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1、附錄Machining fixture locating and clamping position optimization usinggenetic algorithmsNecmettin Kaya*Departmentof Mechanical Engineering,Uludag University, Go'ru kle, Bursa 16059,Turkey Received8 July 2004; accepted26 May 2005Available online 6 September 2005AbstractDeformation of the workpiece

2、 may cause dimensional problems in machining. Supports and locators are used in order to reduce the error caused by elastic deformation of the workpiece. The optimization of support, locator and clamp locations is a critical problem to minimize the geometric error in workpiece machining. In this pap

3、er, the application of genetic algorithms (GAs) to the fixture layout optimization is presentedto handle fixture layout optimization problem. A genetic algorithm based approachis developed to optimise fixture layout through integrating a finite element code running in batch mode to compute the objec

4、tive function values for eachgeneration. Case studies aregiven to illustrate the application of proposedapproach.Chromosome library approachis used to decreasethe total solution time. Developed GA keepstrack of previously analyzeddesigns; therefore the numbers of function evaluations are decreasedab

5、out 93%. The results of this approach show that the fixture layout optimization problems are multi-modal problems. Optimized designs do not have any apparent similarities although they provide verysimilar performances.Keywords: Fixture design;Geneticalgorithms; Optimization1. IntroductionFixturesare

6、 used to locate andconstraina workpieceduring a machining operation, minimizing workpiece andfixture tooling deflections dueto clamping andcutting forcesarecritical toensuringaccuracyofthemachiningoperation.Traditionally, machining fixtures are designedand manufacturedthrough trial-and-error, which

7、provetobebothexpensiveand time-consuming to the manufacturingprocess.To ensurea workpieceis manufacturedaccording tospecifieddimensionsand tolerances, it mustbe appropriatelylocatedandclamped, making itimperativeto developtools thatwill eliminate costly and time-consumingtrial-and-errordesigns.Prope

8、r workpiece location andfixture design are crucial to product quality in terms of precision, accuracyand finish of the machined part.Theoretically, the 3-2-1 locating principle can satisfactorily locate all prismatic shapedworkpieces. This method provides themaximum rigidity with the minimum number

9、of fixture elements. To positiona part from a kinematic point of view means constraining the six degreesof freedom of a free moving body (three translationsand threerotations). Three supportsare positioned below the part to establishthe location of the workpiece on its vertical axis. Locators are pl

10、aced ontwo peripheral edgesand intended to establishthe location of the workpiece on the x and y horizontal axes. Properly locating the workpiece in the fixture is vital to the overall accuracy and repeatability of the manufacturing process.Locators should bepositioned as far apart as possibleand sh

11、ouldbe placed on machined surfaceswherever possible. Supports are usuallyplaced to encompassthe center of gravity of a workpiece and positioned as far apart as possible to maintain its stability. The primary responsibility of a clamp in fixture is to securethe part againstthe locators andsupports. C

12、lamps should not be expectedto resist the cutting forces generated inthe machining operation.For a given number of fixture elements,the machining fixture synthesisproblem is the finding optimal layout or positions of the fixture elementsaround theworkpiece. In this paper,a method for fixture layout

13、optimization using geneticalgorithms is presented.The optimization objective is to searchfor a 2D fixture layout that minimizes the maximum elastic deformation at different locations of the workpiece. ANSYS program hasbeen usedfor calculating the deflection of the part under clamping and cutting for

14、ces.Two case studiesaregiven to illustrate the proposed approach.2. Review of related worksFixture design has received considerable attention in recent years. However, little attention has been focused on the optimum fixture layout design. Menassa and DeVries1 used FEA for calculating deflections us

15、ing the minimization of the workpiece deflection at selected points as the design criterion. The design problem was to determine the position of supports. Meyer and Liou2 presentedan approach that uses linear programming technique to synthesize fixtures for dynamic machining conditions. Solution for

16、 the minimum clamping forces and locator forces is given. Li and Melkote3used a nonlinear programming method to solve the layout optimization problem. The method minimizes workpiece location errors due to localized elastic deformation of the workpiece. Roy andLiao4 developed a heuristic method to pl

17、an for the best supporting and clamping positions. Tao et al.5 presented a geometrical reasoning methodology for determining the optimal clamping points and clamping sequence for arbitrarily shaped workpieces. Liao and Hu6 presented a system for fixture configuration analysis based on a dynamic mode

18、l which analysesthe fixture workpiece system subject to time-varying machining loads. The influence of clamping placementis also investigated. Li and Melkote7presenteda fixture layout and clamping force optimal synthesis approachthat accountsfor workpiece dynamics during machining. A combined fixtur

19、e layout and clamping force optimization procedure presented.Theyused the contact elasticity modeling method that accounts for the influence of workpiece rigid body dynamics during machining.Amaral et al.8 used ANSYS to verify fixture designintegrity. They employed 3-2-1 method.The optimization anal

