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1、Transaction Situation 4Counter-Offer還還 盤盤商務函電Learning Objectives(學習目標)(學習目標)Abilitys objective:lCan write the letter of making counter-offer.Knowledge objective:lBe familiar with the words and expressions related the topic of making counter-offer. Basic Knowledge ConcernedLetter-writing GuideSample

2、Letters Practical Training Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part FiveContentsOther Commonly Used Expressions and SentencesPart One: Basic Knowledge Concerned In international trade, when the offeree accepts the terms and conditions stated in the offer, the transaction is concluded. In most cas

3、es, the offeree would reject the terms and conditions or state his own terms and conditions by return. The rejection or partial rejection of the offeree to the offer is called counter-offer. Once the counter-offer is made, the original offer is no longer valid, and the offeree now becomes the offero

4、r as the counter-offer becomes the new offer. During the negotiation, many issues will be talked about by the sellers and the buyers. Counter-offers are usually time consuming and may go many rounds before business is concluded or dropped. 1. The Significance and Effect of Counter-offerssuch as qual

5、ity, quantity and packing of the goods, price, shipment, insurance, payment terms, commodity inspection, disputes and settlement of disputes, force majeure, and arbitration, etc.上次交易情境復習上次交易情境復習 11月月19日,在收到日,在收到Ellen的詢盤后,的詢盤后,Victor經(jīng)過對產(chǎn)品的報價核經(jīng)過對產(chǎn)品的報價核算,向算,向加拿大加拿大CANADIAN FASHION TRADE CO., LTD.公司進行報公

6、司進行報價,同時告知了包裝、支付方式、保險、裝運時間等相關貿易情況。價,同時告知了包裝、支付方式、保險、裝運時間等相關貿易情況。發(fā)盤具體資料: 1品名:型號為品名:型號為BJ123的全棉運動上衣的全棉運動上衣 2尺碼:小碼、中碼和大碼尺碼:小碼、中碼和大碼 3單價:每件單價:每件20.5美元,美元,CIFC3%蒙特利爾蒙特利爾 4數(shù)量:數(shù)量:6000件,各尺碼件,各尺碼2000件件 5包裝:包裝:10件裝入一個不透明的塑料袋,每件裝入一個不透明的塑料袋,每10個塑料袋裝入一個個塑料袋裝入一個 雙層瓦楞紙箱雙層瓦楞紙箱 6付款方式:以賣方為受益人的不可撤銷跟單即期信用證付款方式:以賣方為受益人的

7、不可撤銷跟單即期信用證 7交貨期:收到相關信用證后交貨期:收到相關信用證后60天之內天之內 8保險:由賣方投保保險:由賣方投保 9發(fā)盤以對方發(fā)盤以對方11月月26日之前的復到為準日之前的復到為準 同時督促對方盡早下訂單。同時督促對方盡早下訂單。Work Task 1 (工作任務一)(工作任務一) Ellen收到收到Victor的發(fā)盤函后,要對其進行回復。請以的發(fā)盤函后,要對其進行回復。請以Ellen的名義寫一封針對的名義寫一封針對Victor發(fā)盤的回函,具體發(fā)盤的回函,具體要求如下:如下: 1表示已經(jīng)收到對方的發(fā)盤函,并表示感謝。表示已經(jīng)收到對方的發(fā)盤函,并表示感謝。 2很遺憾的告訴很遺憾的告

8、訴Victor,你方客戶認為他們的價格偏,你方客戶認為他們的價格偏高。高。 3表示雖然表示雖然Victor一方產(chǎn)品的質量很好,但是價格不一方產(chǎn)品的質量很好,但是價格不應該比其他供應商高出應該比其他供應商高出10%,因此進行還盤。,因此進行還盤。 4. 還盤內容如下:單價變?yōu)槊考€盤內容如下:單價變?yōu)槊考?8.45美元,美元,CIFC3%蒙特利爾。蒙特利爾。 5希望對方盡快回復。希望對方盡快回復。 Work Task 2 (工作任務二)(工作任務二) Victor收到加拿大客戶收到加拿大客戶Ellen的還盤后,經(jīng)過認真核算,的還盤后,經(jīng)過認真核算,覺得不能接受對方的還價,因為自己的報價已經(jīng)是比較

