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1、 2016年成人高考高升專英語模擬試題一、語音知識(shí)共5小題;每題1 . 5分,共7. 5分。找出這個(gè)詞。在下列每組單詞中,有一個(gè)單詞的劃線部分與其他單詞的劃線部分的讀音不同。-fountainKpoundD, doubleK )3-|C.liabkD. enthumiag? 叫A. di&solw11 criminalC. external3 / 13peculiar|C. conseqncnDe |Ik in理xigHM Dh passenger 二、詞匯與語法知識(shí)共15小題;每題1. 5分,共22. 5分。從每小題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳的一項(xiàng)。)6. The magnetictra

2、in m that country can run at .一 of 500ters an hour.I )7. Mrs. Wedgcwtirth insisted on being served before )8.*!n really txhauted, bot I dor Ti warn to miss ihe movie 'SuperSi職 Me* m10:30.*"If 扌 were you»._ , There!4 s oin to Le maths and physics ids lornor-row. And anyway t IT vc heard

3、 h. isnTt that exciting."1 would have skipped it)9. Elaine docs not write ChineseCaihertnc. )0. Kour students in that college come Lrom the North Chin.!,()11,卩d like to have a cup of instant coffee and )12* The Dragon Boat Festival t or Duan Wu Fe就沁點(diǎn) in Chint?st, is on day of lunar month.)13. N

4、owhtrt else in th/ world more expensive citing out thn in Tokyo.)14, Haw it worts _ of 也喜什妃 data are firs! converted into ri of rhe smallest unit of an imagt on a compiler screen by uing a liquid crystal panel.()15. Another is iht* xaminittion of a niystcriau* dark energy* which is iboughl t。 »

5、bout three-quarters of the energy ir the univerfip.)16» uFriendsfft the much-loved NBC sitcom thntits 10-year run tonight, WriS a sticcess becaut it true to two cenlral I a 1st belief?, uiitii ufitr :ht' dectiun.”)17. *Do you expect higher interest rates to fol low?*"Of come. Unfortuna

6、telyi logic tells us that )18* Business Week hidusiric占 Editor Adn】n Amou recently Kuhciowski in Ftoustan whtre sh偵 iriLkcd about some of nanotech + s _ areas* )19. Whut Glennis mid 心*_ up parent than real.in some of the WT( jud* S(k Experts have concerns about tht sundardniciHs. 三、完形填空共15小題;每題2分,共3

7、0分。>通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后從每小題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出可填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選 項(xiàng)。J laving down on mywlf and unhappy in my marriage I spent the week being very nice lo anyone m my family 1 felt my self Z1 myself from those people that vvere not the ront of vny 22, Those little people wilh weet innouenl eyes. doubti嘩 why Mommy was

8、only guing ihruugh the 23. Wondering wliy ihcre whs nu2J in her actions, I pushed my daughter away as she tried to 25 . _ me. Though 1 saw the pain in her eyest I didn't know how to奨 what 1 was feeling, Isaw mort! |娘in tn their Hltlu eyes when I 27 ihem dinner an<t turned and talked oul of th

9、e r<wrm and didn't ?8thfm for their last meal 口f th day.Then I watched a show on TV that made me29 what 1 was doitis 1q these pinjr kids. That night 1 went lo sleep with30 thoughts in my heed* I knew wh»th瀾 to do to 31 my life and my children too.'The? next 32 after eating bnjakfnsi

10、wilh my ihrtre wonderful kids* my middle £On who i& 5-year-old put his firms uround me and 3aid *Hey Mom; you7re really being33 to us today» " I looked ar bis beautiful blu yes and r口:d him that mommy hadnbeen very34 hiclyamiiht was sorry dial ! wa noi being t)icc+Hr looked at mea

11、ntiwith t啟_35 of voices said wThat7s (JK. Mom*I loveyou r, With that my daughter and younger son had entered rhr rooin and joined in on the best huge ver<> 21. A. distancingB. movingC. tearingD. breaking<>22. A. anxietyB. difficultyC.angerD. suffering<>23. A. spiritsB. emotionsC. f

