1、目錄智能光電感煙探測(cè)器JTY-GD-G3 ( GST2.908.488) 1智能電子差定溫感溫探測(cè)器JTW-ZCD-G3N ( GST2.908.490) 3氣體滅火控制盤LD-QKP06 ( GST2.908.291 、 GST2.908.292、 GST2.908.372) 5火災(zāi)顯示盤ZF-101 ( GST2.908.018、 GST2.908.019) 8火災(zāi)顯示盤ZF-500( GST2.908.116) 10智能電源箱DY-100A 系列 (GST2.908.270、 GST2.908.269、 GST2.908.373)12編碼輸入模塊LD-8300(GST2.908.184)
2、15編碼輸入/輸出模塊LD-8301(GST2.908.183)17編碼雙輸入/輸出模塊LD-8303(GST2.908.185)19總線隔離器LD-8313(GST2.908.223)21家用可燃?xì)怏w報(bào)警器BT/R-V A001(GST2.908.982 、 GST2.908.983)22火災(zāi)報(bào)警控制器(貼片)主板JB-QB-GST500 (GST2.908.367)24智能電源盤LD-D02(GST2.908.395,GST2.908.015)26手動(dòng)報(bào)警按鈕J-SAP-8401(GST2.908.190)28火災(zāi)報(bào)警控制器JB-QB-GST200( 貼片 )(GST2.908.138、
3、GST2.908.354)30電話分機(jī)TS-100A(GST2.908.058)35消防通訊電話主機(jī)TS-Z01A( GST2.908.057、 GST2.098.056) 37火災(zāi)報(bào)警控制器JB-QB-GST32(GST2.908.405 、 GST2.908.406)39煙溫復(fù)合探測(cè)器JTF-GOM-GST601(GST2.908.353)42智能線型紅外光束感煙探測(cè)器JTY-HS-G2K 、 JTY-HS-G2( GST2.908.419、 GST2.908.412、 GST2.908.411) 44LD-8321 總線中繼器(GST2.908.380、 GST2.908.379) 47
4、HX-F8501 非編碼火災(zāi)聲警報(bào)器、HX-F8502 非編碼火災(zāi)聲光警報(bào)器( GST2.908.520、 GST2.908.517) 48ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooting,management mechani sm, givefull playtor ole oftechni calsupervi sion and realizati on oftrouble shooting ,management,im proved process ma nagement.T his year co
5、mpleted the boilerlower header leakage, boiler pressur e,a majorri skmanageme nt,com pleted29ofgreat risks and3 Generalprobl emsofgovernance.Completechemistryla bconstr uction,thermalcontrol,and completethe boiler scale i ntegrated manageme nt,hostshaftingvibrationof10scientificand technologicalproj
6、ects,suchas.Completesupercriti cal630MW on -line simulati on system development a nd a pplication ofcirculatingwaterMCC sta ndbypower transformati on,t hetransformation ofdesulfuri zation wastewater,t heunitwatersupply system ofcom prehe nsive treatment a nd dischargevalve modification of coalmill5
7、keytechnologicaltransformation pr oject s,group he alth is im proved.-S cie ncea nd te chnol ogyinnovation isfurther increased.Strengthe n the chara cteristics ofsupercriti cal unitmajor issue s,graduallycleari ng the particularityofsupercriticalunit a nd regularity.Devel ope d motor oiltime ma nage
8、ment, switch acti on times,statistics, coal-aide d measurementsoftware, impr ovesthe pr oduction level of lean management.Increased inve stment insci ence andtechnolog y,re porti ng sciencea nd te chnol ogy projects and 14 te chnical project totalcost per centage ofthetotal annual production output
9、of0.25%."Large -scalecoal -firedpower plantflue gasdesulf urization,denitrification complete devel opme nt anda pplicationofkeytechnologies"project,w ont he nationalscienceandte chnol ogy pr ogress secondprize.630MWsupercr itical units optimizedcontrolstrategies andthe 630MW developmenta n
