1、保潔安全生產(chǎn)操作規(guī)程安全及注意事項 a)大風(fēng)天氣注意高空墜物。b)雷雨天氣暫時避開闊地露天作業(yè),不要在樹下避雨,以防雷擊。c)高溫天氣注意防暑。d)發(fā)現(xiàn)隨地吐痰、便溺、亂扔垃圾的現(xiàn)象應(yīng)及時勸住。e)保潔車應(yīng)停放在不妨礙車輛、行人通行的地方安全及注意事項a)清潔宣傳欄玻璃時,小心劃傷手。b)清潔工作不要損傷被清潔物。清潔工安全生產(chǎn)操作規(guī)程一、工作前必須檢查所用工具、設(shè)備是杏完好,有否不安全因素。二、8公尺以上高空操作時,必須系好安全帶。作業(yè)上空如有高壓線與裸體線時, 應(yīng)采取安全措施后,方能施工。三、使用扶梯操作時,扶梯要保持一定的斜度(60度),并要采取防滑措施。四、噴藥水時,要戴好口罩,站在上
2、風(fēng)向操作。五、使用有毒有害藥水時,必須嚴格遵照各種毒品管理和使用的制度。茶水間安全生產(chǎn)操作規(guī)程一.茶爐必須有安全裝置,對閥門安裝要適當。二.茶爐間嚴禁存放易燃、易爆和有毒物品。三、對茶爐和管道應(yīng)經(jīng)常檢查,以防污水流入。四、水必須燒開(水溫必須達到100 C。五、工作時間內(nèi)不準喝酒和私自離開工作崗位,必須隨時注意開、關(guān)水龍頭。六、茶桶加鎖,防止壞人破壞。七、每天早上送茶水前,必須做好盛具的清洗衛(wèi)生工作。八、熱水瓶必須保持完好。瓶口木塞要塞牢,以兔燙傷人。九、保證用水溫達到100 c的真正開水,確保茶水的清潔衛(wèi)生。十、送茶水時車子要平穩(wěn),停車要穩(wěn)固。剎車要常檢查。十一、隔夜的茶水要清除,茶桶必須上
3、好鎖。倉庫安全管理規(guī)程一、一般倉庫1、材料、工具、另部件設(shè)備堆放在安全道以外,要分類擺放整齊、穩(wěn)固,高度要 適當。精密工具、量具應(yīng)妥善放置。2、搬運刃口、毛刺或涂油的工具及零件,一定要戴手套,放置穩(wěn)當,貨物不準露出貨架。3、工具、零部件不準放在電器開關(guān)附近或壓在電線上。4、不可在光滑或涂油的零部件上行走。所用梯凳,不可有泊垢 ,放置要牢固。5、夜間搬運物品時,應(yīng)有充分照明,道路暢通。應(yīng)根據(jù)物件重量和體力強弱進行 搬運,以防發(fā)生事故。6、兩人一起搬運物件,應(yīng)互相配合,步調(diào)一致。用電瓶車運輸零部件,應(yīng)放平穩(wěn)、 牢固。7、加熱后的零件必須冷卻后再進行點數(shù)、運輸和存放。必須將熱物件運輸時,須 用適當容
4、器,并裝設(shè)“熱活” 標志,以防燙傷。庫內(nèi)應(yīng)通風(fēng)良好。Inordertoensure normalteachingorder,prote cting st ude nts' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) isnotlost, to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety accide nts, followt he "prevent,re scue eachother,e nsure safety and re ducelosses"pri ncpile,
5、 a ccording t o thelocalconditions,makethe management system. 1,the pri ncipalis the re sponsibilityofschool safety,school security undert he leadershi p of Presi dent securitywork lea dinggroup.T he head tea chertot heleader shi pteam is responsibl e for,impleme ntation oftheaccountability system.2
6、,school monthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstudentsofclassesperw eekshould be targeted.To carryonemergency issues dealingwith educati onin General,self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emergencycall s(such as 110, 1
7、19,122,120,andso on) use commonse nsei neducation.3,t heestabli shme ntofmajoraccidentreportingsystem.Schoolstude ntsreport majoraccide ntwithi n an hourof educati on;student runand di sappearancestore port; re portofthe a cci de nttoa written report intriplicate,acorrecti onal centre ,a poli cestat
8、ion,a tow nship people'sGovernme ntsha ll not concealt he accide nt.4week ,teachers areondutysystem,establishand impr ove thelea dershi pvalue s; strengthe n theed ucati on,ma nagement ofteaching activities i n schools to e nsurenormalteachi ngorder; responsi bleforschoolsafety leadership a lway
9、smaintai ned cl osecontactand di strictpolice stations, ca nvassi ngsupportfromthe pol ice stati on onschoolsafetyand help. 5,stre ngthe ningtea chers' morale ducation,establi sh a dedi cated love ,improvi ng education quality, observethe st udents' psychol ogicalchanges at anytime and takep
10、reve ntivemeasure s, no cor poral punishme nt andcovert cor poral puni shme ntonst ude nts,st udentout ofthe classroom, schools maynotbe.6, unit sorde partmentsusestudent Streetpropaga nda orparticipatein t hecel ebrations,as well asparti cipating in ot hersocialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthe Correcti