12、eelingsD. moods<>24. A. senseB. loveC. hurryD. purpose<>25. A. calmB. followC. stopD. hug<>26.A. depressB. coverC. changeD. express<>27. A. preparedB. servedC.boughtD. brought<>28. A. joinB. cookC. satisfyD. help<>29. A. recallB. realizeC. examineD. remember<&g

13、t; 30. A. variousB. rightC. calmD.deep<>31. A. betterB. settleC. correctD. enjoy<>32. A. morningB. afternoonC. evening D. week<>33. A. cruelB. niceC. lovelyD. special<> 34. A. kindB. reasonable C. easyD.happy<> 35. A. lowestB. loudestC. sweetest D. happiest四、閱讀理解共15小題;每

14、題3分,共45分。閱讀下列短文,然后根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容從每小題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳的一項(xiàng)。GOPublisher's |炯皓 do nvw words get irttn a tJIclionMry?We are often asked hov. & word gets into the dietion/iry. This 禰 a pRrriciihrly rflev?inl question with regard to new words, becausef as Professor Aitchisan points out in her CQrt- cluian T nui

15、alt new words prove to be useful enough to be retained lq the l&nguag% The vditoriH policy of the New Words supplement to lhe Ixmman Dictionary o Contemporary *Engli>;h ls ibat (jtily new words are entered J hat ag in I he cdiii)rifil iLi(iniE:nt of ilic; kxi tographera (詞典學(xué)家MM publBhers who

16、have created this dictionary> likely to become part of the stack of FngHh words in ihp future.The wiiy that this decision h arrived at is subtle* bin rtur main criteria for including a new word aret we should hive M Icat three wriurn or oral citfthons (虧I文)of ihv word- and that the citaticnh shou

17、ld be froni at least th典已 separate sourcea. I he decision is com- pHeated by the fact that if the lexicographers recognize the mw wordsr even if only one ci- ttition <nrel ur written)<an br founds then ihcir linguistic judgment would be followed. Words thiU are i世* 餉 promintrice.We have includ

18、ed in the New Words upplcmenr word ihai did cxii before, but which forrcasoh have begun xct br imerl mnre widely, I he bfsr r jiample of this is words That have been used for some time in American English* bul then bein to be used in Bi itish t)r otLitr varivtit s uf English* For example * fanner *

19、s murkct and coTiJoined twin; hriv? hoc 11 used in American English fnr a while, but have only recent 3 y brJn to he used in British English,Similar 1>'* words lIuli mEiy hiivc been common in science or another special FifId* sud- strt m he Ued in newspaper nrticles ctnrf gradually becon'

20、ie pan G ihe language, l"he Longman Web Dictionary is th m酸t(yī) tij_rtodatt Longman dictionary, rbis is an online dictionary which can be used on Longman or Pearson Educfttion websites for free or you can downlofid it Jrtr use on 薊 websites. You can &so use ibis (iictinnary to hsk up words whi

21、le yuc arc wtirdpruvessing or writing an e-mail. This dictionary is alfio the laf- geat Longman dictionary* Il includes entyclopcdiclHI-全書式的, entries and both Ameti- wn_apd_坦it*h dicnioriary datab缽啟._)36, In the opinion of ProTesor Aitchisnni new words, A. _are not worthfull at all in the languageB.

