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1、四川大學錦江學院畢業(yè)論文(設計)PAGE - 9 -PAGE - 2 - 畢業(yè)論文(b y ln wn)(設計)外文(wiwn)譯文題 目 關于全面造價管理(gunl)的研究 學 院 土木工程學院 專 業(yè) 土木工程 年級 學生姓名 PAGE - 1 -關于全面(qunmin)造價管理的研究1前言(qin yn) 建設項目全面造價管理(gunl)是一種全新的建設項目造價管理模式,全面造價管理就是有效地使用專業(yè)知識和專門技術去計劃和控制資源、造價、盈利和風險。簡單地說,全面造價管理是一種管理各種企業(yè)、工作、設施、項目產(chǎn)品或服務的全過程造價的系統(tǒng)方法。全面造價管理是一個工程實踐領域,在這個領域中,工

2、程經(jīng)驗和判斷與科學原理和技術方法相結合,以解決經(jīng)營管理和工作計劃,造價預算,經(jīng)濟和財務分析,造價工程,工作與項目管理,計劃與排產(chǎn),造價與進度的情況度量與變更控制等問題。 2研究現(xiàn)狀“美國造價工程師協(xié)會(AACEI)”指出:全面造價管理的理論與方法是與建設工程項目的特點所分不開的。建設項目全面造價管理的理論與方法包括以下四方面內容:工程項目全過程造價管理、工程項目全要素造價管理、工程項目全風險造價管理和工程項目全團隊造價管理。2.1 建設項目全過程造價管理 工程項目是人類通過自己的生產(chǎn)技術活動,將各種資源轉化為人們所需工程設施的一種獨特的過程。一個工程項目的全過程是由許多個分過程和許許多多子過程

3、構成的。譬如通常把一個工程項目的建設分為投資決策、可行性研究、設計、招投標、施工及竣工階段等。而每個過程、分過程、子過程又是由許多不同的具體活動構成的。所以一個工程項目的全過程造價是由各個分過程、子過程的造價構成的,而這些分過程和子過程的造價又是由許多項具體活動的造價構成的。因此,工程項目的全過程造價管理必須是基于活動與過程的,必須是按照工程項目的過程與活動的組成與分解的規(guī)律去實現(xiàn)對于項目全過程的造價管理。在這樣一個過程中,又包括兩個工作內容: 基于各項具體活動造價的確定。其工作的具體步驟如下:明確要確定的具體活動的造價種類,是估算、概算還是預算等;根據(jù)所需造價的精確程度,收集相應精確程度的工

4、程技術資料和其它信息;對項目的全過程所包含的各項活動進行分析;確定各項具體活動的造價;將各項具體活動的造價進行整理匯總,最后得到基于活動的整個項目的總造價。在以上步驟中,最重要的是活動分析和確定各項具體活動的造價這兩個步驟. 基于建設項目活動過程和全過程的造價控制。其工作的核心包括兩個循環(huán),即全過程的控制與持續(xù)改善循環(huán)和具體活動過程的控制與持續(xù)改善循環(huán),其中具體活動過程的控制與持續(xù)改善循環(huán)可描述如下:確定要控制的過程;對控制對象開展活動分析;找出具體活動過程中存在的問題;分析和改進現(xiàn)有的具體行動方法,以使其達到最佳;對“未使用能力”進行分析,以確定是否有閑置的占用性資源;結束當前的分析過程,開

5、始新的循環(huán)。全過程的控制與持續(xù)改善循環(huán)是由許多個個體活動過程的控制與持續(xù)改善循環(huán)所構成的。其具體階段如下:2.1.1 建設前期工程造價控制項目建設前期,是指項目立項、進行可行性研究的投資決策階段。這一階段對建設項目工程造價的控制,在總體上起到?jīng)Q定性作用。建設廠址的選擇、投資方案的選擇以及項目在技術上和經(jīng)濟上是否可行,無一不對工程造價產(chǎn)生重大影響,決定著項目未來的命運,特別是廠址選擇和礦山開采項目的礦點選擇、選定廠址和礦點的水位和地質情況、廠區(qū)地形和地面高程、土地價格、外部建設條件都直接影響到建設工程造價的高低、建設工期的長短以及項目建成投產(chǎn)后的營運(yn yn)成本和經(jīng)濟效益。2.1.2設計階




