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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上黑體 (291)absorb access account achieve acquire act adapt address admit adopt advise afford agree all allowalternative anxious appeal appear apply appreciate approach argue arrange associate assume attachattempt attend available average avoid aware balance bargain bear behave believe belo

2、ng blame break bring calculate call care carry case catch cause change character charge check choose claim clear close come command commit compare complain complete concern conclusion condition conduct consequence consider contribute convenient count course cover credit cure cut damage deal debate d

3、eclare delay delight demand depend deserve desire destroy develop die do doubt draw dress drop due effort employ encourage end engage enjoy equal establish exchange excuse expect expense experience expose expression fail fall far fear feel figure find finish fix follow forget form get give go guaran

4、tee hand hang hardly have hear help hold honor idea imagine impress improve include insist involve issue keep lack last launch lead learn leave lie like likely live long look love make manage mean mind moment more most need observe occur offer once only opinion opposite order original other otherwis

5、e ought to pay perfect perform permit persuade pick point popular population position power practice prefer prepare prepared present pretend promise propose protect provide purpose put quarrel quit raise range rather reach realize receive recommend recover refer regard regret release remain remember

6、 remind report represent requestrequire responsible result review reward risk run same satisfy schedule search seat second see seekseem sense separate set settle share shelter show sight simple so some something sorry sort soundspare speak speed spread stand step stick strike struggle succeed sugges

7、t suggestion supplysuppose take care, taste teach tell thought through too touch treat trouble try turn unlikely valueview want warn waste watch way welcome well wonder work五星 (847)a ability able about above accept according to across act action activity actually add adult advantage advice afraid af

8、ter afternoon again against age ago ahead air airport all allow alone along already also although always A.M. amazing among amount and another answer any anyone anything appear area arrive art article as ask attack attend attention author away baby back badly bank base be bear beautiful because beco

9、me bed before begin behind being believe benefit besides best between big bill bird black blood body book born both box boy brain break bring brother build building bull burn bus business but buy by call camp can car card carry case catch cause century certain challenge chance change charge check ch

10、icken child childhood choice choose city class clean clear climb clock close clothes club coffee cold collect college color come common communication company compare competition complete computer concentrate condition consider continue control conversation cook cost could country couple course cover

11、 create culture customer dad daily damage dangerous daughter day deal dear death decide decision deep depend describe design develop development die diet difference different difficult difficulty dinner direction discover discuss disease do doctor dog down Dr. draw dream drink drive driver drop duri

12、ng each early earn earth easily easy eat education effect effort either elephant else e-mail encourage end energy enjoy enough enter environment equipment especially even evening event ever every everybody / everyone everything example excited exciting excuse exercise exist expect expensive experien

13、ce experiment explain express eye face fact fail fall family famous far farm fast father fear feel feeling few field fight fill film finally find finding fine finish fire first fish fix flight fly follow following food foot for foreign forest forget form free friend from front full fun future gain g

14、ame garden get gift girl give given go good goods government grade graduate great green group grow guide habit half hand happen happy hard hardly have he head health hear heart heat heavy hello help her here high him himself his history hold holiday home hope horse hospital hot hotel hour house how

15、however human hurt husband I idea if important improve in include including increase infer influence information inside instead interest interested interesting international Internet interview into introduce invite island its job join journey just keep kill know knowledge land language large last la

16、te later laugh law lead leaf learn learning least leave less lesson let letter level lie life light like likely limit line list listen little live living local long look lose lost lot love low lunch machine magazine mail main mainly major make man manage manager many mark market material matter may

17、me meal mean medicine meet meeting member memory mention message middle might mile mind minute miss mistake modern mom moment money month more morning most mother mountain move moving Mr. Mrs. Ms. much museum music must my myself name national nature near nearly necessary need neighbor never new new

18、spaper next nice night no north not note nothing notice now number of off offer office often oh OK old Olympic on once one only open opinion order organization other our out over own paint paper paragraph parent park part party pass passage past pay people per percent perhaps person personal phone p

19、hysical pick picture piece place plan plant play please pleasure point police popular possible pound power practice prefer present present pressure prevent price prize probably produce product professor program project promise protect prove provide public publish pull purpose push put quality questi

20、on quickly quite race radio rain raise rather reach read reading ready real realize really reason receive recognize record refer remain remember repair report require research researcher respect rest restaurant result return rich ride right ring rise river road role room rule run sale same save say

21、saying school science scientist sea search season second see seem self sell send sense serious serve set several share she shoe shop shopping short should show side sign simple since sister situation size skill sleep small smile smoke so social society some someone something sometimes son soon sorry

