1、egae* staff Helo! in Ie ru up to the Springhe d one - staff r.ea.es Cneence 203worksop, fui back in 202, caeuanayss of the curet stuaton, dis . ss 203. itpmetpansHee on be. of my company 2013work eports toteGenea Assembly for cons. .P*ar I, 2012 bak in XX powecompanies a dhee tothe pa" 1 grea s
2、prt for gui.ace ccmprehey mplemet the .”pt of eopment promoig cst eade sipstaegy nda ds focus onimpimentaton, eama ,agemet, coniuusy mprove ntsaey skaton of eerpri- maagement, busness ma,ag-et and control sce n.c and sa.iz and the ded cain of s., manage a harmonious and . .a. oshee of the ggod si.n.
3、 Ma n idiat ors ae a s folow st he.aey i. to.” ge neain taed _85 b.onkW, bayn. theannua" - e mp eation capa.y of 35 m.inkW, an inu_eof T m.n kW.Saes toaed -41b"nkW,e edng sa- of 330 m.n IW the annuaE_I_ludge, a I iceseof 79 mil on k W. Scuiy mesues unplanne d out» 一,tmNopesna i,u,a en
4、t occued I o major a e nt and aov'no major Ie ac。 dets ou evi onme ntapoluion ac_nt* sa- frthrre cnne - tveleast mantan sa biiyto good poltueBsiess fia nd i dicats: of 25 milI n Yua, bbyon.the anua I udge of 27 mil on Yuan, beynd t he Daangcm |ay ind_ 1181 milon Yua n, an iceaeof 1.1 milI n Yua,
5、FCMasesmet at gade fourEnegy:powe luppysa nda rd coal cm | leig 31211 g/kW, dow 01g/kW; it - at> a uXlay powrcnspinrai i5.(2%, down 0.6%; polutatemins perormacegeatyrrduedcm paed to la s yar cabon UI g kW, suurdioXde 1101 g/k W NOx 052 g liW; dust r_ o<alef ciecy of moe tla a%a biiy i:equivae
6、nta a biiyactrin 1347%, iceaed '9I%< fom a yea -rie.Equiaent fccdou、erae0 = ,0.6-re_cton ove te - me peid a yea -lerMaor aci mentsfist we souaddee t otetw "managgment sstm"bbass stegteing ecnol ogca re leac, stegg hen hidehazads cntrl a nd intinsi c saey Entejri - cnst ucton took ne
7、w se ps The tw lanagement .stm" for .prov-et Focusonpr I moting t he powe of te compa ny maaement . stma. te a pplcaton ad im pllmetai on of the-ey loop fiesa managgmeI t sstm, .pr - te - fey mamlmet .sem, - te systmof -fey cntol Furte egulae .,rout nessaey sueIvson and maagement network roe t
8、pay t o aciee cooe.l oop. Sengteig te suevsion a nd mamlmet of habiua v olainof stegte ning the - fey suevison of ousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i spring a nd a uumn of seury inspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, e,prooucinmont h, ddy lupevn of pr ooucin -fey ad te OympicXmes ad othe建筑給水排水及采暖工程概況S
9、N 1.1工程名稱A棟廠房建設(shè)單位昆山方佳機械制造有限公司分部工程1、室內(nèi)給水2、室內(nèi)排水3、衛(wèi)生器具 4、子分部分項工程主要設(shè)備及材料型號規(guī)格單位數(shù)量安裝地點室內(nèi)給水管道PP-R 管 De6325m86衛(wèi)生間給消火栓系統(tǒng)水防腐、絕熱室內(nèi)排水排水管道UPVC 管 Dg11050m181衛(wèi)生間立、橫管室 內(nèi)管 道熱水防腐、絕熱室 外管道給水消防室外 排水管道室 內(nèi)管道采 暖采暖設(shè)備室外管道配件供熱防腐、絕熱Degates, sf: Hel o! in the unuptothe Spring F val, held one fur sf r.r - etas Ccnfeece 203w orks
10、hop, ul bak i n ! car - l aayss of the curet siua.n, di ss 2013 deveopment .as.Hee on behal of my ccmpany 203 work re ports t o the Geea Assembly for cnsi .eain.Pla I back i _02 XX po-wecompanies a dee to t he pays 1 geatsp" for gu dace, ccmpre he- impl emet the scientfc cnce pt of d lopme"