9、算,壓縮各項費用開支,降低成本,提高市場競爭力,為施工企業(yè)健康發(fā)展(fzhn),增添壓力和活力。其次,嚴格按規(guī)定和合同撥付工程進度款,嚴格控制工程變更。最后,及時處理索賠工作,做到這些就能夠有效地進行工程造價控制。2.1.5 竣工結算(ji sun)階段對工程造價控制有一定的影響竣工結算階段是項目建設全過程的最后一個程序,是全面(qunmin)考核建設工作,檢查設計、工程質量是否符合要求,審查投資是否合理的重要環(huán)節(jié),它對保證工程質量,促進建設項目及其投產(chǎn),發(fā)揮投資效益,總結經(jīng)驗教訓都有重要作用在此階段,工作人員應全面匯集在工程建設中實際花費的全部費用,編制好竣工決算,以達到工程造價的全過程控制

10、2.1.6 建設項目后評價是工程造價全過程控制方法的必要補充后評價是在項目投資完成以后,通過對項目目的、執(zhí)行過程、效益、作用和影響所進行的全面系統(tǒng)的分析,總結正反兩方面的經(jīng)驗教訓,使項目的決策者、管理者和建設者學習到更加科學合理的方法和策略,提高決策、管理和建設水平實際上,工程造價控制歸根結底是對人的行為的控制,而后評價是增強工作者責任心的重要手段由于后評價的透明性和公開性特點,通過對投資活動成績和失誤的主客觀原因分析,可以比較公正客觀地確定投資決策者、管理者和建設者工作中實際存在的問題,以提高人們的責任心和工作水平,進而達到控制工程造價的目的2.2建設項目全要素造價管理由于工程項目的實現(xiàn)過程

11、中每項活動都受三個基本要素:造價、工期與質量的影 響。 因此工程項目的造價不僅需要從全過程造價管理入手去考慮對于一個項目造價 的全面管理,而且還需要從管理好影響工程項目造價的全部要素人手,去考慮對于一 個項目造價的全面管理。在工程項目全過程中,上述三個要素是相互影響和相互轉化的,一個工程項目的工期和質量在一定條件下可以轉化成工程項目的造價。項目工期的長短和質量的高低都會直接造成工程造價的變動。例如,當需要縮短工期時,就需要增加額外的資源投入,這樣工期的縮短就轉化成了造價的增加。同樣,當需要提高工程質量時,也需要增加資源的投入,這樣質量的提高就轉化成了造價的 增加。 因此對于工程項目的全面造價管

12、理而言,還必須從影響造價的全要素管理的角度,去分析和找出一套從全要素管理人手的全面造價管理具體技術方法。要實現(xiàn)對于建設項目的全要素管理,其工作內容主要包括兩個方面:即分析和預 測各要素的變動與發(fā)展趨勢以及控制這些要素的變動以實現(xiàn)造價管理的目標。全要素造價管理同樣是一個不斷循環(huán)往復的過程。因為對于一個建設項目來講,在其實施的過程中,經(jīng)常會發(fā)生對目標和控制指標進行修正的情況,與此相應的全要素造價管理中也必須要有目標和控制指標的重新修訂,通過不斷的修訂過程,逐步開展各項全要素造價管理活動循環(huán)過程。2.3建設項目全風險造價管理建設項目的實現(xiàn)過程和一般的產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)過程不同,它是在一個存有許多風險的不 確定

13、性外部環(huán)境和條件下進行的,由于這樣一個特點,使用建設項目的造價中就包含 了三種不同的成分:確定性的造價、風險性的造價和完全不確定性的造價。這些不同 性質的造價一直(yzh)貫穿于建設項目實施的全過程,只有到項目完成時,才會最終形成一 個完全確定的工程造價,因此 對于建設項目的全面造價管理還必須從全面管理確定 性造價、風險性造價和完全不確定性造價的角度去開展工作。 建設項目全風險造價管理包括三個方面的工作內容:其一是分析、識別和確定風 險事件和風險性造價;其二是控制風險事件的發(fā)生與發(fā)展;其三是直接控制全風險造價。對風險性造價進行控制,又包括造價變動的分析、造價的控制、造價的報告和不 可預見費等工