22、 sound south space speak speaker special speech speed spend sport stand start state station stay step still store storm story strange street strong student study sucess sucessful such suddenly suffer suggest summer sun support sure surprise surprised swim system table take talk talking task teach te

23、acher teaching team technology television tell test text than thank that the their them themselves there therefore they thing think thinking this those though thought thousand through throw ticket time tire tired title to today together tomorrow too top touch tour town traffic train training travel

24、travelling treat tree trip trpuble try turn TV type under underline understand unite united university unless untill up use used used to usually value very view village visit visitor wait walk want war warm wash waste watch water way we wear week weekend welcome well west what when where whether whi

25、ch while white who whole why wife will win window wish with within woman wonder wonderful word work worker world worried worry would write writing wrong year yes yesterday yet young your yourself 四星 (848)abroad access account achieve achievement active addition address admit advance adventure advert

26、ise advertisement advise affect afford Africa African afterwards aged agency agreement aid AIDS aim airline alcohol alive amazing ancient anger angery announce anxiety anxious anyway apartment apple application apply appreciate approach argue arm artist Asia Asian asleep assistant atmosphere attract

27、ive availabe average avoid award aware bag balance ball baseball basic basketball bath battery beach beat beauty bedroom bee beginning behave behavior belief belong below beyond bicycle bike birthday blame block blue board boat bookshop bring borrow boss bottle brave bread breakfast breathe bridge b

28、right broken brown bull burn butterfly cafe calm camera campus cancer carbon career careful cash cat cave celebrate cell cent central centre certainly chair channel character charity chat cheap cheer chemical chicken chocolate Christmas cinema citizen classic classmate classroom clerk clever climate

29、 closed clothing cloud coast coat coin colleague collection comfortbale comment communicate community concern concert conclude confuse connect connection construction consumer contact contain convenient cooking cool copy corner correct cough count countryside cousin crazy cream creative credit crime

30、 critical crop cross crowd crowded cry culture cup cure curious custom dance danger dark data date degree delay delight deliver demand department description desert desire desk despite destroy detail determine determined device devote dictionary dig dinosaur direct director dirty disappear disappoin

31、t disappointed discovery discussion dish dislike distance disturb dollar double doubt dozen drawing dress drug dry due duty eager ear east eidtor effective egg electricity embarrass emotion emotional employ employee empty enable escape Erope European eventually everyday everywhere evidence exactly e

32、xamination examine excellent except exchange excitement exhibit exhibition experienced expert explanation explore expression extra extremely factor factory failure familiar fan farmer fashion fat fault favor favorite feature fee feed fellow female festival figure final financial financial finger fir

33、m fishing fit fix flat flood floor flow flower focus fond football force forever forward freedom freely freeze frequently fresh friendly friendship fruit fuel fully function funny furniture further gallery gas gate gather general generally generation glad glass global goal gold grade gradually gradu

34、ation grand grandma grandpa grass greatly greet ground grown-up growth guess guest hair hall handle hang happiness harm harmful hat hate healthy hearing height helpful hero herself hi hide highway hill historical hit hole homeless homework honest honor host housework housing huge human being humor h

35、unt hurry ice ill illness image imagination imagine immediately imply importance impossible income increasing indeed independent individual industry injure insect insist inspire intend interview introduction involve issue item itself jacket jog joke joy judge jump key kindness king kitchen knnock la

36、bor lack lady lake landscape latest lawyer lay lazy leader leading lecture leg library limited lion literature load lock lonely loss loud lovely lower luck lucky luggage madam mail management manner map march marriage married master match mathematics maybe meaning measure meat media medicine mental

37、method milk mine mirror miss missing mix mobile model mostly mouth movement movie musician nation native natually nearby neighborhood neither nervous network nobody noise none nor normal novel nowadays nurse object observe obviously occur ocean officer official oil onto opening operator operation op

38、posite ordinary organize original otherwisw ourselves owner pack package page pain painting pair particular particularly part-time passenger path patient pattern peace pen per perfect perform performance period permit persuade photo photograph phrase picnic plane planet plastic player pleasant pleas

39、ed plenty pocket pole policeman pollution pool population position possibility possibly post potential powerful practical practice/ practise praise predict prepare prepared president press pretend pretty print private process production professional profit progress promote proper properly protection

40、 proud pump pupil push puzzle quarrel quick quiet railway range rate reality reasonable recent recently recover recycle red reflect refuse regard regret regular regularly relate related relation relative relax rely remind remove rent repeat replace reply reporter request requirement rescue resident

41、resource respond responsibility responsible review reward risk robot rock roll roof rose round rubbish running rush sad sadness safe safety sand sandwich satisfy saving scene schedule scientific score screen season seat secret secretary security seek seldom select sentence seperate seriously setting

