




1、本文關鍵詞:雅思圖表作文寫作總結 雅思作文Task 1受圖表內(nèi)容的限制,遣詞造句的要求非常有限,只需針 對考試,把核心表達用準用熟即可,所謂博大不如精深。I線圖、柱狀圖、餅圖,表格題一、介紹段 introduction介紹段內(nèi)容幾乎完全不用創(chuàng)新,就是對題目文字部分的第二段做改寫, para phrase the rubric 。所謂改寫,要么換詞,要么換句式。例如:(14-100The charts below give in formatio n about travel to and from the UK and most popu lar coun tries for UK resid
2、e nts to visit.(1圖 The charts圖:線:line / curve chartchart, graph(雅思寫作中完全等價,無差別)柱圖:bar / column graph餅:pie chart表:table / statistics / figures (2 動詞 “表明” give information about介紹段是客觀描述,用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),give in formation about 雖然在這篇作文中最好不再用,但是in formal learni ng,隨手學到的東東,留作其它文章再用。替換的詞語和結構很多,比如我常用的show/illustrate
3、 / demo nstrate/co mp are,大家也可以選幾個自己喜歡并且拼寫準確的形成風格,年輕時多嘗試,年紀大了就要形成風格啦,三個就 夠,多了白搭,還是那句話,博大不如精深。第二段其余部分的替換因題而異, 比如travel 換成 visit ,the UK換成Britain(注意不是England,英格蘭只是 Britain 的一部分),popu lar 換成 fashi on able ,country 換成 nation ,UK residents to visit 換成 UK tourists 。不過隨著練習作文數(shù)量的增加,你會驚喜的發(fā)現(xiàn),雅思圖表作文,連描 述的對象都是類似
4、的。最后要注意點細節(jié),原文的“below”應省略,因為答題紙上沒有圖;而第 二副圖上標注的1999年,可以補充進介紹段。(1并列句The line chart shows that and the bar graph illustratesthat(分別描述兩幅圖,形成風格哦,第一幅圖用 chart,第二副圖 用graph,第一幅圖shows,第二副圖illustrates ,也許你寫的所有文 章都類似,但考官只有機會欣賞一篇啊。)(2被動語態(tài)is in dicated in the baris revealed in the line chart and grap h.One p ossib
5、le an swer:The line chart reveals visits to and from Britain and the bar graph in dicates most fashi on able n ati ons for UK tourists in 1999.、主體段body過渡: 段首過渡詞(1個) 信息出處:Accord ing to the line chart,As is show n in the line chart,The line chart shows that轉(zhuǎn)折:however, i n con trast表示邏輯:in con trast 等等
6、 段內(nèi)過渡詞(1-2個)順承:also, besides, in additi on其它:mea nwhile / in the same time, similarly, i n p articular簡單線圖:趨勢(包括升降速度):The visits in creased quickly from about 12 to 53 millio n from 1979 to 1999.There was an in crease in the visits from about 12 to 53 millio n from 1979 to 1999.see n from about 12 t
7、o 53An in crease in the visits can be millio n from 1979 to 1999.(1主體:(第二段或圖例中有明示)同義詞 travelThe travel in creased quickly from about 12 to 53 millio n from 1979 to 1999.代詞 theyThe visits in creased quickly from about 12 to 53 millio n from1979 to 1999. In p articular,they in creased very rapi dly fr
8、om1985 to 1988.線line :主要用于不理解圖線所代表內(nèi)容的情況。the thin (細線) / thick(粗線)/ broke n(虛線) / dotted(點線)lineThe thin line, which rep rese nts visits by UK reside nts, in creased from about 12 to 53 millio n from 1979 to 1999.(2增加/減少:動詞(可做名詞)in crease / decrease, rise/dro p go up / come dow n climb / slide asce n
9、d / decli ne rocket /plunge (暴增 / 暴減) 過去的圖表用一般過去時;一天 24小時的圖表用一般現(xiàn)在時。增加/減少:名詞a shar p / slow / great / slight in crease an up ward / rising / in creas ing tendency a dow nward / falli ng / decreas ing trend(3升降速度/幅度(去掉-ly就是形容詞)快:quickly / rap idly / swiftly慢:slowly / gradually / steadily大:greatly / va
10、stly / con siderably / substa ntially小:slightly / marg in ally / minu tely數(shù)字副詞:about / around / roughly / more or less 12 milli on(4數(shù)字單位用單數(shù)12 million 而不是 12 millions(5時間from to / betwee n andduring the period from to / betweenand / starting from(6補充動詞kee p / remain / maintain un cha nged / con sta n
11、t / stable(保持不變)fluctuate upward / downward(波動向上 /向下)double / triple / quadruple(2/3/4 倍)A p ossible an swer:Accord ing to the line chart, visits abroad by UK reside nts in creased from about 12 to 57 millio n from 1979 to 1999. Similarly, overseas travelers to Brita in went up from about 10 to 27 m
12、illi on .It is obvious that UK tourists were more and climbed faster tha n overseas ones duri ng the p eriod.復雜線圖:極值: 峰值:Peak(V. & n., summit (v. & n., highest point谷值:touch the bottom (v., nadir (n., lowest point穩(wěn)定時期:p lateau (n 高原,lower stati on ary phase (低穩(wěn)時期A p ossible an swer:Accord in
