1、De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea s
2、pii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sceti. concept of devel opmet prom i Ing - sea desi saegy nda- focusonimpi-eta”, lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndont oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoni ous and m ocatc amosp
3、h of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnuai budge mpl amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe cutive budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W.
4、 Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,d nomajor acdde nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie accidet s wihout e nVionmeta polui on .cdes, fey fr the e cnseutve yeas to ma ntai sta I ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss f nacia idiat ors tota prfis of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of f miin Y
5、ua,beyndt he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miinY-n, a I iccese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie. d a y powe ccnsmpti onr i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty rduce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;
6、.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Re- biiy inex equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, iccese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd outage ate 018%,1116% re duccin ove the smepei od a yar eal erMaor ohevmet s is, soul d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss stre I gthe nig tecnolgi esar c, sen
7、gthe n hi dden ha zads control ad itrisc saey EEerrie consuction took new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-ment Foccs on pr omotig the powe of theccmpaIymanngetsystma nd the aplccai on a id mpementtti on of the saety lop fiesa maagementlysem, mprove t he saety manngetsystm, relzthelysem
8、 of -fey ccntrol lurherrrgultele-iyrouie s, fey lupeVii on a nd mang etnew o. re to lay tohe- Uosid loop.'te ngtheig the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha I iua V oatin of sregheningthesaetysueVsiin of outsouci ng contrac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a ,m of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e,
9、pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admte紅星美凱龍經(jīng)營模式解析時間:2006-9-4 10:08:00紅星美凱龍首家家居體驗購物廣場落戶東四環(huán)4月21日,紅星美凱龍北京第二家店一一東四環(huán)店的招商方案正式揭開神秘面紗。這家位于東四環(huán)大郊亭橋西南角 CBD核心區(qū)的新家居賣場定名為紅星美凱龍家居體驗購物廣場”,總營業(yè)面積達10萬平方米,分為地上6層、地下一層,可容納國際國內(nèi)500多個品牌入駐經(jīng)營,將以體驗式精品店的架構(gòu)和綠色生態(tài)環(huán)境的營造開創(chuàng)家居賣場業(yè)態(tài)升級的先河,成為京城乃至全國規(guī)模最大的綠色生態(tài)體驗式購物場所。數(shù)百個品牌排隊進場作為在全國的第30家品牌連鎖賣場,紅星美
11、,可容納500多個知名品牌。De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the
12、 parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - m anaggme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndontr oi s.c a nd Sadadle d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousan
13、ddem ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e baery i ndiat i r: po-we ge nea.n totae. 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnuai budge impi amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve budge, a i ncea -
14、of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,d nomajor accde nt ad abo<e, nomaor ie a_i det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on a_ie nts, fey fr the e cnseutve yeas to ma ntai sta I ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss f nada idiat ors tota prfis of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua b
15、udge of f miin Yua,beyndt he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miinY-n, a I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; iegg d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins.efrmanne ggra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NO
16、x 052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, inccese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re duccion ove te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi
17、esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey Eerrie consuclton tok new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-mentFoccsonpromoting the powe of theccmpaI y manngetsystma nd the apl i on a id implementat on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relztely
18、sem of -fey ccntol. lurherrrgulteiecuiy rouie s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t | lay tlche- Uosid loop.'te ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha "- V olain of steggheningthesaey lupevs in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i ns
19、pect n,fe, pr cin-fe, and te 11ympc Gm - 1admte據(jù)了解,在許多商場面臨招商不足的大背景下,紅星美凱龍新賣場還未正式招商就預約登記了數(shù)百個品牌排隊進場。我們要按照統(tǒng)一的標準對品牌進行挑選,選出最適合紅星美凱龍的頂級品牌?!卞X旭東說,入駐東四環(huán)店的品牌必須具備三條標準:一是環(huán)保要好,必須達到國家要求的環(huán)保標準,出具的檢測報告需有權(quán)威性;二是檔次要高,在國際、國內(nèi)具有較高的知名度;三是口碑要好,北京消費者比較喜歡的暢銷品牌將成首選。體驗模式受追捧紅星美凱龍東四環(huán)店在正式招商之前就引起眾多品牌的競逐,關(guān)鍵在于它推行的體驗家居模式受到青睞,體驗購物將成為一種
21、來,而是營造成一個舒適的臥室;沙發(fā)也不再是單純的沙發(fā),而是放到一個客廳的環(huán)境中。De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX p
22、ower compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndont oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf,
23、 manage a hamoniousandm ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnua budge mpl amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve b
24、udge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,d nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, n I mjr fie a _i det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on a_ie nts, fey fr the e cnseutve yeas to ma ntai sta I ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss f nacia idiat ors tota prfis of 25 mil on Yuan,
25、 beynd t he annua budge of f miin Yua,beyndtheDatangcompayidx41.9miinY-n,aIiceseof"mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig3>g/kW,dow01g/kW; ie. d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins.efrmanne gra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx
26、052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, inccese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re duccion ove te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi es