14、作。 建設項目全風險造價管理仍然是一個循環(huán)的過程, 它在建設項目的全過程中要不 斷地重復風險識別、風險控制、風險性造價控制,直到項目結束為止。2.4建設項目全團隊造價(zoji)管理在工程項目實現(xiàn)過程中會涉及到參與項目建設(jinsh)的多個不同的利益主體。 這些利益 主體包括:工程項目的項目法人或業(yè)主,承擔工程項目設計任務的設計單位或建筑師與工程師,承擔工程項目監(jiān)理工作的工程監(jiān)理咨詢單位或監(jiān)理工程師,承擔工程項目 造價管理工作的造價工程咨詢單位或造價工程師與工料測量師,承擔工程項目施工任 務的造價工程咨詢單位或造價工程師與工料測量師, 承擔工程項目施工任務的施工單位或承包商及分包商,以及提供

15、各種工程項目所需物料、設備的供應商等等。這些不同的利益主體,一方面為實現(xiàn)同一工程項目而共同合作,另一方面依照分工去完成工程項目的不同任務,而獲得各自的收益。在一個工程項目的實現(xiàn)過程中,這些利益主體都有各自的利益,而且有時這些利益主體之間的利益還會發(fā)生沖突。這樣就要求在工程項目的造價管理中必須全面協(xié)調各個利益主體之問的利益和關系,將這些利益相互沖突的不同主體聯(lián)合在一起構成一個全面合作的團隊,并通過這個團隊的共同努力,去實現(xiàn)對于工程項目的全面造價管理。在全團隊造價管理中,造價工程師起著特 殊作用,既是造價信息的記錄、收集、處理與提供者,也是各種造價管理行動方案的評價者,造價管理溝通和決策的輔助者,

16、是合作各方的造價管理執(zhí)行者??傊?,造價工程師是全團隊造價管理中主要的決策輔助人員和造價管理作業(yè)人員, 需要具有很高 的專業(yè)知識與技能。工程造價管理是一項不確定性很強的工作,在項目實施的過程中,會出現(xiàn)許多不可預見的事項,而對這些事項或者說風險的防范,僅僅靠投資(成本)的控制是很難能 做好的,需要對工程造價管理的全過程、全要素進行系統(tǒng)的計劃與控制。造價工程師只有在工作中全面領會和貫徹這種思想,才能做好新世紀下的工程造價管理工作。3.總結綜上所述,全面造價管理是集全過程、全要素、全風險(fngxin)、全團隊為一體的造價管理,是面向新世紀的工程造價管理,可以(ky)建立(jinl)起高效新型的具有建

17、設項目自身特點的全面造價管理的控制程序與方法,便于更好地指導實際工作。完善控制水平,發(fā)展全方位控制系統(tǒng)的投資項目,可以促進全球經(jīng)濟一體化進程。管理作業(yè)人員, 需要具有很高 的專業(yè)知識與技能。工程造價管理是一項不確定性很強的工作,在項目實施的過程中,會出現(xiàn)許多不可預見的事項,而對這些事項或者說風險的防范,僅僅靠投資(成本)的控制是很難能 做好的,需要對工程造價管理的全過程、全要素進行系統(tǒng)的計劃與控制。造價工程師只有在工作中全面領會和貫徹這種思想,才能做好新世紀下的工程造價管理工作。Research on the Comprehensive of Cost ManagementForeword O

18、verall construction project cost management is a new construction project cost management mode; Comprehensive cost management is the effective use of professional knowledge and expertise to plan and control resources, costs, profitability and risk. Simply put, the overall cost management is a system

19、atic approach to managing a variety of businesses, jobs, facilities, the whole process of the project cost of the product or service. Comprehensive cost management is a field of engineering practice ,in this area, engineering experience and judgment and scientific principles and techniques combined

20、to solve management and work plans, cost budget, economic and financial analysis, cost engineering, and project management work , planning and scheduling, cost and schedule metrics situation and change control and other issues.Research Status American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) states: The

