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1、 考研英語核心400詞前言 本教材是經(jīng)過多年考研英語教學與研究而總結(jié)出的核心詞匯。核心詞匯是那些出現(xiàn)頻率高以及對解題具有關鍵作用的詞匯。這些詞匯反映了考研英語的特點,在英美報刊和雜志上出現(xiàn)的頻率也相當之高,多出現(xiàn)在“準學術”型的文章中,而這些文章也是命題人一直偏愛的題源文章,因其具備較高思辨性,符合考研英語的難度及特點。 本教材在編排順序上將一些近義詞、形近詞放在了一起,以便于學員辨析分清。本教材中的每個英文單詞只列出了在考研英語中最常用的漢語釋義,以方便學員記憶。 盡早記住考研英語核心400詞有助于學員盡早解決詞匯障礙而更快地進入學習狀態(tài),能夠更清晰更快速地閱讀考研英語各類文章。一、 名詞1

2、. authority 權(quán)威,當局Mexican authorities noticed a large number of hospitalizations and deaths among healthy adults.墨西哥當局注意到,在成年人中有大量人住院。One authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control.一位權(quán)威人士說道,這些極其強大的精神事件不但可以約束,還可以有意識

3、地進行控制。2. equivalent 等價物The digital credential would be a “voluntary trusted identity” system that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card.該數(shù)字證書可以成為一個“自愿受信身份”系統(tǒng),從而成為物理密鑰、指紋以及身份證的高科技等價物。3. alternative 替代物They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and

4、 consider eating at home a realistic alternative.他們更愿意握緊自己的錢包,把在家吃飯作為一種現(xiàn)實的替代。4. substitute 代替物Devoted concertgoers reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance.忠誠的音樂會愛好者回答道,唱片并不能1代替現(xiàn)場表演。5. community 具有共性的人 (社區(qū),屆)The approach would create a “walled garden” in cyberspace, with safe “ne

5、ighborhoods” and bright “streetlights” to establish a sense of a trusted community.該方法能夠在網(wǎng)絡空間建一個“有墻的花園”,具有安全的“鄰里關系”以及明亮的“街燈”,從而創(chuàng)造出一種安全社區(qū)的意識。6. transaction 交易The individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with confidence.個人和組織能夠充滿信任地完全在線交易。7. mentality 心態(tài)It seems clear that such a

6、 scheme is an initiative push toward what would eventually be a compulsory of Internet “drivers license” mentality.該計劃看來明顯是一個最初的推斷,最終將形成一種英特網(wǎng)強制性“駕駛執(zhí)照”的心態(tài)。8. skepticism 懷疑The plan has also been greeted with skepticism by some computer security experts.該方案也遭到了電腦安全專家的懷疑。History and news become confused

7、, and ones impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism.歷史和新聞變得令人困惑,人們開始產(chǎn)生一種懷疑與樂觀相混合的印象。9. executive 高級管理者But Edward Dolman, the chief executive, says: “Im pretty confident were at the bottom.”但是首席執(zhí)行官愛德華·多爾曼說道:“我完全相信現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)是在底部了。”10. irony 諷刺This episode crystallizes the irony that,

8、 although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations, they rarely talk at home.該情節(jié)體現(xiàn)出一種諷刺,那就是,籍貫美國男性在公共場合比女性說話多,但在家里,他們很少說話。11. preference 偏愛The first and more important is the consumer's growing preference for eating out.首先并且最重要的是消費者不斷增長的對外出就餐的偏愛。12. predominance 優(yōu)勢Just as i

9、nevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.不可避免的事,這種從優(yōu)勢地位退下來的感覺是痛苦的。13. pattern 圖案,模式The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s.政治科學家安德魯·哈克在上世紀七十年代觀察到這一模式。14. infrastructure 基礎設施Big retailers could profitably apply their scale, existing infrastr

10、ucture and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence.大型零售商在管理產(chǎn)品類別、物流、以及營銷智能化方面,可以應用其規(guī)模、已有基礎設施和歷經(jīng)考驗的技能,這是有利可圖的。15. inequity 不公正In my own research, complaints from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having giv

