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1、點詞班 2014 GRE S陳琦GRE團隊fancifulan animadversiona comprehensive a slapdashfamiliar revisionistsuppliesstrong bargaining positionsdispelled friendly costsharmless innocuouscastigating chastisingwealth profusionessential for indispensable tofancifulFanciful: conceived or made without regard for reason or

2、 reality不切實際的:absurd, bizarre, crazy, foolish, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, quixotic, utopianfancifulAlthough children's books about animals and plants are oftenrather than accurate in their descriptions, a skillful elementary-­school teacher can still such texts for meaningfu

3、l scientiJic learning.Blank (i)A. factualB. fancifulC. creativeBlank (ii)D. confuseE. exploitF. ignorefanciful題源:df91bd74-­17b7-­11dc-­86d1-­000b5df10621.html#axzz3ExALJ FGMThis is because motivation is the hardest of all managerial tasks, and it is fanciful to expectanymemo,noma

4、tternowwellcrafted,tomake much difference.fancifulan animadversionAnimadversion : critical and usuallycensorious remark責(zé)備,批評:stricture , carping , censure, criticism, faultJinding, rebukean animadversionThewith which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her

5、as being far morethan she in fact is.A. superlatives egalitarianB. pejoratives optimisticC. examples soporiJicD. diatribes censoriousE. malapropisms straightforwardan animadversionCritics say that the autobiographical work Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman is surprising in that it celebrate

6、s and yethis own role in the life of his brother.A. censuresB. rebukeC. exacerbatesD. exploresE. duplicatesF. aggravatea comprehensive & a slapdashComprehensive : covering completely or broadly: inclusive<comprehensive examinations>全面的,綜合的:complete, encyclopedic, cover-­all, embracive

7、, exhaustive, global, inclusive, in-­depth, omnibus, panoramic, thorough, universala comprehensive & a slapdashHer politicalcame from hervision of the nation, a vision that included and drew strength from every social constituency.Blank (i)A. successB. autonomyC. reticenceBlank (ii)D. mysti

8、calE. comprehensiveF. conventionala comprehensive & a slapdashThe brief survey, published under the title The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life SustainsUs, is surprisingly.it makesseveral longer treatments of the effects of lost biodiversity seem.Blank (i)A distorted B objectiveC compreh

9、ensiveBlank (ii)D redundant E pithyF prematurea comprehensive & a slapdashSlapdash : If you describe someone as slapdash, you mean that they do things carelessly without much thinking or planning.粗心的,隨便的:aimless, arbitrary , desultory, erratic, haphazard, scattered, straya comprehensive & a

10、slapdashDuring the operas most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestras conductor seemed, without necessary relation to what had gone before.A. arbitraryB. capriciousC. cautiousD. compellingE. exactingF. meticulousa comprehensive & a slapdashExperienced and proJicient, Susan is a good, tr

11、umpeter her music is often more satisfying than Carol's brilliant but playing.(A) virtuoso. inimitable(B) mediocre. eccentric(C) competent. inJluential(D) amateur. renowned(E) reliable. erraticfamiliar & revisionistFamiliar: If someone or something is familiar to you, you recognize them or k

12、now them well熟悉的:abreast, acquainted, conversant, informed, knowledgeable, versed,well-­informedfamiliar & revisionistRevisionist: If you describe aor theirviews as revisionist, you mean that theyreject traditionally held beliefs about aparticular historical event or events.familiar & r

13、evisionistDespite the fact that the book promises a complete rethinking of the actors contributing to the conJlict, the picture that the book paints is; the causes it suggests are more orthodox than.(A) unique.innovative(B) commonplace.imitative(C) controversial.radical(D) familiar.revisionist(E) re

14、cognizable.conventionalsupplies & strong bargaining positionsSupply: the number of individuals or amount of something available at any given time<the supply of parents willing to coach youth soccer seems to be shrinking>供應(yīng):budget, force, fund, inventory, pool, repertoire, reservoir, stocks