9、低覺得不能接受對方的還價,因為自己的報價已經(jīng)是比較低了。但是考慮到如果能做成這筆訂單,雙方合作愉快的話,了。但是考慮到如果能做成這筆訂單,雙方合作愉快的話,那將會帶來更多的訂單,會給公司帶來更大的利益,所以那將會帶來更多的訂單,會給公司帶來更大的利益,所以Victor仍期望與對方做成這筆訂單,于是他按照公司銷售仍期望與對方做成這筆訂單,于是他按照公司銷售部的慣例,提出如果對方的訂單部的慣例,提出如果對方的訂單超過超過10,000件件,就,就同意降同意降價價5%。 If you want to write a counter-offer to state your disagreement to

10、 certain terms and express your own ideas, the following contents may be included: 1. To express thanks for the offer 2. To express regret at your inability to accept the offer and give reasons for non-acceptance 3. To make the counter proposal (price reduction etc.) 4. To express expectation of the

11、 acceptance1. Structure Part Two: Letter-writing Guide2. Typical Expressions(常見表達方式常見表達方式)For letters making counter-offer(還盤信函還盤信函常用表達句型常用表達句型): Writing steps(寫作步驟)(寫作步驟) Typical expressions(常用表達句型)(常用表達句型) 1.對發(fā)盤人的報對發(fā)盤人的報 價表示感謝價表示感謝 1. Thank you for your offer of . 謝謝貴公司謝謝貴公司的發(fā)盤的發(fā)盤 2. Thank you for

12、 your prompt reply and detailed quotation. 感謝貴方的及時答復和詳細報價。感謝貴方的及時答復和詳細報價。 2.表示無法接表示無法接受發(fā)盤并說明受發(fā)盤并說明原因原因 1. We regret to inform you that the price you quoted is on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products. 我們很遺憾告知對方,盡管我們對你方產(chǎn)品質量我們很遺憾告知對方,盡管我們對你方產(chǎn)品質量很滿意,但我方認為貴方所報價格偏高。很滿意,但我方認

13、為貴方所報價格偏高。 2. Much to our regret, we cannot entertain business at your price, since it is out of line with the prevailing market, being 10% lower than the average. 很遺憾我們不能考慮按貴方價格成交,因為貴方很遺憾我們不能考慮按貴方價格成交,因為貴方價格與現(xiàn)時市場不一致,要比一般價格低價格與現(xiàn)時市場不一致,要比一般價格低10%。 3. The price you offer is out of line with the market

14、, so it is beyond what is acceptable to us. 貴方報盤與市場不一致,故我方無法接受。貴方報盤與市場不一致,故我方無法接受。 3.對所希望的對所希望的交易條件提出交易條件提出建議建議 1. To step up trade, we counter-offer as follows: 為了促進貿易,我方還盤如下:為了促進貿易,我方還盤如下: 2. In view of our long-standing business relationship, we make you the following counter-offer. 鑒于我們之間長期的貿易關系

15、,特向貴方作如下鑒于我們之間長期的貿易關系,特向貴方作如下還盤。還盤。 3. Your competitors are offering considerably lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere. 你們競爭對手的報價要低很多。除非你們降價,你們競爭對手的報價要低很多。除非你們降價,否則我們得從他處購買。否則我們得從他處購買。 虛擬語氣虛擬語氣4.希望對方能夠接受你方所提出的建議。 1. We hope that you will take our cou

16、nter-offer seriously into consideration and reply as soon as possible. 希望貴方對我們的還盤給予認真的考慮并盡快答希望貴方對我們的還盤給予認真的考慮并盡快答復我方。復我方。 2. If you accept our counter-offer, we will advise our end users to buy from you. 如貴方能接受我們的還盤,我們將勸我方用戶向如貴方能接受我們的還盤,我們將勸我方用戶向貴方購買。貴方購買。 For letters in reply to a counter-offerA ne

