1、外貿英語綜合教程外貿英語綜合教程Chapter EightInternational Cargo Transportation123Features Operational modesFreight rates 4Important types of vessels Features Advantages+ The easy passage since about 70% of the earth is covered by water. + large discharge capacity+ The unit distribution cost reduced. + Good adaptab
2、ility to cargoes of different size, weight, shape, etc ocean transportDisadvantages- Vulnerable to weather-Less punctual-High risk-Low speed (1) Liner transportationnThe transport of cargoes from one seaport to another along regular maritime routes according to a schedule. nLiner rates usually inclu
3、de the stevedoring charges for loading and unloading.nFreight is charged according to the tariff a schedule of shipping rates charged, together with governing rules and regulations. Freight : basic charges & surcharges. 1) By weight ton For items marked with “W” in the tariff, per metric ton on weig
4、ht. 運費噸運費噸/重量噸重量噸 2) By measurement ton For items marked with “M” in the tariff, per cubic meter on measurement. 尺碼噸尺碼噸3) By weight or measurement: For items marked with “W/M” in the tariff, the freight is to be calculated on either weight or measurement, whichever is greater. 4) By total FOB price
5、of the goods For items marked with “Ad Val”, the freight is to be calculated on the price or value of the cargo. For some valuable goods, usu. 1-5% of price(從價運費)(從價運費) 5) By either W/T or M/T or A.V. For items marked “W/M or Ad val.” in the tariff, the highest rate is adopted6) By Open Rate-As arra
6、nged by the consignor and the carrier.7) By lowest freight For cargoes of extremely small quantities, a minimum freight is usually surchages: 超重附加費(over weight surcharge)超長附加費(over length surcharge)直航附加費(direct additional)繞航附加費(deviation surcharge)轉船附加費(transshipment surcharge)港口附加費(port surcharge)港
7、口擁擠附加費(port congestion surcharge)選擇港附加費(optional fees)變更卸貨港附加費(alteration surcharge)燃油附加費(bunker adjustment factor or bunker surcharge,BAF)貨幣附加費(currency adjustment factor,CAF)、等。(2) Charter transportation Charter transport is a tramp service. A cargo ship not operating on regular routes and schedul
8、es, and picking up cargo only when it is chartered (hired) from the ship owner. While liner transport is for general cargoes, charter shipping is usually for bulk cargoes like oil, coal, ore, and grain. Charter shipping has the lowest freight rate per unit of weight or measure. Types: voyage charter
9、, time charter, bareboat charter. 1. Rail transportnA major mode of transport in terms of capacity, only second to ocean transportation. nIt is capable of achieving relatively high speed and is very economical especially if it provides the complete trainload for a shipper on a regular basis. nIt is
10、less prone to interruption by bad weather. But it is confined to railroads and therefore less flexible. Rail transport is popular in multimodal transport and transshipment. It is widely used in landbridge transport. Other Modes of Transportation 2. Air transport Ideal mode of carriage for valuable g
11、oods, delicate goods, physically perishable goods such as food and plants, urgent products such as medicine and very small shipments which are less costly by air than by water, etc. Benefits of air transport faster delivery, better security, less packing, lower insurance.Scheduled airlines - fixed s
12、chedule; fixed airlines; fixed airportsChartered carriers - a plane chartered by one or more shippersConsolidated consignments (集運貨物) - a number of individual shipments into one consignment on one general airway bill - lower freightAir express service - quickest delivery service - desk-to-desk servi
13、ce - suitable for urgently needed articles and important documents3. Intermodal transport (multimodal transport) The transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation, without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes. A Containeriza
14、tion (1) The virtue of containerizationSimplifies and speeds up the cargo-handling process. Offers protection from the elements, reduces the chances of damage, and virtually eliminates the pilferage. Approximately 90% of non-bulk cargo worldwide moves by containers .(2) Modes of container serviceFCL
15、: full container load, the whole container load (整箱貨整箱貨)LCL: less than container load, a partial container load (拼箱貨拼箱貨)CFS: container freight station, where cargoes are delivered for containerizationCY: container yard, where FCL is delivered.FCL/FCL 整箱交整箱交/整箱收整箱收/整裝整拆整裝整拆 Door/Door門到門門到門 CY/CY場至場場至
