1、2009機電工程技術年第38卷第08期物流車輛智能調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng)賴順橋,肖熠琳(廣州市光機電技術研究院廣東省現(xiàn)代控制與光機電技術公共實驗室廣東廣州510663til flj哎強補由進收稿日期:2009-04-15,探討了系統(tǒng)的工作原理,更好地滿足企業(yè)JIT (Just In Time ;工廠智能系統(tǒng)文獻 標識碼:B文章編號:1009-9492(200908-0019-031引言現(xiàn)代物流不僅要考慮從生產(chǎn)者到消費者的貨物配送問題,還要考慮從供應商到 生產(chǎn)者對原材料的采購,以及生產(chǎn)者本身在產(chǎn)品制造過程中的運輸、保管和信息等 各個方面,從而全面地、綜合性地提高經(jīng)濟效益和效率。中國加入WTO后,經(jīng)濟發(fā)展正
2、面臨著全球經(jīng)濟大融合的嚴峻考驗,在激烈的競爭環(huán)境下,各企業(yè)紛紛實行供應 商管理庫存(VMI、JIT (Just in time即時采購等先進的供應鏈管理,在生產(chǎn)方式上紛紛采用先進的生產(chǎn)管理方式一一準時生產(chǎn)方式JIT生產(chǎn)。這些先進管理方式的主要 目的都是為企業(yè)能夠實現(xiàn) 零庫存”。然而,絕大部分的企業(yè)和工廠都忽視了一個重 要環(huán)節(jié)材料裝卸貨環(huán)節(jié)(當材料從供應商出廠送到企業(yè)生產(chǎn)線上,必須經(jīng)過裝卸貨,仍舊采用人工調(diào)度呼叫的管理方式。人工調(diào)度的方式大致如下:(1運貨車輛到調(diào)度室用登記表登記;(2調(diào)度員通過對講機詢冋在卸貨區(qū)的工作人員是否可以調(diào)度該車輛進入卸貨區(qū),如果不可以,則叫該車到 待車區(qū)”等工作人員通
3、知;(3得到卸貨許可后,調(diào)度員要去 待車區(qū)”尋找該車輛進入卸貨區(qū)卸貨。這種方式存在著出錯概率大、 效率低、易出現(xiàn)堵車、用工成本高等缺陷。本文介紹一套滿足現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)需求的物流車輛智能調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng),徹底解決人 工調(diào)度方式存在的種種不足,實現(xiàn)貨車全自動、智能調(diào)度呼叫的管理方式,大大提高 貨場車位的使用周轉速度,減輕了人的勞動強度,提高了卸貨效率,確保工廠外圍送貨 車輛順暢有序運作,從而大大地提高當前工廠物流的效率,對企業(yè)的增產(chǎn)和增收起著積極的作用。2系統(tǒng)組成與工作原理2.1系統(tǒng)組成系統(tǒng)組成如圖1所示。硬件系統(tǒng)主要包括計算機系統(tǒng)、傳感器及信號采集系 統(tǒng)、通訊系統(tǒng)、LED顯示系統(tǒng)、語音廣播系統(tǒng)、電源系統(tǒng)
4、等;軟件系統(tǒng)主要包括數(shù) 據(jù)采集模塊、無線通訊模塊、數(shù)據(jù)庫模塊、調(diào)度算法模塊、指揮室車輛登記模塊、 參數(shù)設置模塊、查詢統(tǒng)計模塊、打印模塊、LED顯示模塊、語音播放模塊、待車超時提示模塊、卸貨超時報警模塊及上位機界面設計模塊等。2.2工作原理首先,每一個車位對應一個車位狀態(tài)控制箱,即感應式IC車位卡控制箱,能夠實 時監(jiān)控該車位的使用情況。所有的車位狀態(tài)控制箱都通過無線網(wǎng)絡連接到服務器,服務器中的數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)同步記錄了車位的當前狀態(tài)。當貨車到達廠區(qū)請求進入時,由指揮室將車牌號碼等信息錄入前臺計算機。計 算機通過網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)發(fā)送登記信息并訪問服務器數(shù)據(jù)庫自動查詢和檢索,獲得該車對應卸貨的區(qū)域和可卸貨的車位、
5、相關車位狀態(tài)等信息。計算機系統(tǒng)根據(jù)這些信息,按預設的調(diào)度規(guī)則給出指令提示該車能否立即進入相關的卸貨區(qū)域卸貨,如果不能, 該車暫時在待車區(qū)等候。在待車區(qū)設有高亮度LED顯示屏和高音喇叭。當卸貨車位空閑時,服務器根據(jù) 系統(tǒng)調(diào)度策略,自動選中待車區(qū)制造業(yè)信息化2009機電工程技術年第38卷第08期圖1系統(tǒng)組成示意圖的某貨車,負責調(diào)度呼叫的計算機通過無線網(wǎng)絡將調(diào)度信息發(fā)送到待車區(qū)的室 外高亮度LED顯示屏,同時通過高音喇叭同步呼叫提示該貨車進入相應車位卸貨。當貨車進入卸貨車位進行卸貨時,車位上的傳感器感應到有車,對應的車位狀態(tài) 控制箱上紅色指示燈亮,表示該車位忙。在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)司機必須先將IC卡插入該
6、車位對應的車位狀態(tài)控制箱的IC卡插卡槽內(nèi),如果插入的IC卡未得到驗證(IC卡內(nèi) 的信息與控制箱上顯示的信息不同或者超出了規(guī)定的時間未插卡,系統(tǒng)會認為有異 常情況發(fā)生(該車停錯車位等,從而發(fā)出警報聲提示工作人員干預;如果插入卡槽的 IC卡通過驗證,服務器立即采集到該信息并更新數(shù)據(jù)庫。當卸貨時間超出預設時間 時,車位狀態(tài)控制箱上該車位紅色超時報警指示燈閃亮,蜂鳴器鳴響直至卸貨完畢離 開或手動按鍵停止鳴響。當卸貨完畢后,將IC卡從IC卡插卡槽內(nèi)拔出,司機把車開 走,車位上的傳感器感應到已沒車,則控制箱上對應綠色指示燈亮,紅色指示燈滅,表示 該車位空閑,同時服務器立即采集到該信息并更新數(shù)據(jù)庫。如果IC
