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1、A F L YUnit 1Lead in 1. hold; 2. supposed; 3. abse nt-mi nded; 4. depe ndable; 5.responsible; 6. boring;7. to be an engineer is to be somebody; 8. as result of people's ignorance of the importa nee of engin eers in society3 1.B, 2.A, 3.D, 4.D, 5.C4 l.media 2.images 3.abusive 4.fulfilli ng 5.reco

2、g niti on6. status 7.stresses 8.aware 9.deserve5l.obligation, 2.applauded, 3.fulfilled, 4.mirror, 5.flexibility, 6.devalue, 7.striv ing, 8.e ntailed , 9.supposedly ,10.Con seque ntly5 1.referred to as, 2.at best, 3.by the same toke n , 4.atlarge, 5.held up.as6 1.stress2. a family3. a burde n / resp

3、on sibility4. resp on sibility / a commitme nt5. support / recognition / attention / appreciation6.lu xury7. atte nti on / recog niti on / appreciati on8. a commitme nt9. recog niti on / support10. appreciation / recognition81 With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.2 He felt he

4、 did not have to make such a commitme nt to Joh n any more.3 Mary likes to go shopp ing in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home read ing.4 At best he's ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without con scie nee or qualificati ons.5 Wehave strive n to the full to convince

5、him, but we have made no headway.91 It seems the only time she feels very happy is when she is back home with her parents, or when she has received their letters.2. One exception to the rule is that parents are allowed to attend the classes.3. Marti n is not good in sports, butwhe n it comes to math

6、ematics,he's the best in the class.4. Today, there is widespread agreeme nt among uni versity stude nts that computers are becoming more and more important in their studies and lives.5. As students, weneed to improve our English not only in reading,but in writ ing and speak ingas well12 1.D, 2.C

7、, 3.A, 4.C, 5.A131. redefi ned 2.sphere 3.accomplishme nt 4.opposite 5.playmates6. emoti on ally 7.equality 8.i nitiative 9.status 10.cha nge13 1.equality 2.susta ined 3.clue 4.expa nsive ness 5.wassacked 6.defi ned 7.sphere 8.sour 9.depress ing 10.divisi on14 1.i n the way 2.falli ng apart 3.have r

8、uled out 4.at thisrate 5.took up16岡 closeSynonymsAntonyms1 in tellectual; in tellige nt; bright1 active; passive2 feeli ng; emoti on2 public; private3 feed; n urture3 physical; emoti onal4 sack; fire; dump4 expa nsive; n arrow5 secretly; quietly5 traditi on al; moder n6 sick; ill6 failure; success7

9、weak; strong171 The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to in formati on.2 Si nee he does n' t agree to this pla n, there is not muchpo int in thinking about it any more.3 I haven ' t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film.4 If you don &

10、#39; t work hard, you ' II end up no where.5 It ' s up to the United States to take the initiativein banning nuclearweap ons.Unit 2Lead in1. tourists; 2. Sidney and Ethel; 3. plays; 4. typewriter; 5.microphone 6. theatre; 7. gran dchild; 8. famous ;2 1.A, 2.C, 3.A, 4.A, 5.C4 1.war ned muni c

11、ati on 3.da ngerous 4.ide ntities 5.cheated6.illustrates 7.adva ntages 8.differe ntly 9.appeara nee 10.opportun ities5 l.awaited, 2.have overtake n, 3.pose, 4.cues, 5.hasun derm in ed,6.soptted, 7.judged, 8.distracted, 9.offe nd, 10.mask6 l.brought out, 2.with the exception of, 3.thanks to, 4.takeni

12、n, 5.capable of7SynonymsAntonyms1 intern et; to web1 on li ne; offli ne2 global; worldwide2 harmless; harmful3 n etwork; in terco nn ectio n4 digital; nu merical5 deceit; decepti on81 He is no more fit to be a headmaster tha n any schoolboy would be.2 As for her father, she is not sure whether he wi

13、ll accept her and her baby.3 Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and gett ing up early will ben efit it.The ambassador pers on ally conv eyed the preside nt's message to the premier.A F L Y4 The girl decided to ope n up and tell the police what she had see n.