11、en up the chance for a career to accompany a husband.在我自己的研究中,女性們對于丈夫的抱怨通常并非針對那些明顯的不公正,例如放棄職業(yè)來陪伴丈夫。16. humanity 人類,人性He is publishing a paper which not only suggests that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about.他的正在發(fā)表的一篇論文不僅暗示出某

12、個人類群體會比其他群體更聰明,還解釋了這種現(xiàn)象產(chǎn)生的過程。His concern is mainly with the humanities: Literature, languages, philosophy and so on.他主要關注的是人文學科:文學,語言,哲學等等。17. revival 復活,復興Is there any chance that Carduss criticism will enjoy a revival? The prospect seems remote.卡杜斯的批判性評論有機會復活嗎?這看來很遙遠。18. amateur 業(yè)余愛好者Moreover, the

13、 amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.另外,音樂評論中的業(yè)余愛好者傳統(tǒng)在急劇衰退。19. corporation 公司Corporations could use such approaches to introduce new routines.公司應當采用這些方法來塑造新的慣例。Its a self-examination that has involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom l

14、ine.這是一種自我檢查,其中包含責任、創(chuàng)造性自由和公司底線等問題。20. economy 經(jīng)濟,經(jīng)濟體Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price.富裕國家不像過去那么依賴石油,因此對油價波動就不那么敏感。21. adolescent 青少年Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a

15、 breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.口香糖曾經(jīng)主要是青少年購買,現(xiàn)在則經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在商業(yè)廣告中,用來使口氣清新,以及用來在餐后清潔牙齒。22. juvenile青少年Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.很多關于青少年違法原因的理論都把主要影響原因歸于個人或社會。23. jury

16、 陪審團Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values.很多美國人把陪審團制度看作關鍵民主價值的具體表現(xiàn)。24. qualification 資格There is a principle that all citizens should meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy.有一個原則,那就是所有公民應當符合年齡和識字能力方面的最低資格要求。25. specialization 專門化Specializ

17、ation can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge.專門化可以看作是對科學知識不斷積累的一種響應。26. prerequisite 先決條件Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a successful academic career.專業(yè)化使得博士學位成為成功學術生涯的先決條件。27. connotation

18、 內(nèi)涵The word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values.“業(yè)余愛好者”一詞的確帶有這樣一種內(nèi)涵,那就是,沒有完全整合進科學界的人不會分享其價值觀。28. prospect 前景Losing a job is hurting: you dont skip down to the job center

19、with a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generous state.失去工作是痛苦的:你不可能唱著歌蹦蹦跳跳地來到就業(yè)中心,心里高興地想著這個慷慨的國家會讓你的收入翻番。29. prosperity 繁榮“The Heart of the Matter,” the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), deserves praise for affirm

20、ing the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America.«物質(zhì)的核心»是美國藝術與科學研究院剛發(fā)表的一篇報告,這篇報告肯定了人文學科和社會科學對于美國自由民主的繁榮與安全的重要性,因此是值得表揚的。30. intelligence 智力,智能Jury duty was once limited to persons of supposedly superior intelligence, ed

21、ucation, and moral character.陪審團的職責曾經(jīng)僅限于那些具有卓越智力、教育背景和道德素養(yǎng)的人。Indeed the quest for true artificial intelligence has produced very mixed results.事實上,對于人工智能的探索所獲得的結(jié)果是非常復雜的。31. fitness 健康But despite some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness.盡管存在一些反面的主張,事實上,笑

22、對于身體健康幾乎沒有什么影響。32. seminar 討論會He spent many of his weekly seminars giving detailed instructions in techniques of observation.他用了很多的周討論會來詳細說明觀察技術。33. duty 職責Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.一些哲學家提出,權(quán)力作為職責與利益的交換的

