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1、.A Comparative Study onNumeral Words in Cultural Connotation between English and Chinese漢英數字文化內涵之對比研究 Contents)English Outline.IChinese Outline.IIIEnglish Abstract.VChinese Abstract.VIChapter I Introduction. 1Chapter II General Views on Numeral Words.2Chapter III Differences and Similarities of Nume

2、ral Words in English and Chinese Culture.4 Chapter IV The Cause of Numeral Differences in English and Chinese Culture9Chapter V The Importance of Numeral Words in Peoples Cross-Cultural Communication.14Chapter VI Conclusion.20Works Cited.22目 錄英文提綱.I中文提綱.III英文摘要.V中文摘要.VI第一章 引言.1第二章 數字總論.2第三章 數字在中英文化中

3、的異同點.4第四章 數字在中英文化中差異的成因.9第五章 數字在跨文化交際中的重要性14第六章 結論.20參考文獻.22. v.OutlineThesis statement: This paper makes a tentative study on comparison of numeral words in cultural connotation between English and Chinese, aiming at strengthening peoples cross-cultural consciousness.Chapter I Introduction Chapter

4、IIGeneral Views on Numeral Words2.1 A General Introduction to Numerals2.2 Number Symbolism2.2.1Number of Homophonic Symbols2.2.2 Number of Harmonic Righteousness SymbolsChapter III Differences and Similarities of Numeral Words in English and Chinese Culture朗讀顯示對應的拉丁字符的拼音3.1 Differences of Numeral Wo

5、rds in English and Chinese Cultures3.1.1 The Comparison of Number Seven in English and Chinese Culture3.1.2 The Comparison of Number Thirteen in English and ChineseCulture3.2 Similarities of Numeral Words in English and Chinese Cultures3.2.1The Similar Meanings of Number Five3.2.2 The Similar Meanin

6、gs of Number NineChapter IVThe Cause of Numeral Differences in English and Chinese Culture4.1 Figures Closely Related to Religion and Mythology4.2The Significance Variation of Figures in the Social Customs 4.3Odd and Even Number of Culture Chapter V The Importance of Numeral Words in Peoples Cross-C

7、ultural Communication5.1Vagueness Meaning5.2 Emotional Meaning5.3 The Idiomatic ExpressionChapter VI Conclusion 提綱論文主旨:本文對中英文中數字的文化內涵意義進行了對比研究,旨在加強人們的跨文化交際意識。第一章 引言第二章 數字總論2.1數字的概述2.2數字的象征意義2.2.1數字的諧音象征2.2.2數字的諧義象征第三章 數字在中英文化中的異同3.1數字在中英文化中的不同點3.1.1數字7在中英文化中的差異比較3.1.2數字13在中英文化中的差異比較3.2數字在中英文化中的相同點3.

8、2.1數字5的意義3.2.2 數字9的意義第四章 數字在中英文化中差異的成因4.1數字與神話,宗教的密切關聯(lián)4.2數字在社會習俗中的意義變異4.3單數與雙數的文化內涵第五章 數字在跨文化交際中的重要性5.1模糊含義5.2情感意義5.3慣用表達第六章 結論AbstractNumeral word is a special kind of language system.It has different natures, connotations and functions in Chinese and English languages.Influenced by religion,histor

9、y and social custom, some numeral words have been given implied meaning and then formed numeral words and numeral idioms, thus numeral culture appeared.This article compares the connotation of numeral words between English and Chinese cultures. There are differences of numeral words embody in some t

10、aboos that are surrounded by mysteries. Number seven and three are different meaning in different culture. However, there are also similarities of numeral words in English and Chinese cultures. Number nine has good meaning that represent “permanent”“holy” and “honor”. Therefore, this paper attempts

11、to pinpoint the causes of the differences and analyzes the importance of numericalwords, and consequently promotes cross-cultural communication so as to be of some help to the study of language and culture.Key Words:Numerals; cultural; connotation; comparison; English and Chinese 摘 要數字是一種特殊的語言系統(tǒng)。在英語