14、9 1.1 happe n to know the new method isno more reliablethan the oldA F L YA F L Yone.2. I cannot be happy uni ess I have found a job.otherwise be3. Man should provide positive models for kids who might out street.4. A fish doesn' t know what water is. Likewise , we often do not think too much ab

15、out the culture we are raised in.5. At first glanee, a book is often judged by the quality and appearanee of its cover, not by its content.12 1.A, 2.A,3. C, 4.B, 5.A14l. embarrassed, 2.tutor, 3.pote ntial, 4.he nee, 5.yield,6.affec tion, 7.appropriate, 8.prese ntati on, 9.roma ntic,10.recommen dati

16、on15 1.i n terms of, 2.participat ing in, 3.get dow nto, 4.base. on, 5.acts on161. courtesy 2.ge ntlema n 3.embarrass 4.educati on 5.pers on ality6. behavior 7.affecti on 8.satisfy 9.appropriate17 1 Excessive exercises do more harmthan good to one's health. Thereforewe must con trol the amount o

17、f exercise we do.2 He made a few attempts to join in their conversation, but he gaveup out of timid ness.3 Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.4 Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to better un dersta nd and adapt to your study en v

18、ir onment in the US.5 It is a traditionalChinese virtue for the young on the buses to yieldtheir seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.Unit 3Lead in1. exclusive; 2. fixed; 3. authorize; 4. distributor; 5. raised 6.dow nl oad ing; 7. products; 8. ordered it to pay $250009. An exactnum

19、ber of CDsand total damageswill be determined at a Novemberhearing. 10.We believe that every one should have the right to liste nto the musicthey purchase4 l.misconceptions 2.laws 3.restrictions 4.usage 5.scope6. c on seque nces 7.myths 8.ethical5.violated, 2.derive, 3.blocked, 4.default, 5.rational

20、ize,6.quoted, 7.exclusive, 8.c on tacted , 9.a nonym ous , lO.charg e5 1.is up to, 2.resulted in, 3.was charged with, 4.wasun likely, 5.ha nding out7兇 cl oraWordClassTran slati onNou nVerbAdjectivescreatev.創(chuàng)造creati oncreativeorigi nallyadv.最初;原先origi norigi nateorig inalviolatio nn.違反violateviolativ

21、eexcepti onn.例外exceptexceptio nalcommercialadj.商業(yè)的commerce1 11Jgrantv.準(zhǔn)予grantexcerptn.摘錄excerptdefe ndv.防護defe needefe ndableame ndv.修正amen dmename ndablerati on alizev.使合理化rati onal81.It is simply unbelievable for him to charge 500 dollars for a haircut.2. People grant you the privilege, so you sho

22、uld serve the people who leheartedly.3. The weather forecast is very importa nt so that we can decide whe n to go to sea.4. The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sun day morning, and people had a strong feeli ng that the war was coming.5. Even though you read three pages per minute, you will

23、by no meansfinish the book by the end of this weeke nd.91. But to be hon estyou should not risk it ifyou know for sure.2. If you are late for the meeting, you will not be blamed by the personin charge of the meeting,but you' II feel a little shameful.3. Whether we like a particular piece of news

24、 or not , all we have to do is sit in front of the TV.4.1 like read ing scie nee ficti onor somethi ng excit ing like that,such as the X Files.5. You should think about the fact thatno wadays many people careabout the quality of a TV setmore than its price121. F, 2.T, 3.T, 4.F, 5.F141. have wit ness

25、ed,2. trample, 3.abus ing, 4.ma nu al, 5.duplicated, 6.k nowin gly, 7.tactic, 8.patrolli ng, 9.budget, 10.e nforce151. e nd up, 2.give.short shrift, 3.step up.to, 4.i nfrin gedon, 5.does n't fit into161.a fine2. rights/law3.law/rights4. money5. deadli nes6. a prese ntati on7. rehearsals8. a copy

26、/m oney9. permissio n10. a n in terview171 He can beat his opp onent easily without giving a sec ond thought.2 With little or no knowledge of driving,he drove the car onto the road.3 It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge.4 I could accept this fact calmly beca

27、use I kn ewif I were n't able to finish the missi on, cha nces were that the team would be defeated.5 Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and culturalkno wledge.Unit 4Lead in1. discourage; 2. from; 3. dialects; 4. overwhel min gly; 5. choice 6.fierce; 7. standard; 8. are

28、now promoting English as the Ianguage of the 21st century 9. English is going to be the lingua franca of the new cen tury 10. adopted En glish to be taught as the sec ond Ian guage of choice ;31.A, 2.B, 3.C, 4.C, 5.A41.preparati on 2.i ndicate 3.capable 4.a nalysis 5.particularly6.occupati ons 7.n e