11、 onalCentre,school principal sconse nt,withoutorga nization. Withoutt he approvalofrelevantdepartme nts,may organize students to participatein firefighting,disasterreliefand soon.7,schoolsshoulde ducatestudent s to obey theschoolr ulesand regulati ons,ontime,on timehometo preventacci dents. 8, schoo
12、ltoschooli nspecti onson areg ularbasi s,found hidden i n time,andinsevere case s, itis har d to eliminateimmediatelyclosed, a nd re ported t othe local people'sGovernment,education,a nd rul e oflaw se ction.9,the schoolshoul d always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, raili ngs,
13、handrails, doors, Windows,stairca sesa nd avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitie s such asfire safety,i nfrastruct uresecurity, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepair and demoliti onto e nsure thatteachers a nd st udents work,le arn, liveve nues a nd facilities aresafe and relia ble.Son
14、g Li n Xia ng Liu Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016song Li nXia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolfiresafetysystemstoenhancefiresafety, protecti onofpubliproperty a nd thelifeand propertysafetyofteachers and st ude nts,school firesafety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping t he followi ngfire safet
15、ysystem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducation ofthewhol e school.Accordingtothe requirements of theFire Service sAct,sothateveryone hasof keepingfire controlsafety, protecting fire controlfacilities,firepreventi on, report s offire8 、貨物堆放距屋頂、墻壁、燈具不得少于50 厘米,距屋柱或貨垛之間不得少于 20 厘米。9 、采用吊車、行車、或其它起重機械、作室內(nèi)搬運時,應(yīng)遵
16、守相應(yīng)的機械安全操作規(guī)程,并應(yīng)與其他工種密切配合。中央空調(diào)機房安全生產(chǎn)操作規(guī)程一、值班人員要不斷的檢查安全防護設(shè)施和設(shè)備運轉(zhuǎn)情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,立即處理,以保證安全生產(chǎn)。二、值班中如發(fā)現(xiàn)事故隱患,應(yīng)立即報告領(lǐng)導(dǎo),并設(shè)法排除,同時將詳細經(jīng)過記入記錄本。機房內(nèi)禁止存放易燃易爆物品。三、值班人員應(yīng)做好清潔衛(wèi)生,以保證設(shè)備和工作場地整潔。值班時加強巡回,了解生產(chǎn)情況,及時調(diào)節(jié)。四、值班員應(yīng)經(jīng)常檢查室內(nèi)所有閥門和儀表,各種大、小閥門是否正常和適用。五、交班者應(yīng)在下班前30 分鐘做好交班準備工作,如查點工具,清潔場地和檢查設(shè)備運行狀況等,并把本班工作情況寫入記錄本。六、接班人應(yīng)提前5 10 分鐘到班,會同上班
17、查看設(shè)備運轉(zhuǎn)情況并檢查工具、用品是否齊全。七、接班者認為沒有疑問,方可在交班記錄本上簽字。八、空調(diào)機房未經(jīng)許可,非操作人員不準入內(nèi),外來人員需經(jīng)有關(guān)部門批準方能入內(nèi)。九、恒溫系統(tǒng)所用儀表、閥門和安全裝置必須定期校驗和保養(yǎng),確保處于靈敏,準確狀態(tài)。lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hiddeni ntime for rectification, maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notuse an open flamein the classr oom,prohi bitburni ng stove,li
18、tca ndles, mosquito repellent,nosm oking,a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ngany household a pplia nces isnotal lowed. 10,liveoncampusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,andeducatefamiliesand chil drenreadyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master proper usage ,payattention tothe le
19、ak-pr oof, explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valveafter usetoensur esecurity. 12,di ning r oommustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck,the cantee n workersmustbecertified,strictlybyoperation operati on,gasta nk andstovesafety dista nce of1.5 meters,topreventaccident
