1、山 東 經(jīng) 濟 學(xué) 院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)走向真和美的朝圣之旅淺析馬丁伊登的主人公設(shè)計(論文)題目: 文學(xué)方向范文 指導(dǎo)教師: 指導(dǎo)教師姓名 學(xué) 號: 姓 名: 外國語學(xué)院(部)英語 專業(yè) 2011 屆(注:如果是輔修英語的,填寫輔修英語專業(yè))山東經(jīng)濟學(xué)院教務(wù)處制2010年4月25日填寫定稿時間A Pilgrimage to Truth and Beauty:On the Title Hero of Martin Eden byLiu XinUnder the Supervision ofDing ZhaoguoSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the R
2、equirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsSchool of Foreign LanguagesShandong Economic UniversityApril 25, 2010山東經(jīng)濟學(xué)院學(xué)士學(xué)位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的學(xué)位論文,是本人在導(dǎo)師的指導(dǎo)下進行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已經(jīng)注明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果。對本文的研究做出重要貢獻的個人和集體,均已在論文中作了明確的說明并表示了謝意。本聲明的法律結(jié)果由本人承擔(dān)。學(xué)位論文作者簽名: 手寫 年 月 日時間與封面一致山東經(jīng)濟學(xué)院關(guān)于論
3、文使用授權(quán)的說明本人完全了解山東經(jīng)濟學(xué)院有關(guān)保留、使用學(xué)士學(xué)位論文的規(guī)定,即:學(xué)校有權(quán)保留、送交論文的復(fù)印件,允許論文被查閱,學(xué)??梢怨颊撐牡娜炕虿糠謨?nèi)容,可以采用影印或其他復(fù)制手段保存論文。指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 手寫 論文作者簽名: 手寫 年 月 日 年 月 日時間與封面一致A Pilgrimage to Truth and Beauty:On the Title Hero of Martin EdenABSTRACTMartin Eden is one of the representative works of the American Naturalist writer Jack Lon
4、don. It mainly tells a story of how the title hero Martin Eden becomes a successful writer from a poor seaman through his hard struggle, and finally chooses to commit suicide. It criticizes and exposes the utilitarian values of the American society in the 19th century, and reveals the universal esse
5、nce of human life. The thesis analyzes the protagonists history of life struggles, comprehension of true love, and his conflicting psychology facing the reality after success, and argues that Martins life is a pilgrimage to truth and beauty.Keywords: Martin Eden; pilgrimage; struggle history; truth
6、and beauty 注意字體、字號、行間距必須按照范文做走向真和美的朝圣之旅淺析馬丁伊登的主人公摘要馬丁伊登是美國自然主義小說家杰克倫敦的代表作之一,主要講述了主人公馬丁伊登從一文不名的水手成為成功作家的奮斗歷程,但最終卻選擇自殺的悲劇。小說不僅抨擊和揭露了19世紀美國功利社會的價值觀念,而且深刻揭示了人性的普遍本質(zhì)。本文通過分析主人公的奮斗史、他對愛的理解和成功后面對現(xiàn)實的矛盾心理,認為馬丁的生命歷程是一次走向真和美的朝圣之旅。關(guān)鍵詞:馬丁伊登;朝圣之旅;奮斗史;真和美 CONTENTSIntroduction1Chapter One Martin Edens Struggle Histo
7、ry3I. Struggle Motivation to Win Love and Status3II. Struggle Course to Praise Truth and Beauty4Chapter Two Martin Edens Comprehension of Love6I. In the Process of Struggle Worship of Love6II. After Ruths Leave Love Defeated by Money7Chapter Three Martin Edens Conflicting Psychology after Success8I.
