1、§ 16-2配位化合物的同分異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象The Isomerism of Complexes、總論:1. Definition :凡是化學(xué)組成相同的若干配合物,因原子間的連接方式或空間排列方式的不同而引起的結(jié)構(gòu)和性質(zhì)不同的現(xiàn)象,稱為配合物的同分異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象( isomerism )。How to classify isomersThis Toolbox explains how classify pairs of isomers by type.Conceptual Basis$omers are built from the kit of atmms but have dificnenl.
2、 rannExtivities1" thM 況 they are joined together in different patterns In 或ruclural isom仁r% these patterns difier m She way the Itanis arc positioned in different partE of a compoundl; in stereoisomers they differ in the way the ligands are positioned around the central atom of the complex,Proc
3、edureIdentify the type of isomerism rchting a pair of complexes if any, by comparing the two complexes w” h the di 能rent options in the chart in Fig_ 2U0.Ionization homers A ligand is inside the coordinatio n sphere of one isome r nd outside the coordinarian sp here of the othtLHydrate isomerj A wat
4、er mu-lccijl is inside the coordination sphere of one isomer and outside the coord inat ion! sphere of the other.Linkage isomers A ligand is attached tsi the central atom by one atom in (he first isomer and by a different atom in the second.CooMMa而PH懈e A li&and is in the coordinationsphere of on
5、e metal ion in the Arst coordinatiDn compound and in the coordination sphere of the other metal ion in the second compound.Geometrical A ligand is in one position relative to the central atom in one coniplex, and in a di fit rent position in the otherOpHeat isomers The ligands are arranged so that I
6、wo isomers are mirrnr images but cannot be superimpesed.Same atoms?IsOITlJCrHlunizatisn產(chǎn)LbcyjTitrsHydrate ioincLinkage isomersM8Structural isomersAtoms linked eo the sme parEiien?Complex ideEiticsl co its mirrtir imajjt?Coordinnti-on isomersGcomctrLcal isomersFIGURE 16r 1*u QThe vari<Hi5 types 口f
7、incoordination compflunds.2. Classification(1) 化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象(chemical structure isomerism ):化學(xué)組成相同,原 子間的連接方式不同而引起的異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象,稱為化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象。例如:Co(NH3)5(NO2) 2+ 和Co(NH 3)5(ONO)2+(2) 立體異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象(stereo isomerism ):化學(xué)組成相同,空間排列不同而引起的異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象,稱為立體異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象。例如:Pt(NH3)2Cl2cis - 二 氯 二 氨 合 鉗 (II) trans - 二氯二氨合鉗(II)二、化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象,大致分為五類:Ioni
8、zation isomerism, Hydrate isomerism, Linkage isomerism, Coordination isomerism,Polymerization isomerism.1. Ionization isomerism(1) Two coordination compounds which differ in the distribution of ions between those directly coordinated and counter-ions present in the crystal lattice are called ionizat
