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1、【國際經濟學】英文題庫Chapter 1: In troduct ionMultiple-Choice Questio ns1. Which of the follow ing products are not produced at all in the Un ited States*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, alu minumC. petroleum, coal, n atural gasD. typewriters, computers, airpla nes2. International trade is most importan

2、t to the standard of living of:A. the Uni ted States*B. Switzerla ndC. Germa nyD. En gla nd3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grow nB. dimi nishedC. rema ined un cha ngedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of econo mic in terdepe ndence of a n atio n is giv enby:

3、A. the size of the n ati ons populatio nB. the perce ntage of its populati on to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nations imports and exports to its GDPD. all of the above5. Econo mic in terdepe ndence is greater for:*A. small n ati onsB. large n ati onsC. developed n ati onsD. develop ing n ati ons6.

4、 The gravity model of intern ati onal trade predicts that trade betwee n two nat ions islargerA. the larger the two n ati onsB. the closer the n atio nsC. the more ope n are the two n atio ns*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payme nts among

5、 n atio nsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the n ati on*D. all of the above8. Intern ati onal trade theory refers to:*A. the microec ono mic aspects of intern ati onal tradeB. the macroec ono mic aspects of inter

6、n ati onal tradeC. ope n economy macroec onomics or intern ati onal financeD. all of the above9. Which of the followi ng is not the subject matter of intern ati onal financeA. foreig n excha nge marketsB. the bala nee of payme nts*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust bala nee o

7、f payme nts disequilibria10. Econo mic theory:A. seeks to expla in econo mic eve ntsB. seeks to predict econo mic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surro unds an econo mic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the follow ing is not an assumpti on gen erally made in the study of intern ati

8、onal economicsA. two n ati onsB. two commodities*C. perfect intern ati onal mobility of factorsD. two factors of product ion12. In the study of intern ati onal economics:A. intern atio nal trade policies are exam ined before the bases for tradeB. adjustme nt policies are discussed before the bala ne

9、e of payme ntsC. the case of many n ati ons is discussed before the two-n ati ons case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must ove rcome:*A. dista nee and spaceB. trade restrictio nsC. differe nces in curre nciesD. differe nces in mon etary sys

10、tems14. The ope ning or expa nsion of intern ati onal trade usually affects all members ofsociety:A. positivelyB. n egatively*C. most positively but some n egativelyD. most n egatively but some positively15. An in crease in the dollar price of a foreig n curre ncy usually:A. ben efit . importers*B.

11、ben efits . exportersC. ben efit both . importers and . exportersD. harms both . importers and . exporters16. Which of the followi ng stateme nts with regard to intern ati onal economics istrueA. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its con tributors were not econo

12、mistsD. none of the above思考題:1.為什么學習國際經濟學非常重要2.列舉體現(xiàn)當前國際經濟學問題的一些重要事件,它們?yōu)槭裁粗匾?.當今世界面臨的最重要的國家經濟問題是什么全球化的利弊各是什么Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative Adva ntageMultiple-Choice Questio ns1. The Merca ntilists did not advocate:* trade |B. stimulat ing the n ati ons exportsC. restrict ing the n ati ons importsD

13、. the accumulati on of gold by the n ati on2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute adva ntageB. comparative adva ntageC. both absolute and comparative adva ntageD. n either absolute nor comparative adva ntage3. What proport ion of intern ati onal trade is based on a

14、bsolute adva ntageA. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is thecommodity of its:A. absolute disadva ntageB. absolute adva ntageC. comparative disadva ntage*D. comparative adva ntage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and

15、Y) world, it is established that nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B musthave:A. an absolute adva ntage in commodity YB. an absolute disadva ntage in commodity YC. a comparative disadva ntage in commodity Y*D. a comparative adva ntage in commodity Y6. If with one hour

16、of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only in put):A. n ati on A has a comparative disadva ntage in commodity XB. n ati on B has a comparative disadva ntage in commodity Y*C. n ati on A has a comparative adva ntage in commodit

17、y XD. n atio n A has a comparative adva ntage in n either commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With refere nee to the stateme nt in Questi on 6, if 3X is excha nged for 3Y:A. n ation A gai

18、 ns 2X*B. nation B gai ns 6YC. n ation A gai ns 3YD. nation B gai ns 3Y9. With refere nee to the stateme nt of Questi on 6, the range of mutually ben efie ialtrade betwee n n ati on A and B is:A. 3Y 3X 5YB. 5Y 3X 9Y*C. 3Y 3X 9YD. 1Y 3X 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domesticall

19、y in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both n ati onsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both n ati ons*D. all of the above11. Ricardo expla ined the law of comparative adva ntage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB.