13、g to the curve chart, daily electricity n eed is higher in win ter (38,000 un its on average tha n in summer (18,000 un its on average. In wi nter, electricity consump ti on p eaks at 2:00 am and 10:00 pm while it touches the bottom at 0:00 am and 8:00 am. On the other hand, in summer, it summits at
14、 2:00 pm and 11:00 pm, but has a n adir at 9:00 am and a lower stati onary p hase from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm.簡單柱圖:A p ossible an swer:The bar graph dem on strates that the most UK visitors went to France andSpain, which were 11.0 and 9.5 millio n. Also, many British travelers were attracted by the USA
15、(4.0 millio n, Greece (3.5 millio n and Turkey (2.0 millio n.復雜柱圖:比較:90% of those who held a skilled vocati onal di ploma were men, comp ared with only 10% of wome n.More wome n held un dergraduate dip lomas (70% and margi nally more wome n reached degree level (55%.Men with p ostgraduate dip lomas
16、clearly out nu mbered their female counterparts (70% and 30% respectively.(摘自劍橋 雅思 4)餅圖:無非是兩個表達的組合 “占”和百分比。“占”O(jiān)ccupyAcco unt for百分比:A small p erce ntage of(X%A quarter ofThe mi nority of(X%部分)Half ofThe majority of(X%Most of (X%On e-fifth ofA P ossible an swer:The pie graph dem on strates that heati
17、 ng rooms and water occ up ies the majority of electricity consump ti on (52.5%. Then ,17.5% of the electricity dema nd is shared by ove ns, kettles and wash ing mach in es. Light ing, TV, radio and vacuum clea ners, food mixers, electric tools are respon sible for the rest, with 15% each.表格:數(shù)字引入:圖表
18、引用數(shù)字的三種主要方法分詞短語:comprising almost twoOn average, 11% of all households, millio n people, were in this po siti on.括號:Coup les gen erally ten ded to be better off, with lower po verty levels for coup les without childre n(7% tha n those withchildre n(12%.介詞短語:However, those con sisti ng of only one pa
19、rent or a sin gle adult had almost double this prop orti on of poor peop le,with 21% and19% res pectively.詞數(shù)填充 Word filler:這些表達沒有實際意義,考試的時候可以填充詞數(shù)。It is no ticeable thatIt is easy to see thatIt is obvious that三、比較段 comparison /結論段 conclusion : 比較段:內(nèi)容無非是數(shù)據(jù)關聯(lián)或者特征關聯(lián)兩種可能。if the two diagrams areWhat is al
20、so worth men ti oning is that con sidered as a whole.A p ossible an swer:What is also worth men ti oning is that almost 40% UK tourists selected France and Spain in 1999,if the two diagrams arecon sidered as a whole.單圖結論段:Overall, the table/chart/gra ph/diagram suggests thatA p ossible an swer:Overa
21、ll, the table suggests that households of sin gle adults and those with childre n were more likely to be liv ing in po verty than those con sisti ng of coup les.(摘自劍橋 雅思 4)II流程圖/示意圖/地圖介紹段:The wholeThe flow chart / diagram / map illustrates pr ocedure can be divided into stages.主體段: 一般過渡:時間、順序、目的時間:t
22、o beg in with, n ext, the n, later, fin ally; at the same time / simulta neously順序:the first stage involves third stage / in the last stage/ in the sec ond stage / in the目的:in order to / in order that; so as to / so thatAccord ing to the diagram,the first ste p of obta ining wateroutdoors is to find
23、 a hole with gree n plants on thebottom. Next, remove the gree n plants on the middle of the bottom and put a container there.Then, cover the hole with ap lastic sheet and pl ace some stones on the edge of it to secure its po siti on.Fin ally, a third stone is laid on the middle ofthe p lastic sheet
24、 so that the middle part is also the lowest part.特殊過渡:狀語從句 when, whereWhe n the sun shines on the gree n plants in the hole, water eva po rates from these plan ts. The vapor rises up and the n cools dow n to form water drops un der the p lastic sheet. Whe nthere is more and more water, it flows alon
