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1、8-27段重點詞匯 2. Hiroshima - the Liveliest” City in Japan 8-278-27段重點詞匯段重點詞匯 高級英語高級英語 第四組成員第四組成員stunning :stunning :remarkably attractiveremarkably attractive,excellentexcellent極極其漂亮的;極其出色的其漂亮的;極其出色的porcelain-faced porcelain-faced 瓷;瓷器瓷;瓷器 adj. adj. 瓷制的;精美的瓷制的;精美的a stunning,porcelain-faced womana stunni

2、ng,porcelain-faced woman面色如玉,風姿綽約的迎賓女郎面色如玉,風姿綽約的迎賓女郎at the prospect of at the prospect of 期待著期待著in prospect in prospect 展望;在期望中;展望;在期望中;可以預(yù)料到可以預(yù)料到 prospect theory prospect theory 前景理論;前景理論;預(yù)期理論預(yù)期理論 . . I entered one of the low- I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the little ceilinged rooms o

3、f the little floating house,treading cautiously floating house,treading cautiously on the soft on the soft tatami matting tatami matting and and experiencing a twinge of experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of of meeting the mayor

4、of Hiroshima in my socks.Hiroshima in my socks.榻榻米地席榻榻米地席 matting 我走進這座水上小我走進這座水上小屋里的一個低矮的房屋里的一個低矮的房間,躡手躡腳地踏在間,躡手躡腳地踏在柔軟的榻榻米地席上柔軟的榻榻米地席上,因想到要這樣穿著,因想到要這樣穿著襪子去見廣島市長而襪子去見廣島市長而感到十分困窘不安。感到十分困窘不安。 crush n. crush n. 粉碎;迷戀;壓榨粉碎;迷戀;壓榨;擁擠的人群;擁擠的人群vt. vt. 壓碎;弄皺壓碎;弄皺,變形;使,變形;使擠入擠入vi. vi. 擠;被擠;被壓碎壓碎crushed by th

5、e thought that.crushed by the thought that.意識到意識到have a crush on have a crush on 迷戀迷戀 slay ( v.) slay ( v.) : :(literary (literary 書面語書面語) ) kill or destroy kill or destroy in a violent way in a violent way 殺害,毀掉殺害,毀掉 過去式過去式 slew slew 過去分詞過去分詞 slain slain 現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞 slaying slaying linger ( v.) :conti

6、nue to live or exist linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or although very close to death or thethe endend茍延殘喘茍延殘喘linger on linger on (垂危的人)拖著不死(垂危的人)拖著不死徘徊;繼續(xù)逗留;留戀;流連;徘徊;繼續(xù)逗留;留戀;流連;hover lingerhover linger縈繞回旋縈繞回旋 Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion Quite unexpec

7、tedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the site of the first thought that I stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment,

8、 where thousands upon atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony.others had lingered on to

9、 die in slow agony.出乎意料的是,自己在車站的悲痛感出乎意料的是,自己在車站的悲痛感覺又回來了,并且我想到:我站在第一覺又回來了,并且我想到:我站在第一枚原子彈爆炸的地點,成千上萬的人瞬枚原子彈爆炸的地點,成千上萬的人瞬間死去,成千上萬的人遭受著巨大的痛間死去,成千上萬的人遭受著巨大的痛苦,在死亡邊緣徘徊。苦,在死亡邊緣徘徊。近義詞辨析:近義詞辨析: inhibit refrain restrain inhibit 主要指抑制愿望、情緒主要指抑制愿望、情緒或念頭,也指制止某物的蔓延?;蚰铑^,也指制止某物的蔓延。 refrain vi.抑制,禁止,強調(diào)抑抑制,禁止,強調(diào)抑制一種

10、沖動制一種沖動,后接介詞后接介詞from。(refrain from doing sth) restrain v.抑制,約束,指通過抑制,約束,指通過管束阻止某事發(fā)生,是及物動詞,管束阻止某事發(fā)生,是及物動詞,其習慣用法是其習慣用法是restrain sb. (sth.) from doing。murmurmurmur英英 m mm m 美美 mmm m n. n. 低語;低語聲;低聲低語;低語聲;低聲抱怨;潺潺聲抱怨;潺潺聲vi. vi. 低聲說;低聲說;私下抱怨;發(fā)出輕柔持私下抱怨;發(fā)出輕柔持續(xù)的聲音續(xù)的聲音agitated ( adj.) :shakenagitated ( adj.)