8、 Puzzlement of Writing8II. Difficult Positioning of Social Class9Conclusion10Works Cited11Acknowledgements12(目錄超過一頁須加頁碼、注意各級標題字體字號)IntroductionJack London (18761916), a famous novelist of American Naturalism, was born in a poor family in San Francisco. The impoverished family forced the young Jack i
9、nto various jobs so as to raise himself, such as laborer, factory worker, oyster pirate in the San Francisco bay, member of the California fish patrol, sailor, gold prospector and so on; however, he was not defeated by the hard life, which fostered him to become a superman. He was always energetic w
10、ith strong will and never yielded to difficulties. London had little formal schooling, but he spent lots of time on self-education in public libraries. He read a large number of books and consciously chose to become a writer to escape his former terrible life. His life experiences provided lots of m
11、aterials for his writings.In his short writing life, London had left us nearly 50 works, with 19 novels among them. His diligence and genius had pushed him far beyond most of his literary peers in both perspective and contents. Among his famous works are Martin Eden (1909), The Call of the Wild (190
12、3), The Sea Wolf (1904), The Game (1905), White Fang (1906), The Road (1907), and so on. London had become the best-selling, highest-paid and most popular American author of his time. He once encouraged other aspiring writers to “develop a philosophy life, put a stamp of self on your work, have some
13、thing to say, use your time wisely, learn how to read, how to absorb and discard” (Walker 11). In 1916, London was so spiritually barren that he committed suicide with morphine. His tragic death can be helpful for readers to understand his works because “study of his life and writings provides a cas
14、e through which to examine the contradictions in the American character, along with key movements and ideas during the Progressive era” (Tian 4). Martin Eden is a semi-autobiographical novel because “the struggle process of the protagonist Martin Eden is the true portrayal of Jack Londons early life
15、” (Si 415). Martin was born in a poor family, living a very hard life. By chance, he was invited to a rich family and fell in love with the beautiful ladyRuth Morse, so he longed for the life of the upper class which he thought was noble and elegant. He was ambitious, persistent and passionate. Lond
16、on once used this poem to show Martin Edens life:Let me live out my years in heat of blood! Let me die drunken with the dreamers wine! Let me not see this soul-house built of mud Go toppling to the dusta vacant shrine! (Neihardt 41)Martin Eden made great efforts to change his state of living. Throug
17、h self-education and self-determination, he succeeded. Then fame and money overwhelmed him, the bourgeoisie opened the door for him and the wealthy lady threw herself into his arms as well. At this time, Martin should have been glad; however, he woefully found that the upper class was so hypocritica
18、l, and that the love was not what he had originally sought. Besides, “he also suffered from class alienation, for he no longer belonged to the working class, while he rejected the materialistic values of the wealthy which he worked so hard to join” (VanSpanckeren 150). What he had got didnt lead to
19、happiness, but tragedy. Due to his disappointment to society and love, Martin felt very lonely and at last he chose suicide, which had different meanings for this novel. For many readers the protagonists death was so unexpected that they “have felt that suicide was not by any means the logical concl
20、usion of a story dealing with the heros success against odds” (Watson 45). 注意文內(nèi)引文規(guī)范,每部都須在文末參考書目中找到Earle Labor quoted a readers impression on Martin Eden: “during last two nights, I was totally engrossed in Martin Eden, and it deeply touched me. No other books have ever exerted such an influence on m
21、e. Up to now I still cannot understand why I was so attracted by it” (357). We can also see the answer in the following sentence:Ignoring its tragic ending, the book is often regarded as a success story, which inspired not only a whole generation of young writers but other different fields who, with
22、out aid or encouragement, attained their objectives through great struggle. (John London 23) By describing Martin Edens love, struggle and death, the novel deeply exposed the money worship, vulgar hypocrisy of the American society at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It also reveal
23、ed the destruction of the culture and the talents by the bourgeoisie and the corrupt practice of the American publishing industry.This thesis argues that Martin Edens life is a pilgrimage to truth and beauty through analyzing his struggle history, his comprehension of true love and his conflicting p
24、sychology after success. In addition to Introduction and Conclusion, this thesis consists of three parts. The first chapter discusses Martins pursuit of truth and beauty from his struggle motivation and struggle course. The second chapter focuses on Martins comprehension of true love in two differen
25、t periods of his life. The third chapter analyzes his puzzlement of writing and difficult positioning of social class after success.Chapter OneMartin Edens Struggle HistoryThere is no doubt that Martin Eden records a personal struggle history. Martin Eden works very hard from rags to riches, from an