42、 settle shake shall shape ship shirt shock shoot shoulder shout shut shy sick sight signal silence silk similar simply sing single sir site ski skin sky slightly slow smart smell smoking snow soft soil solar solution solve somebody somewhere song sort spare spirit spoken spot spread spring squrare s

43、taff stage stamp standard star stare statement steal stick stone straight stranger strength stress strict strike structure struggle style succeed suggestion suit suitable supermarket supply suppose surface surprising survey survive sweet swimming tale talent tall taste taxi tea tear technique teenag

44、er telephone temperature tend tennis term theatre thief thin throughout thus tie till tiny tip tomato tonight tool tooth topic total tourist towards tower toy track trade traditional translate transport traveller treasure treatment truck true truly trust truth turning twice unable underground unders

45、tanding unexpected unfortunately unhappy uniform union unique unusual upon upset useful user usual vacation valuable variety various vegetable vehicle video volunteer wake wall warn warning wash washing wave weak weakness website wedding weight well-known western wet whatever wheel whenever whom who

46、se wide widely wild wildlife willing wind winner winter wolf wood wooden worldwide worse worth youth zoo 三星 (923)abandon absorb academic academy acceptable accommodation accompany accurate acquire actively actor actress actual AD adapt addiction adjust admire admission adolescent adopt advanced affa

47、ir afterwards agent aggressive agriculture ah aircraft airplane alarm alike alternative altogether amaze amazed ambition analyze ancestor annoy antique anywhere apart apology appeal appearance appointment approve architect argument army around arrange arrangement arrival ashamed aside aspect assess

48、assessment assignment associate association assume astonished athlete Atlantic attach attraction audience audio aunt authority automobile autumn awake background backpack bacterium baggage bake balloon ban band bar bargain barrier basically basis basket bat bathroom battle bay beef beer beg beggar b

49、eginner bell belonging belt bend beside bid biology birth biscuit bite bitter blank blanket blind blow bone boot border bored bother bottom bowl branch brand breath breed brief broad broadcast brush bucket budget burden burst bury bush businessman button cage cake calf campaign candle capital carele

50、ss carpenter carpet carrier cart castle ceiling celebration celebrity certificate chain chairman challenging chase cheat cheerful cheque chief church cigarette circle circus claim cleaner closely cloudy clue coach coal colorful column combine comedy commercial companion compass compete competitive c

51、ompetitor complain complaint complex complicated composition concept concerned conduct conductor conference confidence confident confirm conflict confused congratulation connected consequence conservation consideration consist constant construct container content contest continent continuous contrar

52、y contribute contribution convenience convey convince counter court cousin cow craft crash creation creature crew criminal critic criticize crossing cruel cupboard curiosity current cycle dare darkness daylight dead deaf debate debt decade declare decline decrease deeply deer defeat defense defend d

53、efinition delicious delighted delivery demanding deny depress depression deserve designer destination determination devotion diary differ digital dine dioxide directly dirt disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappointment disaster discipline discourage disorder display distant distinguish

54、district dive divide document doll domestic downstairs downtown drama drown drum drunk dust dying earthquake ease eastern economic economy edge edition educate efficiency efficient elderly electric electrical electronic element elsewhere embarrassed emergency employed employer employment encourageme

55、nt endanger endangered ending endless enemy energetic engage engine enjoyable enormous enrich ensure entertainment enthusiastic entire entirely entrance entry envelope equality equally equip error essay essential establish estimate exact executive existence expectation expense explode explosion expo

56、se extend extraordinary facial fair fairly faith fall false fame farming farther fascinate fascinating fax federal fence fiction fierce finance fine firework firm firmly fixed flag flesh flat flexible float fold folk fool forbid foreign forgive formal former forth fortunately fortune fossil found fo

57、undation freezing frequent frightened frightening frog fry fund gap garage generous genetic genius gentle gentleman geography glance glove god golden goodbye goodness grant grateful gravity greenhouse greeting grey grocery guarantee guard guidance guilty gun guy gym habitat halfway handwriting happe

58、ning harvest hatch headache headmaster heavily helpless hesitate highly historic hobby hometown honesty honey honorable hook hopeful hopefully hapless horn housewife howl hug humanity humorous hunger hungry hunter ideal ignore illegal immediate impact import impress impression impressive inch indica

59、te infect inform informed injury instant institute instruction instrument insurance intelligence intelligent intention interrupt invention invest invitation issue jam jar jazz journal journalist judgment juice keyboard kick kind kindergarten kiss kite knee landscape lately laughter launch layer leadership lean left legal lend length license lie lifetime lightly link literary litter lively loan locate luckily mad


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