1、Unit 5 Going through Customs(通關) A 重點詞匯 Customs, Red Channel, Green Channel ,Customs declaration form, declare, embarkation card(登機卡), travel permit, arrival passenger, departure passenger,international passenger, domestic passenger, health certificate, stamp, vaccination certificate, duty free arti
2、cles, confiscate (沒收) B 民航知識點 1. 紅色通道和綠色通道的區(qū)別 2. 無需申報的物品種類及其限量規(guī)定 3. 辦理通關手續(xù)時的禮貌用語C 重點句型1. Welcome to China. May I see your passport please? 2. Where are you coming from? 3. Have you ever been to China before? 4. How long are you planning to stay? 5. Where will you be staying? 6. Do you have anything
3、to declare? 7. We examine passengers who are going through the Green Channel at random Hope you could understand 8. Thank you for your cooperation. You may leave now. 9. Red Channel is for those who have dutiable goods in their possession or goods subject to import restrictions.10. Green Channel is
4、for those who have nothing to declare.11. Excuse me, would you show me your declaration form?12. Im afraid well have to charge you some duty on them.Terminology (專業(yè)詞匯)Page32 1. Customs kstmz 海關 2. declare v dkle(r) 申報(納稅物品) 3. Customs farmalities f:mlti:z海關手續(xù) 4. Customs declaration form海關申報表 5. Red
5、Channel 紅色通道(有申報物品通道) 6. Green Channel 綠色通道 (無申報物品通道) 7. embarkation card 登機卡 8. exit/transit visa 出境/過境簽證 9. immigration mren form 移民表 10. travel permit 旅行證 11. arrival passenger 到港旅客 12. departure passenger 離港旅客 13. international passenger 國際旅客 14. domestic passenger 國內旅客 15. health certificate he
6、l stifikeit 健康證 16. vaccination certificate vksnen stifikeit 免疫注射證明 17. duty free articles 免稅物品 Text Page 321. International passengers go through a much more complicated process than domestic passengers. 國際旅客比國內旅客的通關,經過的手續(xù)更復雜。、2. Outgoing passengers usually need to complete Customs and emigration f
7、ormalities in addition to the normal check-in procedures 出境旅客除了辦理正常的安檢程序之外,還需要完成海關與移民手續(xù)。 A. outgoing adj. 對人友好的,開朗的; 出發(fā)的,外出的,出境 的 incoming adj 進來的,入境的 B. formalities 手續(xù) C. in addition to : besides 除了.之外(還) 3. They will probably be required to fill out an embarkation card,which will be retained by pa
8、ssort or police officials 可能會要求他們填寫出境記錄卡,并由護照管理人員或者 警方人員保存。 A sb be required to do sth. 某人被要求做某事 B fill out (in) 填寫(表格) C embarkation card 出境記錄卡 disembarkation card 入境記錄卡 D. retain 保留,保存 E. official 行政官員, 行政管理人員(文職官員) cf. officer (武官) 4. Incoming passengers , on the other hand, often get entry forms
9、 from the cabin attendants in the course of the flight so as to speed up the entry process at the arrival hall. 相反,入境乘客通常在飛機著陸前從乘務員那里獲得了 入境申請表,以便加速在入境大廳辦理手續(xù)的過程。 A. incoming adj. 進入的,入境的 B on the other hand 另一方面, 相反 C cabin attendant 乘務員 D in the course of 在.的過程中 E. arrival hall 入境大廳 抵達大廳 5. It is im
10、portant for the passengers to fill out their personal information accurately. 對乘客來說,準確填寫個人信息 非常重要。 6. They will be requested to present the entry forms together with their passports at the passport control 在入境護照檢查處,要求乘客遞交入境申請以及護照。 A entry form 入境申請 B together with 連同.一起 C passport control 入境護照檢查處 7.