22、 are all worth fill to be retaiHti i 七 dictionaryCt are nor all wonhiul to be retained in the languapeD. are mly worthfui in dictionary()37. Th? irnplies that the lpsi(?o>fraphcrs and publishers , A. use the Longman Orelionary morr oflen than readersB, are creators of American English and British

23、 English dictionariesC are decision-makers in includinR a new word lX_k>llnw the enterifl ofrccoRnizinR one citation()38, In order to get new words lhio the dierjonaryt proph “ 5 / 13A. should find only one citation from three different eourceaB. should include one ersterion and havt many soorces

24、C. should u$e many examples nnd download them from all websites)t «haiil<i have at leas: three cilaiions frotu at least Three different sources()39, Which of the foliowiikg best explains the meaning of rhe word *criteria* as i( isused in the passage?A、IduHs,B. Promises. C* SiAndflrds, 以 Obje

25、ct(B)In November 1965» New Yfirk wan blacked out hy an electricity failure. The auihorj- ties prorriif;ed that it would not happen aRflin. Pessimistfi were certain that it would not oc cur aain witbiri five years jt the IoHtM. In July 1977» there was & repeat pcrforniHiice which produc

26、ed varying degrees of chaos throughout the city of eight million people* tn 1965. the fsilurt ycrurred in the coo! autumn 員nd at a time of comparative prosperiiy. tn 1977. the diiWiSLcr was much more serious because it Cflme when unemployment was high find the riry was nuffering from one of n$ worst

27、 kat waves,fi J 96j , there was JitlJu 心 or looting durn the darkness» and fewer than A hun dred people were nrresjed. Tn 1977, hundreds of siorea were broken into and looted. Looters smashed shop windows and helped themselves to jewelry clothes or television sets. Nearly 4 t000 people werr urr

28、esicd but far more Jttdppeared into lhe darkness of the nihh Thi number of tiolicenifn avathbit was quite inndquaie and they wisely refrained irnm u- sins thf*ir against mobs which (ar outnumbered hen a inclutid srmd nienF比spnMs Imd la trM hundreds of people cut by glass from shop window丄 Btfiiks an

29、d m口引 b泌inf 涉 remained dosed the 価就 day+ The blarkcut stoned at 9 1 ZO p. m, when lighling h:t and knockt-d “ut viml cah:Mary stores rere thus caught by surprise.The yjisi niHjoriiy of Ntw Yorkerst however, were not involved in looting, Thty helped strangers* distrihutefi fondles anti batteri*yT and

30、 tiied to survive in a riiphtrnare wnrld without traffic lights. refrigerAtorSf water and olecirical power. For twenty four houA New York realized how helpless it wfts whhout electricity*()40. Look at the first paragraph. Who was right: the authorities or the ptMimistsA. Tht auShoriticSx11 Thu pessi

31、niists* CBothD* N藥面j()41. In what way whs the blackout of 197? not really a repeat performantjt?A. ThM was much more disorder.p. This time the electricity supply failedC It wns guile tmexpecied.DHididnf i_occu£ within five 火ars frtjm 1965.()42. As far maintaining the peace was concerned r condi

32、tions in 1977 were compar*ativetylA. more favorableB. less favorableC imdlFinwd J>. improved()i3» Why did many loolcri nonage to trscapu?A. The police couldn?t act ihcm in the dark.H. Many of the looters were armed with gnus.C. There wrc nut cnoiigh policcmun to catch nILD* I hey were hidden

33、 inside big building.7c)The umg< in fitquencies of musictl sounds 嗣 upprcxinuitely 2020i 000 cycles per second t Hz>, Some people can hear higher froqurnoes ihan others. .ongiTudina waves whesu (retiuenctes are higher than thue wiiliin (Ik htatfible range are cakd ulirsnn < frr qupneie Ultr

34、asonic frequenciea used in sonar for uch purposes as submarine dvicu- t ion and dept h finding* Ultrasonic pquencic «rr -I 嶺口 being tried for sterilizinp fond si tire these frequencies kill >ome b&cieria. Sound waves of all frequencies in the audible rane Trpvrl Rt the same speed in rho

35、sfline medium. Tn the audiblp rnngf', the higher the irequen cy of the sihhiJ the higher is ther pitch. The terni supersonic refers tn spt:c<l greater than sound. A.n airphne (raveling at super&onic speed is movuifi M sjicd grrattr thn the sppt:d of sound in 占ir t that temperature* Mach 1