25、g the sheet to accumulate un der the lowest p art. Fin ally, water falls dow n into the container directly un der the middle stone詞語多樣化:accumulate / gather / collect / obta in詞語具體化: 水蒸氣vapor和蒸發(fā)evaporate這樣的詞并不容易,考試的時候可以用具 體的方式加以規(guī)避:The water turns into gas, rises and fin ally turns into liquid aga in
26、and gathers un der the sheet of p lastic.雅思小作文(A類)常用詞匯和表達1、趨勢類詞匯上升動詞類:increase, go up, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency下降動詞類:decrease, go down, decline, fall down, drop, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency波動動詞類:fluctuate持平動詞類:remain the same, stabilize, remain stab
27、le, remain constant修飾動詞的副詞:slightly 輕微地,slowly 緩慢地,gradually 逐漸地,steadily 穩(wěn)定地,rapidly 迅速地,moderately 溫和地, 輕微地,significantly 明顯地,sharply 明顯地,dramatically 急劇地,drastically 急劇地上升名詞類:下降名詞類:increase, rise, growth, jump, surgedecrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop波動名詞類:fluctuation修飾名詞的形容詞:slight, slow, g
28、radual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic2、極值類詞匯和表達最高點: reach the peak/top/highest pointIn crease to the p eak/to p/highest p oi nt所有上升類的動詞都可以替換掉 increase最低點: reach the bottom/lowest pointdrop to the bottom/lowest poi nt(所有下降類的動詞都可以替換掉drop占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/acc
29、ount for the largest prop orti on/nu mber/ perce ntage of占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of3、倍數(shù)的表達方式Double 是兩倍 /大一倍In crease/decrease three time增長 / 減少了三倍4、大約的表達方式About/around + 數(shù)字 數(shù)字 + or soApproximately + 數(shù)字5、常用的小作文的趨勢句式表達句式一: 變化主體 /圖畫中主體 +趨勢動詞 +副
30、詞 +時間區(qū)間Eg: The number of aged people over 65 increased significantly from 1940- 2000。The number of aged people over 65 dropped slightly from 1960-1980。The number of aged people over 65 fluctuated between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950 。The number of aged people over 65 remained stable from
31、 1930-194。0句式二:There be + 形容詞 + 表示趨勢的名詞 + in+ 變化的主體 + 時間區(qū)間Eg: There was an significant increase in the number of aged people over 65 from 1940-2000。There was a slight decline in the number of aged people over 65 from 1960- 1980。There was a fluctuation between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950
32、 。雅思小作文經(jīng)典套句50句l.the table shows the cha nges in the nu mber ofover the p eriod fromto該表格描述了在 年之年間數(shù)量的變化。2. the bar chart illustrates that該柱狀圖展示了3. the graph p rovides some in terest ing data regard ing該圖為我們提供了有關 有趣數(shù)據(jù)。4. the diagram shows (that該圖向我們展示了5. the pie graph dep icts (that該圓形圖揭示了6. this is a
33、 cure graph which describes the trend of這個曲線圖描述了的趨勢。7. the figures/statistics show (that8. the tree diagram reveals how該樹型圖向我們揭示了怎樣9. the data/statistics show (that該數(shù)據(jù)(字)可以這樣理解 10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the con clusi on that這些數(shù)據(jù)資料令我們得出結論 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the
34、diagram/graph/chart/table如圖所示12.according to the chart/figures根據(jù)這些表(數(shù)字)13.as is shown in the table如表格所示 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in從圖中可以看出, 發(fā)生了巨大變化。15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that clear/apparent from the chart that or it is從圖表我
35、們可以很清楚(明顯)看到16.this is a graphwhich illustrates這個圖表向我們展示了 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a b from to 該表格描述了年到年間a與b的比例關系。18.the graph,presented in a pie char,t shows the general trend in該圖以圓形圖形式描述了 總的趨勢。19.this is a column chart showing這是個柱型圖,描述了 20.as can be seen from the grap,h the
36、two curves show the flutuation of如圖所示,兩條曲線描述了 的波動情況。21.over the period from to the remained level.在至期間,基本不變。在年到期間23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998 1995年至 1998三年里 24.from then on/from this time onwards從那時起 25.the number ofremained steady/stable from (month/year to (month/year.月(年至月(年的數(shù)量基本不變。26.the number sharply went up to數(shù)字急劇上升至 27.the p erce ntage ofstayed the same betwee nan d 至期間的比率維持不變。28. the
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