15、upplies & strong bargaining positionsBargain:to negotiate over the terms of apurchase討價還價:haggle, negotiatesupplies & strong bargaining positionsThe ambassador argues that, in diplomacy, there is a subtle but important difference between a countrys showing a willingness to and a too-­ob

16、vious readiness to make.Blank (i)A. negotiateB. antagonizeC. surrenderBlank (ii)D. concessionsE. friendsF. denunciationsdispelled & friendly & costsDispel : to drive away by or as if by scattering:<dispel a tumor>驅(qū)散:clear out, disband, disperse, dissipate, squanderdispelled & frien

17、dly & costsEver prey to vagrant impulses that impelled himtohis talents on a host of unworthy projects, his verynonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers.(A) undermine. enthusiasm(B) isolate. selectiveness(C) display. affability(D) squander.

18、dissipation(E) implicate. geniusharmless & innocuousHarmless : lacking capacity or intent toinjure <a harmless joke>Innocuous: producing no injury無害的: innocent, benign, inoffensive, anodyne, nontoxic, safeharmless & innocuousAlthough condemned by the review panel, to Jilm critic Paulin

19、e Kael the movie seemed entirelyand unlikely to offend.A. impressionableB. innocuousC. boorishD. insensitiveE. unapproachableF. anodyneharmless & innocuousThe candidates comments during the debate were sothat not even his most vehement critics could seize on something to use against him.A. innoc

20、uousB. evocativeC. reminiscentD. pivotalE. inoffensiveF. uproariousharmless & innocuousAlthough plant and animal species that become established in ecosystems where they did not originate are sometimes referred to by the alarming term “invasive species,” many such species arein their new environ

21、ments.A innocuousB conspicuous C robustD menacingE distinctivecastigating & chastisingCastigate : to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticismChastise :to censure severely懲罰:penalizecastigating & chastisingCiting irrefutable evidence of corruption, the investigating committeethe se

22、nator for his.Blank (i)A. eulogizedB. exoneratedC. castigatedBlank (ii)D. misconductE. proprietyF. veracitycastigating & chastisingThe scientiJic organizationthe newspaper for prominently covering the predictions of a psychic whileto report on a major research conference.Blank (i) A.denounced B.

23、promotedC.honoredBlank (ii)D. hasteningE. neglectingF. optingcastigating & chastising題源:+and+Moder+Germany,%3A+Migration+in-­1989.-­a076713045In along introductory chapter, Hochstadt takes issue with the ideological blinders that have distorted much migration research, especially casti

24、gating modernization theorists and others for their untested assumptions of an immobile preindustrial past.castigating & chastising%3A+Migration+in+Germany,-­1989.-­a076713045wealth & profusionWealth : abundant supplyProfusion: great quantity , lavish display or supply大量: plentitud

25、e, plethora, cornucopia, myriad, plenty, afJluence, abundance, bunch, bundle, dozen, mass, surfeitwealth & profusionSandra Gilbert and Susan Gubars recent book presents aof detail, providing far more information than one can easily digest.A. modicumB. discrepancyC. surfeitD. paucityE. juxtaposit

26、ionF. superJluitywealth & profusionIronically, an afJluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that, since in conditions of afJluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to.Blank (i)A. overabundanceB. practicalityC. commonnessBlank (

27、ii)D. adaptE. vexF. thrivewealth & profusion題源:press/books/2009/digitalmedicine/ digitalmedicine_chapter.pdfDespite the wealth of digital medicineapplications available through, theInternet, and mobile devices, not manyphysicians or patients are taking advantage of the potential of electronic co

28、mmunications.wealth & profusionessential for & indispensable toEssential : of the utmost importance ; BASIC,INDISPENSABLE, NECESSARY<an essential requirement for admission to college>Indispensable:absolutely necessary ; <anindispensable member of the staff>必要的:critical, imperativ

29、e, integral, must-­ have, necessary, necessitous, needed, required, requisite, vital, obligatoryessential for & indispensable toBecause howler monkeys rarely come out of the trees in their arboreal habitat, the continued well-­being of the rain forest is to their survival.A. marginalB.