11、 After the passport has been stamped , incoming travelers will proceed to the baggage re-claim area. 護照蓋章之后,入境乘客將到行李認領區(qū) A. proceed to 前往. 進入.8. From there, they continue to Customs control and then into the gereral concourse, ready to leave. 從那里,他們還有經過海關監(jiān)管處,然后到達寬敞的大 廳,準備離開 A customs control 海關監(jiān)管處 B
12、general concourse 寬敞的大廳 C ready to leave 準備離開 9. In order to make it convenient for passengers to go through Customs during both arrival and departure, the major airports have set up the Red Channel and Green Channel examination systems. 為了方便出入境旅客順利通關,主要國際機場設有紅色 和綠色通道控制系統(tǒng)。 A. in order to 為了. B. go t
13、hrough Customs 通關 C set up 建立 D the Red Channel 紅色通道(申報) E the Green Channel 綠色通道(免檢) 10. Red Channel is assigned to passengers with dutiable or restricted goods in their possession. 攜帶應該納稅的或者限制性物品的乘客,應該走紅色通道。 A . assign 分派,選派,分配 B . dutiable adj. 應繳稅的 C restricted adj. 有受限制的 D. goods 商品,物品 貨物 E. po
14、ssession 占有物,所有物;持有違禁物 11. In this case they must declare these items to a Customs officer 如果是這種情況(有限制性或者違禁物品),旅客必 須向海關官員申報這些物品。 12. And Green Channel is open to the passengers whose baggage conforms to Customs regualtions 綠色通道是對那些行李符合海關規(guī)定的乘客開放的。 A conform to 符合,遵照,和.一致 B regulations 規(guī)章制度 13. Howeve
15、r, Customs officers reserve rights to examine the baggage carried by passengers at random when they go through the Green Channel by opening their suitcases and containers, emptying or challenging the contents. 海關人員有權對通過綠色通道的旅客所攜帶的行李進 行抽查。被抽檢到的旅客會被告知打開或者清空手提 箱,或者回答海關人員對所攜帶物品的詢問。 A . reserve rights 保留
16、.權利 B at random 隨意的,隨機 C container 容器;箱 集裝箱 D challenge 質疑;向挑戰(zhàn) E contents 內容,內裝物14. If any passenger violates the Customs regulations, by importing into the country the restricted articles or articles beyond the duty-free allowance, he will be subject to an administrative fine, or have his goods con
17、fiscated. 任何違反海關規(guī)定,進口限制物品或者物品超過免稅 限額的乘客,將受到行政罰款,或者沒收貨物。 A violate 違反 B import 進口 C restricted articles 限制性物品 D beyond 超過 E duty-free 免稅 F allowance 限額 G. be subject to 遭受到 H fine 罰款 I confiscate 沒收;充公; 15. To make things worse, he will probably be involved in legal proceedings . 更糟糕的是,他可能面臨法律起訴。 A t
18、o make things worse 更糟糕的是 B be involved in 卷入,涉及,牽涉 參與 C proceedings 訴訟Dialogues (Page 33)1. A passenger is at the Customs check-point.(海關檢查站)A. Welcome to China. May I see your passport please?P. Sure. Here it is.A. Where are you coming from?P. Im coming from Sydney, Australia.A. What is the purpos
19、e of your visit?P. Im here on business.A. Have you ever been to Chian before?P. No,this is my first visit.A. How long are you planning to stay?P. Ill be staying for three weeks.A. Where will you be staying?P. Ill be staying at a hotel.A. Do you have anything to declare?P. No, nothing.A. Okey, enjoy
20、your stay.P. Thank you.2. A Customs officer is making a random check. 海關官員在進行隨機檢查A. Excuse me, Sir. May I have your passport?P. Why? Ive been checked at the point(檢查站)A. We examine passengers who are going through the Green Channel at random. Hope you could understand.P. Okey, here is my passport an
21、d the entry permit. (入境許可證)A. Good. Could you tell me whats in your bag?P. 200 cigarettes and a bottle of CD perfume for my girl friend.(迪奧 香水= Christian Dior )A. Thank you for your cooperation. You may leave now.P. Bye-bye.3. A passenger is wondering about the differences between Red Channel and Gr
22、een Channel. A. Excuse me, I found there are two channels here. Could you please tell me if there is any difference between them? P. Yes. Red Channel is for those who have dutiable goods in their possession or goods subject to import restrictions. Green Channel is for those who have nothing to decla
23、re. P. I m not sure if I have to declare my things or not. A. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to choose the Red Channel. P. Okey, I will follow your advice.4. A passenger is going through the Customs proceduresA . May I see your passport, please?P. Here is my passport. And this is the declar
24、ation form.A. What is the purpose of your visit to China?P. On business. Im here to attend a trade conference.A. This visa is good for a month. Do you expect to stay longer than that?P. No, I will fly back to France 2 weeks from now.A. You arent carrying any food with you, are you?P. No, Im not.A. W