11、:shaken;perturbedperturbed;excited excited 顫抖顫抖的;不安的,焦慮的;的;不安的,焦慮的;激動的激動的 第十七段第十七段 Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its-oysters.figures of speech 突降突降 是指在描述本來正兒八經(jīng)的事物時,在應(yīng)該是指在描述本來正兒八經(jīng)的事物時,在應(yīng)該推向高潮時卻突然

12、轉(zhuǎn)入微不足道或平淡無奇的推向高潮時卻突然轉(zhuǎn)入微不足道或平淡無奇的瑣事,即從強到弱、從重到輕、從高到低降調(diào)瑣事,即從強到弱、從重到輕、從高到低降調(diào)敘述,給讀者一個與心里預(yù)期完全不同、甚而敘述,給讀者一個與心里預(yù)期完全不同、甚而相反的結(jié)語。相反的結(jié)語。這一修辭手法通常都會起到風趣幽默或挖苦諷這一修辭手法通常都會起到風趣幽默或挖苦諷刺的語言效果。突降辭格一般都可直譯。刺的語言效果。突降辭格一般都可直譯。比如:比如:馬克馬克吐溫的一個妙語:吐溫的一個妙語:To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know, because

13、 I have done it a thousand times.1. 1.生動形象的生動形象的SimileSimile(明喻)(明喻) 2.2.含不露的含不露的 MetaphorMetaphor(隱喻)(隱喻) 3.3.無靈有靈的無靈有靈的PersonificationPersonification(擬人)(擬人) 4.4.結(jié)構(gòu)精巧的結(jié)構(gòu)精巧的Transferred EpithetTransferred Epithet(移就)(移就)5.5.蘊涵新意的蘊涵新意的SynecdocheSynecdoche(提喻)(提喻) 6.6.明抑暗揚的明抑暗揚的UnderstatementUnderstat

14、ement(低調(diào)陳述)(低調(diào)陳述) 7. 7.閃爍其詞的閃爍其詞的EuphemismEuphemism(委婉)(委婉) 8. 8.強化語意的強化語意的HyperboleHyperbole(夸張)(夸張) 9. 9.含蓄典雅的含蓄典雅的AllusionAllusion(引喻)(引喻) 10.10.相映相襯的相映相襯的AntithesisAntithesis(對照)(對照) 11.11.排迭勻稱的排迭勻稱的ParallelismParallelism(平行)(平行)12.12.發(fā)人深思的發(fā)人深思的ParadoxParadox(雋語)(雋語) 13.13.矛盾統(tǒng)一的矛盾統(tǒng)一的OxymoronOxym

15、oron(矛盾修飾)(矛盾修飾) 14.14.妙趣橫生的妙趣橫生的AnticlimaxAnticlimax(突降)(突降) 15.15.一唱三嘆的一唱三嘆的RepetitionRepetition(重復(fù))(重復(fù)) 16.16.音律優(yōu)美的音律優(yōu)美的AlliterationAlliteration(頭韻)(頭韻) 17.17.一語兩意的一語兩意的PunPun(雙關(guān))(雙關(guān)) 18.18.冷嘲熱諷的冷嘲熱諷的IronyIrony(反語)(反語) 19.19.趣味盎然的趣味盎然的ParodyParody(仿擬)(仿擬) 20.20.化腐為奇的化腐為奇的ZeugmaZeugma(軛式搭配)(軛式搭配)

16、21.21.別具一格的別具一格的PalindromePalindrome(回文)(回文) 22.22.明知故犯的明知故犯的MalapropismMalapropism(詞語誤用)(詞語誤用)23. 23. 強調(diào)平衡的強調(diào)平衡的Anaphora(Anaphora(首語重復(fù)法)首語重復(fù)法)第十八段 jolt英 dlt; dlt 美 dolt vt. 使顛簸;使震驚;使搖動 vi. 搖晃;顛簸而行n. 顛簸;搖晃;震驚;嚴重挫折 jolt sth out of sth 把.從.中搖晃出來 reverie ( n.) :a dreamy,fanciful,or visionary notion or

17、daydream 夢想;幻想;白日夢第十八段 I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie. 我正準備點頭對市長的話表示贊同,可就在這時,我突然聽明白了剛才這句話末尾幾個字的意義,我的頭腦也就隨之從憂愁傷感中清醒過來。第十九段 misery英 mz()r 美 mzri n. 痛苦,悲慘;不幸;苦惱;窮困 n. (Misery)人名;(法)米斯里 heinous (adj.)英 hens; hins 美 hens :outrageously evil or wicked;abominable 極可恨的,極可惡的,極壞的第二十二段 cataclysm ( n.)英 kt,klz()m 美 ktklzm :a violent and sudden change or event esp. a serious flood or earthquake 災(zāi)變(尤指洪水、地震等)第二十五段 preserve英 przv 美 przv vt. 保存;保護;維持;腌;禁獵 n. 保護區(qū);禁獵地;加工成的食品 erect 英 rekt 美 rkt vt. 使豎立;建造;安裝 adj.


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