16、場 Door/CY門至場門至場 CY/Door場至門場至門LCL/LCL拼箱交拼箱交/拆箱收拆箱收/ 拼裝拼拆拼裝拼拆 CFS/CFS站到站站到站FCL/LCL整箱交整箱交/拆箱收拆箱收/ 整裝拼拆整裝拼拆 Door/CFS門到站門到站 CY/CFS場到站場到站LCL/FCL拼箱交拼箱交/整箱收整箱收/ 拼裝整拆拼裝整拆 CFS/Door站到門站到門 CFS/CY站到場站到場(3) Measurement of container Five common lengths, 20-ft, 40-ft, 45-ft, 48-ft, and 53-ft. Container capacity is
17、measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU, or sometimes teu). An equivalent unit is a measure of containerized cargo capacity equal to one standard 20ft (length) 8ft (width) 86ft (height) container, approximately 38.5 m3. Many containers today are of the 40-ft (12.2m) variety and are known as 40
18、-foot containers. TransportationDocuments 1 Major Shipping Documents Packing List 裝箱單裝箱單 Booking Note 訂艙單訂艙單 Shipping Order 裝貨單裝貨單 Mates Receipt 大副收據大副收據 A transportation document issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of Goods, mai
19、nly refer to marine bills Bill of Lading 海運提單海運提單(1)Three functions Receipt for goods Evidence of the contract of carriage Document oftitle to the goods The B/L describes the goods put on board a vessel, states the quantity, and their condition. The carrier will check to see that the goods loaded co
20、mply with the goods listed.貨物收據貨物收據The B/L becomes conclusive evidence of the terms of the contract of carriageonce it is negotiated to a good faith third party.合同證明合同證明The named consignee or the lawful holder of a B/L has a claim to title by surrendering the bill. The carrier is obliged to deliver
21、the cargo only against an original B/L.物權憑證物權憑證Parties of bill of ladingShipper托運人(出口人)托運人(出口人)Carrier承運人(船方)承運人(船方)Consignee收貨人(進口人)收貨人(進口人)Notify party被通知人(一般為進口人被通知人(一般為進口人或期代理人)或期代理人)To ordr/to the order of shipperContents of a Bill of Lading The name of the shipping company (the carrier ) The n
22、ame of the shipper ,who is usually the exporter or the exporters agent. The name of the consignee The notify party The name of the carrying vessel and the voyage NO. The two ports Marks and numbers Description of the goods Total packages Freight charges Number of the original B/L The signature of th
23、e carrier The B/L issuing date(2) Types of bill of lading Shipped (on board) B/L & received for shipment B/L Shipped B/L: issued by after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel. Both the name of the vessel and the date of issue of the B/L are indicated on the shipped B/L. It p
24、rovides better guarantee for the consignee to receive the cargo at the destination. Most B/L forms are preprinted as “Shipped Bill”. 提單上以文字表明貨物已裝于提單上以文字表明貨物已裝于船上;船上; 載有裝船日期;載有裝船日期; 船長或代理人簽字。船長或代理人簽字。 Received for shipment B/L arises where the word “shipped” does not appear on the bill of lading. It
25、merely acknowledges that the goods have been received by the carrier for shipment. Therefore, the goods could be in the dock or warehouse. Clean B/L & unclean B/L (foul B/L or claused B/L) Clean B/L: A B/L that is free from any adverse remarks, made by the carrier about the condition, packing, or qu
26、antity of the goods being shipped. apparent good order and condition, clean on board or the like are indicated on the B/L. It provides proof that up until the time goods were transferred to the carrier, no damage has occurred. Unclean B/L: A B/L with adverse remarks or notations (called clauses) by
27、the carrier that the goods received for shipping (or their packing) look wet, damaged, or otherwise in doubtful condition, or not of correct quantity. Importers and their banks normally do not accept foul B/L for payment under a L/C. Straight B/L, blank B/L and order B/L Straight B/L has designated
28、consignee. Only the consignee is entitled to take delivery of the cargo. Not transferable, not commonly used and normally applies to high value shipments or goods for special purposes. Blank B/L: Open B/L or Bearer B/L, no definite consignee. In the field of consignee, “To bearer”. Anyone who holds
29、the bill is entitled to the goods the bill represents. No endorsement is needed for the transfer of the blank bill. Due to the exceedingly high risk involved, this bill is rarely used. Order B/L: “To order”, “To order of the shipper”, or “To order of the consignee” is marked. Goods are consigned to
30、the order of a named person. It may be used to transfer title to goods being shipped to another party, at any time during the transit process simply by conveying the order bill to another party through endorsement. “To order means to order of shipper. Full set of clean on board ocean/marine bill of
31、lading made out to order(或或to order of xxx) and blank endorsed marked “freight prepaid/collect”, notify applicant。 Blank endorsement(carries only the signature of the endorser and does not specify the endorsee )Special endorsement(names the endorsee and requiresits endorsement for further negotiatio