12、與漢語中有不同的性質,內涵和功能。受宗教,歷史,社會習俗的影響,一些數字被賦予了隱含的意義,從而形成了數字短語以及數字習語,隨之出現(xiàn)了數字文化。本文對數字在中西文化中的內涵進行了比較,揭示了數字在中西文化中的不同所體現(xiàn)的一些禁忌。數字7和13在不同的文化中就包含不同的含義。然而,數字在中西文化中也具有相似之處,數字9代表了“長久”“神圣”“尊敬”的含義。因此,這篇論文嘗試探討數字文化差異形成的原因并分析數字短語在跨文化交際中的重要性,從而促進跨文化交流,有助于學習語言和文化。關鍵詞:數字;文化;內涵;比較;漢英. v.A Comparative Study on Numeral Words i

13、n Cultural Connotation between English and ChineseChapter I IntroductionThe study of numeral culture has been growing interest in the filed of culture. It is a relatively new subject. The research has tended to focus on comparison of numeral words in cultural connotation between English and Chinese.

14、 After various aspects of numerals are compared, similarities and differences between the expressions are found by experts and scholars. The differences can be found respectively in the combinations of numerals, neighboring numerals, double numerals and large numerals. Rhetorically, since 1969, nume

15、rals were used as metaphor, hyperbole, euphemism, taboo and symbol in different ways for different emphases through Menninger,K. in CambridgeUniversity Press. Though both languages use numerals metaphorically, the different usage and unique expressions reveal their cultural and historical contents.

16、Due to the divergence in language and culture, peoples value attitudes, thought patterns and traditional customs, the use of numerals in expressions is affected. There are both similarities and differences between the vague meanings of English and Chinese numerals for which the influence of culture

17、on language can account.(Williamson, T.Vagueness M. London and New York: Rout ledge, 1994.)Auniversally recognized concept is that numerals are used in daily communication and play an important role cross-cultural communication. Since the 1990s, a researcherYangXiaojunfocused in studying and analyzi

18、ng the cultural character of numeral nine. He pointed the same referent evokes different connotative meanings. Whats more, the sensation and concept for numerals of two peoples are basically the same, but Chinese and English people use them in different ways because of the cultural diversities.In fa

19、ct, we should make it clear what things we may do or not and which numeral words we can say or not under the specific circumstance. The paper analyses the causes of numeral words differences in English and Chinese culture and introduces similarities of the expressions through giving some numbers exa

20、mples. In order to be successful in cross-cultural communication as well as to promote frequent exchanges between English and Chinese, it is necessary for us to know the cultural connotation of numeral words.Chapter IIGeneral Views on Numeral Words2.1 A General Introduction to NumeralsWhenever numer

21、al is mentioned, people may think of mathematics or statistics and consider it as part of study in natural science. In fact, numerals endowed with non-quantitative meanings have become an important component in language study. The concept of numerals comes from nature and peoples observance and expl

22、oration to the objective world, also from peoples understanding to the material world. In the ancient times, people endowed numerals that originally have no mysteriousattachment with various kinds of power. With the popularization of superstitions and the development of religions, people began to li

23、ke, admire some numerals and disgust even fear some other numerals. This concept undoubtedly influenced peoples mentality and behavior. Numerals acquire different cultural connotations due to the influence of different cultural background.Numerals are typical of the culture-loaded words for which pe

24、ople at home and abroad have the same sensation and the similar concepts. However, when these numerals are used together with Chinese characters, their original meanings will lose or be metaphorically or metonymically integrated into the whole expression. Chinese idioms with approximate numerals are

25、 of this kind. Comprehension of these Chinese idioms with numerals is not a hard task for native people because they are familiar with them. But they gradually become the main obstacle during cross-cultural communication with the development of globalization. This is more obvious in translation whic

26、h is generally regarded as a necessary means of cross-cultural communication.2.2 Number SymbolismSymbol is a kind of sign, shape, or object, which represents a persons idea, value or something else. Speaking of symbol, numeral holds a great part in the field, which is the easiest way to express huma