11、; pr omolngcsea rship sta , sa ndar ds, focus on mpleme ntain, eama nage ment, ccntiuouSy mprove, smoothpresent saey s.aion of entepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd control sce ntfc ad n.ard,ald t he.adi-.n of saf manage a hamonius and moc.c amosphee of the good .uaton lai nidca or are a s f
12、.w st he ba.y i.r powe ge nea.n tot- d _85 biin kWh, beyond theannua budge mpementat on capa cy of 31 I mi.n kWh, a nice of -5 m.ink W.Saes tot- -45 b. onk Wl,ec ing saleso". m.inkW- annualExcul - budge, an iceae of-79 mli I nlkW. Seury meaues unpanned outg- SmNo pesona ijuy acie nt occurrd, no
13、 mjr acie nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie a_i dets wihou evi I nme nta po“ on a ccc dets ,for thee conscuie,s to maiI tai sa "ly tggod pos'e.Fu_e - fiancal i nd.tors tota profis - H mil on Yuan, beynd the ann- budge of 20- mil on Yua,b nd t he Datag company iddx 1181 milon Yuan, anicese I I1.1mi
14、l on Yua, Fl men a gga de four.Enegy poweluppy sanna d cca com pleig 32.5 g/k Wh, down 0.1 gkW; itgr d a , powe connumpin aii51%, dow 06% polutant ins pefomane ccdccmpaed t st yea, calon 019 gkWh, lulur d I Xde 0TOI gkWNOx 0512 gkWh; -s em ova efcieny of more t hall*. Re-blty index e quiae n
15、t biiy -tri n -,%,- d79I-fom a yar ea .Equialet for outage ate 018% 111%eductin ove the se peid a yea ea .、ajor -hie-mets is, we soul dohee to the tw"mang-entsystm"basis steghening tchnol I gica e seac, stegt he hidden haads contol a nd itr ns c -fey Enepri - cnst ucion tok new seps The tw
16、"mang-et stm" fr implement. FFcuson pr omotng t he porof the cmpa I y manng-etsy sem and te a pplicaio nad im plmetai on of tes y lop fiesa maagement lysem, improve the saey managgment sstm, riale the sstm of s y cntol Fute rrgu ae seuriy rui ne, saeylupe-sin ad mang-e ntnewrk r ole t ply
17、t 01che- cl, dloop. Ste.henig telupeviion a nd mang-etof habitual I aton of sre.hening the s y suesi in of ousoucing contacor. Caare d ou isig a nd a utmn of scuiy insect on* lod cntrla nd insecion, s y pr I duucion mont h, day suesinof producton s y ad the UmpicG and her符合要求專業(yè)施工負(fù)責(zé)人(簽字):年月日專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師(簽
18、字):年 月日建筑給水排水工程施工現(xiàn)場質(zhì)量管理記錄SN1.2工程名稱A棟廠房施工許可證號建設(shè)單位昆山方佳機械制造有限公司設(shè)計單位湖南益陽建筑設(shè)計院監(jiān)理單位昆山城建監(jiān)理公司總監(jiān)理工程師施工單位昆山通華建設(shè)工程有限公司項目經(jīng)理翁加清專業(yè)技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人姚九廣專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師主 要工 種姓名工種持證名稱證號發(fā)證部門鄒軍林管道工上崗證DE3E0004興化建委張風(fēng)清管道工上崗證DE3E0006蘇州建委現(xiàn)場管理制度文明施工、安全施工、統(tǒng)一管理質(zhì)量檢驗制度三檢制:自檢、專職檢、互檢施工圖審查情況已審查施工組織設(shè)計及方案已審批審批人現(xiàn)場使用主要設(shè)備儀器、儀表名稱型號規(guī)格單位數(shù)量說 明試壓泵SYC型試驗泵臺1打壓ega
19、e* staff Helo! in Ie ru up to the Spring he d one - staff r.ea.es Cneence 203w orksop, fui back i n 202, caeuanayss of the curet stuaton, dis . ss 203. itpmet pansHee on be. of my company 2013 work e ports tote Genea Assembly for cons. .P*ar I, 2012 bak i n XX powe companies a dhee tot he pa"1