23、一部分,僅存在于契約中。34. advocate 倡導(vt.), 倡導者(n.)Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.羅森博格令人信服地提出,廣告商很善于應用同伴壓力,公共健康倡導者應當向他們學習。He advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.他提倡思想自由和個人表達的自由。35. benef

24、actor 捐助者These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields and they want to use their wealth to draw attention to those who have succeeded in science.這些捐助者在他們自己的領域很成功,他們想用自己的財富吸引那些在科學領域取得成功的人。36. entrepreneur 企業(yè)家These upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels.這些突

25、然崛起的企業(yè)家不可能通過金錢使自己的獎項具有諾貝爾獎那樣的威望。37. chaos 混亂Beethovens music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of human existence.貝多芬的音樂總是從混亂過渡到秩序,仿佛秩序是至高無上的人類存在。38. tension 張力The tension between the universal and the particular has been immensely productive in anthropology.在人類學中,普遍性與

26、特殊性之間的張力能夠產(chǎn)生大量研究結(jié)果。39. obesity 肥胖Of even greater concern is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define.很難對肥胖進行定義,這一事實受到的關注更多。40. significance 重要性,意義Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events由于日常生

27、活占據(jù)了我們有意識的思想,因此我們并不總是會思考日常事件的情感意義。41. institute 研究機構(gòu),(專門型)學院According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending.根據(jù)加拿大健康信息研究院的統(tǒng)計,自1997年以來,醫(yī)療保險總體開銷中處方藥成本在大幅上升。42. institution 制度,機構(gòu),機制He is that rare

28、 bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution.他是那種與眾不同者,作為一個獨立于任何機構(gòu)的科學家在工作。There is the so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements.存在一種大批量交易,就是機構(gòu)用戶付錢通過網(wǎng)站特許協(xié)議來解除大量的在線期刊。The findings of a

29、 research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living.研究機構(gòu)的發(fā)現(xiàn)一致地表明,所有國家的勞動者都可以通過工作培訓來獲得生產(chǎn)率的根本提高,從而大幅提高生活水平。The southern states would not have signed the Const

30、itution without protections for the peculiar institution.如果不保護南方各州的制度,他們當時就不會簽署憲法。It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.人們可以說,對任何社會機價值的衡量在于其擴大并提示經(jīng)驗方面的效果,但這一效果并不屬

31、于這些機制的最初動機。Malinowski regarded all institutions of a society as intrinsically linked to each other, and stressed that every social or cultural phenomenon ought to be studied in its full context.馬林諾夫斯基把所有社會機制看成是相互聯(lián)系的,并強調(diào)應當將所有社會或文化現(xiàn)象放在其完整的社會情境中進行研究。43. intellectual 知識分子,知識的It is intellectuals, not Ame

32、rica, who have become anti-intellectual.反對知識的正是知識分子本身,而不是美國。44. manuscript 手稿When I set out to revise and update this book, the original manuscript was five years old.當我在對這本書進行修改和更新時,最初的手稿已經(jīng)存在五年之久了。44. justice 大法官The court cannot maintain its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law when justices b

33、ehave like politicians.假如大法官像政客那樣行事,法庭就不能維持其作為法治監(jiān)護人的合法性。45. trait 特征The trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.我們過高評估了關于才干的特征。46. reference參考In effect, you try to reconstruct the likely meaning or effects that any given sentence, image or reference might have had.事實上,你可以嘗試對任何給定句子、圖像或參考可以具

34、有的意義或效果進行重建。47. inference 推理You make further inferences, for instance, about how the text may be significant to you.你可以進行進一步推理,比如該文本對你具有何種重要性。48. legacy 遺產(chǎn)Morgans legacy would also be acknowledged by many Marxist anthropologists.摩根的遺產(chǎn)也會得到馬克思主義人類學家的認可。49. label 標簽Advances in technology have allowed m

35、ass-market labels such as Zara ,H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely.技術的發(fā)展使得諸如颯拉、HM以及優(yōu)衣庫這樣的大眾市場品牌能夠?qū)κ袌鲒厔菘焖俜磻⒏訙蚀_地對需求進行預測。50. vogue 流行I shall then proceed to characterize the system now in vogue in Western civilization.我將繼續(xù)講述西方文明中現(xiàn)在流行的體系特征。51. pre

