



1、語言力量強大。Con Sider the various ways they can in flue nee your personal or company brand: A blogpeople actually want to read, content market ing that lures thousa nds of new users to yourp roducts or services, an authe ntic voice that gets people in teract ing with you on socialmedia, succi net bus in

2、ess writi ng that saves time and elim in ates un certa inty想想語言影響你個人和公司的各種方式:一個人們想要閱讀的博客,。內(nèi)容營銷吸引了成千上萬的新用戶關(guān)注你的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),在社會媒體中相互影響的真實聲音,簡潔的商業(yè)文稿不僅節(jié)省時間也規(guī)避了不確定性。Wield them skillfully and words can be some of your most po werful assets有技巧地使用語言,它會變成你最寶貴的財產(chǎn)。They can also be your undoing. Here are a han dful of

3、 words and exp ressi ons to remove from your vocabulary:但它們也可以毀滅你。這里是幾個你應(yīng)該列入詞匯黑名單的詞語和表達。Actually and But事實上&但是Carolyn Kopprasch recently opined that when it comes to customer service these seem ingly inno cuous words can put dista nee betwee n you and your customers. She gives these exa mpl

4、es:卡洛琳?科帕拉奇的觀點是,當涉及到客戶服務(wù),這些無傷大雅的詞語可能會讓你和顧 客產(chǎn)生舉例。她給出了以下例子:Actually, you can do this un der "Setti ngs. &qu ot;事實上,你可以在設(shè)置菜單下這么做。Sure thing, you can do this un der "Sett in gs! &qu ot; s當然,你可以在設(shè)置菜單下這么做。sThe first sentence imp lies the customer was wrong about someth ing, and y

5、ou n ever want to elicit that sen time nt。第一句話暗示顧客做錯了,你肯定不想讓顧客產(chǎn)生這種感覺。As for "but, &qu ot; look at the differe nee removi ng it makes, she points out至于 但是”,注意去掉它之后的區(qū)別。I really appreciate you writing in, but unfortunately we don't have this feature available。很高興你能寫下這點,但是很不巧,我們就沒這個功能。I

6、 really app reciate you writ ing in! Unfortun ately, we don't have this feature available真是很高興你能寫下來!不巧的是,我們沒有這個功能。It's a subtle fix that makes your message more po sitive去掉之后,它微妙地讓你表達的信息更加積極肯定。Just只要No matter the con text, this one smacks of n egativity. Con sider p hrases you might hear and

7、 how some one might interpret them 。不管上下文是什么,這個詞帶有消極的意味。想想你可能聽到的詞組,大家對這些都是 怎么解讀的。"Just a minu te. &qu ot; Your p riorities are somewhere other tha n helping me只要一分鐘。”你的重點不是幫助我。"Just do XYZ .&qu ot; You think rm hav ing a hard time figuri ng this out只要做X,Y,Z?!蹦阏J為我弄不明白。&q

8、uot; I'm just an intern.&qu ot; You think your po wer or in flue nee is limited, in which case it certainly is 。我只不過是個實習(xí)生?!蹦阏J為你的能力或者影響力有局限,事實也正是如此。Blogger, speaker, and consultant Matt Monge takes special issue with the latterexa mple. "You're not just your po siti on. You'r

9、e an in tegralpart of yourorga ni zati on,&qu ot; he writes. "You're an in dividual with goals, dreams, abilities, and ideas. You can be a motivated, empo wered, p ositive, valuable member of the team if you just decide to put forth the effort and work it takes to be those things.&a

10、mp;qu ot;博主、發(fā)言人、顧問馬特?蒙日用后面這個例子做出解釋。你不僅僅只是在你的職位上。你是公司整體的一份子。”他寫道,你是個有目標、有夢想、有能力、有想法的人。如果你 決定付出努力和勞動,你可以變成團隊中積極、有權(quán)利、正面、有價值的一員。Always and n ever總是&從不These are classic weapons wielded in relationships that show up in the form of "You always do XYZ&qu ot; or "You n ever do A

11、BC .Xqu ot; Really? Every si ngle time? Think hard about it-do the behaviors that bother you the most truly happen without fail?這兩個是在人際關(guān)系中使用的典型武器。你總是做XYZ或者 你從來不做ABC。”對么?每次都是?好好想一想 一這些行為是不是能惹惱你?"Never" can also be un duly limiti ng. Even if you think someth ing will n ever ever happ

12、en, voici ng your n egativity can discourage others from con tribut ing ideas that could solve a p roblem 。從不”也可以是過分限制。哪怕你認為某件事不可能發(fā)生,說出你的消極看法會讓別人打消貢獻出能夠解決問題的想Should應(yīng)該Everyone has things they could be doing differently but "shouldingonyourself" isn't going to propel you to actio

13、n. Not only will a self- in flicted guilt trip lead to balk ing, dwelli ng on your shortco mings can quickly spiral out of con trol and result in n egative and counter-p roductive self-talk。每個人做的事都可能會有另一種方法來做。但是你應(yīng)該”這句話無法促使你行動。不僅僅自我施加的罪惡感會成為阻礙,細想自己的缺點也很快會讓你失控,產(chǎn)生消極和事與愿違 的自言自語。"'l should b

14、e do ing someth ing more leads to 'Ma n, I lack disc ip li ne' which leads to 'What's wrong with me?' which leads to 'Maybe I don't have what it takes . why do I even bother I should just quit now '" says psychologist and master violi nist Dr Noa Kageyama. &a

15、mp;quot;A nd p retty soon we're sitti ng on the couch watch ing reruns of TheOffice and eati ng a six -p ack of Skinny Cow ice cream san dwiches .&qu ot;|為什么我要做呢我本應(yīng)該(做更多的事)"的想法會產(chǎn)生"伙計,我缺乏自律 ",然后就 是我怎么了? ”之后是 也許我沒有所需的品質(zhì)_為什么我要做呢 我應(yīng)該現(xiàn)在就放 棄'心理學(xué)家兼小提琴大師景山諾亞說。很快我們就會坐在沙

16、發(fā)上,看著電影辦公室 重播,吃掉六包低脂冰淇淋三明治。In stead of "should &qu ot; Kageyama advises using a p hrase that's more sp ecific,"This |and soluti on-focused. For exa mple, you could tell yourself that next time you'll spend five minu tes on the behavior you've bee n avoidi ng before doing any thi ng else. Or after noon I will spend 20 minu tes s


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