32、n) Endorsement Direct B/L, transshipment B/L and through B/L Direct B/L: indicates the goods are shipped from the port of loading direct to the port of destination without involving transshipment. Transshipment B/L: indicates the goods need to be transshipped at an intermediate port as there is no d
33、irect service between the shipment port and the destination port. Through B/L: issued for containerized door-to-door shipments that have to use different ships and/or different means of transportation from origin to destination. Unlike in case of a multimodal B/L, the principal carrier or the freigh
34、t-forwarder (who issued the through B/L) is liable under a contract of carriage only for its own phase of the journey, and acts as an agent for the carriers executing the other phases. Liner B/L, charterparty B/L and container B/L Liner B/L: issued by a liner company. Charterparty B/L: issued by the
35、 carrier (or its agent) based on the charterparty. This B/L is subject to the clauses of charterparty. Thats why when a charterparty B/L is accepted by the bank or the buyer, the copy charterparty is required. Container B/L: issued when the goods are conveyed by container. Long form B/L and short fo
36、rm B/L Long form B/L: with the terms and conditions of carriage which are printed on the back of the page. Commonly used in international shipping. Short form B/L (or blank back B/L) : The terms and conditions of carriage on the back of the B/L are omitted. Unless otherwise stipulated in the letter
37、of credit (L/C), a short form bill of lading is acceptable. The short form B/L saves the cost of printing and if the terms and conditions of carriage change, there is no need to reprint the B/L form. Miscellaneous B/L On deck B/L: B/L containing the notation that the goods have been loaded on the de
38、ck of the vessel, for goods that can not fit into the ships hold.由于風險較大,故托運人一般都向保險公司由于風險較大,故托運人一般都向保險公司加保甲板險或艙面險(特別附加險)加保甲板險或艙面險(特別附加險)Stale B/L: B/L presented after the stipulated expiry date of presentation or after the goods are due at the port of destination. The late arrival of this important d
39、ocument may have undesirable consequences and therefore should be avoided. Sometimes especially in the case of short sea voyages, it is necessary to add a clause of “Stale B/L is acceptable”. Ante-dated B/LB/L which is dated before the date on which it is issued. When the actual shipment date is lat
40、er than that stipulated in the L/C, the carrier sometimes, at the shippers request, issues a B/L with a date of signature that suits the requirement so as to avoid non-acceptance by the bank. Due to the risk of the goods being rejected by the buyer arising from the issuance of such a bill, it is adv
41、isable to avoid this malpractice even when it seems necessary in certain circumstances. Advanced B/LB/L issued in advance when the expiry date of the L/C is due but the shipment has not yet been effected.The issuance of this B/L is also a malpractice and should be avoided.Several types may be combin
42、ed into one like “Clean on board, to order, blank endorsed B/L”. Bs/L are made out in sets, consisting of a number of originals (usually three) and copies and marked “original” and “copy” respectively. Only the originals signed by the carrier enable the consignee to take delivery of the goods. 預借提單比
43、倒簽提單風險更大預借提單比倒簽提單風險更大2. Other shipping documentsSea waybill A non-negotiable document, evidence of the contract of carriage, receipt of the goods by the carrier. About 90% of all containerized cargoes shipped over the Atlantic Ocean are carried under sea waybills. Natural choice. for shippers or con
44、signees who do not plan to sell the goods en route;for trading between established consignors and consignees who have been trading for many years, andfor open account sales. Not suitable for transactions of goods that are negotiated repeatedly during transit. Cannot act as security for letter of cre
45、dit transactions.(2) Air waybill (used for carriage of goods by air)A receipt of the goods for dispatch and evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor, not a negotiable title to goods. Three originals:Normally original 1, in green, for the issuing carrier, is to be re
46、tained By the carrier for accounting purposes and to serve as documentary evidence. Original 2, in pink, for the consignee, is to accompany the consignment to its final destination and is to be presented to the consignee to enable him to collect the goods. Original 3, in blue, for the shipper, is re
