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1、Assessment GuideTeacher EditionGrade 1Visit The Learning Site!CALIFORNIA HSPCopyright © by Harcourt, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval

2、system, without permission in writing from the publisher.Permission is hereby granted to individuals using the correspondings textbook orkit as the major vehicle for regular classroom instruction to photocopy Copying Mastersfrom this publication in classroom quties for instructional use and not for

3、resale.Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to School Permissions and Copyrights, Harcourt, Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,Orlando, Florida 32887-6777. Fax:.HARCOURT and the Harcourt Logo are trademarks of Harcourt, Inc., registered in the Uni

4、ted States of America and/or other jurisdictions.Mathematics Content Standards for California Public Schools reproduced by permission, California Department of Education, CDE Press, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207,Sacramento, CA 95814Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN 13: 978-0-15-356982-1ISBN 10

5、: 0-15-356982-41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 054 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.If you have received these materials as examination copiesof charge, Harcourt School Pu

6、blishers retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited and is illegal.IntroductionviAssessment Options at a GlancexOverview of the Assessment GuidexiChecklists and SurveysGroup ChecklistxiiiIndividual ChecklistxivEnd of Chapter Surveyx

7、vPortfolio AssessmentxviPortfolio GuidexviiTeacher Portfolio EvaluationxviiiPortfolio Family ResponsexixTest Answer SheetxxManagement FormsClass Record FormMG1Individual Record FormMG6© HarcourtMULTIPLE CHOICEInventory TestAK1Beginning of Year TestAK4UNIT 1Chapter 1 PretestAK11Chapter 2 Pretest

8、AK12Chapter 3 PretestAK13Chapter 4 PretestAK14Unit 1 Benchmark PretestAK15UNIT 1Chapter 1 PosttestAK54Chapter 2 PosttestAK55Chapter 3 PosttestAK56Chapter 4 PosttestAK57Unit 1 Benchmark PosttestAK58UNIT 2Chapter 5 PretestAK18Chapter 6 PretestAK19Chapter 7 PretestAK20Chapter 8 PretestAK21Unit 2 Benchm

9、ark PretestAK22UNIT 2Chapter 5 PosttestAK61Chapter 6 PosttestAK62Chapter 7 PosttestAK63Chapter 8 PosttestAK64Unit 2 Benchmark PosttestAK65UNIT 3Chapter 9 PretestAK25Chapter 10 PretestAK26Chapter 11 PretestAK27Chapter 12 PretestAK29Unit 3 Benchmark PretestAK30UNIT 3Chapter 9 PosttestAK68Chapter 10 Po

10、sttestAK69Chapter 11 PosttestAK70Chapter 12 PosttestAK72Unit 3 Benchmark PosttestAK73UNIT 4Chapter 13 PretestAK33Chapter 14 PretestAK34Chapter 15 PretestAK35Chapter 16 PretestAK36Chapter 17 PretestAK37Unit 4 Benchmark PretestAK38UNIT 4Chapter 13 PosttestAK76Chapter 14 PosttestAK77Chapter 15 Posttest

11、AK78Chapter 16 PosttestAK79Chapter 17 PosttestAK80Unit 4 Benchmark PosttestAK81UNIT 5Chapter 18 PretestAK41Chapter 19 PretestAK42Chapter 20 PretestAK43Unit 5 Benchmark PretestAK44UNIT 5Chapter 18 PosttestAK84Chapter 19 PosttestAK85Chapter 20 PosttestAK86Unit 5 Benchmark PosttestAK87UNIT 6Chapter 21

12、PretestAK47Chapter 22 PretestAK48Chapter 23 PretestAK49Chapter 24 PretestAK50Unit 6 Benchmark PretestAK51UNIT 6Chapter 21 PosttestAK90Chapter 22 PosttestAK91Chapter 23 PosttestAK92Chapter 24 PosttestAK93Unit 6 Benchmark PosttestAK94End of Year TestAK97© HarcourtRESPONSEBeginning of Year TestAK1