26、 unknown sailor to a celebrated writer. How can he make this? This chapter mainly analyzes why he wants to succeed and how he strives to make his dream come true.I. Struggle Motivation to Win Love and StatusGenerally speaking, it is to win Ruth Morses love and to become a member of the upper-class s
27、ociety that makes Martin Eden strive for success.When he was a poor sailor, he had the chance to visit a typical bourgeoisie family because he gave a hand to Arthur Morse, a son of a very wealthy upper class. While visiting he was shocked by the splendid and grand decorations of the Morses, and he w
28、as at a loss what to do. When Arthur called him “Mr. Martin,” he was thrilling just like he had heard the most beautiful melody in the world. In his memory, nobody called him “Mr. Martin”; therefore, he thought the bourgeoisie stands for civilization and elegance, with which his seaman life couldnt
29、compare. The great decorations and paintings aroused Martins pursuit of beauty. He admired this kind of life very much and wanted to enter into their society.The other purpose of his struggle is to pursue true love, which is the more important reason for Martins struggle. Martin loved Ruth at first
30、sight. “She was a pale, ethereal creature, with wide, spiritual blue eyes and a wealth of golden hair”). He considered her to be a spirit, a divinity, and a goddess. In Martins eyes, she was the best women he had ever seen before. “He likened her to a pale gold flower upon a slender stem” (). Not on
31、ly her beautiful look but also her decent manner and erudite talking profoundly attracted Martin. In his view, she knew so much that he couldnt match her, even some knowledge he knew nothing at all. In his inner heart, he wanted to know what she had known, and expected to attract her attention. He f
32、ell in love with her, so he decided to fight for pursuing the true and pure love. He forgot himself and stared at her with hungry eyes. Here was something to live for, to win to, to fight for and die for. On his way home, “her face shimmered before his eyes as he walked along pale and serious, sweet
33、 and sensitive, smiling with pity and tenderness as only a spirit could smile, and pure as he had never dreamed purity could be” (22;). Martin eagerly wanted to grasp her; however, he knew that the gap between them was really large. He was ever not fit to carry water for her. He realized that only h
34、e changed his status, could he match her. Therefore, he must do something, which made him determined to strive for success.At the table in Morses family, Martin discovered another kind of life, full of love between brothers and sisters, between parents and children. “How they loved each other, the m
35、embers of this family! There flashed into his mind the picture of her mother, of the kiss of greeting, and of the pair of them walking toward him with arms entwined” (12). In Martins world, this kind of affection between parents and children didnt exist. He deeply appreciated it and it reminded him
36、that he also needed it. Only he went into the upper-class society, was he able to enjoy the love.Originally, in his inner heart, Martin Eden longed for truth and beauty. And, everything Martin had seen in the house of Morse woke him up. On the one hand, he wanted to win Ruths love. On the other hand
37、, he desired eagerly to the fresh and elegant life style. These were the reasons for Martin Eden making his decision to strive for success and enter into the world of the upper class. Then the pilgrimage of true love and beauty began.II. Struggle Course to Praise Truth and BeautyThe experience in Mo
38、rses family stimulated Martins pursuit for love and life of the bourgeoisie. He knew that he was nothing but a poor seaman and that only through hard work could he make his dream come true. Then Martin Eden made great efforts that nobody could imagine. With the love in mind, he just became so strong
39、 that nothing could defeat him. In the process of struggle, Martin suffered a lot and at last, he succeeded to become a very popular writer.In order to live like the upper-class people, Martin made a plan to reform himself in all aspects, such as the way of dressing, speaking, eating and some other
40、daily habits. He gave up the habit of not brushing teeth, and wore clothes with stiff collars, although at the beginning he felt uncomfortable. Besides he developed a good habit of having a cold bath everyday. In the way of speaking, the first thing Martin Eden did was to go to the free library and
41、read the books on etiquettes. And he warned himself to quit cursing. At the beginning, he read a few books but he felt difficult to understand because he had extremely little education. But his desire to books didnt decrease. And then Martin had no choice but to learn from the basic knowledge. With
42、the help of Ruth, he began to study the grammar and made great progress. In the next few weeks, he read a large number of books ranging from poetry to philosophy. He was ennobled by the loftiness of thought and beauty he found in the books. This led him to believe more firmly than ever that up above
43、 him, in society like Ruth and her family, all men and women thought these thoughts and lived them.(54) Compared with the painful and dirty life he lived, Martin realized at last that beauty, intelligence and love were what he really needed. The books Martin had read changed him into another person.