10、d applicati on of on -line simulati on systemforsupercritical units,supercr itical600M W units of t urbinedrive n boiler feed pump setofcompre hensivetreatment of defects Datangtechnology re spe ctively one ortwo andthir d.Meanwhile ,informationtechnologyachievements,the compa ny was named"Chi
11、napower i nformation te chnol ogybenchmarking enterpri ses." -Repair andmainte nance hasimpr oved furt her. Modifythe i nspecti on standardsa ndstandar ds ona regular basis, standardizi ng work proce dures,checki ng andinspe ctionproject.Deepe ningt he BFS+sy stem,and im plements mai ntenancei
12、nformation share d.Reorgani zing RBl ogicagai n,and ensurethe success oftheR B.Innovati ngthe mechani sm of maintena ncema nagement, i mplemented a proje ct managersystem.Successfulcompleti on oftwoautonom ousmai ntena nce,reliabil ity improved stea dil y.Impleme ntingtwo c-level maintena nce,projec
13、tthemselves48.7%and42.3%, respectivel y.Accom plish twocir culati ng pumps repaira nd overha uloffourMil ls,mainte na nceteamstoget exerci se.Promotethe work ofenergy savingand consumption reducing,complete the unit energyconsumptiondiagnosis,pl antwater bala ncetest, 10e nergy-savi ng projects.Seco
14、nd,we should adhere to "three"onthe economic benefits ofimproving ,outrea cha 6«-1Dlegats, sf. Hel! iI the unutthe,p"g F ia、 hel i one se saf*rntaivs Cneence -ohop, ul ba - i 202, caef ul ana, ss of te cue nt stat on, iscss ieveopment plas.Hee on be haf of my cmpay 203 -or reors
15、to te nea Asembl,fr cns e buiget an iceae of ' mil ml".,lcu、meaure s. unpa I nei outg- 25 一.Npesona iu,acient oc . rri,no m«or<c»ent ai ao<e,no majr f_iccies wtout e nVionme nta polut ma cci iet s s ,fr thrrecnslcuie,eas t o mait» sai ,tgooi posue.soui a iee to the w .&
16、quot;manget l,sem" bbsis steg henigtecnolgca rrseac, sengte I iiien haar is cntrl a ni i ntis c lafe,Enepri- cnst uct ontok new sesT he wo "mangents,stm" frimpr-ment. FFouson prmotig t he porof the cmpa ny mange ment sstm ani te appSatieain.Piar I bbck i n XX powe cmlai- nhee t t he p
17、ar,s 7 gea sii fr «iiace cmpehens ,mpllment te - ntic cncet of ieve lime nt prom oig cstlla ' satg y, sais focus on mpementaton, lanmanae I t cntinuus,im*ove sm oot ,e-nt - ,skaton of etepse manget, bbsi -s ma , et a ni si entic a ni sa niai-i, a ni th(usie- fia I ca i nicaors tta pr ois of
18、,I5 mHonY m n,be,ni t he anua bbiget of, ml in Yua, be, oni the ang lompay i .i - T1L9 mil on、a, an i nceae of L-6 milon Yua, FM -ss-e nt a grie fourEneg,powe sup,niai ca com petng I2L5 gk W, iow 01 gk W; itgraei a ulia, powe connumptonaii51* , iow02l%;polluat - i nspef.ane gra.-. . “ - . . . ! ! -.
19、一 . 一II _1on ai mp e ntaton of Ie sae,lopnt sstm, rolze theiss of sae,cntol Fute r.iBe se.,rootne * -e,lupeviion a ni maa.ment newo. re I pl,11che<eHoe ilop. Stengtei ng te suevson ai mang-e l viaaion of stregtheig the-e,lupevison of oUoucing LontialonL,.i oU i nsrng ai aU -nof ,ispe Cin lol cnt.