20、ysis is performed in ANSYS. Tan et al. 9 describedthe modeling, analysis and verification of optimal fixturing configurations by the methods of force closure,optimization and finite elementmodeling.Most of the above studies use linear or nonlinear programming methodswhich often do not give global op

21、timum solution. All of the fixture layout optimization proceduresstart with an initial feasible layout. Solutions from these methods are depending on the initial fixture layout. They do not consider the fixture layout optimization on overall workpiece deformation.The GAs has beenproven to be useful

22、technique in solving optimization problems in engin eeri ng10-2. Fixture desig n has a large soluti on space and requires a search tool to find the best design. Few researchers have used the GAs for fixturedesignand fixture layout problems. Kumar et al. 13 have applied both GAs and neural networks f

23、or designing a fixture. Marcelin 14 has used GAs to the optimization of support positions. Vallapuzha et al. 15 presentedGA basedoptimization method that uses spatial coordinates to represent the locations of fixture elements. Fixture layout optimization procedure was implementedusing MATLAB and the

24、 genetic algorithm toolbox. HYPERMESH and MSC/NASTRAN were used for FE model. Vallapuzha et al. 16 presentedresults of an extensive investigation into the relative effectiveness of various optimization methods. They showed that continuous GA yielded the best quality solutions. Li and Shiu 17 determi

25、ned the optimal fixture configuration design for sheet metal assembly using GA. MSC/NASTRAN has been used for fitness evaluation.Liao18 presenteda methodto automaticallyselect theoptimal numbersof locators and clamps as well as their optimal positions in sheetmetal assembly fixtures. Krishnakumar an

26、d Melkote 19 developeda fixture layout optimization technique that uses the GA to find the fixture layout that minimizes the deformation of the machined surface due to clamping and machining forces over the entire tool path. Locator and clamp positions are specified by node numbers. A built-in finit

27、e element solver was developed.Some of the studies do not consider the optimization of the layout for entire tool path and chip removal is not taken into account. Some of the studies used node numbersas design parameters.In this study, a GA tool has been developedto find the optimal locator and clam

28、p positions in 2D workpiece. Distancesfrom the reference edges as design parameters are used rather than FEA node numbers. Fitness values of real encoded GA chromosomesare obtained from the results of FEA. ANSYS has been used for FEA calculations. A chromosomelibrary approach is used in order to dec

29、reasethe solution time. Developed GA tool is tested on two test problems. Two case studies are given to illustrate the developed approach.Main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:(1) developed a GA code integratedwith a commercial finite element solver;(2) GA uses chromosomelibr

30、ary in order to decreasethe computation time;(3) real designparameters areusedrather than FEA node numbers;(4) chip removal is taken into accountwhile tool forces moving on the workpiece.3. Genetic algorithm conceptsGenetic algorithms were first developedby John Holland. Goldberg10 published a book

31、explaining the theory and application examplesof genetic algorithm in details. A genetic algorithm is a random searchtechnique that mimics some mechanismsof natural evolution. The algorithm works on a population of designs. The population evolves from generation to generation, gradually improving it

32、s adaptation to the environment through natural selection; fitter individuals have better chances of transmitting their characteristicsto later generations.In the algorithm, the selection of the natural environment is replacedby artificial selection based on a computed fitness for each design. The t

33、erm fitness is used to designate the chromosome'schances of survival and it is essentially the objective function of the optimization problem. The chromosomesthat define characteristics of biological beings are replacedby strings of numerical values representing the designvariables.GA is recogni

34、zed to be different than traditional gradient based optimization techniquesin the following four major ways 10:1. GAs work with a coding of the design variables and parametersin the problem, rather than with the actual parametersthemselves.2. GAs makes use of population-type search. Many different d

35、esign points are evaluatedduring eachiteration instead of sequentially moving from one point to the next.3. GAs needsonly a fitness or objective function value. No derivatives or gradients are necessary.4. GAs use probabilistic transition rules to find new design points for exploration rather than u

36、sing deterministic rules basedon gradient information to find these new points.4. Approach4.1. Fixture positioning principlesIn machining process, fixtures are used to keep workpieces in a desirable position for operations. The most important criteria for fixturing are workpiece position accuracy an

37、d workpiece deformation. A good fixture design minimizes workpiece geometric and machining accuracy errors. Another fixturing requirement is that the fixture must limit deformation of the workpiece. It is important to consider the cutting forces as well as the clamping forces. Without adequatefixtur

38、e support, machining operations do not conform to designedtolerances. Finite elementanalysis isa powerful tool in the resolution of someof these problems22.Common locating method for prismatic parts is 3-2-1 method. This method provides the maximum rigidity with the minimum number of fixture element

39、s. A workpiece in 3D may be positively located by means of six points positioned so that they restrict nine degrees of freedom of the workpiece. The other three degrees of freedom are removed by clamp elements.An example layout for 2D workpiece based 3-2-1 locating principle is shown in Fig. 4.cl 曲

40、Mr JClwnp jWixlipieceClmp 1ooLiKatnr ILocat or 2Fig. 4. 3-2-1 locating layout for 2D prismatic workpieceThe number of locating faces must not exceed two so as to avoid a redundant location. Based on the 3-2-1 fixturing principle there are two locating planes for accurate location containing two and