20、s. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused byignori ngfiresafetyregulations,willbepunishe d, until investigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jiaping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ng Li uJia ping elementaryschool, pine slopes十、緊急泄氨閥應(yīng)處于良好常開狀態(tài),機房內(nèi)或附近產(chǎn)生嚴重失火時,要立即打開室外冷卻水和緊急泄氨閥。十一、嚴冬季節(jié),設(shè)備停止運轉(zhuǎn)
22、是否打開,并開動調(diào)節(jié)器的三聯(lián)風(fēng)閘;2、接通電源,啟動后立即檢查各連接處是否正常。十五、關(guān)閉回風(fēng)機時,先檢查回風(fēng)機電源,再關(guān)閉調(diào)節(jié)器所采用的三聯(lián)風(fēng)閘。十六、開放加熱器程序:1、放掉加熱器內(nèi)的存水,打開進氣閥門;2、根據(jù)進氣壓力,調(diào)整回水壓力,決不可先擰開回水閥門,只能先擰開污水閥門,排放加熱器的回水。十七、關(guān)閉加熱器時,先關(guān)閉進汽閥門,待過 3-5分鐘,回水排放后,關(guān)閉回水Inordertoensure normalteachingorder,prote cting st ude nts' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property)
23、 isnotlost, to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety accide nts, followt he "prevent,re scue eachother,e nsure safety and re ducelosses"pri ncpile, a ccording t o thelocalconditions,makethe management system. 1,the pri ncipalis the re sponsibilityofschool safety,school security undert
24、he leadershi p of Presi dent securitywork lea dinggroup.T he head tea chertot heleader shi pteam is responsibl e for,impleme ntation oftheaccountability system.2,school monthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstudentsofclas
25、sesperw eekshould be targeted.To carryonemergency issues dealingwith educati onin General,self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emergencycall s(such as 110, 119,122,120,andso on) use commonse nsei neducation.3,t heestabli shme ntofmajoraccidentreportingsystem.Schoolstude ntsreport majoraccide ntw
26、ithi n an hourof educati on;student runand di sappearancestore port; re portofthe a cci de nttoa written report intriplicate,acorrecti onal centre ,a poli cestation,a tow nship people'sGovernme ntsha ll not concealt he accide nt.4week ,teachers areondutysystem,establishand impr ove thelea dershi
27、 pvalue s; strengthe n theed ucati on,ma nagement ofteaching activities i n schools to e nsurenormalteachi ngorder; responsi bleforschoolsafety leadership a lwaysmaintai ned cl osecontactand di strictpolice stations, ca nvassi ngsupportfromthe pol ice stati on onschoolsafetyand help. 5,stre ngthe ni
28、ngtea chers' morale ducation,establi sh a dedi cated love ,improvi ng education quality, observethe st udents' psychol ogicalchanges at anytime and takepreve ntivemeasure s, no cor poral punishme nt andcovert cor poral puni shme ntonst ude nts,st udentout ofthe classroom, schools maynotbe.6,
29、 unit sorde partmentsusestudent Streetpropaga nda orparticipatein t hecel ebrations,as well asparti cipating in ot hersocialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthe Correcti onalCentre,school principal sconse nt,withoutorga nization. Withoutt he approvalofrelevantdepartme nts,may organize students to participat
30、ein firefighting,disasterreliefand soon.7,schoolsshoulde ducatestudent s to obey theschoolr ulesand regulati ons,ontime,on timehometo preventacci dents. 8, schooltoschooli nspecti onson areg ularbasi s,found hidden i n time,andinsevere case s, itis har d to eliminateimmediatelyclosed, a nd re ported