20、l ai ispe>>on, ,p.ouCinmont, 11,suev-i-ocaai l amoshee of te gooi stuai on. Mani ni caors ae a s folw sthe bate,i nicaor: powe - neaint .a '8 5 bilon kW, bb,oni the a nnnal buigge mpllme ntain lapa Ct,of 315 millabon 0L9 g/kW, lu,riixie ikl WNO 0512g.W; _s emo<al elcen,of moe tI a19*.Re
21、a bl,iniex e quva et bil,tri n OlT%, i_a_i -.9% fom a -a ealer.I. . L. 一.IL. .I . 一 . . . .Li. I. .IL_ _ _ . I . I 一 . . . .sin of p.dul.n-ft,.1 the O|mpicG and heron kW, anicease of 7- mli nkW.Saes f 7425 bli on k W, e eiiEqUv_l d ou、e ae 00%,0.16% rein overthe -mepeii a, ngs s of .Om.on IWte a&quo
22、t;jor aci ments fist nn-l智能光電感煙探測(cè)器JTY-GD-G3 (GST2.908.488)作者:劉增宏、原理框圖二、工作原理:光電感煙探測(cè)器是利用光的反射原理來(lái)檢測(cè)空氣中煙霧的濃度,對(duì)火災(zāi)作出反應(yīng)。探測(cè)器主迷宮1、迷宮2、發(fā)射管、接收管及線路板組成。在監(jiān)控狀態(tài)下,發(fā)射管發(fā)出的紅外光,只有少部分經(jīng)迷宮反射后被接收管吸收。當(dāng)有煙霧進(jìn)入探測(cè)區(qū)時(shí),由于煙霧粒子的反射,接收管吸收的光通量將增加,接收元件進(jìn)入接收管的光信號(hào),被接收管轉(zhuǎn)換成電信號(hào),并經(jīng)放大電路放大,當(dāng)煙霧達(dá)到一定濃度時(shí), 收到的光信號(hào)達(dá)到預(yù)定的閾值,輸出報(bào)警信、電路組成:光電探測(cè)器以PIC16C72A、光電發(fā)射管及
23、接收管組成的電路為核心,對(duì)煙霧進(jìn)行監(jiān)測(cè)報(bào)警。3.1二極性變換電路:由VD1、VD2、VD9、VD10 組成。3.2輸入電路:VD6、VT2、R2、R3、C9 等組成。3.3回碼電路:C18、VT1、R21 組成。3.4穩(wěn)壓電路:VD5、R7、C12、D3組成穩(wěn)壓電路,為探測(cè)器提供電源。3.5光電信號(hào)發(fā)射電路:VT3、VT4、R22、VD3及外圍組件組成。3. 6光電信號(hào)接收電路:C1、C2、VD4組成光電接收電路。3.7信號(hào)放大電路:由N1及周圍元件組成。四、維修流程4.1 總線短路故障:重點(diǎn)檢查二極管 VD1、VD2、VD9、VD10是否擊穿對(duì)地短路,總線端子與地短接。4.2 燒地址失敗或點(diǎn)
24、名不正常:應(yīng)首先檢查16C72A第1腳電壓是否正確。如無(wú)電壓,依次檢查VD1、VD2、VD9、VD10、VD5是否損壞,D3是否損壞,C12、C7、C16、C6是否損壞,16C72A 第1、2、57、20腳是否對(duì)地?fù)?穿1;如電壓低于正常值,可能由于電容等元件損壞,將電壓拉低。應(yīng)依次檢查C12、C7、C16、C6、D3是否損壞;如電壓正常,應(yīng)測(cè)量 9、10腳波形是否正確,如無(wú)波形,檢查晶振和C10、C11 ,如有波形檢查24C02 ,測(cè)量16C73B的22腳,若3次回碼為窄脈寬,則 24C02壞。4.3 24LC02 故障:用電子編碼器的對(duì)講功能來(lái)測(cè)試24LC02 ,同時(shí)用示波器監(jiān)測(cè) PIC1
25、6C73B第22腳回碼波形,若連續(xù)三次回碼均為窄脈寬說(shuō)明24LC02已損壞。4.4 對(duì)講故障:首先檢查發(fā)射管處測(cè)試點(diǎn)是否有發(fā)射波形,其幅值是否達(dá)到2.1V;再檢查運(yùn)放LM324的輸出幅值是否達(dá)100 mV,在對(duì)講功能下,幅度是否達(dá) 4.5V;若不滿足上述要求請(qǐng)檢查發(fā)射、接收電路是否正常。4.5 誤報(bào)火警:首先打開(kāi)迷宮,檢查迷宮內(nèi)是否有顆粒狀或絲狀灰塵,如有則清除;再檢查16C72A的3腳波形是否飽和LM324及LM324外圍器件; 若以上各項(xiàng)均正常,用電子編碼編寫器檢查其靈敏度設(shè)定是否 為正常值。4.6 不報(bào):檢查16C7 2A的3腳波形是否正常,正常,檢查 16C72A、24C02 ;不正常
26、,檢查 LM324 ;檢查接受電路、發(fā)射電路波形,檢查 16C72A的12腳波形; 指示燈不亮檢查指示燈是否損壞。4.7 燈常亮或不亮:R8是否損壞。5.2集成電路16C73B的3腳依次中查16C72A是否損壞,發(fā)光二極管 五、探測(cè)器主要測(cè)試點(diǎn)波形5.1發(fā)射管正極1.7V0.5ms5.3集成電路16C72A的12腳5.2V2.5mV130ms anda on.Trui g ni-,“ful ply t roe of -hn nagemet, -pr o-d pro-smaagemet.,hs year 1 owe hea de eakage "ie p mj" 29 of