41、one locators. Therefore, there are maximum of two side clamp ings aga inst each locati ng pla ne. Clampi ng forces are always directed towards the locators in order to force the workpiece to con tact all locators. The clamping point should be positioned opposite the positioning points to prevent the

42、 workpiece from being distorted by the clamping force.Since the machining forces travel along the machining area, it is necessaryto en sure that the react ion forces at locators are positive for all the time. Any n egative reaction force indicates that the workpiece is free from fixture elements. In

43、 other words, loss of con tact or the separatio n betwee n the workpiece and fixture eleme nt might happen when the reaction force is negative. Positive reaction forces at the locators en sure that the workpiece mai ntai ns con tact with all the locators from the beg inning of the cut to the end. Th

44、e clamp ing forces should be just sufficie nt to con strain and locate the workpiece without caus ing distortio n or damage to the workpiece. Clamping force optimization is not consideredin this paper.4.2. Geneticalgorithm based fixture layout optimization approachIn real design problems, the number

45、 of design parameterscan be very large and their in flue nee on the objective fun cti on can be very complicated. The objective function must be smooth and a procedure is needed to compute gradients. Genetic algorithms strongly differ in conception from other search methods, including traditi onal o

46、ptimizati on methods and other stochastic methods23. By appl ying GAs to fixture layout optimization, an optimal or group of sub-optimal solutions can be obta in ed.In this study, optimum locator and clamp positions are determined using genetic algorithms. They are ideally suited for the fixture lay

47、out optimization problem since no direct analytical relationship exists between the machining error and the fixture layout. Since the GA deals with only the design variables and objective function value for a particular fixture layout, no gradient or auxiliary information is needed19.Theflowchart of

48、 the proposedapproach isgiven in Fig. 5.Fixture layout optimization is implemented using developed software written in Delphi language named GenFix. Displacement values are calculated in ANSYS software 24. The execution of ANSYS in GenFix is simply done by WinExec function in Delphi. The interaction

49、 betweenGenFix and ANSYS is implemented in four steps:(1) Locator and clamp positions areextractedfrom binary string as real parameters.(2) These parameters and ANSYS input batch file (modeling, solution and post processingcommands)are sentto ANSYS using WinExec function.(3) Displacement values are

50、written to a text file after solution.(4) GenFix readsthis file and computesfitness value for current locator and clamp positions.In order to reduce thecomputation time, chromosomesand fitness values are stored in a library for further evaluation. GenFix first checksif current chromosome'sfitnes

51、s value has been calculated before. If not, locator positions are sent to ANSYS, otherwise fitness values are taken from the library. During generating of the initial population, every chromosome is checked whether it is feasible or not. If the constraint is violated, it is eliminated and new chromo

52、someis created. This process creates entirely feasibleinitial population. This ensures thatworkpiece is stable under the action of clamping and cutting forces for every chromosome in the initial population.The written GA program was validated using two test cases. The firstestcase uses Himmelblau fu

53、nction 21. In the second test case, the GA program was used to optimise the support positionsof a beamunder uniform loading.5. Fixture layout optimization casestudiesThefixture layout optimization problem is defined as: finding the positions of the locators and clamps,so that workpiece deformation a

54、t specific region is minimized. Note that number of locators andclamps are not design parameter,since they are known and fixed for the 3-2-1 locating scheme.Hence, the design parametersare selectedas locatorand clamp positions. Friction is not consideredin this paper.Two casestudiesare given to illu

55、strate the proposedapproach.6. ConclusionIn this paper,an evolutionary optimization technique of fixture layout optimization is presented.ANSYS has beenusedfor FE calculation of fitness values.It is seenthat the combined genetic algorithm and FE method approachseemsto be a powerful approachfor prese

56、nttype problems. GA approachis particularly suited for problems where theredoesnot exist a well-defined mathematicalrelationship betweenthe objective function and the designvariables. The results provethe successof the application of GAs for the fixture layout optimization problems.In this study, th

57、e major obstaclefor GA application in fixture layout optimization is the high computation cost. Re-meshingof the workpiece is required for every chromosomein the population. But, usagesof chromosomelibrary, the number of FE evaluations aredecreasedfrom 6000 to 415. This results in atremendousgain in

58、 computational efficiency. The other wayto decreasethe solution time is to use distributed computation in a local areanetwork.The results of this approachshow that the fixture layout optimization problems are multi-modal problems. Optimized designsdo not have any apparentsimilarities although they p

59、rovide very similar performances.It is shown that fixture layout problems are multi-modal therefore heuristic rules for fixture designshould be usedin GA to select best designamong others.Number of Jtejation (N)Papulaci on Sic (PS) Crossover Prahub山cy (PJ Muntion Prubabiliu (P,)pupuhiioiL. 1<-卅I ociikx ancldunp 阿肝口曲,h Mess valueI a du laic tlw I htK> of <ach Endividua


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