13、04UNIT 1Chapter 1 PretestAK111Chapter 2 PretestAK112Chapter 3 PretestAK113Chapter 4 PretestAK114Unit 1 Benchmark PretestAK115UNIT 1Chapter 1 PosttestAK154Chapter 2 PosttestAK155Chapter 3 PosttestAK156Chapter 4 PosttestAK157Unit 1 Benchmark PosttestAK158UNIT 2Chapter 5 PretestAK118Chapter 6 PretestAK

14、119Chapter 7 PretestAK120Chapter 8 PretestAK121Unit 2 Benchmark PretestAK122UNIT 2Chapter 5 PosttestAK161Chapter 6 PosttestAK162Chapter 7 PosttestAK163Chapter 8 PosttestAK164Unit 2 Benchmark PosttestAK165UNIT 3Chapter 9 PretestAK125Chapter 10 PretestAK126Chapter 11 PretestAK127Chapter 12 PretestAK12

15、9Unit 3 Benchmark PretestAK130UNIT 3Chapter 9 PosttestAK168Chapter 10 PosttestAK169Chapter 11 PosttestAK170Chapter 12 PosttestAK172Unit 3 Benchmark PosttestAK173UNIT 4Chapter 13 PretestAK133Chapter 14 PretestAK134Chapter 15 PretestAK135Chapter 16 PretestAK136Chapter 17 PretestAK137Unit 4 Benchmark P

16、retestAK138UNIT 4Chapter 13 PosttestAK176Chapter 14 PosttestAK177Chapter 15 PosttestAK178Chapter 16 PosttestAK179Chapter 17 PosttestAK180Unit 4 Benchmark PosttestAK181UNIT 5Chapter 18 PretestAK141Chapter 19 PretestAK142Chapter 20 PretestAK143Unit 5 Benchmark PretestAK144UNIT 5Chapter 18 PosttestAK18

17、4Chapter 19 PosttestAK185Chapter 20 PosttestAK186Unit 5 Benchmark PosttestAK187UNIT 6Chapter 21 PretestAK147Chapter 22 PretestAK148Chapter 23 PretestAK149Chapter 24 PretestAK150Unit 6 Benchmark PretestAK151UNIT 6Chapter 21 PosttestAK190Chapter 22 PosttestAK191Chapter 23 PosttestAK192Chapter 24 Postt

18、estAK193Unit 6 Benchmark PosttestAK194End of Year TestAK197© HarcourtINTRODUCTIONAssessment in California HSP MathCalifornia HSP Math provides a wide range of assessment tools tomeasureachievement before, during, and after instruction.These tools include:Entry Level AssessmentProgress Monitorin

19、gSummative EvaluationSuccess with the StandardsAssessment TechnologyAssessment GuideviIntroduction© HarcourtEntry Level AssessmentInventory TestThese tests should be administered at the beginning of the school year to assess mastery of content from the previous grade level.Show What You KnowThi

20、s feature appears at the beginning of everychapter in the California HSP MathEdition. It may be used beforechapter instruction begins to determine whethers possess crucialprerequisite skills. Tools for intervention are provided.PretestsThe Beginning of Year Test, Chapter Pretests, and UnitBenchmark

21、Pretests, Form A (multiple choice) or Form B (response),may be used to measure whats may aly have mastered beforeinstruction begins. These tests are provided in this Assessment Guide.*If ascores 90% or higher on a pretest, you may proceed either withenrichment or acceleration.EnrichmentAss work in t

22、he chapter, enrich learning using: Advanced Learner activities, in every lesson in the Edition Enrich Projects, with Extensions in the Enrich Book with Projects Enrich Activities and Games, in theEdition Challenge Yourself and Math Power problems Leveled assignments and Enrich workbook pagesAccelera

23、tionReference the Individual Record Form to teach all non- mastered content from the chapter. Pretest items test the same skills asposttest items in the same order. Then accelerate the chapter and administer that chapters pretest.to the nextProgress MonitoringDaily AssessmentThese point-of-use strat

24、egies allow you to continuallyadjust instruction so that alls are constantly progressing towardmastery of the standards. These strategies appear in every lesson of theCalifornia HSP Math Teachers Edition, and include the Quick Review,Achieving the Standards, and thesection of the lesson plan.Interve

25、ntionWhile monitorings progress, you may determinethat intervention is needed. The Differentiated Instruction page foreach lesson in the Teachers Edition suggests several options for meeting individual needs.IntroductionviiAssessment Guide© HarcourtStudent Self-AssessmentStudents evaluate their