27、geat sa. 3Gene- problems of gvernaceCcmpee c-y a b cnst uc on, itegaed ma sce nt*c ad tecnolg - projeCssuC asui ad- yie- swic cscoal ade d meaur -etsof - e*-in e- of ban ma.- e"nc- s. i adte Cnolo. projeCsa nd 4 eCnftoalcs per-nt- prouCin oU "ages- -a- po-we .nt deveopmet a nd apl-ton of p
28、roea w and teCnolgy proges sc tW.peCcmplee63. on s. waeMCC sa a on -“y preen-et - meta nd dscage vave modf-in of cal gruhe Sciene a nd tchnobgy i nnovaini s u.he i ncese d.Steg he t he caaceit cica unimjri sue s, g of .pec.iaiuis optimizd IMW deead ca uni' e Ca 6 - W u. of nbolefedof cmpe he nsv
29、etrametof d - cs aag e cnobgy e spe -Manwhie ogy ifmaintecnob. becmakigene" -s" Rep. imp- d urher cinsanadsas.d. - on a e- bbss sanadii ng wrk pro.due, ceking .dise lys-, ad - p - es mai a d.Regai Zng R1 ogc ”n, ad ensue the - of Ie R B -of manename mannge, mp - eed aprec manage sys-. Succ
30、esul.on .f m.ntea nne, elaii, - p. - st. cev.manenanc. p.jct th_les -% and -U% -pe“,ccompls .arehau offu Ml s maie na . ce e-stge c-. of eegy saVng ad cornu cmpl Ieui enery nos*plat waer baameest 0 e S-ond - sould -he. t bee. of Degates, sf: Hel! iI the unuptot he Spring F val, hel d one se sal eprn
31、aves Cneence 203wokshop, ul ba ck i 202, caeful anayss ofthe cue nt SUI on, dSccss .eeopment plans.Hee on be h. of my company 203 wor reors to - Genea Asembly for cnS .eain.P - r I, back i n XX powe cmpai- adhee tot he pa"1 gea s. for guidace cmpehensvey implment the identic ccncet of e “me nt,
32、 prom oig cstlea shipsaeg y, sa.* focus on mpementaton, ea nmanae " ccnti nuusy improve smool pesent saey skaton of eeprse maagemet, busis ma ,. et a nd sc entic a nd sa ndadzd, a nd the iedUI onof saf manage a hamonius and .amocati c amosphee of the good sluai on. Mali nd caors are a s f.w sth
33、e batey i nd caor: powe neaint "85 bi.n kW, b. ond the annual budge implmentatin capa.yo"" m. on kW, anic eof 77 m. n IW.Saes totald7425 b. on kW, e eding saesof 330 mHon IWIe annualE UI - budget a n iceae of " mil I n IW.Slcu、meaure s: unpa med outg- 25 一.No pesona ijuy acient o
34、ccu.rd,no m«orIccdent ad .o<e,no major" Iccdes wtoute nvionmenta po“ ma cci det s saey forthrrecnslcuie yeas t o maitai sai ,t goodposue.Fu_eis fia“a i nd caors tta pr oisof 215 mH on Yuan, b m nd t he anuabudget of 20- mlin Yua, bey ond t he Daa ng compay i I d_ 4 3 mil on Yua, an i nc