31、 t othe local people'sGovernment,education,a nd rul e oflaw se ction.9,the schoolshoul d always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, Windows,stairca sesa nd avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitie s such asfire safety,i nfrastruct uresecur
32、ity, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepair and demoliti onto e nsure thatteachers a nd st udents work,le arn, liveve nues a nd facilities aresafe and relia ble.Song Li n Xia ng Liu Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016song Li nXia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolfiresafetysystemstoenhancefiresafety, prote
33、cti onofpubliproperty a nd thelifeand propertysafetyofteachers and st ude nts,school firesafety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping t he followi ngfire safetysystem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducation ofthewhol e school.Accordingtothe requirements of theFire Service sAct,sothateveryone hasof keepi
34、ngfire controlsafety, protecting fire controlfacilities,firepreventi on, report s offire閥門。如果進氣閥門漏氣可將回水通入污水閥的閥門微開1/2 即可。高空作業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)操作規(guī)程一、熟悉掌握本工種專業(yè)技術(shù)及規(guī)程。二、年滿18 歲經(jīng)體格檢合格后方可從事高空作業(yè)。凡患有高血壓、心臟病、癲病病、精神病和其它不適于高空作業(yè)的人禁止登高作業(yè)。三、 距地面三公尺以上工作斜面坡度大于45 度工作地面沒有平穩(wěn)的立腳地方或有震動的地方應(yīng)視為高空作業(yè)。四、防護用品要穿戴整齊褲腳要扎住戴好安全帽不準穿光滑的硬底鞋。要有足夠強度的安
35、全帶并應(yīng)將繩子牢系在堅固的建筑結(jié)構(gòu)件上或金屬結(jié)構(gòu)架上不準系在活動物件上。五、登高前施工負責(zé)人應(yīng)對全體人員進行現(xiàn)場安全教育。六、檢查所用的登高工具和安全用具(如安全帽、安全帶、梯子、跳板、腳手架、防護板、安全網(wǎng)等)必須安全可靠嚴禁冒險作業(yè)。七、高空作業(yè)區(qū)地面要劃出禁區(qū)用欄桿圍起并掛上“閑人免進”、 “禁止通行”等警示牌。八、 靠近電源(低壓)線路作業(yè)前應(yīng)先聯(lián)系停電。確認停電后方可進行工作并應(yīng)設(shè)置絕緣擋壁。作業(yè)者最少離開電線(低壓)2 公尺以外。禁止在高壓線下作業(yè)。九、高空作業(yè)所用的工具、零件、材料等必須裝入工具袋。上下時手中不得拿物件并必須從指定的路線上下不得在高空投擲材料或工具等物不得將易滾易
36、滑的工具、材料堆放在腳手架上不準打鬧。工作完畢應(yīng)及時將工具、零星材料、零部件等一切易墜落物件清理干凈以防落下傷人上下大型零件時應(yīng)采用lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hiddeni ntime for rectification, maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notuse an open flamein the classr oom,prohi bitburni ng stove,litca ndles, mosquito repellent,nosm oking,a nd banning mes
37、sy w iring. Without usi ngany household a pplia nces isnotal lowed. 10,liveoncampusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,andeducatefamiliesand chil drenreadyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master proper usage ,payattention tothe leak-pr oof, explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valveafter u
38、setoensur esecurity. 12,di ning r oommustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck,the cantee n workersmustbecertified,strictlybyoperation operati on,gasta nk andstovesafety dista nce of1.5 meters,topreventaccidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused byignori ngfiresafe
39、tyregulations,willbepunishe d, until investigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jiaping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ng Li uJia ping elementaryschool, pine slopes可靠的起吊機具。十、要處處注意危險標志和危險地方。夜間作業(yè),必須設(shè)置足夠的照明設(shè)施,否則禁止施工。十一、嚴禁上下同時垂直作業(yè)。若特殊情況必須垂直作業(yè),應(yīng)經(jīng)有關(guān)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準,并在上下兩層間設(shè)專用的防護棚或者其他隔離設(shè)施。十二、嚴禁坐在高空無遮欄