36、 means a peed equal to That of soundi Mrtch 2 mbftns a speed eruM twice that of sounds etc*Muttical sound耳 have three basic characteristicsj pitch, l<Hidrx?*R ari<l quflliTy or timbre, .Xs was indicated abovei pitch is detErmincd lartly by the freqiifncy of the wave ruaditHg he ear. ”he higher

37、 the frequency the higher is ilic pilch. Loudness depends on iht ainpliiude of the wave rcjithing the ear, For n given frequency t the gr#iiter th« nmpli tudt* of i lie wave thr louHer thr sound* To discuss quahty cf sou ad wt- nted io clartf y i he cunc?pL of overtones. Sounds art produced by

38、vibi ating at une deftuite frequence" anJ producing a pure tone. ': hiis the way a tuning fork is iimudly usrd. When obietTs vibrate freely after » force is momenlafily applied* they are said to produce their natural frequency, Some objectSt like strings and utr columnar can vibrate na

39、tufAlly at more than on« fre- qwncy at a time. The lowest frquenry which an objecl can produce when vibrating freely is known as the object's fundamental freqiitriry: other Irvqijcnrifs that -d)jE*cl ran produce are knewn as its overtone9» Tbc quality of a ound Impends on I he number a

40、nd relative ampl )41* The Hain purpose of the passage is !,A. show the impossibility of hearing suundn above 20*OOOHzR define thw nature and qualily of mgcal woundaC analyze what gives a work of Art ilb musical qualilyb Exp岳th匸 gppBc&tioils of ultrFisonir frequtJtciws()15* The style and cr>nr

41、en( af thifs passage indicates that it is most likely from,A. a proposa by an innovative composer of modern muicB. an inform article writlcn (nr ;i popnhir magA/ineC 我 Eiohiriy monoRraph cjh 奨sthNics F>. h cnllege icxlbouk on music Uicory()46. According to the pasftge ultrasonic frequencies are.A

42、, unhearablcB* escessivcly highC. charAetried by ti grcai amplituckD+ more than 20 »000 Hz(D)('nrerh with mont?y* ar)<i then more moneyi in order fo buy the conveniences and luxunut of tnodern hfe, Has brought grtat chants to the lives of most Frcnchmeib More pt*口卩I占wurkinR ihdn t>vvr

43、 before in Fraiir. Tn tht* cities tht? traditional kisurcly midday mel ip di5iip pea ring, CJfficts* sliopsT and fattories &re discuYerihg the ete玳專 t efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunch-roomu. In almost all linea of work emphasis now falla on ever inrrcaiRg output. Thus the typica

44、l" Frenchman produces more. cam mnre and buys mart consuTner guods than the people of only a RencratiDn age, He gains in cret-ure coinfoitt and ease of life. What he lose to some extern is his sense of Jcrsonal uniquw ness» or individuality,Some say that France has he<jn Americanized. T

45、his lb because the United StaLet; is a world syinhul o£ I he lechnoloirftl society and it!* consutnsr products. The so called Atiifji canizatLOn of Fr専has its critics They fear that assembly hnE " will lead to the disap pea rance of Lhe pleasures of the more 菖 ractu: and leisurely C but :

46、es prudncl vt?) old Frendi stylr. What will happen,they iinkf to tdic* cEcAncct and ihr mliivoiior: nf the good things ih life tc joy in thf3 smeti nf n freshly picked apple * a st rol h y the river. Dr jusT happy hours of conversation in a local rale?Sinct the 1950W life in Franuc ha$ imckvd taken

47、on qualicieb of rush? itniont nivJ tht pursuit of trisierifil gains. Some of the simngpsr critics of 1 he new way nj life arc the young > optcidlly university students* The> are concerned with ihi futun t and I hey ftrir that France is thrc<itened by th? triumph of this competitive culture.