7、卡拔出后,規(guī)定時間內(nèi)司機沒把車開走,系統(tǒng)同樣會認為有異常情況發(fā)生,從而發(fā)出警報聲提示工作人 員干預。貨車離開廠區(qū)前將IC卡交給保安或其他工作人員。對于以上發(fā)生的警報,指揮室計算機均能及時作出相應的提示,提醒調(diào)度員通過電話等手段進行管理。3軟件設計設計的物流車輛智能調(diào)度系統(tǒng)軟件模塊流程圖如圖2所示。下面對系統(tǒng)的各個模塊作簡要的說明:(1車位狀態(tài)采集模塊,本模塊主要負責監(jiān)控和采集車位狀態(tài)(有車或無車,并將此 車位狀態(tài)信息發(fā)送到上位機服務器(PC機;(2無線通信模塊,本模塊主要負責發(fā)送車位狀態(tài)、車牌號碼、系統(tǒng)控制指令等 數(shù)據(jù);(3數(shù)據(jù)庫模塊,本模塊是系統(tǒng)的核心模塊之一,是整個系統(tǒng)的數(shù)據(jù)中心,存儲和記
8、 錄整個系統(tǒng)的運行數(shù)據(jù);(4查詢統(tǒng)計模塊,本模塊用于查詢和統(tǒng)計系統(tǒng)管理員需要的信息,如車位使用效 率、調(diào)度效率、當前某車輛狀態(tài),同時更改車輛優(yōu)先級,處理緊急調(diào)度等;(5結果輸出模塊,本模塊主要負責打印查詢統(tǒng)計的結果;制造業(yè)信息化2009機電工程技術年第38卷第08期(6參數(shù)設置模塊,本模塊用于設置各種系統(tǒng)參數(shù),如待車超時時間、卸貨超時時 間、LED屏顯示及語音廣播方式等等;(7登記錄入模塊,本模塊主要負責登記車輛車牌號碼、優(yōu)先級等信息(8系統(tǒng)調(diào)度處理模塊,本模塊是系統(tǒng)的核心模塊之一,主要負責處理各個模塊運 行所需的數(shù)據(jù);(9卸貨超時報警管理,本模塊負責監(jiān)控已在卸貨車輛的卸貨時間是否超時”當超時
9、”則發(fā)出報警信號;(10待車超時提示管理,本模塊負責提示管理員去了解情況:某車輛已經(jīng)分配”車 位給其卸貨,但它未能及時到達車位卸貨(待車超時,如果車輛嚴重 超時”那么它的調(diào) 度將被取消,調(diào)度下一輛車進入卸貨區(qū)卸貨;(11屏幕控制模塊,本模塊負責根據(jù)系統(tǒng)設定的參數(shù)顯示播報分配”狀態(tài)的車輛到卸貨區(qū)卸貨;(12語音處理模塊,本模塊負責根據(jù)系統(tǒng)設定的參數(shù)語音播報分配”狀態(tài)的車輛到卸貨區(qū)卸貨,實現(xiàn)屏幕和語音同步播報;(13故障檢測模塊,本模塊負責監(jiān)控各個車位狀態(tài)控制箱等的運行情況,當有故障發(fā)生時,提示管理員作相應的處理;(14其他模塊,如:登錄模塊(調(diào)度員登錄系統(tǒng)、退出模塊、遠程網(wǎng)絡通信模塊等其他功能模
10、塊。4結束語物流在國民經(jīng)濟中起著越來越重要的作用。隨著我國生產(chǎn)力水平的提高,以整合交通運輸、倉儲、配送等環(huán)節(jié)一體化為目標,實現(xiàn)企業(yè)與社會成本最低、效益最大的物流業(yè)與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)經(jīng)濟一起被人們當成新經(jīng)濟”的重要內(nèi)容,被廣泛地稱作第三利潤源泉?,F(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟領域中的競爭,很大程度上是流通效率的競爭。特別是從制造業(yè)的再生產(chǎn)過程來看,產(chǎn)品處在制造環(huán)節(jié)的時間越來越短,而絕大多數(shù)時間處在流通環(huán)節(jié),大約占85%90%左右。因此,流通速度和效率的高低決定著一個企業(yè)、一個行業(yè)甚至一個國家經(jīng)濟效率和速度的高低。同時,流通還具有降低全社會的交易成本、優(yōu)化資源配置的重要作用。本系統(tǒng)主要用于企 業(yè)生產(chǎn)的重要環(huán)節(jié)材料裝卸貨環(huán)節(jié),以提
11、高企業(yè)物流管理水平,降低企業(yè)生產(chǎn)成本。通過長時間的運行調(diào)試,目前該系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)在某企業(yè)得到了很好應用,對企業(yè)的增 產(chǎn)和增收發(fā)揮了積極的作用。相信隨著市場競爭的日益激烈,自動化、信息化的日益發(fā)展及土地資源的日益緊缺等客觀因素影響,物流車輛智能調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng)將會得 到企業(yè)和工廠的廣泛應用。參考文獻:1 馮耕中物流信息系統(tǒng)M.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2009.2 曹衍龍.Visual Basic系統(tǒng)開發(fā)實例精粹M.北京:人民郵電出版社,2005.3 王豐.現(xiàn)代物流配送管理M.北京:首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學出版社,2008.第一作者簡介:賴順橋,男,1981年生,廣西陽朔人,大學本科,助理工程師。研究領 域:電子信息
12、方向。(編輯:吳智恒圖2物流車輛智能調(diào)度系統(tǒng)軟件模塊流程圖制造業(yè)信息化Abstracts09-08-13 Design of Injection Mould for DVD Door Panel Based on CAETech no logy09-08-24 Computer Ma nageme nt of Mecha nical Ma nu facturi ng IQC09-08-26 Hardware-i n-Loop Simulati on Research of Brake Performa nee ofElectroMecha nical Braki ng System09-08-