44、 Because of his own experience, he could understand some books more easily and in some ways, he had his own exclusive opinions. The changes caught Ruths attention and shocked her. She found many merits from him and had some different feelings towards him. In order to tell Ruth his life of adventure,
45、 make a living easily, and share the beauty with more readers, Martin had a sudden impulse to write, and then his hard writing career started. Everyday he went to the library and risked his life to read and write. He spent most of his time in reading and writing, sleeping only five hours or less eve
46、ryday. He loved truth and beauty and wanted to share them with others, so he wrote them in his manuscripts, such as Adventure, The Pot, The Wine of Life, and the Sea Lyrics, and mailed them to the publishing companies, with the hope that what he wrote would be published in the tomorrows magazines an
47、d that he would earn more money than as a seaman and would be rich. But what he received was not the contribution fee but the articles he had written without any change. At the beginning, he didnt lose heart and persisted in writing with strong will. He believed that his writing was better than the
48、articles published in the magazines and that he would succeed sooner or later. Unfortunately things didnt happen as he had imagined. As days went by, he had no more money to buy stamps with which to continue his returned manuscripts on their travels. Looking at them, he felt disappointed and had to
49、meet the reality to do some physical work. Then he went to Joes washing shop to wash clothes where Martin lived a hell-like life. It was such a tiring job that he could hardly have time to rest, let alone reading and writing. Martin loathed himself, and loathed life.The spur of ambition was blunted;
50、 he had no vitality with which to feel the prod of it. He was dead. His soul seemed dead. He was a beast, a working beast.He was oppressed by a sense of failure. (121; ch.17) Eight weeks later, he earned some money and left the washing house.Martin spent a pleasant holiday with Ruth, and their love
51、rose to a higher state. He determined to write again.He discovered that he loved beauty more than fame, and that what desire he had for fame was largely for Ruths sake. It was for this reason that his desire for fame was strong. He wanted to become great in the worlds eyes; to make good, as he expre
52、ssed it, in order that the women he loved should be proud of him and deem him worthy. (150; ch.23) To win the true love and beauty, Martin regained faith and lived a comparatively happy spiritual life. In the condition of eating nothing for 40 hours, suffering the pain of hunger, Martin went on read
53、ing and writing, because his love for Ruth encouraged him a lot. However, none of his manuscripts except The Ring of Bells for 5 dollars was accepted by the editor, and he was in debt. The publication of this book gave a serious blow to Martin. “Five dollars for five thousand words, ten words for a
54、cent, the market price for art. The disappointment of it, the lie of it, the infamy of it, were uppermost in his thoughts” (168). He felt the efforts he had made were all in vain. And he determined to give up writing and to find a job just as Ruth had suggested him. Due to Martins failure to make so
55、me achievements, the Morses objected that Ruth should marry him. Under the persuasion of her parents, Ruth didnt persist in their love and left Martin. Martins struggle motivation disappeared. Everyday his life remained down, empty and idle. However the miracle happened to him. One of his books was
56、accepted by a magazine, and he succeeded over one night. He became well-known, and then the rest of his manuscripts were published day by day. He earned a large amount of money and successfully entered into the upper-class society. The struggle course of Martin Eden is beyond description, from which
57、 we can see his strong will of bearing physical and mental pain, and his persistence to seek knowledge and love. “Martin Eden was a superman, who always had high moral before pain and difficulties, reflecting the unyielding spirit” (Xiao 60). In order to pursue true love and beauty, he is brave enou
58、gh to overcome all the difficulties to realize his dream. In the following chapter, the thesis will deal with Martins comprehension of true love.Chapter TwoMartin Edens Comprehension of Love Love plays the most important role in Martin Edens life. It is love that has changed him from a poor seaman to a famous writer. All his life, he was pu
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