20、the opport un ity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing retur nsD. all of the above12. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is trueA. The comb ined dema nd for each commodity by the two n atio ns is n egatively slopedB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the

21、 equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade isgive n by the in tersect ion of the dema nd and supply of each commodity by the two n ati ons*D. all of the above13. A differe nee in relative commodity prices betwee n two n ati ons can be basedupon adiffere nee in:A. factor en d

22、owme ntsB. tech no logyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade betwee n a small and a large n atio n:A. the large n ati on is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally share

23、dD. we cannot say15. The Ricardia n trade model has bee n empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were incon clusive思考題:比較優(yōu)勢原理所帶來的貿易所得是從何而來的貿易利益又是如何分配的現(xiàn)實世界中比較優(yōu)勢是如何度量的你認為目前中國具有比較優(yōu)勢的商品有哪些這意味著什么比較優(yōu)勢會不會發(fā)生變化什么樣的原因可能會導致其變化經濟學家是如何驗證比較優(yōu)勢原理的Chapter 3: The Stan dard Theory of

24、Intern ati onal TradeMultiple-Choice Questio ns1. A producti on fron tier that is con cave from the origi n in dicates that the nation in cursin creas ing opport unity costs in the product ion of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. n either commodity2. The marginal rate of t

25、ransformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a n ati on must give up to produce each additi onal un it of XB. the opport un ity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the product ion fron tier at the point of product ion*D. all of the above3. Which of the follow ing is not a reas on f

26、or in creas ing opport unity costs:*A. tech no logy differs among n ati onsB. factors of product ion are not homoge neousC. factors of product ion are not used in the same fixed proporti on in the produ ction of allcommoditiesD. for the n ati on to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources

27、that ar e less and less suitedin the product ion of the commodity4. Commu nity in differe nee curves:A. are n egatively slopedB. are convex to the orig inC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substituti on (MRS) of X for Y in con sumpti on refers to the:A. amount of X that a

28、 n ati on must give up for one extra unit of Y and still rem ain on the same indiffere nee curve*B. amount of Y that a n atio n must give up for one extra un it of X and still re mainon the samein differe nee curveC. amount of X that a n atio n must give up for one extra un it of Y to reach a hi ghe

29、r in differe neecurveD. amount of Y that a n atio n must give up for one extra un it of X to reach a hi gher in differe neecurve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for YA. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifferenee curveB. deelines as the nation moves

30、 down an indifferenee curveC. rises as the n ati on moves up an in differe nee curve*D. all of the above7. Which of the followi ng stateme nts about com munity in differe nee curves is t rueA. They are en tirely un related to in dividuals com mun ity in differe nee curvesB. they cross, they cannot b

31、e used in the an alysis*C. the problems aris ing from in tersect ing com munity in differe nee curves can beovercome by the application of the compensation principleD. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium inisolatio n*A. It con sumes in side its

32、producti on fron tierB. it reaches the highest in differe nee curve possible with its producti on frontierC. the in differe nee curve is tangent to the n atio ns producti on fron tierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 tha

33、n in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. n ati on 2 has a comparative adva ntage in commodity X*C. n ati on 2 has a comparative adva ntage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1s share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is n ati

34、 on 1s dema nd for n atio n 2s exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to n ati on 2s pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is n ati on 2s dema nd for n atio n 1s exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to n ati on 1s pretrade Px/Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeA.

35、the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than atequilibriumB. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than atequilibriumC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade un der in creas ing costs:A. neither nation will

36、 specialize completely in productionB. at least one n atio n will con sume above its product ion fron tierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is falsegains from trade can be broke n dow n into the gains from excha nge and thegains

37、from specializati onB. gains from excha nge result even without specializati on*C. gains from specializati on result even without excha ngeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are a lways:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without a

38、dditi onal in formati on15. Mutually ben eficial trade cannot occur if product ion fron tiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. differe nt but tastes are the sameC. differe nt and tastes are also differe nt*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考題:國際貿易的標準理論與大衛(wèi).李嘉圖的比較優(yōu)勢原理有何異同兩國僅僅由于需求偏好不同可以進行市場分工和

