1065, is a ADC Cytotoxin. DC1 can beused in synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates forthe

54、targeted treatment of cancer.DC10SMe is a DNA alkylator, can be used in thesynthesis of Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC).DC10SMe exhibits IC s of 15 pM, 12 pM, and 12 pM50for Ramos, Namalwa, and HL60/s cancer cells,respectively.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: Phase 2Size: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data:

55、No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/dgn462.html DGN462 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/dgn462.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-analog.html Duocarmycin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-analog.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-analog.

56、html AnalogCat. No.: HY-101150 Cat. No.: HY-129355DGN462, a potent DNA-alkylating agent, showsanti-tumor activity, such as acute myeloidleukemia (AML). DGN462 can be used as a cytotoxiccomponent of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).Duocarmycin Analog is an analog of Duocarmycin,and used as an DNA alky

57、lator and ADC cytotoxin.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 50 mg, 100 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-dm.html Duocarmycin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-dm.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE

58、/duocarmycin-dm.html DM HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin-dm.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html Duocarmycin HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html DM HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html HYPERLINK https:/www.Me

59、dChemE/duocarmycin.html free HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/duocarmycin.html baseCat. No.: HY-130978 Cat. No.: HY-128915Duocarmycin DM, a DNA minor-groove alkylator, isan antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) toxin.Duocarmycin DM is based on its characteristic

60、curved indole structure and aspirocyclopropylcyclohexadienone electrophile toact anticancer activity.Duocarmycin DM free base, a DNA minor-groovealkylator, is an antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)toxin. Duocarmycin DM free base is based on itscharacteristic curved indole structure and aspirocyclopropyl


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