35、eae of ."6 milon Yua, FM -ss-e nt a .rdefourEnegy powe supy stndad ca com petng 32.5 g/k W, dow 01 gk W; itgr d a>>,powe connumpton ai i512%, dow 026%; polluat i ns pefmane ggra rduced compaed to as .a, cabon g kW, lulurdixde I|0I gk W NOx 0512 gkW;_semo<al eficeny of moe tI a19*.ReBbl
36、y index e quva et bily fctr i n ,%, icra- d -.9% from a .a ea - rEq t forre d outae ae 01%,0.16% re ducin o'er the -mepe.d a yea 一 r.”joraci ments fist soud a dee to the w ."mangetly m" bbsis stegghenigtecnolgca rrseac, sengte I idden haar ds cntrla nd i ntis c -ey Enepri - cnstucltont
37、ok new sesThe wo "mangentsystm" frimp.-ment. FFcuson prmotig t he porof the cmpa ny mange ment sstm and te appiaton ad implme ntaton of te saey lopfvesta ma nagement sstm, impro<ete saey mangent sstm, rraie the sstm of saey cntol Fute r.iBe secuiy routne s saey lupeviion a nd maagement
38、newok re t ply tlche-»oe dlop. Stengtei ng te suevson ad mangent of habit ual Volai onof steggheing thesaeylupevisonof ooBoucing contacors Cared ou i ns.ng ad au umnof - culy inspe cions lod cntrl ad inspe cton, eyp.oucinmont, ddy suevsin of p.ducinsaey ad the Opic G and o her智能電子差定溫感溫探測(cè)器JTW-ZC
39、D-G3N (GST2.908.490)作者:劉增宏1.原理框圖2工作原理:智能電子差定溫感溫探測(cè)器采用熱敏電阻作為傳感器檢驗(yàn)溫度,熱敏電阻阻值隨溫度升高而降低, 在一定范圍內(nèi)成對(duì)數(shù)變化,為補(bǔ)償非線形,采用三極管放大電路進(jìn)行變換后輸入到A/D采集輸入端。單片機(jī)采用PIC16C72A ,內(nèi)含A/D轉(zhuǎn)換電路,晶振為 455KHZ。通過(guò)智能算法進(jìn)行信號(hào)處理。探測(cè)器工作電壓為:DC24V采用HT7150進(jìn)行穩(wěn)壓,輸出電壓為5V,為單片機(jī)供電。探測(cè)器采用電流輸出方式,當(dāng)單片機(jī)檢測(cè)到火警信號(hào)后,點(diǎn)亮火警指示燈,同時(shí)回路電流增大,與探測(cè)器配接的接口模塊檢測(cè)后,向火災(zāi)報(bào)警控制器發(fā)出報(bào)警信號(hào)。3電路組成:光電探
40、測(cè)器以PIC16C72A、熱敏電阻組成的電路為核心,對(duì)溫度進(jìn)行監(jiān)測(cè)報(bào)警。3.1 二極性變換電路:由 VD1、VD2、VD6、VD7組成。3.2 輸入電路:由 VD4、VT3、R2、R3、C2等組成。3.3 回碼電路:由 C7、VT1、R20等 組成。3.4 穩(wěn)壓電路:由VD3、R21、C6、N1等組成穩(wěn)壓電路,為探測(cè)器提供電源。4.維修流程:4.1 總線短路故障:重點(diǎn)檢查二極管 VD1、VD2、VD6、VD7是否擊穿對(duì)地短路,總線端子與地短接。4.2 燒地址失敗或點(diǎn)不正常:應(yīng)首先檢查16C72A第1腳電壓是否正確:1.1 .1無(wú)電壓:依次檢查 VD1、VD2、VD6、VD7、VD3是否損壞,N
41、1是否損壞,C5、C6、C1是否損壞,16C72A 第1、20腳是否對(duì)地?fù)舸?.2 .2電壓低于正常值:可能由于電容等元件損壞,將電壓拉低。應(yīng)依次檢C5、C6、C1、N1、VT2、VT3是否損壞。1.3 .1.3電壓正常:Delegates,staff:Hello!inthe run-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we hel d one se ssionoffour staff representativesConference2013-workshop,fullback in 2012,caref ul analy sis ofthe curre ntsituati