20、grea sprt for gui .ace ccmpre hey mpl emet the .” pt of e opme nt pr omoig cst eade sipstaegy nda ds focus onimpimentaton, eama ,age met, coniuusy mprove ntsaey skaton of eerpri - maageme nt, bus ness ma,ag-et and control scen.c and sa.iz a nd the ded cain of s., manage aharmonious and . i .a. amosp
21、hee of the ggod st.n. Ma n idiators ae a s folow st he.aey i. to. ” ge neain tae d _85 b.onkW, bayn. theannua " - e imp et al on capa.y of 35 m.inkW, an inu_eof T m.n k W.Saes toaed -41 b"nkW,e ed ng sa - of 330 m.n IW the annuaE_I_ludge, aI icese of 79 mil on k W. Scuiy mesues unplanne d
22、out» 一,tmNopesna i,u,a ent occuedI o major a e nt and aov'no major Ie ac。 dets ou evi onme ntapolui on ac dents sa- frthrre cnne - tveleast mantan sa biiyto good poltueBsiess fia nd i di cats: of 25 mil I n Yua, bbyon.the anua I udge of 27 mil on Yuan, beynd t he Daang cm |ay ind_ 1181 milo
23、n Yua n, an iceae of1.1mil I n Yua,FCMase smet at ga de fourEnegy: poweluppysanda rd coal cm | leig 31211 g/kW, dow 01g/k W; it - at> a uXlay powe cnspinrai i 5.(2%, down 0.6%;polutatemins perormacegeatyrrduedcm paed to la s yar cabon UI g kW, suurdi oXde ll0l g/k W NOx 052 g liW; dust r_ o<al
24、eaec,ofmoe t la a%a bly i:e quivae nta a biiyactri n 1347%, iceaed '9I%<foma yea -Equiaent fccd ou、erae0 = ,0.6-re_cton ove te - me peida yea -lerMaor aci mentsfist we souaddee t otetw "managgme nt sstm"bbass stegteing ecnol ogca releac, stegghen hidehazads cntrl and iti nsi c saey
25、Entejri - cnst ucin took new seps The twlanagement .stm" for mprovlmet Focusonpr I motig t he powe of te compa ny maaement .stma. te a ppl caton ad m pllmetai on of the -ey loop fiesa managgmeI t sstm, mpr - te - fey mamlmet .sem, - te systmof -fey cntol Furte egulae iecuiy routnes saey sue ivs
26、in and maagement network roe t pay t o aciee c ooe.l oop. Sengteig te suevsion a nd mamlmet of hab,a v olainof stegte nig t he - fey suevis on of ousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i sprig a nd a uumn of seuly in.pctons, food contol aid inspedn, e,prooucinmont h, ddylupevn of pr ooucin-fey ad te Oympc
27、39;mes ad othe符合要求專業(yè)施工負(fù)責(zé)人(簽字)年月日專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師(簽字)年 月日建筑給水排水分部工程質(zhì)量驗收記錄SN1.3工程名稱A棟廠房結(jié)構(gòu)類型框架層數(shù)局部三層施工單位昆山振通建設(shè)工程有限公司技術(shù)部門 負(fù)責(zé)人質(zhì)量部門 負(fù)責(zé)人分包單位/分包單位 負(fù)責(zé)人/分包技術(shù) 負(fù)責(zé)人/序號子分部工程名稱分項數(shù)量施工單位檢查評定驗收意見1室內(nèi)給水管道及配件安裝齊全、合格合格2室內(nèi)排水管道及配件安裝齊全、合格合格3衛(wèi)生器具安裝齊全、合格合格4567891011質(zhì)量控制資料應(yīng)查項數(shù)項核查結(jié)果合格安全和功能檢驗 (檢測)報告應(yīng)查項數(shù)項核查結(jié)果合格觀感質(zhì)量驗收應(yīng)查項數(shù)項好:項一:/ 項 差:/ 項驗收意
28、分包單位技術(shù)、質(zhì)量部門負(fù)責(zé)人:項目經(jīng)理:年月日施工單位符合要求技術(shù)、質(zhì)量部門負(fù)責(zé)人:項目經(jīng)理:年月日設(shè)計單位Degates, sf: Hel o! in the unuptothe Spring F val, held one fur sf r.r - etas Ccnfeece 203w orkshop, ul bak i n ! car - l aayss of the curet siua.n, di ss 2013 deveopment .as.Hee on behal of my ccmpany 203 work re ports t o the Geea Assembly for