40、處休息。防止墜落。十三、卷揚機等各種升降設(shè)備嚴禁上下載人。十四、在石棉(玻璃)瓦屋面工作時,要用梯子等物墊在瓦上行動,防止踩破石棉(玻璃)瓦墜落。十五、不論任何情況,不得在墻頂上工作或通行。十六、腳手架的負荷量,每平方公尺不能超過 270公斤,如負荷量必須加大,架子應(yīng)適當加固。十七、超過3公尺長的鋪板不能同時站兩人工作。十八、進行高空焊接、氧割作業(yè)時,必須事先清除火星飛濺范圍內(nèi)的易燃易爆品。十九、腳手板斜道板、跳板和交通運輸?shù)?,?yīng)隨時清掃。如有泥、水、冰、雪,要采取有效防滑措施, 并經(jīng)安全員檢查同意后方可開工。當結(jié)冰積雪嚴重,無法清除時,停止高空作業(yè)。二十、遇六級以上大風(fēng)時,禁止露天進行高空作
41、業(yè)。二十一、使用梯子時,必須先檢查梯子是否堅固,是否符合安全要求。立梯坡度以60度為宜。梯底寬度不低于 50公分,并應(yīng)有防滑裝置。梯頂無搭勾,梯腳不能穩(wěn)固時,須有人扶梯,人字梯拉繩必須牢固。Inordertoensure normalteachingorder,prote cting st ude nts' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) isnotlost, to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety accide nts, followt he "preven
42、t,re scue eachother,e nsure safety and re ducelosses"pri ncpile, a ccording t o thelocalconditions,makethe management system. 1,the pri ncipalis the re sponsibilityofschool safety,school security undert he leadershi p of Presi dent securitywork lea dinggroup.T he head tea chertot heleader shi p
43、team is responsibl e for,impleme ntation oftheaccountability system.2,school monthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstudentsofclassesperw eekshould be targeted.To carryonemergency issues dealingwith educati onin General,se
44、lf-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emergencycall s(such as 110, 119,122,120,andso on) use commonse nsei neducation.3,t heestabli shme ntofmajoraccidentreportingsystem.Schoolstude ntsreport majoraccide ntwithi n an hourof educati on;student runand di sappearancestore port; re portofthe a cci de n
45、ttoa written report intriplicate,acorrecti onal centre ,a poli cestation,a tow nship people'sGovernme ntsha ll not concealt he accide nt.4week ,teachers areondutysystem,establishand impr ove thelea dershi pvalue s; strengthe n theed ucati on,ma nagement ofteaching activities i n schools to e nsu
46、renormalteachi ngorder; responsi bleforschoolsafety leadership a lwaysmaintai ned cl osecontactand di strictpolice stations, ca nvassi ngsupportfromthe pol ice stati on onschoolsafetyand help. 5,stre ngthe ningtea chers' morale ducation,establi sh a dedi cated love ,improvi ng education quality,
47、 observethe st udents' psychol ogicalchanges at anytime and takepreve ntivemeasure s, no cor poral punishme nt andcovert cor poral puni shme ntonst ude nts,st udentout ofthe classroom, schools maynotbe.6, unit sorde partmentsusestudent Streetpropaga nda orparticipatein t hecel ebrations,as well
48、asparti cipating in ot hersocialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthe Correcti onalCentre,school principal sconse nt,withoutorga nization. Withoutt he approvalofrelevantdepartme nts,may organize students to participatein firefighting,disasterreliefand soon.7,schoolsshoulde ducatestudent s to obey theschoolr
49、ulesand regulati ons,ontime,on timehometo preventacci dents. 8, schooltoschooli nspecti onson areg ularbasi s,found hidden i n time,andinsevere case s, itis har d to eliminateimmediatelyclosed, a nd re ported t othe local people'sGovernment,education,a nd rul e oflaw se ction.9,the schoolshoul d