42、 on, discuss2013 developmentplans.Here,on be halfofmycompany 2013workreportstotheGeneralAssembly,forconsideration.PillarI,2012backi n 2012,XXpower companiesadhere tot heparty's 17great spiritforguidance,compre hensivelyimpleme ntthe scientific concept of devel opme nt,prom oting cost-lea dership
43、strateg y,standards,focus on implementation,lea n manageme nt,conti nuously im prove,sm ooth prese ntsafetysituation ofenterprisemanagement,business ma nagementa ndcontr olsci entific a nd sta ndardized,a nd the dedicati onofstaff, managea harmonious anddemocraticatmosphere ofthe good situati on. Ma
44、in i ndi catorsare a sfollow s:-t hebatteryi ndi cator: powerge neration t otaled7.815 billion kWh, bey ond thea nnualbudgetimpleme ntation capa cityof315milli on k Wh,anincrease of757million kWh.Salestotaled7.425billionkWh,exceedingsales of330million kWh theannualExecutive budget,a n increase of 72
45、9 milli on kWh. -Security measure s: unpla nned outages 2.5 times.Nopersonalinjuryaccidentoccurred,nomajoraccide ntand above, no majorfireacci dentswithoute nvironme ntalpolluti on a cci dent s, safety forthree consecutive years t o maintain stabi litytogood posture.Busine ss fina nciali ndi cators:
46、 total pr ofitsof255 milli onYuan, beyondt heannual budgetof207 mill ionYuan,bey ond t heData ng companyi ndex41.89milli on Yuan, an i ncrease of1.76milli onYuan,FCMassessme ntat gradefour.-Energy:powersupplystanda rdcoal com pleting 312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g/k Wh;integrateda uxiliary power consumpt
47、ionratioin 5.12% ,down0.26%; pollutantemi ssions performance greatly reducedcomparedtolastyear,carbon 0.09 g/k Wh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/k Wh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dustremovalefficiencyof more than99.8%.-Relia bility index:e quival entavaila bility factor i n 93.47%, increase d7.95%from ayearearlier.Equ
48、ivalentforcedoutage rate0.08%,0.16% re duction over thesameperiodayearearlier.Majorachievements:first,weshould a dheretothetw o"managementsystem" basis,strengt heningtechnological research,strengthen hidden hazar dscontrola nd i ntrinsi csafetyEnterpri seconstr ucti on tooknew steps.-T het
49、wo "manageme ntsystem" for improvement.Focuson promotingt hepowerofthe compa ny manage mentsystemand theapplicationand impleme ntation ofthesafety loop five-starmanagement system, improvethesafety managementsystem, realizethe system of safety control. Furtherregulate security routine s,saf
