1、1Problem Solving Key to Continuous Improvement Workshop2Six Steps Problem Solving Process1. Identify concerns2. Analyze the problem (facts)3. Evaluate Alternatives 4. Propose and Implement Solution 5. Analyze the Outcome6. Improve the Process3The Six Step Problem Solving Process ModelVVVVVV1. Identi
2、fy Concerns and problem4. Propose and Implement the Solution2. Analyze the Problem6. Improve the Process5. Analyze the Outcome3. Evaluate the Alternatives4Six Steps Problem Solving ProcessStep 1. Identify Concerns(How urgent or important is this?)Identifying the gapSmoke out the issues to the team o
3、r organizationUse analysis reports such as check sheets, Pareto chartsUse questions to probe for understanding of real issues which require further investigationList areas of concern and the consequences of not taking action eg. Defects, tardiness, attitude Proceed to identify concernsKeep asking to
4、 surface the real issuesTeam to get agreement on area of mutual concern5Six Steps Problem Solving ProcessStep 1. Identify Concerns(How urgent or important is this?)Identifying the gapSomething is wrong and needs to be correctedSomething is threatening and needs to be preventedSomething is missing an
5、d needs to be providedSmoke out the issues to the team or organizationUse analysis reports such as check sheets, Pareto chartsUse questions to probe for understanding of real issues which require further investigationHow your team proceedsList Areas of Concern eg. STT, Defects, UMHQuestions to ask:1
6、.Why is a solution necessary? Consequences if nothing is done?2.What is (or is not) the problem? Keep asking to surface the real issues3.What is/should be happening? Determine the appropriate gapProceed to identify concerns1.Use formats to help get team agreement on area of mutual concern6Six Steps
7、Problem Solving ProcessStep 2. Analyze the ProblemInvestigate in Detail (gather and evaluate the facts)Write a statement that identifies the root problemUse appropriate tools and techniquesChecksheets, reports, observationsBrainstorming (Alex F. Osborne, Applied Imagination, 1957)Force Field Analysi
8、s (Kurt Lewin, Field Theory in Social Research, 1955)Cause and Effect Diagram or Fish Bone DiagramEnsure active participationBuild consensusProceed to analyze the problemTeam agreement that area of mutual concern has been sufficiently analyzedAllow for constructive criticism and concerns to be share
9、d7Six Steps Problem Solving ProcessStep 2. Analyze the ProblemInvestigate in Detail (evaluate the facts)Obtain valid information about “what is”Write a statement that identifies the root problemUse appropriate tools and techniquesChecksheets, reports, observationsBrainstorming (Alex F. Osborne, Appl
10、ied Imagination, 1957)Force Field Analysis (Kurt Lewin, Field Theory in Social Research, 1955)Cause and Effect Diagram or Fish Bone DiagramHow your team proceedsEveryone participates activelyBuild consensusProceed to analyze the problemUse formats to help get team agreement that area of mutual conce
11、rn has been sufficiently analyzed8The Effect (results which is influenced by the main factors or Causes) are placed in a fish bone diagram. Using this diagram will help to identify the real causesUses :To grasp the causal relationship between cause and effectTo stratifyTo analyze the possible causes
12、EffectABCDMaterialsManMethodsMachinesCausesCause and Effect Diagram9The Force Field Analysis ToolList Driving forces that driving you towards a needed changeList Restraining forces those that are causing you not to change10Steps One and TwoAnalysis SummaryKey things that the team should have: Looked
13、 for patterns or trends during the analysis. Recurring themes point toward a definition Define barriers, as necessary.A clear definition of these barriers is necessary when preparing an action plan Used brainstorming techniques to open up discussionAll ideas are acceptableGet as many as possibleInvo
14、lvement leads to ownership and commitment11Step 3. Evaluate alternatives (most critical step) Test your problem analysis Establish priorities and Set criteria in an effort to establish a goal (refer next slide) Enables a wider perspective of possible solutions which tend to be more mutually acceptab
