



1、 坐標正反算vb測量程序 河北工程大學 測繪1001 劉長君以下是登陸界面和計算界面的截圖:以下就是對應(yīng)的代碼:登陸界面的代碼Private Sub Command1_Click()If Text1.Text = "劉長君" And Text2.Text = "100510130" ThenForm2.ShowUnload MeElseDim a As Integera = MsgBox("密碼輸入有誤,請重新輸入", 1, "提示框")If a = 1 ThenText2.Text = ""T

2、ext2.SetFocusEnd IfEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub計算界面的代碼Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)Dim a1%, a2%, a3%, a4!, a5!, pi!ConstIf IsNumeric(Text1(1) = False Or IsNumeric(Text2(2) = False Or IsNumeric(Text3(3) = False Or IsNumeric(Text4(4) = False Or IsNumeric(Text5(5)

3、= False Or IsNumeric(Text6(6) = False ThenMsgBox "輸入有誤"Text1(1).SetFocusElse If Val(Trim(Text5(5).Text) > 60 Or Val(Trim(Text5(5).Text) < 0 Or Val(Trim(Text6(6).Text) > 60 Or Val(Trim(Text6(6).Text) < 0 Then MsgBox "方位角輸入有誤,請重新輸入" Text4(4).SetFocus Text4(4).Text = &qu

4、ot;" Text5(5).Text = "" Text6(6).Text = "" End If a1 = Val(Text4(4).Text) a2 = Val(Text5(5).Text) a3 = Val(Text6(6).Text) a4 = a1 + a2 / 60 + a3 / 3600 a5 = a4 * conpi / 180 Label12.Caption = Val(Text3(3).Text) * Cos(a5) Label13.Caption = Val(Text3(3).Text) * Sin(a5) Label14

5、.Caption = Val(Text1(1).Text) + Val(Label12.Caption) Label15.Caption = Val(Text2(2).Text) + Val(Label13.Caption) Label12.Caption = Format(Val(Label12.Caption) * 10000 + 0.5) / 10000, "#.0000") Label13.Caption = Format(Val(Label13.Caption) * 10000 + 0.5) / 10000, "#.0000") Label14

6、.Caption = Format(Val(Label14.Caption) * 10000 + 0.5) / 10000, "#.0000") Label15.Caption = Format(Val(Label15.Caption) * 10000 + 0.5) / 10000, "#.0000")End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)Text1(1).Text = " "Text2(2).Text = " "Text3(3).Text

7、 = " "Text4(4).Text = " "Text5(5).Text = " "Text6(6).Text = " "Label12.Caption = ""Label13.Caption = ""Label14.Caption = ""Label15.Caption = ""Text1(1).SetFocusEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Dim dx!, dy!, a12!, r12!,

8、 d12!If IsNumeric(Text7) = False Or IsNumeric(Text8) = False Or IsNumeric(Text9) = False Or IsNumeric(Text10) = False ThenMsgBox "輸入有誤"Elsedx = Val(Text9.Text) - Val(Text7.Text)dy = Val(Text10.Text) - Val(Text8.Text)d12 = Sqr(dx 2 + dy 2)Label25.Caption = Format(d12 * 10000 + 0.5) / 10000,

9、 "#.0000")If dx = 0 And dy > 0 ThenLabel31.Caption = 90: Label32.Caption = 0: Label33.Caption = 0ElseIf dx = 0 And dy < 0 ThenLabel31.Caption = 270: Label32.Caption = 0: Label33.Caption = 0Else r12 = Atn(Abs(dy / dx) If dx > 0 And dy > 0 Then a12 = r12 ElseIf dx < 0 And dy &

10、gt; 0 Then a12 = pi - r12 ElseIf dx < 0 And dy < 0 Then a12 = pi + r12 ElseIf dx > 0 And dy < 0 Then a12 = 2 * pi - r12 End If a12 = a12 / conpi * 180 Label31.Caption = Fix(a12) Label32.Caption = Abs(Fix(a12 - Fix(a12) * 60) Label33.Caption = Abs(Fix(a12 - Fix(a12) * 60) - Fix(a12 - Fix(a12) * 60) * 60) End If End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()Text7.Text = ""Text8.Text = ""Text9.Text = ""Text10.Text = ""Label25.Caption = ""Label31.Caption = ""Label32.Caption = "&


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