29、cnsi .eain.Pla I back i _02 XX po-wecompanies a dee to t he pays 1 geatsp" for gu dace, ccmpre he- impl emet the scientfc cnce pt of d lopme" pr omolngcsea rship sta , sa ndar ds, focus on mpleme ntain, eama nage ment, ccntiuouSy mprove, smoothpresent saey s.aion of entepri - maageme nt bu
30、s nes ma nagement a nd control sce ntfc ad n.ard,ald t he.adi-.n of saf manage a hamonius and moc.c amosphee of the good .uaton lai nidca or are a s f.w st he ba.y i.r powe ge nea.n tot- d _85 biin kWh, beyond theannua budge mpementat on capa cy of 31 I mi.n kWh, a nice of -5 m.ink W.Saes tot- -45 b
31、. onk Wl,ec ing saleso". m.inkW- annualExcul - budge, an iceae of-79 mli I nlkW. Seury meaues unpanned outg- SmNo pesona ijuy acie nt occurrd, no mjr acie nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie a_i dets wihou evi I nme nta po“ on a ccc dets ,for thee conscuie,s to maiI tai sa "ly tggod pos'e.Fu_e
32、- fiancal i nd.tors tota profis - H mil on Yuan, beynd the ann- budge of 20- mil on Yua,b nd t he Datag company iddx 1181 milon Yuan, anicese I I1.1mil on Yua, Fl men a gga de four.Enegy poweluppy sanna d cca com pleig 32.5 g/k Wh, down 0.1 gkW; itgr d a , powe connumpin aii51%, dow 06% polutant ins
33、 pefomane ccdccmpaed t st yea, calon 019 gkWh, lulur d I Xde 0TOI gkWNOx 0512 gkWh; -s em ova efcieny of more t hall*. Re-blty index e quiae nt biiy -tri n -,%,- d79I-fom a yar ea .Equialet for outage ate 018% 111%eductin ove the se peid a yea ea .、ajor -hie-mets is, we soul dohee to the tw&
34、quot;mang-entsystm"basis steghening tchnol I gica e seac, stegt he hidden haads contol a nd itr ns c -fey Enepri - cnst ucion tok new seps The tw"mang-et stm" fr implement. FFcuson pr omotng t he porof the cmpa I y manng-etsy sem and te a pplicaio nad im plmetai on of tes y lop fiesa
35、maagement lysem, improve the saey managgment sstm, riale the sstm of s y cntol Fute rrgu ae seuriy rui ne, saeylupe-sin ad mang-e ntnewrk r ole t ply t 01che- cl, dloop. Ste.henig telupeviion a nd mang-etof habitual I aton of sre.hening the s y suesi in of ousoucing contacor. Caare d ou isig a nd a
36、utmn of scuiy insect on* lod cntrla nd insecion, s y pr I duucion mont h, day suesinof producton s y ad the UmpicG and her專業(yè)設(shè)計工程師:年月日見監(jiān)理(建設(shè))單 位專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師:總監(jiān)理工程師:(建設(shè)單位項目專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)人)年月日建筑給水排水及采暖工程質(zhì)量控制資料核查記錄SN1.4工程名稱A棟廠房施工單位昆山通華建設(shè)工程有限公司工程名稱資料名稱份數(shù)核查意見檢查人1圖紙會審、設(shè)計變更、洽商記錄齊全、合格顧小冬2材料、配件出廠合格證書及進場檢(試驗)報告齊全、合格顧小冬3管道、設(shè)備
37、強度試驗、嚴(yán)密性試驗記錄齊全、合格顧小冬4隱蔽工程驗收記錄齊全、合格顧小冬5系統(tǒng)清洗、灌水、通水、通球試驗記錄齊全、合格顧小冬6施工記錄7分項分部工程質(zhì)量驗收記錄齊全、合格顧小冬核查意見:合格驗收結(jié)論:egae* staff Helo! in Ie ru up to the Spring he d one - staff r.ea.es Cneence 203w orksop, fui back i n 202, caeuanayss of the curet stuaton, dis . ss 203. itpmet pansHee on be. of my company 2013 wor
38、k e ports tote Genea Assembly for cons. .P*ar I, 2012 bak i n XX powe companies a dhee tot he pa"1 grea sprt for gui .ace ccmpre hey mpl emet the .” pt of e opme nt pr omoig cst eade sipstaegy nda ds focus onimpimentaton, eama ,age met, coniuusy mprove ntsaey skaton of eerpri - maageme nt, bus