17、gative or uncertain reply to a counter-offer is actually another counter-offer. The following are some typical expressions.It is impossible for us to entertain your counter-offer.(我們不能考慮接受你方的還盤。)The price you counter-offered is not in line with the prevailing market.(你方還盤與現(xiàn)行市場價格不符。)This is our rock-

18、bottom price. We cant make any further reduction.(這是我方的最低報價,我們不能再降價了。)2. Typical Expressions(常見表達方式常見表達方式)For letters in reply to a counter-offerWe appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low to accept.( 謝謝你方還盤但我方覺得太低了無法接受。)We will not consider accepting your counter-offer.(我們不會考慮接受你方的還盤。)We r

19、egret to learn that you have turned down our counter-offer. (遺憾得知你方已拒絕了我方的還盤。)A positive reply to a counter-offer is actually an acceptance. Writing a letter to accept a counter-offer is the same as writing a letter to accept an offer. Please see the next unit for reference. Have a try!lTry to draft

20、 a counter-offer based on task1 6min. for you!Work Task 1 (工作任務一)(工作任務一) Ellen收到收到Victor的發(fā)盤函后,要對其進行回復。請以的發(fā)盤函后,要對其進行回復。請以Ellen的名義寫一封針對的名義寫一封針對Victor發(fā)盤的回函,具體發(fā)盤的回函,具體要求如下:如下: 1表示已經(jīng)收到對方的發(fā)盤函,并表示感謝。表示已經(jīng)收到對方的發(fā)盤函,并表示感謝。 2很遺憾的告訴很遺憾的告訴Victor,你方客戶認為他們的價格偏,你方客戶認為他們的價格偏高。高。 3表示雖然表示雖然Victor一方產(chǎn)品的質量很好,但是價格不一方產(chǎn)品的質量很

21、好,但是價格不應該比其他供應商高出應該比其他供應商高出10%,因此進行還盤。,因此進行還盤。 4. 還盤內容如下:單價變?yōu)槊考€盤內容如下:單價變?yōu)槊考?8.45美元,美元,CIFC3%蒙特利爾。蒙特利爾。 5希望對方盡快回復。希望對方盡快回復。 Part Three: Sample analysisNovember 20, 2010Dear Victor,Thank you for your offer of 6000 pieces of cotton blazer at USD20.5 per piece CIFC3% MONTREAL.We regret to inform you th

22、at our end users find your price on the high side. As you know, the price of cotton blazer has gone down since last year. Some countries are actually lowering their prices. It is no doubt that there is a keen competition in the market.We do not deny that your products are attractive, but the differe

23、nce in price should, in no case, be as big as 10%. To step up trade, we on behalf of our end users make counter-offer as follows: 6000 pieces of cotton blazer, at USD 18.45 per piece CIFC3% MONTREAL. We hope that you will take our counter-offer seriously into consideration and reply as soon as possi

24、ble. Yours faithfully,EllenWork Task 1P44 1. end user 客戶客戶 2. on the high side (價格等)偏高(價格等)偏高 3. go down (價格等)下降(價格等)下降 4. keen competition 激烈的競爭激烈的競爭 5. in no case 決不決不 6. step up (使)加快速度(使)加快速度 7. on behalf of 代表代表 8. counter-offer 還盤還盤 9. take into consideration 將將考慮進去考慮進去New Words1. Thank you fo

25、r your offer of 謝謝貴公司謝謝貴公司的發(fā)盤的發(fā)盤 2. We regret to inform you that our end users find your price on the high side. 我們很遺憾的告知你方,我們的客戶覺得你們報價過高。我們很遺憾的告知你方,我們的客戶覺得你們報價過高。3. To step up trade, we on behalf of our end users make counter-offer as follows: 為了促進貿易,我們代表我方客戶作出還盤如下:為了促進貿易,我們代表我方客戶作出還盤如下:4. We hope