21、ory and methods of comprehensive cost management is indivisible with the characteristics of the construction projects .Theory and Methods of comprehensive cost management of construction projects include with the following four aspects: the whole process of project cost management, project total fac

22、tor cost management, project cost management and risk the whole project cost management with whole team.2.1 Cost Management of the Construction Project Process Project is a human activity translates a variety of resources into the engineering Facility of people need through a unique process by their

23、 own production technology, the entire process of a project is composed of many sub-processes and many sub-processes. For example, the construction of a project is usually divided into investment decisions, feasibility study, design, bidding, and construction and completion stage and so on. And each

24、 process of the process, a number of different sub-processes in turn composed of specific activities. So the whole process is the cost of a project by the various sub-processes, sub-processes constitutes cost, and the cost of these sub-processes and sub-processes composed of the cost of many items s

25、pecific activities. Therefore, the whole process of project cost management must be based on the activities and processes must be in accordance with the laws of composition ,decomposition process projects and activities to achieve the cost for the entire process of project management. In such a proc

26、ess, includes two work content: the determined of based on the cost on specific activities. The specific work steps as follows: the cost of specific types of activities to be clearly identified, is estimates, estimates or budgets and so on ; According to the required for the cost of collecting the a

27、ppropriate level of precision engineering and technical information and other information; the analysis in whole process of project included the activities ; determined the cost of specific activities; summary the cost of the specific activities and finally get the whole project based on the total c

28、ost activities . In the above steps, the most important thing is to analyze and determine the cost of the activities of these two steps. based on construction project activity and the whole cost control process. Its core consists of two loops, that is, control of the whole process and continuous imp

29、rovement process control loops and specific activities with the continuous improvement cycle, which control specific activities and continuous process improvement cycle can be described as follows: to determine the process to be controlled; on control object analysis activities; identify the specifi

30、c problems in the process activities; analyze and improve existing methods specific actions to make them achieve the best; for unused capacity is analyzed to determine whether there is idle occupation of resources; end of the current analysis, to start a new cycle. Control and continuous process imp

31、rovement cycle is a whole lot of individuals active process is controlled by the continuous improvement cycle posed. The specific stages are as follows:2.1.1 The Cost Control of Pre-construction Project Pre-construction is the project approval, the investment decision-making phase of the feasibility

32、 study. This phase of the construction project cost control, play a decisive role in the overall. Construction site of choice, the choice of investment programs and projects technically and economically feasible, and both have a significant impact on the project cost, determine the future fate of th

33、e project, especially mine site selection choices and mining projects selected given site and mine water level and geology, topography and plant ground elevation, land prices, the external conditions have a direct impact on the construction cost of construction height, the length of the construction

34、 period and after completion of the projects operating costs and economic benefits.2.1.2 The Design Phase of The Project Cost Control The degree of design optimization, design drawings are complete and clear, will affect the total project cost. Determined on the basis of the investment, the design s

35、hould take limits at every stage of the design, and each must have a sense of professional design cost control. In the feasibility study stage and preliminary design stage, should limit the value of engineering design and analysis capabilities combined PDCA cycle model, it is necessary to achieve th

36、e greatest return for the least investment efficiency, but also to ensure design quality, so as to achieve a reasonable reduce project cost purposes. In the structural design among the different structure of the program were made to deal with economic analysis to select the most reasonable solution

37、based on the use of structural features significantly reduce the project cost. Project Management Forum.2.1.3 Bidding Phase of the Project Cost Control Project bidding is a competitive basis to the lowest reasonable cost of an effective mechanism to choose the best construction companies. By bidding

38、 competition to choose the best contractor , not only help ensure project quality and shorten the construction period , more conducive to reducing construction costs, cost control is an important means of cost consulting unit should pay attention to do the following tasks: to assist owners in formul

39、ating the tender program , fully understanding the requirements of owners choose a different tender , so that the owners recognize the reasonable project cost ; assist owners considering the construction unit reputation, quality of personnel , engineering, construction design, quality assurance meas

40、ures and other conditions. Due to the merits of construction companies bidding program directly affects the cost of construction and installation works , special attention should not ignore the impact on the cost of the construction program ; assist the owners signed a contract . Contract as through