9、ion isomers.(2) e.g. Cr(NH3) 5BrSO4 and Cr(NH3) 5SOBr2. Hydrate isomerism (Solvent isomerism)(1) Hydrate isomerism is similar to ionization isomerism except that an uncharged ligand changes from being coordinated to a free-lattice position whilst another ligand moves in the opposite sense.(2) e.g. C
10、r(H2O)6Cl 3 , Cr(H 2O)5ClCl 2 H2O , Cr(H 2O,Cl 2Cl - 2H2。3. Linkage isomerism(1) The first example of this type of isomerism was provided by J rgensen, Werner ' scontemporary. His method of preparation was as follows:Co(NH 3)5ClCl 2 NH3HCl NaNO2"solution A""solution A" let st
11、andin cold_.(NH 3)5Co(ONO)Cl 2red"solution A" heat > conc HCl > (NH 3)5Co(NO 2)Cl 2yellow(2) It deals with a few ligands (ambidenatate) that are capable of bonding through are type of donor atom in one situation not a different atom in another complex. Some authors referto thistype o
12、f isomerism as“structura l i somerism" but inasmuch as allisomerismis basicallyastructural ” , the term linkage isomerism is preferable.2 -2 (3) e.g.Cr(H 2O)5SCNandCr(H2O)5NCSCo(NH 3)5SSO3 and Co(NH 3)5OSO2S 4. Coordination isomerism(4) This may occur only when the cation and anion of a salt ar
13、e both complexes, the two isomers differing in the distribution of ligands between the cation and anion(5) e.g.Co(NH 3)61Cr(Ox) 3 and Cr(NH 3)61Co(Ox) 3Cr(NH 3)6Cr(SCN) 6andPt(NH 3)4Cl2PtCl 4Cr(NH 3)4(SCN)2Cr(NH 3)23)4Pt(NH3)4PtCl6 and(6) Coordination position isomerismIn this form of isomerism the
14、distribution of ligands between twocoordination centers differse.g.O(NH 3)4CoCo(NH 3)2Cl2 2 andOHHCl(NH 3)38Co(NH3)3C1 2+OH5. Polymerization isomerismStrictly speaking, polymerization isomerism, in which n varies in thecomplex ML m n is not isomerism. It is included in this list because itrepresents
15、 on additional way in which an empiricalformula may giveincomplete information about the nature of a complex.(2) For example, all members of the following series are polymerizationisomers:Co(NH 3)3(NO2)3n =1Co(NH3)6Co(NO2)6n =2Co(NH 3)4(NO2)2Co(NH 3)2(NO2)4Co(NH 3)5(NO 2 )Co(NH 3)2(NO 2)4(Co(NH 3)6C
16、o(NH 3)2(NO2)43Co(NH3)5(NO2)3Co(NO2)62三、立體異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象 (Stereo Isomerism )1. 幾何異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象 (Geometrical isomerism )n =5配合物 的 配位數(shù)與幾何 構(gòu)型 的關(guān)系 (The relationship betweencoordination number of complexes and geometrical structure.)a.兩配位:直線型 (linear)Ag(NH 3):' CuCl2"b.三配位:c.四配位:2Zn(CN) 2d.五配位:平面三角型 平面四方三角雙錐e.六配位:
17、(triangle)(square planar)(trigonal bipyramid)四方錐 (square pyramid)正八面體(octahed ron)三棱柱(trigonal prism)HgI 3 一PtCl4-;正四面體(tetrahedron)Co(NCCH 3)5+、Cu(dipy)2IVO(acac)2SF6、PCl 6Re(S2c2Ph2)3五角雙錐(pentagonal bipyramid)Na3ZrF7棱柱 (the one-face centred trigonal prism)(NH 4)3億萬7】帶帽八面體 (the one-face centred oct