50、etysupervisi on a nd managementnetworkrole to playtoachieve close d-loop. Strengtheni ng thesupervision and managementofhabit ualviolati on of, strengtheningthesafetysupervi sion ofoutsourci ngcontractors. Carrie dout i n spring and aut umn ofse curity inspe ctions,flood controland inspe ction,safet
51、yproductionmonth,day supervisionof production safetyandtheOlympicGames and ot her應(yīng)測(cè)量9、10腳波形是否正確,如無(wú)波形,檢查晶振和 C3、C4;用電子編碼器對(duì)講功能,若脈寬小于300,24C02B 壞。4.2 24LC02B 故障用電子編碼編寫器的對(duì)講功能來(lái)測(cè)試24LC02B ,若脈寬小于100 ,說(shuō)明 24LC02B 已損壞。4.3 誤報(bào)火警:4.3.1 檢查熱敏電阻,電阻應(yīng)為100K。4.3.2 檢查 VT2、 R25、 R24 和 16C72A。4.4 不報(bào)警檢查熱敏電阻,電阻應(yīng)為100K ,加熱后電阻值應(yīng)
52、下降,檢查16C73B 的 3 腳報(bào)警時(shí)電壓為0。4.5 燈常亮或不亮:依次檢查16C73B 是否損壞,發(fā)光二極管、R29 是否損壞。5 維修實(shí)例:5.1 不點(diǎn)名:測(cè)N1 輸出電壓5V 正常, D1(16C72A)9.10 腳波形正常,測(cè)電阻R26 兩端壓降為7V,電阻 R26 壞。5.2 不點(diǎn)名:測(cè)N1 輸出電壓5V 正常, D1(16C72A)9.10 腳波形正常,VT1 的 C 極電壓異常,判斷C2(0.1UF)壞,更換C2后正常。5.3 一側(cè)不點(diǎn)名:VD1.VD2.VD6.VD7 之一壞。5.4 誤報(bào):檢查熱敏電阻,阻值為0,查系熱敏電阻RT1 引腳短路,排除后正常。5.5 誤報(bào):檢查
53、VT2、 R25、 R24, VT2B 極電壓異常,故障為電阻R25 虛焊,排除后正常。5.6 誤報(bào):檢察線路板,發(fā)現(xiàn)VT2 虛焊,排除后正常。unit andregularity. Devel ope d motor oiltime management,on .Troubl eshooti ng, managementmechacs, coalnism,givefull playtorole-aide d measur ement software,imoftechnicalsupervision andrealization oftroubleshooting,marocessmhis
54、year completed theboiler l owerhea derleakage, boilerpressure,a majorriskmanagement,centage ofthetotalannualcompleted 29productionout putof 0.25%."LargeWon-li nesimulation sy stem development anda pplicationof circulating waterMnsformationofdesulfurizationwaste wate r,the unitwatersupply system
55、ofcomprehe nsivetreatmentand dischargevalvemodifis Datang te chnology re spe ctivelyone ortwoacation ofcoalmill5 k eytechnologi caltransformatindthird.Meanwhile, informationtechnolonpr oje cts,grouphe alth is impr oved.ogyachievements,the compa ny was name-S cience a nd technologyi nnovationi s furt
56、her i ncrease d.Strengt hen t hecharacteristi csofsuper critical unit majori ssue s,gradually clearinterpri ses." -Repairand maintenanceha s improve d further. Modifythe inspeng the particularityofsupercriticalctionstandardsaDegates, sf: Hel! iI the unuptot he Spring F val, hel d one se sal eprnaves Cneence 203wokshop, ul ba ck i 202, caeful anayss ofth
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