30、 tangentialC. indispensableD. imperativeE. expeditiousF. banefulessential for & indispensable toMost politician Jind televisionto the of their messages: the medium plays an essential roles in propagating their ideas.Blank (i)A. detrimentalB. tangentialC. indispensableBlank (ii)D. interpretationE

31、. legislationF. disseminationfancifulan animadversiona comprehensive a slapdashfamiliar revisionistsuppliesstrong bargaining positionsdispelled friendly costsharmless innocuouscastigating chastisingwealth profusionessential for indispensable to各位買家&賣家:好!我是同濟資料小屋的店主,用這種方式和大家,希望諒解。本店樹大招風(fēng),被琦叔團隊投訴,因

32、此下架所有課程。本人已不需再上點詞班之類的課程,但由于大家需要,就一直在錄。我報制,而非倒買倒賣,不能上架,買的人少,50元賣,并不算貴。我不加密,而是選擇于人方便于己方便,人惡心。,倒買倒賣的確讓所以就像我在前面稱呼的那樣,各位成買家的賣家,真的請你倒賣手下留情。如果你需要,我們可以直接,我們合作就可以,我訛?zāi)?。?dāng)然,親愛的各位支持同濟資料小屋走到現(xiàn)在的買家,的支持,也希望繼續(xù)支持。同濟資料小屋敬上2014.10.07unprovenprovincialism less contingent onpenalty balanced reJlectiondetectable violent mi

33、nisculemake public maladies plagueunimpressed with terrifyinga commonplacebedrock foundationa rejection ofa liberation fromtrepidation apprehensionperceptive discerningunprovenUnproven : If something is unproven, it hasnot deEinitely been proved to be true.<There are a lot of unproven allegations

34、 Jlying around. >證實的: unproved ,untested, undemonstrated, unfounded, unsettled, untried, unascertained, uncheckedunprovenIt is true that the seeds of some plants have after two hundred years of dormancy, but reports that viable seeds have been found in ancient tombs such as the pyramids are entir

35、ely.A revived. empiricalB germinated. unfounded C endured. irrelevantD erupted. reasonableE proliferated. substantiatedunproven題源:-­tunguska-­J-­100-­years-­later/Although most observers generally accept that some kind of cosmic body, either an asteroid or a comet, exploded

36、in the sky above Siberia, no one has yet found fragments of the object or any impactcraters in the affected region. Theremainsunsolved, but our research team, only the latest of a steady stream of investigators who have scoured the area, may be closing in on a discovery that will change our understa

37、nding of what happened that fateful morning.unprovenprovincialism & less contingent onprovincialism : the quality or state of being provincialprovincial : limited in outlook ; NARROW<an artist who has been criticized for being very provincial>狹隘性:narrowness, sectarianism狹隘的:illiberal, insu

38、lar, narrow-­minded, parochial, narrow, sectarian,provincialism & less contingent onThis poetry is not; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly regional themes.A. familiarB. democraticC. technicalD. complexE. provincialprovincialism & less c

39、ontingent onThe well-­trained engineer must understand Jields as diverse as physics, economics, geology, and sociology; thus, an overly engineering curriculum should be avoided.(A) narrow(B) innovative(C) competitive(D) rigorous(E) academicprovincialism & less contingent onThe speaker annou

40、nced that her primary focus would be on broad global concerns rather than on issues.A. parochialB. substantiveC. disputatiousD. contentiousE. contemporaryF. insular陳琦GRE團隊 80313頻道provincialism & less contingent onContingent : dependent on or conditioned by something else<payment is contingent

41、 on fulJillment of certain conditions>取決于其他因素的:conditional, dependent, subject, affected, reliant, subordinate, hinge onprovincialism & less contingent onPsychology has slowly evolved into an scientiJic discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities a

42、s other sciences.A. independentB. unusualC.outmodedD. uncontrolledE.inactiveprovincialism & less contingent onManipulating laboratory tissue cultures with hormones is one thing; using hormones to treat human beings, however, is contingent on whether hormones thatin the laboratory can affectorgan