26、that you will take our counter-offer seriously into consideration and reply as soon as possible. 希望貴方對我們的還盤給予認真的考慮并盡快答復我方。希望貴方對我們的還盤給予認真的考慮并盡快答復我方。NotesWork Task 2 (工作任務二)(工作任務二) Victor收到加拿大客戶收到加拿大客戶Ellen的還盤后,經(jīng)過認真核算,的還盤后,經(jīng)過認真核算,覺得不能接受對方的還價,因為自己的報價已經(jīng)是比較低覺得不能接受對方的還價,因為自己的報價已經(jīng)是比較低了。但是考慮到如果能做成這筆訂單,雙方合作愉

27、快的話,了。但是考慮到如果能做成這筆訂單,雙方合作愉快的話,那將會帶來更多的訂單,會給公司帶來更大的利益,所以那將會帶來更多的訂單,會給公司帶來更大的利益,所以Victor仍期望與對方做成這筆訂單,于是他按照公司銷售仍期望與對方做成這筆訂單,于是他按照公司銷售部的慣例,提出如果對方的訂單部的慣例,提出如果對方的訂單超過超過10,000件件,就,就同意降同意降價價5%。 Part Three: Sample analysisNovember 21, 2010 Dear Ellen, We are in receipt of your letter of November 20, which re

28、quested a 10% discount. We regret to inform you that your counter-offer is not in keeping with the current market and we cannot accept it. We believe our prices are quite favorable and competitive, it is impossible that any other suppliers can lower than us if their products are as good as ours in q

29、uality. To be frank with you, if it was not for the future relations, we wouldnt consider accepting your price. In order to assist you to compete with dealers in the market, lets meet each other half way, we have decided to reduce the price by 5%, if you order reaches 10,000 pieces at one time, whic

30、h is say, the price is USD19.48 per piece CIFC3% MONTREAL. Its subject to your reply arriving here before November 30, 2010. Your early reply will be much appreciated. Yours sincerely, VictorWork Task 2虛擬語氣虛擬語氣Subjunctive mood 虛擬語氣虛擬語氣lThe subjunctive mood expresses wishes, suggestions, suppositions

31、 or something contrary to facts.l它表現(xiàn)出說話人的主觀因素比較多。所以說話人所講的內容往往是與事實相反的;或是其實現(xiàn)的可能性微乎其微,甚至于沒有實現(xiàn)的可能性。當然,有時為了使說話的語氣客氣、緩和、委婉,也使用虛擬語氣。 Functions of subjunctive mood in business correspondencelSubjunctive mood is a means of expressing businessmans opinion politely.lit is able to transfer the negative message

32、in a positive way lit makes the writer expresses his intention by means of euphemism, which makes it much more acceptable for reader. lIt gives much margin for negotiation, which is helpful to establish business relation.lWhen a reason is presented, the negative message is more likely to be accepted

33、 by the reader. e.g. 1)we can not lower the price. 2) we wish we were able to lower the price.虛擬語氣虛擬語氣1. 虛擬語氣在條件狀語從句中的構成和用法 lIf you would contact me directly, I would be happy to make the necessary arrangement for you in time.lWe should be grateful if you would change the invoice and let us have a c

34、orrect copy.lIf we had been informed in time, we would have reserved the goods for you.lIf you informed us in time, we would reserve the goods for you.lYou know that if you had any complaints to make about our service to you, we should be quick to make adjustments.lCould you also supply samples of t

35、he various skins of which the gloves are made, we should find it most helpful.2. 賓語從句賓語從句1) 在表示命令、建議、勸告、欲望、要求、主張這一類動詞后的賓語從句中,從句應用虛擬語氣,其謂語用should+動詞原形,should可省略,這類動詞有suggest, insist, demand, request, desire, order, ask, advise, propose , command, recommend, require等,e.g. we suggested you make a reaso