27、n beings consciousness. Almost every basic numeral from one to ten has got its own symbol in the social life both in English and Chinese. In order to avoid offending the highest government and breaking the social system, some phrases could not be explained clearly in a short term, the numeral symbol

28、 is used widely and frequently. Both in English and Chinese cultures, “one” “two” “three” are all small numerals, so they are often used to express something is small. And things counted from “one”, so the numeral “one” has transferred meanings of “beginning”, “unity” or “same”. Compared to “one” “t

29、wo” and “three”, the numerals from “four” to “ten” are big numerals as well as “hundred” “thousand” and “million” etc, so these numerals can be used to express even larger quantities. Both in English and Chinese, “three” can be considered a breakthrough point; it can express small quantities or larg

30、e quantities in different contexts. The different culture will influence numerals vague meanings. Firstly, each culture has different counting units, in English, “million” is often used to express large quantities with vague meanings while in Chinese “萬”(ten thousand) is employed to achieve the same

31、 goal. Secondly, different religions will influencetheir vague meanings, “seven” in English is often used to express large quantities while “nine” in Chinese is used to achieve the same objective. In addition, the historical episodes in different cultures add vague meanings to different numerals.2.2

32、.1Number of Homophonic SymbolsHomophonic phenomenon is a kind of interesting culture, which comes from the desire of people to pursuit the proper expressions and avoids some taboos. Because of the specific characteristic of Chinese pronunciation and word-formation structure, Chinese homophonic cultu

33、re get more abundant, especially among them with numeral words reflect most comprehensive, incisively and vividly. In Chinese culture, “8” occupies a very important position. Because of its Chinese pronunciation and“發(fā)”is homophonic, the numeral “8” has become the most popular number in Chinese peopl

34、e. So far, people prefer to choose the license plate number with “8”, rather than with other numbers. Whats more, most of people would like to choose “8” as house number and telephone number. For example, “18” can be pronounced in Chinese “要發(fā)”, “168” is “一路發(fā)”, “888” is “發(fā)發(fā)發(fā)”, etc.So as to these harm

35、onic phenomenons, so many people are willing to spend money on purchasing the good number. 2.2.2 Number of Harmonic Righteous SymbolsThepsychology of national culture is a kind of intrinsic psychological quality and characteristic, which is inherited and created steadily by the nation. Different nat

36、ions have different psychological cognitions.So the numbers are endowed with different connotation. English countries focus on number “8” with great passion for the symbolic of harmonic meaning is commendatory. Looking from the shape, “8” is composed of two “0”, it symbolizes the stability, friendsh

37、ip, harmony and completion, and the writing of “8” transversely is similar to the endless symbols in mathematics “”. Therefore, number “8” also implied that success, happiness and satisfaction.However, number “6” in English countries is not popular. Because the six has the meaning of fierce and beas

38、t, people treat it as a bad number, Such as “666”, its a synonymy with the Satan that is chief spirit of evil and adversary of God in Christ culture. In contrast to the good sense of “6” in Chinese, some of the English idioms express derogatory sense, such as, at sixes and sevens means something is

39、not in order, six penny (cheap), etc.ChapterIIIDifferences and Similarities of Numeral Words in English and Chinese Culture3.1Differences of Numeral Words between English and Chinese CulturesDifferences of numeral words embody in some taboos between English and Chinese cultures. Many taboo phrases c

40、an be traced back to those of primitive people who had nounderstanding of the laws of nature. They were surrounded by mysteries: lightening,rain, eclipses, birth and death, to mention only a few. Since life in those times washard and full of danger, primitive human thought that there were more bad s

41、pirits thangood ones. Their problem was to figure out how to keep the evil spirits happy andsatisfied so that those spirits would not harm them. They invented charms and tokens aswell as all kinds of counter charms. Thus out of ignorance and fear come taboo.In the west, the general unpopularity of n