43、isms, and in predictable ways.(A) develop. similar(B) succeed. simple(C) fail. cellular(D) work. whole(E) reproduce. unknown陳琦GRE團隊 80313頻道penalty & balanced reElectionPenalty : a punishment established by law or authority for a crime or offense<Theum penalty is 7 yearsimprisonment>(對罪行的)處

44、罰: Jine, forfeit, punishment, retributionpenalty & balanced reElectionBy divesting himself of all regalities, the former kingthe consideration that customarily protects monarchs.A merited B forfeited C debasedD concealedE extendeddetectable & violent & minisculeDetectable : capable of be

45、ing perceived , noticed or discovered.<Doctors say the disease is probably inherited but not detectable at birth. >可感知的,明顯的: apprehensible, discernible, distinguishable, sensible, palpable, appreciable, perceptible,detectable & violent & minisculeMany of the earliest colonial houses th

46、at are still standing have been so modiJied and enlarged that thedesign is no longer.(A) pertinent.relevant(B) intended. necessary(C) embellished. attractive(D) appropriate. applicable(E) initial. discernibledetectable & violent & minisculeMany subatomic nuclear particles are (i) and nearly

47、(ii): they are hard to track as well as to detect.Blank (i)A. unstableB. chargedC. elusiveBlank (ii)D. explosiveE. imperceptibleF. indivisibledetectable & violent & minisculeViolent : notably furious or vehement<a violent denunciation>猛烈的:dreadful, excruciating, explosive, fearsome, fe

48、rocious, Jierce, intensive, profound, vehementdetectable & violent & minusculeAlthough supernovas are among the most of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to, either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds.(A) rem

49、ote. observe(B) luminous. detect(C) predictable. foresee(D) ancient. determine(E) violent. disregard陳琦GRE團隊 80313頻道detectable & violent & minusculeviolent: using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone or something : showing violence; caused by physical forc

50、e or violence; trying to physically attack someone because of anger<They witnessed a violent struggle betweenanders.>:bang-­bang, explosive, ferocious,劇烈的,Jierce, furious, knock-­down, paroxysmal, rabid, rough, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, volcanic陳琦GRE團隊 80313頻道detect

51、able & violent & minusculeAlthough some consider forcefulness and to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than maintaining a steady one.(A) promptness(B) persistence(C) aggression(D) skillfulness(E) lucidity陳琦GRE團隊 80313頻道detect

52、able & violent & minisculeMiniscule: very small<a miniscule progress>極小的: atomic, inJinitesimal, microscopic, miniature, minute, tinydetectable & violent & minisculeNot even a microscope is sufJiciently powerful to view themolecules that chemist Jacqueline Barton designs.A. tri

53、vialB. grandiloquentC. inJinitesimalD. minuteE. frivolousF. distendeddetectable & violent & minusculeThe bee hummingbird has an average length of only two inches, making it the mostof all hummingbird species.A. miniatureB. diminutiveC. capriciousD. superJluousE. redundantF. prodigal陳琦GRE團隊 8

54、0313頻道detectable & violent & miniscule題源:/matters-­of-­gravity點詞班Q Sec2-­5Of course it would be much better to observe the gravitational waves directly. The challenge is that they are extremely weak. To make waves large enough to be detectable with any instrument we can imagin

55、e building on Earth, the most violent events in the universe are required: supernova explosions, the formation of black holes or the collisions of stars. Even so, the effects are tiny: The geometry changes so little that a distance of several kilometers changes by less than the diameter of a proton.

56、detectable & violent & minisculemake public & maladies & plagueMalady : a disease or disorder of the animal body ; an unwholesome or disordered condition疾?。篸isease , illness ,sickness ,ailment ,condition, complain,malaisemake public & maladies & plaguePlague : to cause worry or distress or todisturb or annoy persistently折磨,使痛苦: bedevil, beset, besiege, curse, excruciate, harrow, persecute, agonize, rack,


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