48、 Occasionally- they have £eactetJ»st the jrend with consiclerable VioEertCe.()4?* Which of t he following is NOT mentionpd as h fraturr of the new French way oflife?8 / 13A* Efficiency,Tl. Compel ihonrCH TensionD* Taste*()18. Which of die fallowing might be a typical style of ihe old Frenc

49、h life?A- EuGng in a fast-food restaurant.B. Vmveiling here and there by air.C. fioinR to the park on weekends.D. Spending holidays in a luxury hotel()49. Somw of ihr yourjg people in I-rance criticize the new way of life beeaue ,A, they iheTTisthes are not compettnl enough k) ad古pl io hc competitiv

50、e sucitlyB. they arr more conservativeC. they car the concqutnre of the new way of lifeIX they have ikj iihUrial pnrsuit()50, The pasPge implies ihar_A. lhe French ng longer jjktlw hw way of lifeB+ the French are losing omrthing in pursuing material gainsdie Frenrh arc producing more hut consiitning

51、 less nowadays |JX the French prefer the old hfe style to tjie五、 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話共5句;每旬滿分為3分,共15分。根據(jù)中文提示,把對(duì)話中缺少的內(nèi)容寫在橫線上。這些句子必須符合英語表達(dá)習(xí)慣。打 句號(hào)的地方,用陳述句;打問號(hào)的地方,用疑問句。提示:Jane和Michael商量周末去野餐。他們討論要去什么地方,帶些什么。Michael建議邀請(qǐng)John和他的女朋友參加。最后他們決定星期六早上8點(diǎn)出發(fā)。J fine t Flow do you like the ific/t of hnving n picnic ibis Sulurtlny?Mi

52、charl : Wonderfuk But 51?Jane; What ahout to the Western Hills? Il1 s quite cuol(here.Mkhiicl Thata good idea. 52. to go with us?Jane: OK. Arid we can ask them to prepare sqthl1 drinksMichaJ: 53?Jflbc:You'd better buy some fruit, and sandwiches.Michael i 5_?Jam ;1 like oranges» Wciternujlcn

53、st gfcipesj 4ltk1 bananas.MiehtLcl:55?Jane; I low ahtiul 8 hi the morning'.'' We can get there in an huur and a half.Michael:OK. 1 *11 caU John and tell him about our pho.六、書面表達(dá)滿分30分你剛寄了一套科普DVD節(jié)目Discovery給你的朋友Sunlan。就此事給她寫一封信,說你最喜歡這套節(jié)目,而且,相信她也一定會(huì)喜歡。讓她收到后發(fā) 個(gè)XX過來。參考答案一、語音知識(shí)ld 解析】is崔曲中的kn呀仰

54、發(fā)齊,佬余三個(gè)河中的呂讀心l|2. D【JW析】d史hlc中的聖讀a* Jt余:個(gè)詞中的四讀I宀D【JK析Jcnthusiasm中的©讀ZiecZ * Jt余三個(gè)詞中的讀瓦。4J)【解析】2叫函Mm中的1讀在元音前的發(fā)凱其余三個(gè)詞中的!讀在元音后的發(fā) |智I丄二加區(qū)別.丄也解析謎2咻增/屹中的g瀆e | ,其余三個(gè)析中的父讀;i : |二、詞匯與語法知識(shí)【解祈JaLthe rate of 或cit a rate M為正確搭A(yù)LZ,D K解析】考査不定代詞.th« others,是指除去自身或所指對(duì)象剩下的人或物,其余的人 物丄根據(jù)可意應(yīng)選 血 whef履解析】考査肅現(xiàn)在爾虛

55、就用長一斜向用齣的過去時(shí)用wmild +麗原形; 所以選B項(xiàng),盤也,跳,此處指不看(電影),卜D DW析】考査明伺的原曜隊(duì)絞,正觀形式應(yīng)為心."志 此姓用的是否定形式,也可彳 是not so,,- asj但選項(xiàng)無此無確形式故jjD項(xiàng)"|10. D【解析】考査數(shù)漏用法。十分之兒,用數(shù)同和介詞來表達(dá),正礪形式應(yīng)為:數(shù)詞+ OW of+twu上名詞,成為數(shù)側(cè)十名詞+。誠of+ten*|1LA【俸析】考査量詞用法以及名詞的數(shù).皿就為面包片,不可數(shù).兩個(gè)烤面包片正州 形式應(yīng)為two pi”邱of toast,1AH【解析】考査序數(shù)詞的表述法"正珊形式應(yīng)為t匡小序數(shù)詞.lie