36、nable reduction in price, otherwise we could hardly go on with our discussion.2. 賓語從句賓語從句2) wish 后的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣,表示不能實現(xiàn)的愿望。 表示現(xiàn)在不能實現(xiàn)的愿望,從句謂語動詞用過去式; 表示將來不能實現(xiàn)的愿望,從句謂語動詞用could/would+動詞原形; 表示過去不能實現(xiàn)的愿望,從句謂語用“had+過去分詞”。如:I wish I were a bird. 我要是一只鳥多好啊! I wish I had started to study English years ago. 我要是早幾年

37、開始學英語就好了。 I wish you would stop asking silly questions. 但愿你不要再問愚蠢的問題了 e.g. We wish we could lower our prices but unfortunately we cannot do so. 1. in receipt of 收到 2. discount 折扣 e.g. We would like to allow you a special discount of 3% if your order exceeds USD5,000. 如你方訂購超過5,000美元,我們愿意給你方3%的特殊折扣。 3

38、. keep with the current market 與現(xiàn)行市價一致 4. to be frank with you 坦率地說,與frankly speaking意思相同 5. compete with sb. 與某人競爭 New Words 6. dealer 零售商零售商 7. meet sb. half way 各讓一半,折中處理各讓一半,折中處理 e.g. Shall we meet each other half way? 我們折中處理好嗎? 8. reduce the price by 5% 降價5% 句式: reduce by 幅度 reduce to 降至(某一水平)

39、reducefrom to從降至 make a reduction of 降價幅度 make a reduction to 降價至 make a reduction in 在方面降價 e.g. 如你方能在報價上減少2%,我們將立即接受。 If you can reduce your offer by 2%, well accept it. Or: If you can make a reduction of 2% in price, well accept it. New WordsPart four: other useful expressionsExpressions (1)1. mak

40、e (sb.) a counter-offer (as follows) (向某人)還盤(如下)2. (price) on the high/ low side (價格)偏高/低3. current price / ruling price / prevailing price/the present price/ the going price 現(xiàn)行價格4. long-standing business relation 長期業(yè)務關系5. be in (out of) line with the market 與市場(不)一致 keep with the current market 與現(xiàn)行

41、市場一致6.(price) is rising/advancing/going up. (價格)在持續(xù)上揚 (price) is falling/dropping/going down. (價格)在持續(xù)下降7. to entertain business at price 按價格成交8. give/ allow/ make/ grant a discount 給折扣9. leave with only a small profit 使得獲利低微Part four: other useful expressionsExpressions (2)10. at a price % lower tha

42、n 價格比低% 11. meet sb. half way 各讓一半;折中處理12. previous quotation 先前的報價13. market is weak;market is declining 市場疲弱;市場正在下滑14. make any further reduction 再次降價,作進一步的降價15. (price) fixed at a reasonable level 定價合理16. (products) moderately/ too highly priced (產(chǎn)品)定價適中/過高17. (the price) has advanced % / conside

43、rably (價格)已上漲% / 明顯上漲18. a jump/slump (in price) 價格飛漲/暴跌Part four: other useful expressions(1)Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer for steel furniture. The prices you quoted are much higher than those of other manufacturers.(2)We regret that your counter-offer is unacceptable to us since your c

44、ounter-offer leaves us with only a small profit. We believe that the price we quoted is quite realistic.(3)We have cut the price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable to comply with your request for any further reduction.(4)Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we very muc

45、h regret that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated. (5)The price we quoted is quite reasonable. It has been accepted by the other buyers at your end. (6)Our price has been narrowly calculated and it is impossible to make any further reduction.1. 1. Expressinging regret at inability

46、to accept the offer and g and givinging reasons for that. that. (表達不能接受報盤的遺憾并說明理由表達不能接受報盤的遺憾并說明理由)Part four: other useful expressions(7)Im afraid there is no much room for further reduction. You know, the price is advancing considerably recently.(8) Your price is reasonable, but the listed payment c