39、狐貍貿易嗎兩國僅僅由于要素稟賦不同和/或生產技術不同可以進行分工和貿易嗎Chapter 4: Dema nd and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of TradeMultiple Choice Questi ons1. Which of the following statements is correctA. The dema nd for imports is give n by the excess dema nd for the commodityB. the supply of exports is give n by the excess

40、 supply of the commodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter tha n the total supply curve of the commodity*D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess dema nd for a commodity exceeds the excess supply of the commodityB. the qua ntity dema nded of imports e

41、xceeds the qua ntity supplied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a n atio n shows:A. the supply of a n ati ons importsB. the dema nd for a n ati ons exportsC. the trade partn ers dema nd for imports and supply of exports*D. the n ati ons dema nd for i

42、mports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. non traded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a n atio n to in crease its exports because the nation:A. in curs in creas

43、ing opport un ity costs in export producti onB. faces decreas ing opport unity costs in produci ng import substitutesC. faces decreas ing marginal rate of substituti on in con sumpti on*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is falseA. It relie

44、s on traditi onal dema nd and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price but not the equilibrium qua ntity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is trueA.

45、 The dema nd and supply curve are derived from the n ati ons product ion fron tie r and in differenee mapB. It shows the same basic in formati on as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above8. In what way does partial equilibrium

46、an alysis differ from gen eral equilibr ium an alysisA. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium pricewithtradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determ ine the equilibrium qua nt ity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes in to con siderati on th

47、e in teractio n amongall markets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are in a two-nation world, those of the trade part ner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade in crease in a two-n ati on world, those o

48、f the trade pa rtner:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. rema in un cha ngedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight li neB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. i ntersects the straight-li ne segme nt of the worlds

49、offer curveD. in tersects the positively-sloped portion of the worlds offer curve12. If the n ati ons tastes for its import commodity in creases:A. the n ati ons offer curve rotates toward the axis measuri ng its import commod ityB. the partn ers offer curve rotates toward the axis measuri ng its im

50、port commo dityC. the part ners offer curve rotates toward the axis measuri ng its export commo dity*D. the n ati ons offer curve rotates toward the axis measuri ng its export commo dity13. If the n ati ons tastes for its import commodity in creases:A. the n ati ons terms of trade rema in un cha nge

51、d*B. the nations terms of trade deteriorateC. the part ners terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a n ati on import commodity in creases, trade volume:*A. in creasesB. decli nesC. rema ins un cha ngedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nations terms of trade caus

52、es the nations welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. rema in un cha nged*D. any of the above思考題:提供曲線如何推導有何用途兩國貿易時的均衡商品價格是如何決定的受哪些因素影響貿易條件的含義是貿易條件的改善意味著什么哪些因素可能導致貿易條件的改善Chapter 5: Factor En dowme nts and the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoryMultiple-Choice Questio ns1. The H-O model exte nds the classical trade

53、 model by:A. explai ning the basis for comparative adva ntageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumpti on of the H-O model:A. the same tech no logy in both n ati onsB. con sta nt retur ns to scale*C. complete specializati onD. equa

54、l tastes in both n ati ons3. With equal tech no logy n ati ons will have equal K/L in product ion if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. product ion functions are the sameD. all of the above*D. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-i nten sive with respect to X whe n:A.

55、more K is used in the product ion of Y tha n XB. less L is used in the producti on of Y tha n X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the product ion of Y tha n XD. a higher K/L is used in the product ion of X tha n Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the product ion of both commodities*B. rises in the pro

56、duct ion of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A n ati on is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based

57、 on a differe nce in:A. tech no logyB. factor en dowme ntsC. tastes*D. all of the above8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a differenee in:A. tech no logy*B. factor en dowme ntsC. econo mies of scaleD. tastes9. Accord ing to the H-O model, trade reduces intern ati onal differ

58、e nces in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices *C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. n either relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce intern ati onal differe nces in per capita in c

59、omesB. i ncreases intern ati onal differe nces in per capita in comes*C. may in crease or reduce intern ati onal differe nces in per capita in comesD. lead to complete specializati on11. The H-O model is a gen eral equilibrium model because it deals with:A. product ion in both n ati onsB. con sumpti

60、 on in both n ati onsC. trade betwee n the two n ati ons*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium modelbecause it deals with:A. two n ati onsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of product ion*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the em


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