26、 own work through checklists, surveys, and portfolios. Three self-assessment tools are provided. The Group Checklist sheet is designed to help students assess the groups achievement and interaction with one another. The Individual Checklist sheet helps the student recognize areas of strength and wea

27、kness regarding collaborating with others toward solving problems. The Individual End of Chapter Survey leads students to reflect on what they have learned and how they learned it. It is designed to help students learn more about their own capabilities and to develop confidence. Discuss directions f

28、or completing each checklist or survey with the students. Tell them there are no “right” responses to the questions.Summative EvaluationFormal AssessmentSeveral options are provided to help determine whether students have achieved the standards. These options are provided at the beginning of the yea

29、r, end of each chapter and unit, quarterly, and at the end of the year. They include:Student Edition Chapter Review/Test Standardized Test Prep Unit Review/TestAssessment GuideChapter PosttestsUnit Benchmark Posttests End of Year TestPerformance AssessmentFour performance tasks for each unit are pro

30、vided in the Performance Assessment book. Scoring rubrics are also provided. Performance assessment can help reveal the thinking strategies students use to work through a problem.Success with the StandardsAchieving the StandardsAt the end of most lessons, there are practice items given.Standardized

31、Test PrepAt the end of each chapter in the Student Edition, these pages provide practice in solving problems.Assessment GuideviiiIntroduction© HarcourtAssessment Technology Online AssessmentOnline assessment offers assessment flexibility. With the option to electronically assign entire tests fr

32、om the Assessment Guide or easily build your own test using a bank of questions, displayed by standard or lesson objective, you can individualize assessmentfor each. Uponcompletion of a test, the testis automatically scored, providing you and theinstantfeedback. Additionally, prescriptive suggestion

33、s are given to differentiate any necessary follow-up instruction.ExamViewThe ExamView Test Generator presents a unique way toadminister a printed test. Using the ExamView CD-Rom, you can quickly print tests found in the Assessment Guide, create a custom test from a bank of questions, or author your

34、ownquestions. The final page of the tests the answer key,accompanied by each items correlated standard(s).IntroductionixAssessment Guide© HarcourtASSESSMENT OPTIONS AT A GLANCEKey: SE Edition, TE Teachers Edition, AG Assessment Guide,PA Performance AssessmentAssessment GuidexAssessment Options&

35、#169; HarcourtASSESSING PRIORSUCCESS WITH STANDARDSKNOWLEDGEAchieving the Standards, SEShow What You Know, SEStandardized Test Prep, SEInventory Test, Form A and B, AGUnit Review/Test, SEBeginning of Year Test, Form A and B, AGChapter Pretest, Form A and B, AGUnit Benchmark Pretest, Form A and B, AG

36、DAILY ASSESSMENTPERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTQuick Review, SEPerformance Task A, PA Achieving the Standards, SEPerformance Task B, PA Problem of the Day, TEPerformance Task C, PA Lesson Quiz, on lesson transparencyPerformance Task D, PAFORMAL ASSESSMENTSELF-ASSESSMENTChapter Review/Test, SEGroup Checklist,

37、 AGUnit Review/Test, SEIndividual Checklist, AGInventory Test, AGEnd of Chapter Survey, AGChapter Posttest, Form A and B, AGPortfolio Guide, AGUnit Benchmark Posttest, Form A and B, AGEnd of Year Test, Form A and B, AGOVERVIEW OF THE ASSESSMENT GUIDEManagement FormsIndividual Record Formthis managem

38、ent form contains all of the standards for the grade level, divided by the five strands. After each standard are correlations to the test items in Form A and Form B format of the Chapter Posttests, Unit Benchmark Posttests, and the End of Year Test. Criterion scores for each standard are given. The

39、form provides a place toenter a singles scores and to indicate the standards he or she hasmet. Prescriptions to multiple resources are also included. These optionsinclude lessons in theEdition and Teachers Edition and activitiesin the following workbooks: Reteach the Standards Workbook, PracticeWork