25、ould you mind opening this bag and showing me the contents in it ?P. Sure.5. A Customs officer is conducting a random check 一位海關官員正在進行隨機檢查A. Excuse me, Miss, May I have your passport , please?P. One second, please. Here you are.A. Do you have anything to declare?P. I am not sure. You see, I have a d
26、igital camera, a vidio recorder, a bottle of perfume for myself and a bottle of wine for my friend.A. Okey, Anything else?P. No more.A. They are well within the duty-free allowance. (免稅限額) Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice stay here. 6. A passenger is going through Red Channel.A. Excuse
27、 me, would you show me your declaration form?P. I was wondering what should be declared in this country?A. Okey, on this declaration form, some items are listed in the red frame . You need to tick the boxes in front of the items you carry.P. Well , I have got a bottle of whisky, some chocolates, cos
28、metics, and a few packets of cigarettes.A. Let me see inside your bag. Wow, so many packets of cigarettes! Im afraid well have to charge you some duty on them.P. Where shall I pay?A. Its over there.Exercises ( Page 371. Answer the following questions.1). What outgoing procedures should the internati
29、onal passengers complete before their flight? Outgoing passengers should complete Customs and emigration formalities in addition to their normal check-in procedures.2) Why are the international incoming passengers required to fill out entry forms in the course of the flight? International incoming p
30、assengers are required to fill out entry forms in the course of the flight so as to speed up the entry process at the arrival hall.3) What kind of passengers should go through the Red Channel? Passengers with dutiable or restricted goods in their possession should go through the Red Channel.Exercise
31、s 1. Answer the following questions.4) What kind of passengers should to through the Green Channel? Passengers whose baggabe conforms to Customs regulations should go through the Green Channel.5). What will happen to the passenger, if he fails to declare one restricted item in his baggage.? If a pas
32、senger fails to declare one restricted item, he will be subject to an administrative fine or have his goods confiscated. 2. Suppose you are a Customs officer working at the airport. Please give responses ot the following situations in a professional way. 1.) What should you say to a passenger who is
33、 going through the Customs Welcome to China. May I see your passport please? Where are you coming from? What is the purpose of your visit? How long are you planning to stay? Where will you be staying? Do you have anything to declare? 2.)What should you say when you want to make a random check to a p
34、assenger? Excuse me, Sir/Madam/ Miss, May I have your passport? We examine passengers who are going through the Green Channel at random.Hope you could understand. Could you tell me what s in your bag? Thank you for your cooperation. You may leave now.3) If a passenger cannot decide which channel to
35、choose , what instruction do you give him? Red Channel is for those who have dutiable goods in their possession or goods subject to import restrictions. Green Channel is for those who have nothing to declare. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to choose the Red Channel.4). You are going to make
36、 a further examination into a passengers bag. What do you say? Excuse me, Sir/Madam/Miss, Would you show me your declaration form? We examine passengers who are going through the Green Channelat random.Hope you could understand.Could you tell me what s in your bag? 5) How do you instruct the passeng
37、ers to fill out the declaration form? On this declaration form, some items are listed in the red frame . You need to tick the boxes in front of the items you carry. 3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Outgoing passengers usually need to complete Customs and emigration formalities in
38、 addition to the normal check-in procedures 出境旅客除了辦理正常的安檢程序之外,還需要完成海關與移民手續(xù)2.Incoming passengers , on the other hand, often get entry forms from the cabin attendants in the course of the flight so as to speed up the entry process at the arrival hall. 相反,入境乘客通常在飛機著陸前從乘務員那里獲得了入境申請表, 以便加速在入境大廳辦理手續(xù)的過程。3. After the passport has been stamped , incoming travelers will pro
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