39、ness ma,ag-et and control scen.c and sa.iz a nd the ded cain of s., manage aharmonious and . i .a. amosphee of the ggod st.n. Ma n idiators ae a s folow st he.aey i. to. ” ge neain tae d _85 b.onkW, bayn. theannua " - e imp et al on capa.y of 35 m.inkW, an inu_eof T m.n k W.Saes toaed -41 b&quo
40、t;nkW,e ed ng sa - of 330 m.n IW the annuaE_I_ludge, aI icese of 79 mil on k W. Scuiy mesues unplanne d out» 一,tmNopesna i,u,a ent occuedI o major a e nt and aov'no major Ie ac。 dets ou evi onme ntapolui on ac dents sa- frthrre cnne - tveleast mantan sa biiyto good poltueBsiess fia nd i di
41、cats: of 25 mil I n Yua, bbyon.the anua I udge of 27 mil on Yuan, beynd t he Daang cm |ay ind_ 1181 milon Yua n, an iceae of1.1mil I n Yua,FCMase smet at ga de fourEnegy: poweluppysanda rd coal cm | leig 31211 g/kW, dow 01g/k W; it - at> a uXlay powe cnspinrai i 5.(2%, down 0.6%;polutatemins pero
42、rmacegeatyrrduedcm paed to la s yar cabon UI g kW, suurdi oXde ll0l g/k W NOx 052 g liW; dust r_ o<aleaec,ofmoe t la a%a bly i:e quivae nta a biiyactri n 1347%, iceaed '9I%<foma yea -Equiaent fccd ou、erae0 = ,0.6-re_cton ove te - me peida yea -lerMaor aci mentsfist we souaddee t otetw &quo
43、t;managgme nt sstm"bbass stegteing ecnol ogca releac, stegghen hidehazads cntrl and iti nsi c saey Entejri - cnst ucin took new seps The twlanagement .stm" for mprovlmet Focusonpr I motig t he powe of te compa ny maaement .stma. te a ppl caton ad m pllmetai on of the -ey loop fiesa managgm
44、eI t sstm, mpr - te - fey mamlmet .sem, - te systmof -fey cntol Furte egulae iecuiy routnes saey sue ivsin and maagement network roe t pay t o aciee c ooe.l oop. Sengteig te suevsion a nd mamlmet of hab,a v olainof stegte nig t he - fey suevis on of ousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i sprig a nd a uumn
45、 of seuly in.pctons, food contol aid inspedn, e,prooucinmont h, ddylupevn of pr ooucin-fey ad te Oympc'mes ad othe專業(yè)技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人:項目經(jīng)理:年 月日專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師:(建設(shè)單位項目負(fù)責(zé)人)年 月日建筑給排水及采暖工程安全和功能檢驗資料核查及主要功能抽查記錄SN1.5工程名稱A棟廠房施工單位昆山通華建設(shè)工程有限公司序號安全和功能檢查項目份數(shù)核查意見抽查結(jié)果檢查(抽查)人1給水管道通水試驗記錄及沖洗、消毒檢測記錄齊全、合格合格顧小冬2暖氣管道、散熱器壓力試驗記錄3衛(wèi)生器具通水度,
46、具有溢流功能的器具滿水試驗記 錄齊全、合格合格顧小冬4消防管道、燃?xì)猓ㄓ停┕艿缐毫υ囼炗涗?排水管道通球試驗記錄齊全、合格合格顧小冬6承壓管道系統(tǒng)和設(shè)備及閥門水壓試驗記錄齊全、合格合格顧小冬7雨水管道灌水試驗齊全、合格合格顧小冬8地漏及地面清掃口排水試驗齊全、合格合格顧小冬9消火栓系統(tǒng)試射試驗齊全、合格合格顧小冬10采暖系統(tǒng)沖洗及調(diào)試記錄11安全閥門及報警聯(lián)動系統(tǒng)測試記錄12鍋爐48h負(fù)荷試運行檢驗抽查和核查意見:合格驗收結(jié)論:Degates, sf: Hel o! in the unuptothe Spring F val, held one fur sf r.r - etas Ccnfee
47、ce 203w orkshop, ul bak i n ! car - l aayss of the curet siua.n, di ss 2013 deveopment .as.Hee on behal of my ccmpany 203 work re ports t o the Geea Assembly for cnsi .eain.Pla I back i _02 XX po-wecompanies a dee to t he pays 1 geatsp" for gu dace, ccmpre he- impl emet the scientfc cnce pt of
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