47、turned to him as a receipt and evidence of his affreightment contract (包租合同包租合同) with the airline. 鐵路運單只是運輸合約和貨物收據,不是物權憑證,鐵路運單只是運輸合約和貨物收據,不是物權憑證,一律記名,不得轉讓。貨物到達目的地后由一律記名,不得轉讓。貨物到達目的地后由記名收貨人出示身份證明后交付記名收貨人出示身份證明后交付。鐵路運單一式幾聯,名稱不一,各聯的作用如下鐵路運單一式幾聯,名稱不一,各聯的作用如下1.運單正本:是貨物運輸合同。運單正本:是貨物運輸合同。2.運單副本:交托運人作為收據,向銀
48、行辦理結算。運單副本:交托運人作為收據,向銀行辦理結算。3.貨物到達通知單:隨同貨物到站,同運單正本和貨物貨物到達通知單:隨同貨物到站,同運單正本和貨物 一起交給收貨人。一起交給收貨人。4.運行報單:隨貨物到站,有到達站留存。運行報單:隨貨物到站,有到達站留存。 是貨物交接、是貨物交接、 劃分運送責任,結算運費、統(tǒng)計運量的依據。劃分運送責任,結算運費、統(tǒng)計運量的依據。(3) Railway Bill(4) Multimodal transport document Evidences the contract of carriage of goods by at least two modes
49、 of transport, issued by a multimodal transport operator (MTO) under a multimodal transport contract. Essential difference between MTD and through B/L: MTD: The MTO takes responsibility as principal for the entire carriage. Through B/L: The principal carrier concludes several separate contracts of c
50、arriage for subsequent segments of the transport as agent for the shipper or as agent for the on-carriers. It does not normally accept responsibility for segments undertaken by the other carriers involved. At least two modes of transportOne contract, one transport document, one operator, one freight
51、 rate+ high efficiency+ good quality+ cost and time saving+ economy simplicity ofdocumentationCombined transport documents(CTD) /Multimodal transport document(MTD) 證明多式聯運合同及證明多式聯運經營人接管貨物并負責按合同交付貨物的單據,是多式聯運經營人簽發(fā)的。應依發(fā)貨人的選擇,為可轉讓單據,或不可轉讓單據。 一份多式聯運合同一份全程多式聯運單據至少兩種不運輸方式的連貫運輸必須由一個多式聯運經營人對全程負責必須是全程單一的運費費率Ti
52、me of shipmentPlace of shipment and destinationPartial shipment and transshipmentShipping advice3 Shipment Clause41Functions of PackingProtects the goods from damage makes it easy to identify goodsenables manufacturers, sellers and customers to move goods from place to place freelyhelps the sellers
53、to push the sales of goods. Packing4142Forms:Sales packing: also small, inner or immediate packing, mainly to protect products, make the products convenient to use, and to promote sales. It should be in conformity with the laws and regulations of the purchase countries. Transport packing: also known
54、 as big or outer packing. It is to protect goods, and facilitate storage as well as shipment. 4243Shipping mark Facilitates the identification and count of the goods in the process of loading and unloading, shipping and storing. The Standard Shipping Mark includes four elements. Initials or Abbrevia
55、ted Name ABC Reference Number 1234 Destination BOMBAY Package Number 1/25Marking4344(2) Indicative mark A caution mark reminding people of carefulness in handling or carrying goods. It is composed of graphs and words, such as KEEP DRY, USE NO HOOK, THIS WAY UP, HANDLE WITH CARE. Packing4445 (3) Warn
56、ing mark Also hazardous mark and to indicate explosive, poisonous, inflammable goods, also composed of graphs or pictures and words. EXPLOSIVE INFLAMMABLE POISONOUS 4546(4) Weight and volume mark(5) Country of origin markN.W.:11.3 KGG.W.:16.4 KGMEAS.:45.55255.5 cmPacking4647Neutral packing A special
57、 type of packing, no country of origin on it. Neutral packing with designated brand: the neutral packing where the brand (or trademark) designated by the buyer is marked out on it. Neutral packing without designated brand: the neutral packing without designated brand or trademark. In recent years it
58、 has been restricted by some countries. Exporters should be cautious in adopting it. 47 In FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP contract, time of shipment = time of delivery In D group terms, otherwise 規(guī)定明確具體的裝運時間規(guī)定明確具體的裝運時間 規(guī)定某月裝運規(guī)定某月裝運 SHIPMENT DURING MAY 2003SHIPMENT DURING MAY 2003 規(guī)定跨月裝運規(guī)定跨月裝運 SHIPMENT
59、 DURING APR/MAY 2003SHIPMENT DURING APR/MAY 2003 規(guī)定在某月月底或某日前(最遲期限)裝運規(guī)定在某月月底或某日前(最遲期限)裝運 SHIPMENT AT OR BEFORE THE END OF MAY 2003SHIPMENT AT OR BEFORE THE END OF MAY 2003 規(guī)定收到信用證后若干天裝運規(guī)定收到信用證后若干天裝運 SHIPMENT WITHIN 45DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF L/CSHIPMENT WITHIN 45DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF L/C 規(guī)定近期裝運術語規(guī)定近期裝運術
60、語 YOU MUST ARRANGE THE SHIPPMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.YOU MUST ARRANGE THE SHIPPMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Time of shipment 2. Place of shipment and destination Usually one port of shipment and one port of destination. Sometimes, two or more than two. If the port (s) cant be defined clearly when the co
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