18、ahedron)g.八配位:立方體 (cube)C8H 8 (立方烷)四方反棱柱(square anti prism )Zr(acac)4十二面體(dodecahedron )Zr(ox) 4 r 一我們將討論四、五、六配位配合物的幾何異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象(2) 決定配合物幾何異構(gòu)體數(shù)目的因素:a.空間構(gòu)型:例如正四面體幾何構(gòu)型不存在幾何異構(gòu)體。這是因為正四面體的四個頂點是等價的。空間構(gòu)型中等價點越多,幾何異構(gòu)體越少。b.配體種類:在配合物中配體種類越多,幾何異構(gòu)體越多。例如,八面體配合物:MS6 (一種),Mabcdef (15 種)(a、b、c、d、e、f 為單齒配體)c.配體的齒數(shù):雙齒配體的兩個配
19、位原子只能放置在結(jié)構(gòu)中的鄰位位置上,不能放置在對位位置上(跨度大,環(huán)中張力太大),即:. O /°d.多齒配體中配位原子的種類(及環(huán)境):種類越多.,/Moc,環(huán)境越復(fù)雜,幾何異構(gòu)體越多。0(3) 幾種常見配位數(shù)的配合物的幾何異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象a.四配位:(i) 正四面體:不存在幾何異構(gòu)體(ii) 平面四方:M 中心體 丁 AA? AB 一 雙齒配體 ,a, b, c 一 單齒配 體。配合物類型Ma4Ma cG ( Ma 2cd )MabcdM(AA)cdM(AB)cd幾何異構(gòu)體數(shù)目12312cis -trans 一b.五配位:配合物類型Ma 5Ma 4eMa3d2Ma 2c2eMa,de3M
20、a 2cdeMabcde三角雙錐幾何異構(gòu)體12354710四方雄幾粗!構(gòu)體數(shù)12364915c目.六配位:只討論正八面體幾何構(gòu)型:配合物類型Mae2(Ma4ef)Mad3MadefMac2e2MabcdefM(AB)2ef幾何異構(gòu)體數(shù)2245156目Co(NH 3)402RuC13(H2O)3fac -NH3H3N.I . ClCo、H3N I ClNH3ClH3NI . NH3, Co、H3N I NH3Clcis -mer 一ClH20Cl,Ru、H2L I Cl0H20H2Cl Cl,Ru、Cr1 0H20H2t r a n-s(4) 確定幾何異構(gòu)體的方法直接圖示法a,只有單齒配體的配合
21、物以Macdef為例 (9種):第一步,先確定相同單齒配體的位置M a二第二步,再確定其他配體的位置(6種):(3種):b.既有單齒配體,又有雙齒配體的配合物以M(AB)2ef為例(6種)第一步,先固定雙齒的位置第二步,確定雙齒配體中配位原子的位置A.:J.、B,、A2MA- I BbAMA 、JB第三步,最后確定單齒配體的位置BA.ed、fA2.配合物的光學(xué)異構(gòu)現(xiàn)象(1)光學(xué)異構(gòu)體定義BA e, M.A fBOptical isomerism of coordination compoundsa.手性分子(chiral molecular ):當(dāng)兩個分子的對稱性互為人的左右手的對稱關(guān)系,即為
22、鏡面對稱關(guān)系,但它們不能相互重合,則稱這兩個分子為手性分子,手 性分子也稱一對對映體(enantiomer )。b .偏振光:普通光線通過尼科爾晶體(一種特殊制作的CaCO晶體),光線只在一個平面振動,這種光稱為平面偏振光,簡稱為偏振光。c.旋光活性:手性分子對偏振光有作用,能使偏振光向某一方 向旋轉(zhuǎn)某一角度,而且組成相同的一對對映體使偏振光向不同的方向旋轉(zhuǎn),一個對映體使偏振光旋轉(zhuǎn)的性質(zhì)稱為旋光活性或光學(xué)活性。d.光學(xué)異構(gòu)體的定義:當(dāng)組成相同的兩個分子,相當(dāng)實物與鏡像關(guān)系且互相不能重疊時,稱兩分子為光學(xué)異構(gòu)體,即一對對映體。其中使偏振光向右旋轉(zhuǎn)的稱為右旋異構(gòu)體,用符號D或(+)表示(dextr
23、orotatory );另一個使偏振光向左旋轉(zhuǎn), 稱為左旋異構(gòu)體,用符號 L或(_)表示(levorotatory )。應(yīng)該指出,當(dāng)一對對映體是等量共存時,旋光性彼此相消,這樣的混合物 稱為外消旋混合物,是沒有光學(xué)活性的。我們周圍的世界是手性的,構(gòu)成生命體系的生物大分子的大多數(shù)重要的構(gòu) 件僅以一種對映形態(tài)存在。生物體的酶和細(xì)胞表面受體是手性,外消旋藥物的 兩個對映體在體內(nèi)以不同的途徑被吸收,活化或降解。這兩種對映體可能有相 等的藥理活性;或者一種可能是活性的,另一種可能是無活性的、甚至有毒的; 或者兩者可能有不同程度或不同種類的活性。天然的(_)-尼古丁的毒性要比(+)-尼古丁大得多。在 60
24、年代歐洲發(fā) 生了一個悲?。和庀纳忱劝吩怯辛Φ逆?zhèn)靜劑和止吐藥,尤其適合在早 期妊娠反應(yīng)中使用。不幸的是,有些曾服用過這種藥的孕婦產(chǎn)下了畸形的嬰兒, 這說明此藥有極強烈的致畸性。進(jìn)一步研究表明,其致畸性是由該藥的(S)異構(gòu)體所引起的,而(R)異構(gòu)體被認(rèn)為即使高劑量使用,在動物體內(nèi)中也 不引起畸變。RuhlhlhI poktrized lightFig. 16.2 Rotation of plane-polarized light by an optical isomer(2)判斷光學(xué)異構(gòu)體的方法:Fig. 16.3 The two enantiomeric forms of lactic add ,Cl ., NCoH3N,NN在數(shù)學(xué)上已證明:若分子(或離子)中存在對稱面或?qū)ΨQ中心,則該分子一定是非手性的,沒有旋光性,也不存在光學(xué)異構(gòu)體。對于配合物而言,一般的判斷方法為:配合物分子既不含 對稱面,也不含對稱中心,則該分子一般是手性分子,即有旋 光活性和存在光學(xué)異構(gòu)體。例如:trans -Co(en) 2(NHs)C1 +有兩個對稱面,均通過 Cl、 C6 N三個原子,且垂直于分子平面, 這兩個對稱面相互垂直。cis -Co(en) 2(NH3)Cl +則無對稱
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