50、 always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingw alls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, Windows,stairca sesa nd avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitie s such asfire safety,i nfrastruct uresecurity, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepair and demoliti onto e nsure thatteachers a nd st uden
51、ts work,le arn, liveve nues a nd facilities aresafe and relia ble.Song Li n Xia ng Liu Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016song Li nXia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolfiresafetysystemstoenhancefiresafety, protecti onofpubliproperty a nd thelifeand propertysafetyofteachers and st ude nts,school firesaf
52、ety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping t he followi ngfire safetysystem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducation ofthewhol e school.Accordingtothe requirements of theFire Service sAct,sothateveryone hasof keepingfire controlsafety, protecting fire controlfacilities,firepreventi on, report s offire1 洗地
53、機它主要用于硬性地面清洗或地毯清洗,是大樓不可缺少的清潔設(shè)備之一,有單盤式和多盤式兩種.( 1 ) 操作細則 裝地刷與針盤,并使地刷與針盤按逆時針方向旋轉(zhuǎn)。 往水箱內(nèi)注入清水和清潔劑,按比例兌水。 插上電源,按下調(diào)節(jié)開關(guān),將手柄桿調(diào)至適合自己的高度。 從最靠電源插座的地方開始操作機器,防治機器壓過電線。( 2) 注意事項 工作時必須避免刷子接觸電源線,以免電源線卷進刷子內(nèi)。 開動擦地機時,電源線要在操作者的背后。 使用清潔劑時,注意不要讓水弄濕馬達。 使用完畢,要注意安全,不要隨便使手離開手柄,放開操縱桿,等機器完全停止后再切斷電源,卸下地刷與針盤。( 3) 保養(yǎng)工作 使用完畢,把機身及配件清
54、洗干凈。 用干凈布擦凈機器、電線,將電線繞回機掛鉤,機器必須存放在干燥地方。2 吸塵機它是用于地面、地毯、墻面等較平整部位吸塵的專用設(shè)備,使清潔工作中常用的設(shè)備之一。( 1 ) 操作細則 把軟管接駁在機身,插入220v 電源。lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hiddeni ntime for rectification, maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notuse an open flamein the classr oom,prohi bitburni ng stove,litca ndles,
55、 mosquito repellent,nosm oking,a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ngany household a pplia nces isnotal lowed. 10,liveoncampusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,andeducatefamiliesand chil drenreadyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master proper usage ,payattention tothe leak-pr oof,
56、 explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valveafter usetoensur esecurity. 12,di ning r oommustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck,the cantee n workersmustbecertified,strictlybyoperation operati on,gasta nk andstovesafety dista nce of1.5 meters,topreventaccidents. 13,the
57、adverseconseque nces caused byignori ngfiresafetyregulations,willbepunishe d, until investigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jiaping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ng Li uJia ping elementaryschool, pine slopes 開動時按頂上的開關(guān)按鈕。吸硬地面時,把吸嘴毛刷伸出,吸地毯時毛刷伸入吸嘴內(nèi)。(2)注意事項 使用前,檢查機內(nèi)塵袋是否已清塵。 使用后,檢查塵袋
58、,如滿塵需倒塵,用另一吸塵機吸去機內(nèi)及塵袋外微塵干性吸塵機,切勿把水分吸入機內(nèi)。Q 不可吸牙簽、大物品等,以防堵塞軟管。C5不可用力用軟管拖拉桶體,以防軟管斷裂。(3)保養(yǎng)工作 使用完畢后切斷電源,取下軟管和管夾頭,將繞好的電線掛于機身外殼。將軟管松開卷成一圈,或掛在墻上。3.吸水機它專用于清除積水,其構(gòu)造原理與吸塵器相同。(1)操作細則把軟管接駁在機身,插入220v電源。吸地面使用帶軟膠得吸扒,吸地毯使用鋼扒吸水。 吸水機如果滿水時,浮子上頂,吸力下降,應(yīng)及時倒空污水。C4吸地毯上的高泡地毯清潔劑時應(yīng)往桶內(nèi)倒入化泡劑。(2)注意事項 使用前,檢查機內(nèi)是否已倒水。使用后,倒掉污水后用清水洗過,再用干布抹干凈。(3)保養(yǎng)工作Inordertoensure normalteachingorder,prote cting st ude nts' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) isnotlost, to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety a
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