29、ither 8.professi onal51.sensitive, 2.classification, 3.sufficiently, 4.steer, 5.familiarity, 6.consequently, 7.reward, 8.qualifications, 9.fundam en tals, 10.evaluate61.As for 2.focus . on 3.be nefit . from 4.failed to 5.releva nt to71.the sta ndard of En glish / broad prospects2. proficie ncy3. foo

30、d and drink4. the rules of grammar5. habits of heari ng and speak ing6. the in structi on s/the rules of grammar7. pers onal dan ger8. docume nts9. prejudices10. broad prospects81 My grandfather's interests range from playing chess to climbing mountains although he is 70 years.2 Surpris in gly,

31、Tom's gran dmother plays with dolls at the age of 80.3 His selfless nessand tale nt qualify him for the job most stude nts dream to get.4 What in terpretati on would you put on his odd /stra nge dream?5 The brand-new car our boss has just bought is capable of making 200 kilometers an hour.121. D

32、, 2.C, 3.A, 4.D, 5.B141. bey ond, 2.champi ons, 3.ig no red, 4.obliged, 5.sheer, 6.1 agged, 7.prospects, 8.proficie ncy, 9.prejudice, 10.claim151.in a way, 2.drawing up, 3.calls for, 4.signedup for, 5.setback161.the sta ndard of En glish/broad prospects2. proficie ncy3. food and drink4. the rules of

33、 grammar5. habits of heari ng and speak ing6. the in structi on s/the rules of grammar7. pers onal dan ger8. docume nts9. prejudices10. broad prospects171 He suggested at the board meet ing that the easy task (should) be left to Mary whose health is poor.2 Mr. Brow n, who is in Hong Kong now, has a

34、lot of teach ing experie nee and will come to teach our stude nts in the spri ng.3 This is the best hotel in our city in which the food is very good andthe same is true of the service.4 In order to attract more passengers, the captain assured all the passe ngers of the safety of traveli ng by ship.5

35、 His new car, for which he paid ¥ 150000, was seriously damaged in an accide nt and was bey ond repair.Unit 5Lead inS1 manuals S2 periodically S3 initiative S4 structural S5 remains S6rewarded S7 hon est S8 Pen alties aga inst sea ndals are too lenient S9Japanese eompanies have little incentive

36、 to tackle ethical and eomplianee issues intern ally S10 have madegreater efforts to deal with ethical and eomplia nee issues2T 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) T 8) T 9) T 10) F4l. moral 2.eheat 3.cy ni cal 4.tai nted 5.virtue6. thriv ing 7.exclusive 8.re in force51. morality 2. quest 3. dow nright 4. a

37、dvocated 5. con temporaries 6. decei ving 7. avarice 8. obstruct ing 9. captured 10. eon scie nee61. took to, 2. goes back, 3. carry . out, 4. pointed to, 5. in opposition to71.to seek/provide/capture an adva ntage2. to protect/promote in terest3. to reach goals4. to rei nforce morality5. to adva nc

38、e/promote a career6. to capture an idea7. to exam ine a questi on8. to call for /rein force ethics9. to sound the theme10. to build/seek trust81 The airpla ne they boarded soared out of sight as soon as it took off.2 At the meeting, the two sides had a very hot debate. The reformers put forward many

39、 reforming measures, but eonservatives were in opposition to the proposed cha nges.3 In the long run, we should lear n more about scie nee and tech no logy.Besides the major subject, the knowledge of computers, English and driving is n ecessary in our work.4 She does gymnastic exercises four times a

40、 week in quest to achieve the perfect body.5 Every the morning in the park some old people are doing physical exercises there, chatt ing with each other.91. His solution to the problem goes something like this.2. In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical cha nge.3. Actuall

41、y, as we know, the adva nceme nt of tech no logy sta nds at the cen ter of econo mic grow n.4. The subject is so difficult that we cannot un dersta nd anything ofit.5. The investigationcommittee consists of four groups, each playingits own special role in implementing the investigation.121. B 2.C 3.