41、out the entire construction process of the settlement process of the contract, is to determine the main basis of project cost, project cost control plays a very important role. Explicit content preliminary settlement projects , the supply of ways to change the provisions of the contract price , mate

42、rials, equipment , subcontractors, project management, etc. , to avoid low pricing, high claims occurred ; remind owners pay attention to the construction period of the project cost impact. Construction period requirements of owners tend to greatly compressed schedule than normal, so that the owners

43、 should realize that accelerate the construction schedule to shorten the construction period, will increase the manpower or mechanical equipment and high costs. Thereby increasing the project cost. Therefore, compared with a reasonable period, Lengthen and shorten the construction period will increa

44、se the cost.2.1.4 Construction of the Imp-lem Enation Phase of the Project Cost Control Implementation phase of the project cost control is the whole process of the construction project cost control an important and indispensable part. First, it should do a good job working construction project bidd

45、ing, improve bidding system, preferably the construction team, the implementation of EPC; strict implementation of the construction market regulations, a reasonable selection of building materials and products, strengthen the construction management; strengthen the hidden works acceptance, rational

46、organization of construction, is the key to control of the project cost. Careful planning to take measures to promote the construction unit, the compression of the expenses, reduce costs, improve market competitiveness, the healthy development of construction enterprises, adding pressure and vitalit

47、y. Secondly, in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract to fund progress payments and strictly control the engineering change. Finally, the timely processing of claims for work, so these will be able to effectively carry out the project cost control.2.1.5 Completed Stage has a Certain

48、Influence on the Project Cost Control Projects completed stage is the last program of the whole process is a comprehensive assessment of the construction work, check the design, construction quality meets the requirements, review the reasonableness of an important part of the investment, it has to e

49、nsure project quality, and promote the construction of the project and its operation, play investment returns, the lessons learned have an important role. At this stage, the staff should be fully brought together the full cost of the actual cost of construction, completion of final accounts prepared

50、 well in order to achieve the whole process of project cost control.2.1.6 After the Evaluation of Projects is the Whole Process of Project Cost Control Methods Necessary Complement After the evaluation is completed after the project investment, through a comprehensive and systematic project purpose,

51、 the implementation process, effectiveness, role and impact analysis undertaken, summarize both positive and negative lessons for policy makers project managers and builders learn to be more scientific and rational methods and strategies to improve decision-making, management and construction standa

52、rds. In fact, the project cost control is ultimately the control of human behavior, and then the evaluation is an important means of enhancing worker responsible. Due to the transparency and openness characteristics after evaluation of investment activities by the achievements and failures of the an

53、alysis of objective and subjective reasons, can be compared fairly and objectively determine the investment decision-makers, managers and builders work in practical problems in order to improve peoples the level of responsibility and work, thus achieving the purpose of the project cost control.2.2 T

54、otal Factor Cost Management of Construction Projects As the implementation process of the project in each of the activities are governed by three basic elements: the impact of cost, schedule and quality. Therefore, not only the cost of the project from the start the whole process of cost management

55、to consider the cost of a project for the overall management and staff from all of the elements needed to manage the impact of the project cost , the cost of a project to be considered for the overall management . In the whole process of the project, these three elements are interrelated and mutuall

56、y transformed, duration and quality of a project under certain conditions can be transformed into the cost of the project. The length and quality of the project duration will be a direct result of changes in the level of the project cost. For example, when you need to shorten the construction period

57、, we need to invest additional resources; such shorter period would translate into increased cost. Similarly, when the need to improve the quality of the project, but also the need to increase investment in resources and improve the quality of this is converted into increased cost. So for overall ma

58、nagement of the project in terms of cost, must also affect the cost of total factor from a management perspective, to analyze and identify a specific technology management from the full cost method of total factor management manpower. To achieve total factor for the management of construction projec

59、ts, their work mainly includes two aspects: the analysis and prediction of changes and trends as well as the elements of a change of control of these elements in order to achieve the target cost management. Total factor cost management is also an ongoing iterative process. Because for a construction

60、 project is concerned, in the course of its implementation, the situation often occurs on the target and control indicators corrected, and the corresponding total factor this cost management also must be revised targets and control targets through continuous revision process, gradually carry out the


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