27、ar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey EEerrie consuclton tok new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-mentFoccsonpromotingthepoweof theccmpaIymanngetsystma nd the aplccai on a id mpementtti on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relztelysem o
28、f -fey ccntol lurherrrgulteiecuiy routne s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t lay tohe- Uosid loop.'te ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha "- V oaton of sregheningthesaey lupevs in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e,
29、 pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admte新店的第6層被定位為集成家居家裝體驗館”,將更充分地體現(xiàn)體驗購物的感覺。在規(guī)劃上,將引進有實力的家裝公司和品牌一起打造一個集成家居概念館,讓顧客逛商場真的就像在自己的家中一樣,逛完之后就完全可以根據(jù)展示的樣品為自己的家進行量身定制。紅星美凱龍這樣大規(guī)模的體驗式精品店,在北京還沒有人做過,這將讓消費者耳目一新?!卞X旭東表示。綠色生態(tài)首開京城先河除在賣場展位設(shè)計上強調(diào)體驗購物環(huán)境,紅星美凱龍家居體驗購物廣場還首開業(yè)內(nèi)先河,在賣場里引進江南園林,構(gòu)建起一個真正意義上的綠色生態(tài)購物廣 場。根據(jù)紅星美凱龍新店的設(shè)計方案,在賣場里設(shè)計了
31、美凱龍率先將綠色生態(tài)概念引入賣場設(shè)計中,將推動北京家居產(chǎn)De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie
32、 s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - m anaggme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndontr oi s.c a nd Sadadle d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage
33、 a hamoniousanddem ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e baery i ndiat i r: po-we ge nea.n totae. 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnuai budge impi amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve budg
34、e, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs 25 一.Nopesnalinjuyacidetoccur,d nomajor accde nt ad abo<e, nomaor ie a_i det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on a_ie nts, fey fr the e cnseutve yeas to ma ntai sta I ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss f nada idiat ors tota prfis of 25 mil on Yuan, be
35、ynd t he annua budge of f miin Yua,beyndt he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miinY-n, a I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; iegg d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins.efrmanne ggra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu di
36、xde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy act or i 9l4r%, inccese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re duccion ove te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss ste I gt
37、e ning tecnolgi esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey Eerrie consuclton tok new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-ment Foccs on pr omoting the powe of theccmpaIymanngetsystma nd the apl i on a id implementat on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey mann
38、getsystm, relztelysem of -fey ccntol. lurherrrgulteiecuiy rouie s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t | lay tlche- Uosid loop.'te ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha "- V olain of steggheningthesaey lupevs in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10
39、d contol a nd i nspect n,fe, pr cin-fe, and te 11ympc Gm - 1admte業(yè)在健康、環(huán)保、綠色方面的全面升級。相關(guān)背景紅星美凱龍要做“第一家居”伴隨著京城首家家居體驗購物廣場的正式招商和數(shù)月后的正式開業(yè),紅星美凱龍開始向第一家居”目標邁進。紅星集團董事長兼首席執(zhí)行官車建新這樣描繪紅星美凱龍的第一家居”戰(zhàn)略:在規(guī)模、理念、服務(wù)、銷售額上確保家居行業(yè)全國第一,在各個區(qū)域市場上也力爭做到第一。車建新透露,這家即將亮相的紅星美凱龍家居體驗購物廣場是紅星美凱龍在全國白勺第30家連鎖大賣場。2005年,紅星美凱龍已經(jīng)開業(yè)的大賣場數(shù)量是27家,總營業(yè)面
40、積突破150萬平方米,營業(yè)額達87億元,無論是規(guī)模、檔次、形象還是在影響力上,都達到了家居行業(yè)的第一。我們還沒有做到在各個區(qū)域市場上的第一,這是我們還在努力的目標?!钡?008年,紅星美凱龍在全國的品牌連鎖大賣場將達到40家,到2020年,這個數(shù)字將達到200家,這是紅星美凱龍在打造民族家居產(chǎn)業(yè)品牌的近期和遠期愿景?!避嚱ㄐ聦τ诩t星美凱龍做到中國家居行業(yè)的第一家居”頗有信心,我們已經(jīng)連續(xù)3年躋身中國民營企業(yè)500強前30名。市場化經(jīng)營、商場化管理的 紅星美凱龍經(jīng)營模式正在受到業(yè)內(nèi)外的廣泛認同,紅星美凱龍終將成為一個世界性的商業(yè)De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot
41、 I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nfnce2013workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHee on beal of my cmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt th
42、e sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndont oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousandm ocatc amosph of the good .uatonMainidca os are as fol
43、owst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnua budge mpl amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyac
44、idetoccur,d nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, n I mjr fie a _i det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on a_ie nts, fey fr the e cnseutve yeas to ma ntai sta I ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss f nacia idiat ors tota prfis of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of f miin Yua,beyndtheDatangcompayidx41.9miinY-n,aIicese
45、of"mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie. d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins.efrmanne gra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy
46、 act or i 9l4r%, inccese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re duccion ove te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad intinsc saey EEerrie consuclton t
47、ok new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-mentFoccson pr omoting the powe of theccmpaI y manngetsystma nd the aplccai on a id mpementtti on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relztelysem of -fey ccntol lurherrrgulte iecuiy routne s, fey iupevs on a nd man
48、g etnew o. re t lay tohe- Uosid loop.'te ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha "- V oaton of sregheningthesaey lupevs in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admte品牌。”權(quán)威聚焦“紅星美凱龍”經(jīng)營模式任興洲:國務(wù)院發(fā)展研究中
50、構(gòu)的升級和老百姓對這種消費檔次和消費環(huán)境的要求,應(yīng)該說在這些方面,紅星美凱龍走在了前面。第三,它適應(yīng)了家具、建材行業(yè)或產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的客觀要求,為這些產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)的不斷轉(zhuǎn)化和蓬勃發(fā)展,提供了一個合適的通道和銷售渠道。十六大”報告里提出了我國要走新型工業(yè)化的道路,它缺少了現(xiàn)代流通方式是辦不到的,同時現(xiàn)代流通方式也是為新型工業(yè)化服務(wù)的,所以紅星美凱龍經(jīng)營模式”適應(yīng)了我國家具、De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenavesC.nfnce2013workshop, ful back i n c
51、caeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHeeonbealofmycmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance,com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea ,ma
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