15、le by team. This in turn leads to higher commitment by the groupSix Steps Problem Solving Process123.Evaluate alternatives (continued)Alternative testing procedureTakes into account 3 fact finding and judgment procedures1. Establish team priorities (assign point values)1. List Absolute Requirements
16、eg. Goal to be met in 6 weeks equals 10 points2. List Desirable Objectives eg. Minimum Improvement of 8% equals to 10 points2. Evaluate alternatives eg.1. Replace with new unit2. Return cash to customer3. Repair and return later3. Set your criteria1. What do you want to achieve by any solution you m
17、ake?2. What do you want to preserve by any solution you make?3. What do you want to avoid by any solution you make?Six Steps Problem Solving Process13Step Three Evaluate Alternatives Tool1. Establish prioritiesList absolute requirements (points value)PtsReqmt MNO 106 wks6-7$300 - $40067-8$400-$50048
18、-9$500 - $60029$600List Desirable Objectives (points value)PtsReqmt x yz100.5080.4060.3040.2020.10Example of Requirements M = timeframe to completeN = cost of implementationExample of Requirements x = UMHFor Alternative 1, 14Step Three Evaluate Alternatives Tool2. Establish Priorities - Evaluate Alt
19、ernativesAlternative 1:Alternative 3:Alternative 2:Absolute RequirementsPt value866 6ReqmtMNM NDesirable ObjectivesPt value 106Objective xxPt. TotalPt. TotalPt. TotalPt. TotalPt. Total10Pt. Total1424 pts18 pts12615Step Three Evaluate Alternatives Tool3.Criteria of this Alternative Set your criteria1
20、. Does this alternative express your desired achievement?_2. Does this alternative express what you need to preserve?_3. Does this alternative express what you need to avoid?_16Six Step Problem Solving ProcessStep 4. Propose and Implement the SolutionDevelop a plan of action1.Specify steps to be com
21、pleted2.Determine resources needed to implement plan3.Group member responsibilities to be agreed upon4.Determine timeline of events5.Provide for emergencies and/or contingencies6.Determine expected impact and actual impact7.Plan for assessment of your proposed plan17Step Four Solution Creation ToolS
22、uggestedSolutionsDoes it meet Need for change? How/why?Is it workable?How?Any disadvantages?Decided upon solution:18Step Four Action Planning ToolSteps to be completedChronological orderNeeded ResourcesWhose responsibility?Begin date and completion dateExpected ImpactActual ImpactPossible emergencie
23、sPlan to assess Action Plan results : (list tools used eg Pareto charts, trend charts etc)19Six Step Problem Solving ProcessStep 5. Analyze the OutcomeFollow through is critical1.Analysis follow through1.Validate the entire process2.Dissemination and analysis of improvement results2.Determination of
24、 new problems that surfaced3.Revisit the process as necessary4.Problem Recurrence Prevention intervention5.Institutionalization20Step Five Analyze the Outcome ToolDetail level of improvement (or non-improvement)Can improvement process be institutionalized or action planning stage to be revisited? Li
25、st observations.Do reports reveal any possibility of problem reappearing? Detail action plan to see this does not happen.21Six Step Problem Solving ProcessStep 6. Improve the ProcessContinue the improvement Link to Step 1 Identify Concern (initiates the process again)Step 6 also verifies your commit
26、ment to continuous improvementEvaluate what you do on a daily basisRethink and change the way you do thingsEliminate non-value added activitiesAccept responsibility and ownership for problems for which you are part of the solutionProblem Solving is an ongoing process22Six Steps Problem Solving Proce
27、ssImportant ConsiderationsProject selectionProject clearly definedCustomer orientedBusiness ImpactAnalysis techniqueThorough and appropriate analysis techniques usedBenchmarking of best practicesRemediesUse the simplest toolsAlternative solutions seriously exploredRemedies consistent with analysisIm
28、plementation plans thorough and well definedResultsVerified improvements measuredCustomer satisfaction results evidentInstitutionalizationImprovements sustainable and permanent23The Problem Solving Analysis ToolsRadar Chart123456Pareto Diagram01020304050BCADCategoriesNo. of Occurences0.0%20.0%40.0%6