47、onditions are not customary in our trade.(9) Owing to heavy bookings, we can not accept fresh orders at present.(10)Owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your repeat order.(11)As this is an order of substantial size, we cannot safely undertake to complete its manufactu

48、re in a month.Part four: other useful expressions2. 2. Makinging a counter-offer concretely concretely (給出一個具體的還盤給出一個具體的還盤)(1)We would suggest that you make some allowance, say 10%, on your quoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your products to our customers. (2) You must reduce your price b

49、y 2% otherwise business is impossible.(3) We are sorry that the difference/gap between our price and your counter-offer is too wide. The best we can do is 5% off. Part four: other useful expressions(4) Our counter-offer is well founded and workable. We can also offer a 10% discount for orders over 1

50、0,000 pieces. (5) We do not see any advantage in your quotation, and would like to know whether you have any better price to offer. (6) May we suggest that you could make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to this market.(7) I regret that your terms are unsa

51、tisfactory and unless you can amend those terms we will have to place our order elsewhere. (8) It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a counter-offer.Part Five:Competence Practice(能力訓練)(能力訓練)A. From English to Chinese:(1). Translate the following terms:做出還盤做出還盤 1

52、 make a counter-offer 2 make a price reduction 降價降價 3 end user 客戶客戶 4 on behalf of 5 reference price 代表代表 參考價參考價 憑規(guī)格買賣憑規(guī)格買賣 6 sale by specification 7 in no case 決不決不 8 on the high side (價格等)偏高(價格等)偏高 9 allow sb. a discount 給某人折扣給某人折扣 10 step up trade 促進貿易促進貿易 on the low side 1 (價格等)偏低(價格等)偏低 2 零售價零售

53、價 retail price 3 激烈的競爭激烈的競爭 keen competition 4 憑樣品買賣憑樣品買賣 sale by sample 5 將將考慮進去考慮進去 take into consideration B. From Chinese to English:(2)meet sb. half way 6 各讓一半,折中處理各讓一半,折中處理 7 坦率地說坦率地說 to be frank with you 8 降價降價5% reduce the price by 5% 9 與某人競爭與某人競爭 compete with sb. 10 與現(xiàn)行市價一致與現(xiàn)行市價一致 keep with

54、 the current market 2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given answers for the missing prepositions.to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; into; onto; byLetter 1Dear Sirs,Re: chinawareWe have noted your fax (1) October 10th, 2010, regarding the captioned goods and regret that

55、 our offer has not been accepted.We have to point out that your counter-offer is obviously (2) the low side. The price we offered is entirely (3) line (4) the market level and has been accepted by many other customers. of_ on_in_with_Part Five:Competence Practice(能力訓練)(能力訓練)2. Read the following let

56、ters and choose the best one from the given answers for the missing prepositions.However, we now agree (5) your interest to renew our offer till the end of this month and recommend that you fax us your confirmation without delay.Yours faithfully,to_to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; by

57、Letter 2Dear Sirs, We are in possession of your letter dated July 5th, 2010 offering us Jinling Brand automatic washing machine at USD 120 per set FOB Guangzhou inclusive (1) our 5% commission.While appreciating the quality of your lines, we made a careful study of your offer. We find that your pric

58、es are too high to be acceptable. In fact, some suppliers are actually lowering their prices to push sales in the past three months. In order to make your product more competitive (2) our market, we suggest that you reduce prices (3) 10%. If you will agree to our counter-suggestion, regular orders (

59、4) large numbers will be placed. Otherwise, we would have to place our order elsewhere.Please let us have your E-mail confirmation (5) your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,of_in_by_at_for_Part Five:Competence Practice(能力訓練)(能力訓練)3. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter.

60、 The first letters are given.Dear Madam or Sir:Thank you for your (1)o of February 20th, 2010 and the Teddy Bear sample you kindly sent us. In reply, we (2) r to say that we can not accept your offer at your (3) p . You may be aware that some products of Indian origin have been (4) s here at a (5) l


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