36、mise 前提Although cultural relativism had been introduced more than a century before, it was Boas who made it a central premise for anthropological research.盡管一個世紀之前就有了文化相對主義,卻是鮑亞士使之成為人類學研究的核心前提。52. emotion 情感According to one classical theory of emotion, our feelings are partially rooted in physical r

37、eactions.根據(jù)一個古典情感理論,我們的感覺部分上來自于身體反應。53. sentiment 感情These theories are quite indispensable to any understanding of the complex sentiment in primitive societies.這些理論對于理解原始社會中復雜感情來說是不可或缺的。54. mood 心情The physical act of laughter could improve mood.笑這一身體行動能夠改善心情。55. discipline 紀律,學科His work shows, proba

38、bly better than that of any other anthropologist, the potential of cultural criticism inherent in the discipline.他的工作展示了該學科中固有的文化批判的潛力,這一工作可能優(yōu)于任何其他人類學家。56. impulse 脈沖,沖動In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme.在物理學中,有一種方法將這一尋求一致性的沖動發(fā)揮到極致。57. survey 社會調(diào)查A new study s

39、uggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work.一項新的研究表明,人們事實上在家要比在工作中更有壓力,這一結(jié)果與大部分社會調(diào)查相反。58. hostility 敵意All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession.在世界范圍內(nèi),律師們所產(chǎn)生的敵對心理要比其它任何職業(yè)來得都要多。59. gratitude 感激It is

40、 wise to take such gifts with gratitude and grace.將這些禮物滿懷感激地并優(yōu)雅地收下,這是明智的。60. inquiry 詢問,探究Academic inquiry, at least in some fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.學術探究需要更少的排他性和更多的全面性,至少在某些研究領域是這樣的。61. hypothesis 假設The linguist Edward Sapir formulated, with his student, a hyp

41、othesis, which claims that language determines cognition, and that the worlds languages differ enormously.語言學家愛德華·沙皮爾和他的學生構(gòu)想出一個假說,聲稱語言決定認知,且世界上的語言存在巨大差別。62. superiority 優(yōu)越性We naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to boost our “illusory superiority”.我們很自然地利用一些自我提升的策略來增加我們的“虛幻優(yōu)越感

42、”。63. modification 修改Credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification.那些顯得重要并并可信的發(fā)現(xiàn)總是需要面對挑戰(zhàn)和潛在的修改。64. proportion 比例The poets also have taught many people to value love in proportion to its intensity.詩人教誨了很多人以愛德強度來衡量其價值。65. in

43、difference 漠不關心Someone wrote a controversial and influential book that denounced Hollywood for celebrating a culture of violence and indifference to suffering.某人寫了一本有影響力且存在爭議的書,書中譴責好萊塢頌揚暴力文化,而對痛苦卻漠不關心。66. motivation 動機This movement has been driven by powerful and diverse motivations.這次運動受到各種強大動機的驅(qū)使。

44、67. motive 動機As the family system changes, economic motives also change.當家庭體系改變時,經(jīng)濟的動機也隨之改變。68. sustainability可持續(xù)性She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability.她展現(xiàn)出一種可持續(xù)性倡導者們共同具有的理想。69. peer 同伴,同行All this could change the traditional form of the peer-review process, at least f

45、or the publication of papers.所有這些可以改變傳統(tǒng)的同行審閱形式,至少在論文出版方面是這樣。70. virtue 美德The primary motive of marriage ethics in this society has been to secure high degree of female virtue, without which a family will become impossible.這個社會婚姻倫理的主要動機是保證高度的女性美德,否則家庭將是不可能的。We are not sure if experts can successfully