42、umeral 13 can be traced back to the timewhen man first learned to count. By using his ten fingers and two feet as units, hecame up withthe numeral 12, while stretched beyond 13 was unknown and its still mystery toearly man. He found he could divide 12 into halves, quarters, or thirds.But 13 would no

43、t divide evenly. So numeral 13 has been considered an unluckiestnumeral among the British culture for thousands of years.Some western people think that breaking a mirror will mean seven years of hardluck. This started long before mirrors were known, when early man believed that thereflection he saw

44、of himself in a pool of water was his soul, or “other self”. This otherself would be injured if disturbed in any way. After glass mirrors were made, breakinga mirror continued to mean bad luck to the “other self”. Then about 2,000 years ago,the Romans decided that it meant not only bad luck but also

45、 seven whole years of it.The numeral was chosen because it was thought that life renewed it every seven years.In China, some numerals are also related with taboo. Chinese people dont like numeral4. For its pronunciation is like “死”(dead).In Taiwan, there is nonumeral 4 of naval vessel of Kuomintang.

46、 There is no number 4 building in hospitals, andnobody will live in the room of the 47th in hotel. (47 for its pronunciation is like “死期”);Numeral 7 sometimes is also a taboo numeral. E.g.: The seventh monthof the lunar year isnot suitable to hold the ceremony of wedding. Because if it rains that da

47、y will beconsidered as the tears of Cowherd and Weaving-girl, two characters in ancientmythology. Numeral 3 (三) is a taboo numeral in some occasions. E.g.: Inhumancommunication, three cigarettes can not be lighted with one match because thepronunciation of “three lightings” equals to that of “散伙”whi

48、ch is very unlucky. Onthe formal banquet, there are four dishes, six dishes and eight dishes, but never threedishes. And numeral three “三”can refer to the superfluous person or thing which goesbeyond the normal scope. E.g.: “第三者”, “三只手”. Numeral “seventy-three”(73) and“eighty-four”(84) are not good

49、numerals. Because there is anold saying “when you are seventy-three or eighty-four years old, even the King of Hell do not meet you, you will also face many difficulties”. Such as Confucius died at the age of seventy-three, and Mencius died atthe age of eighty-four.3.1.1 The Comparison of Number Sev

50、en in English and Chinese CultureIntraditional Chinese culture, numeral seven means unlucky or bad to do some things. When someone died, people lived should mourn them for seven days. After the burial, the mourning ceremony that is for the soul of a deceased person will be hold from the first seven

51、days to the seventh seven days, which is forty-nine days. Due to the numeral seven always making people remind the mourning custom, people often try to avoid seven in their conversation. In addition, people named the seventh month of the lunar year as “ghost month” to memorize the soul of a deceased

52、 person. In China, “seven” is the most mysterious number. On the one hand, The book of change said, “反復其道,七日來復,利有攸住” “Seven days” is a periodic number which is the way of heaven reciprocating operational process. Therefore, “seven” is a symbol of infinite, is also a infinite number in universe. On t

53、he other hand, Number “Seven” is taboo in China. Number seven is related to the folk funeral arrangement in ancient and modern. For instance, avoiding to send others seven pieces gifts; taboo on choosing the seven included in a good day; In the telecommunications sector, there has notice about mobil

54、e phone access internet except four and seven. The reasons are as follows, one is relate to the psychology of Chinese people that admire even number; the other is relate to the traditional festivals in China.In some areas in China, the seventh monthof the lunar year is considered as blackletter day,

55、 and absolutely forbidden to marry. This custom and the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid are relevant. English “seven” is often used to express many, In Christian cultures, peoplethink God created the world in seven days. So there are seven layers of heavens. Thehighest one is the seventh heave

56、n where God and angels live. So “in the seventhheaven”means “being in the paradise” or “being extremely happy”. In the Bible,“sevens” are mentioned, for example, seven churches, seven candles sticks and sevenstars. There are seven spirits and seven bottles in front of the holy pedestal.1) A fool can ask more questions than seven wise mencan answer.(一個愚者能問的總是比幾個智者能回答的要多。)2) Keep a thing seven yearsand you


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