29、0.0%80.0%100.0%TOTALCum PercentLine chart010203040506070123456Quantity24ABCDTOTAL1 /42 / /10345 / / /96 /37 /58 / /9TOTAL71711540To analyze the situation and look at important questions.Uses :To grasp the past and present situationTo stratifyTo grasp the changes through timeTo confirm the standard25
30、From the tally sheets, identify the few main problems to tackle.Uses :To grasp the problem betterTo grasp the past and present situation of the problemTo stratifyTo confirm the improvement resultsPareto Diagram01020304050BCADCategoriesNo. of Occurences0.0%20.0%40.0%60.0%80.0%100.0%TOTALCum PercentCu
31、mmulative Percent26The Effect (results which is influenced by the main factors or Causes) are placed in a fish bone diagram. Using this diagram will help to identify the real causesUses :To grasp the causal relationship between cause and effectTo stratifyTo analyze the possible causesEffectABCD27BPI
32、 Project ExampleAnalyze: Root Cause and Proposed SolutionsBad Weather L H H Holidays (Public & Customer) L L L Strikes L H H Viruses L H H Customs Delays (exams) L H H EMF 2 & 3 difference (Dock doors, volume, products, Manifest, etc.) M H H Production by product (not destination) L H L Futu
33、ristic orders Split shipments (EMF 2 & 3) L H H Inaccurate Customer order statusing Shipping mis-route M M HTruck departure policy MANMACHINEMOTHER NATURELack of Training(Sales force, Drivers etc.) H M H Complex order entry systems Sorting errors M M H Theft/Missing L H H Damaged L H H Customer
34、not there Short Ship (human error) L M H Addresses not input correctly H M HMATERIALMETHODMEASUREImprovedDelivery Time Multiple order entry systems 2 WIP systems (Tandem & Speedway) M H H Break in EDI link L H H Short Ship (system error) Address change (order entry and Speedway) H H M Technical
35、Issues (Truck, Ferry, Plane) L H H Customs Delays (Documentation) L M H Mis-use of reason codes L L L Inconsistent data by Carrier H H L Data lags real time; not on-line A) OccurrenceB) Difficulty of ControlC) ImpactH H HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H H28Utilizing two sets of data to plot them onto th
36、e vertical axis and horizontal axis. From the analysis of the situation, we can see the congenial relationship of the dataUses :To grasp the past and present situationTo grasp the correlation. . . .YXTo study the correlation between X and Y29Data has a tendency to be centered upon a maximum of large
37、 numerical value, and from there it spreads out, gradually decreasing. The analysis of the situation is placed in columnar formUses :To grasp the past and present situationTo stratifyTo identify the extent of the problemTo confirm the improvement resultsHistogram01020304050607012345630A line graph u
38、sed to grasp the variation in the data which is entered through planning the control limit lines of a centre line, an upper control limit and a lower control limit.Uses : To discover the variables To grasp the control situationUCLLCL31Useful information about control and improvement is plotted onto
39、diagrams which are visual and easily comprehensible. Column graphs, line graphs, pie charts, belt charts, radar charts and others.Uses :To analyze the causeTo record the time and contentsTo record the time and schedule controlTo grasp the large and small numbers and time changesTo track trendRadar c
40、hartQuantity0204060123456Line chart010203040506070123456QuantityRadar Chart123456Pie Chart32To solve problem by rationally seeing the relationship between “Cause Results”, and “Objective Measures”, where complicated circumstances are interwoven into the problemUses :To grasp the causal relationship
41、between cause and effectTo grasp the relationship between objectives and measuresTo grasp the problem areas106478923Cause 15ProblemArea33The Problem Solving Technique Enforced Problem Solving34D/timeEnforced Problem SolvingConcept“Purposely seek and expose the problems so that they get attention to