46、 select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions.我們不能肯定專家是否能夠成功地去選擇同伴群體,并將他們的行為引導至有美德的方向上去。71. elite 精英The practice of selecting so-called elite or blue-ribbon juries provided a convenient way antidiscrimination laws.選擇所謂精英或藍帶陪審團的實踐為繞開反歧視法提供了一個權(quán)宜之計。72. consent 同意Daughters th

47、roughout civilization could not marry without their fathers consent.在所有的人類文明中,女孩都不可在未獲得父親允許的情況下出嫁。73. fatigue 疲勞For some people, art is something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue.對于某些人而言,藝術就像一個良好的扶手椅,可以躺在里面恢復身體疲勞。74. ancestor 祖先Ancestor worship, or something analogous, pre

48、vailed very widely down to the present day of China.在中國,祖先崇拜等形式一直廣泛流傳至今。75. antiquity 古物,古代The civilization of antiquity, in contrast to our own, suffered from living in relatively small population.與我們當今社會不同,古代文明承受著一種痛苦,那就是人口相對稀少。76. immortality 不朽The individualism of Christian communities gradually

49、 affected the policy of Christian countries, while the promise of personal immortality diminished the interest in the hearts of men.基督教社團的個人主義逐漸影響著基督教國家的政策,而在男人們心中則減少了對于個人不朽性承諾的興趣。77. nihilism 虛無主義The belief that everything is as good as everything else may ultimately lead to relativism or nihilism.

50、如果相信任何一切均與其它一切同樣好,則會導致相對主義或虛無主義。78. urge 激勵There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge.那些花園無疑證明了一種不可能的創(chuàng)造、表達、改變和美化的沖動,并證明自我表達是一種基本的人類沖動。79. conviction 信念,定罪Art has the power to celebrate our cheris

51、hed convictions and to pacify us.藝術有能力頌揚我們珍視的信念,并使我們平靜。80. species 物種They stem from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago.他們來源于3500萬年前共同的祖先。81. insistence 堅持What has been added to this in the way of insistence on male virtue by Christianity had its psychological source.基督教將此塑

52、造為男性美德,這一額外特點具有其心理根源。82. epidemic 流行病In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed.然而,一些研究者在最近的研究中發(fā)現(xiàn)一點,那就是大人物對社會流行所施加的影響要遠小于人們普遍認為的程度。83. divorce 離婚There may be all kinds of differen

53、ces as regards divorce, from the Catholic extreme, which permits no divorce, to the law of old China, which permitted a man to divorce his wife for being a chatterbox.關于離婚,有很多不同的類型,極端的天主教不允許離婚,而在古代中國的法律中,男性可以由于妻子太嘮叨而離婚。84. critic 批評家Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good

54、as the reference collections to which a sample is compared.批評家們也提出,商業(yè)基因檢測之多也就是用作收集樣本的比較參考。85. celebrity 名人The researchers' argument stems from a simple observing about social influence, with the exception of a few celebrities.研究者的論點來源于對社會影響的一個簡單觀察,一些名人則被排除在外。86. preservation 保存For the preservati

55、on of the species, the participation of the male is necessary for the rearing of the children.男性的參與對孩子的撫養(yǎng)來說是必須的,這有利于物種的保存。87. issue 問題(n.),發(fā)行(vt.)Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in the everyday performance of his routine duties.他和其他人一樣,即使是在履行日常職責時,也會遇到道德問題。88. code 行為準則Part

56、of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethics code.問題部分在于大法官不受倫理行為準則的約束。89. offspring 后代Among human beings the co-operation of the father is a great biological advantage to the offspring, especially in unsettled times and among turbulent populations.在人類中,父親的合作對于后代來說是個巨大的生物學優(yōu)勢,尤其是在混沌

57、時代以及動蕩的人群中。90. incentive 刺激Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives.公司如果想在艱難時期留住他們的獨立董事,就需要提供經(jīng)濟刺激。91. patent 專利The U.S. court of Appeals said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents.美國上訴法院說到,他們將采用特別程序來更廣泛地審查商業(yè)方法專利。92. flexibility 靈活性These gave banks more


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