40、book, Enrich Workbook with Projects, and the Problem Solving and ing Strategies Workbook. Additionally, there are Mega Math activitieslisted.Class Record Formthis form makes it possible to record the test(s) scores of an entire class on a single form.Answer Sheets may record their answers directly o

41、n the test.However, for the multiple choice tests, you may choose to use the Answer Sheet. This sheet is similar to the “bubble form” used for standardized tests.TestsInventory Testthis test assesses how wells have mastered thestandards from the previous grade level. Test results provide information

42、about the kinds of reviews may need to be successful inmathematics at the new grade level. The teacher should use the InventoryTest at the beginning of the school year or when a new class.arrives inBeginning of Year Testthis test assesses current grade-level content. There is a Form A and a Form B a

43、vailable. Test results provide helpfulinformation on how to guide instruction, so it builds upon knowledge.s priorChapter Preteststhese tests are available in Form A and Form B formats. There is a pretest for each chapter, which can be given to assess prior knowledge of the skills and concepts to be

44、 taught in the upco chapter. Test results can help individualize instruction.OverviewxiAssessment Guide© HarcourtUnit Benchmark Pretestthese tests are available in Form A and Form B formats. There is a pretest for each unit, which can be given to assess priorknowledge of the skills and concepts

45、 to be taught in the upco Test results can help individualize instruction.unit.Chapter Postteststhese tests are also available in Form A and Form B formats. There is a posttest for each chapter, which can be given tomeasure Themastery of skills and concepts taught in that chapter.-response format (F

46、orm B) can be especially helpful in diagnosingspecific errors in problem solutions.Unit Benchmark Postteststhese tests are also available in Form A and Form B formats. There is a posttest for each unit, which can be given tomeasuremastery of skills and concepts taught in that unit. The-response form

47、at (Form B) can be especially helpful in diagnosingspecific errors in problem solutions.End of Year Testthis test assesses how wells have mastered thecontent in the grade level. There is a Form A and a Form B available. Test results may provide help in recommending a summer review program.Answer Key

48、Answer Keythe answer key provides reduced replications of the tests with answers.Assessment GuidexiiOverview© HarcourtProject NameDate Group Members GROUP CHECKLISTHow Did Our Group Do?Ask your group these questions. Then circle the number of stars your group thinks it earned.Great JobGood JobC

49、ould Do BetterHow well did our group1.share ideas?2.plan what to do?3.share the work?4.solve group problems without asking for help?5.show and check our work?Total Write your groups answer to each question.1.What did our group do best?2.How can we help our group do better?Group ChecklistxiiiAssessme

50、nt Guide© HarcourtProject NameDate Name INDIVIDUAL CHECKLISTHow Well Did I Work in My Group?Circleif you agree. Circleif you disagree.1.I shared ideas with my group.2.I listened to the ideas of others in my group.3.I was able to ask questions of my group.4.I helped others in my group to share t

51、heir ideas.5.I was able to disagree with my group without any problems.6.I helped my group plan.7.I did my fair share of the groups work.8.I understood the problem my group worked on.9.I understood the solution to the problem my group worked on.10.I can explain to others the problem my group worked

52、on and its solution.TotalAssessment GuidexivIndividual Checklist© HarcourtNameDate Chapter How Did I Do?Complete each sentence.INDIVIDUAL END OF CHAPTER SURVEY1.I thought the lessons in this chapter were2.The lesson I liked the most was3.Something that I still need to work on is4.One thing that

53、 I think I did a great job on was5.I would like to learn more about6.Something I understand now that I did not understand before these lessons is7.I think I might use the math I learned in these lessons to8.The amount of effort I put into these lessons was(very littlesomea lot)Individual End of Chap

54、ter SurveyxvAssessment Guide© HarcourtPORTFOLIO ASSESSMENTA portfolio is a collection of eachs work gathered overan extended period of time. A portfolio illustrates the growth,talents, achievements, and reflections of the learner and providesa means for you to assess the progress.s performance

55、andBuilding a PortfolioThere are many opportunities to collects workthroughout the year as you use California HSP Math. Gives the opportuto select some work samplesto be included in the portfolio.Provide a folder for eachwith thesname clearly marked.Explain tos that throughout the year theywill save some of their work in the folder. Sometimes it will be their individual work; sometimes it will be group reports and projects or completed ch


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