42、fix them”Two Choicesto keep the sailboat afloat and keep moving forward :-A. Increase water level orB. Lower the water level to uncover the rocks and break them upRocks = problemsMfg flowInventoryMissingDelaysQualitySetupPoor layoutRocks in the River356 W Why What Where When Who Which2 H How How man
43、y6 Ws and 2 HsLook at current processes, systems, methods and ask questions!Enforced Problem Solving36Problem Solving Process Key Components37Problem Solving Process InfoIts about information processing.It is about getting the right information!Enough?Solved?Use Tools &TechniquesYesNoNoYesMonito
44、r38Making decision and taking action are critical to learning and understanding the problem resolutionInputInformationExperienceJudgmentKnowledgeResultsConcernResolvedProcessGatherSortOrganizeAnalyzeConfirmThinkingActionCreativityDecision MakingSpeed of ExecutionQuestioning & ListeningSkills39Th
45、e Human Side of Problem Solving40Team Member Interaction StylesThe Power of Group DiversityCollaboratorsPeople who see the big picture, the ultimate goal of the team Set standards/rules Generate ideas Test ideas Negotiate solutionsCommunicatorsPeople who ensure everyones views are expressed and keep
46、s everyone talking Encourage participation Provide compromise Reflect feelings Support othersChallengersPeople who question the leaders and members to keep the team on track Provide ideas Criticize answers Defend ideasContributorsPeople who concentrate on individual, task-oriented effort Synthesize
47、ideas Assess risks Summarize process status Provide expertise41The Human Side of Problem SolvingCommunications42Communication SkillsQuestioningUnraveling the unknownListeningBuilding trust and respectLearning from others43QuestioningUnraveling the unknown44Problem Solving Skills QuestioningQuestioni
48、ng Is a Key SkillSuccess in process depends on using a systematic approach and asking questions effectivelyEffective questions understand :Intent behind their questionsThe assumptions they have madeThe importance of choosing words carefullyWhere they are likely to get the answers45Characteristics of
49、 an effective question Clear for easy communication Relevant to the time and topic in discussion Specific to the point in discussion46Types of Questions and Uses Open to explore, understand further, solicit information Begin with What, When, How, Which, Where, Why, Who Require explanation/descriptio
50、n in the answer Closed to confirm agreement, to move on to next topic Lead to a yes or no answer Elicit only the answer to that specific question Reverse to clarify, evaluate ideas,/views, seek ideas/opinions Asking back the question and getting associates to think for themselves Leading direct flow
51、 to desired direction Indicates the desired/expected response47Other Types of Questions and Uses Reflecting/Restatement Encourages expansion of the point Request Specifies what expansion you need Probing To further understand the issue or situation48Probing Questions 5Ws + 1H Why 5X49The Problem Sol
52、ving Techniques and Tools50Brainstorming Technique Brainstorming getting maximum group participation“The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of good ideas” Linus PaulingUse for generating alternative solutions to a problemLeader describes the problemEveryone takes a few minutes to thinkCaptu
53、re ideas visiblyGroup or categorize ideas (eg. use fish bone daigram)Lastly, evaluates the best ideasRules :Go for quantityAllow for the absurd. Fantasy etcDo not criticize, challenge, question or pre-judge idea yetPiggy back on each ideaUse open-ended questions to stimulate more ideasGo round fast
54、when seeking ideasEncourage full participation round robin techniqueWrite ideas visibly (on flip chart)51Problem Solving & Decision Making ProcessBrainstorming TechniqueCase 1How to make Dell a better workplace?Case 2How to make myself enjoy the work I am doing and the time I spent in Dell.Time : 15 min52The Various Problem Solving Methodologies53VVVVVVThe Six Step Problem Solving ModelIdentify Concerns and problemPropose and Implement the SolutionAnalyze the ProblemImprove the ProcessAnalyze the OutcomeEvaluate the Alternatives54The BPI Problem Solving ProcessDefine(P
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