42、A 4.A 5.A14pelled passi on 3.disclosure 4.explori ng 5.ma Ino urished 6.plagu ing 7.pledge 8.breach 9.spa n 10.tra nsact ion151.sitti ng idle 2.broke dow n 3.i n all respects 4.gave .credit 5.by the con duct of16因doseSynonymsAntonyms1 idle; fallow1 to sell; to purchase2 diverse; vary ing2 plagued; d

43、elighted3 breach; faith4 key; important5 morality; ethics6 sick; ill171 Won t it be better if we take measures to change th e present situation?2 I didn ' t give him credit for such a skill. (I didn' t give credit tohim for such a skill.)3 They have been learning English up to now, though in

44、 their advaneed age.4 He has not bee n to school for seve n days because of ill ness.5 The childre n ran out of the classroom, jump ing and singing.Unit 6Lead in(S1) serious; (S2) involves;(S3) several; (S4) changes; (S5) families;(S6) means; (S7) painful; (S8) Get a medical checkup to rule out any

45、other ill nesses that might be caus ing sig ns of depressi on. (S9) Go to thegovernment services pages and look for "health clinics” or "communityhealth cen ters. ” (S10) There are two com mon types of treatme nt for depression: medicine and "talk” therapy.21.B, 2.A, 3.C, 4.D, 5.C, 6.

46、B, 7.A4l.portrayed 2.revealed 3.depressi on 4.game 5.admirati on6. co nnection 7.u nin terested 8.lo yal 9.i ncludi ng 10.psychologi cal51. achieveme nt 2. crucial 3. dem on strate 4. aroused 5. attachme nt 6.confron tati on 7. sharply 8. soari ng 9. aba ndoned 10. intense61. through thick and thin

47、2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. stave off7SynonymsAntonyms1 con flict; clash1 light-hearted; intense2 men tal; psychological2 helpful; harmful3 feeli ng sad; depressi on4 self-esteem; self-worth5 back up; support81 She portrayed her childhood as a time of won der and discovery.2 Experime

48、nts showed that non-smokers committed fewer errors tha n smokers.3 Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their conn ecti on to a team that wins.4 Despite the won derful act ing, the three-hour movie could not hold our atte nti on.5 Professor Wang is the o

49、nly doctor I can rely on to save my son.91. Arse nal fans hit the heights whe n Arsenal wins and the depths of despair whe n it loses.2. In the test of short-term memory, non-smokers committed fewer errors tha n active smokers.3. Not that she forgot to do her homework, but that she wasbusy nursing a

50、 sick classmate.4. They blamed the failure of the exam on difficulty of the paper, rather on their own mistakes.5. The principle of diligence and frugality applies to allun dertak in gs.121. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A141 victim 2. depress 3. equivale nt 4. i nsti net 5. ben eficial 6.recreational 7. prop

51、elled 8. financial 9. nothing 10. regardless151. along with 2. agree with 3. in terms of 4. go back to 5. be responsible for161.to in crease wages2. to cha nge roles3. to give an opport unity4. to raise childre n5. to cause stress6. to cha nge/to in crease value7. to experie nce con flict8. to climb

52、 a ladder171 Wedon' t think your proposal quite in pl ace, so you should give it up.2 Whe n he arrived, he found nothing but the aged and the sick at home.3 Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts.4 In terms of employment, the hotel industry is the second largest in

53、dustry in this coun try.5 Every one in this country has the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his skin.Unit 7Lead in1 no more killing and stealing 2. will be able to have money 3. findingmore things to explore and finding a cure for AIDS and for cancer 4. being cared for by

54、 those with more money5. will be able to help the black people and not hati ng them21. A, 2.D, 3.C, 4.B, 5.C4l.relucta nee 2.successi on 3.un certa in 4.fi nan cial 5.ide ntity6. co nflicts 7.recog nize 8.successfully 9.opport un ities51. successi on 2. prevale nt 3. fragile 4. gen erated 5. accompl

55、ish 6. graceful 7. imposed 8. in security 9. in dispe nsable 10. acclaim61. at stake 2. cli ngs to 3.ha ng on 4. tur ned . over 5. referred to .as71.to ope n/en gage in /start/ a quarrel2. to have/worship a differe nt outlook3. to run/foun d/start/build/pla n/have/e ngage in abus in ess4. to purchas

56、e/r un/foun d/start/build a firm5. to make a decisi on6. to treasure peace in life7. to provide acclaim8. to face retireme nt9. to en gage in /start/make successi on pla nning10. to worship foun der81 Although he said he had done a lot for the case, his success was at least in part due to luck.2 The issue to be discussed is critical, because it will determine the future of many people.3 I ' ll try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others.4 Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situati on.5 College life is referred to as the most beautiful period


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