56、 解析1號(hào)杏可子的倒裝此姓的卍確形式應(yīng)為:助曲同或情態(tài)功h上訥丄謂暦 動(dòng)詞I14. D【解析】在査數(shù)詞的數(shù),e世和Mm的復(fù)數(shù)母式應(yīng)為。口崩和型叫啟。gB【解析】make U少鮑成其它皆無此意。16. B【解析】根據(jù)句意和習(xí)慣搭配,只冇E項(xiàng)正確.17. II【解析】根據(jù)第-句,可知屬于將來時(shí)態(tài),又根據(jù)not. . . until句型可判斷只冇H項(xiàng) 正確。IS. H【解析】納米技術(shù)nflnot.ch)最有發(fā)展前景的筑域,此處的正確形式只能是M項(xiàng):9.八【解析? A形容詞比較級(jí)的用法。根據(jù)句意,含乎邏掠的應(yīng)是 more apparent than reaL字鹵意思:更務(wù)的是表而,麗不是真實(shí);指虛有其

57、表或虛偽“|£璀解析】過去分詞總后置定語.表被.根據(jù)句軌應(yīng)新的風(fēng)血迥ndardglied 應(yīng)用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。三、完形填空21.A 解析】就處表示作者情靖不好*跟孽子們AE遠(yuǎn)起來間誠mce此姓用作動(dòng)伺意版是“疏遠(yuǎn)氣 作者并不是想”擺脫業(yè)脫離“孩子,們.因此不逸(1或IL枚成丄配c T解析】核子不是造成她suffering苦,珂戲切“患慮”的根源.因此不選A、D爾 difficulty-困唯七也不符合此處語堵.從后文判斷,作者向孩子發(fā)脾氣, 但孩于牡是星致她生虹的根正故選匚 無D【解析】茂了祈認(rèn)對(duì)瘋是二寸情堵不元因必示!云打&情客、沖口1;也亍祐:燈 講,但往往用于inspirits表

58、示情靖髙漲或憎緒低落emotion住往表亟強(qiáng)烈的感情。故本題選D24. B【解析】此處并不是強(qiáng)調(diào)看不到即叩眼廣意圖“或 y/感覺七因此系選A、B兩項(xiàng); CJ®hurry-S忙氣不.H項(xiàng)1。觀.孩子們?cè)谧髡哐劬锟床坏健皭邸钡?情感*故垃匡ko 1解析】女兒想擁抱她,也被作者粗暴地推開了,從下文母子擁抱在一起判斷,此處" 和下文呼應(yīng)。而A項(xiàng)曲m,使平靜B項(xiàng)跟隨項(xiàng)澳叫廣停止。都 |不令此處語破n故選M26. C【解析】作者看到孩子眼屮痛苦的表悄,不知道出樺改史白己的情緒,用匸質(zhì)応依恰 L而作者并不是想壓抑*掩飾”或者"表達(dá)”自己的情緒,枚不選AJLD.區(qū)R【解析】此外成型渚何候孩于們吃飯,因此用契r處符合題囂和埼配 旣. A【解折】作苗因?yàn)樾那椴缓?,沒冇跟孩子們一塊吃晚仮,因此用join符合題意,b-B【解析】個(gè)電祝H目使作者意識(shí)到了自己的錯(cuò)誤,因此& realizen A項(xiàng)n曲小網(wǎng) 憶7C項(xiàng)5&理女椅驗(yàn)。鄒不合邏輯,不能去陶作者的情感靈化故選3X C【解t


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