13、16 The Numerical Simulation of Process in Laser Drilling09-08-29 Simulatio n System Desig n of Four Bar Lin kage Mecha nism09-08-19 In tellige nt Scheduli ng Automotive Logistics Man ageme nt System09-08-32 Cooperative Desig n of Automotive Electro nics Product Based on TopDow n09-08-22 Con struct C
14、ooperative Desig n Terrace Based on Un itive Three-Dime nsional Digital Model09-08-35 Research of the Control Scheme of a Wide Format In k-jet Prin ters Ziche- Servo-Motorprimary en terprises.Key words: dyn amic en terprise modeli ng; Intern et; cooperative 121desig n; terraceHUANG Gui-jia n , HONG
15、Jia n-mi ng , LIANG Xio ng , WU 33Xiao-yu , LI Ji-bi nPENG Chon g-jie Abstract: By an alyz ing the flow of Incoming Quality Con trol in Abstract: The structural feature and formi ng tech no logy of the mecha ni cal manu facturi ng compa ny, the method sett ing up the DVD door panel were an alyzed. B
16、y using Moldflow/MPI computer man ageme nt system of IQC is put forward.software, the feed system of the mould was ascerta in ed. The Key words: IQC; ERP; quality man ageme nt; PDCA; con ti nual an gle pin core-pulli ng mecha nism was adopted and the improveme ntmecha nism set in side the core-pulli
17、 ng slide preve nti ng the plastic parts from adheri ng to the side core of the mould was desig ned, so the smooth demouldi ng of the plastic parts was realized. The structure of the injectio n mould and worki ng process were discussed. The mould was already in mass producti on and the 12LIAO Jun-bo
18、 , WANGJun plastic parts could meet the customers tech ni cal requireme nts.Key words: CAE; inject ion mould; feed system; core-pulli ng; slide; demouldi ngAbstract: ElectroMecha ni cal brak ing system (EMB is a new type of brak ing, this paper set up the hardware-i n-loop simulatio n platform for E
19、MB, and did the brake performa nee simulati on of EMB with/without ABS con trol algorithm, and ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Qi ng-mao the n an alyzed the result compare with the requireme nt of n ati onal sta ndard.Abstract: For the purpose of depict ing the morphology of the Key words: ElectroMechanical brakin
20、g; EMB; brake holes and the rule of temperature field during Nd:YAG laser performa nee; hardware-i n loop-simulatio ndrilli ng, a three-dime nsional physical model of laser drilli ng has bee n made. Programmed by APDL, the load of Gauss laser heat flux is imposed on the area of laser drilling, the t
21、emperature field of Nd:YAG laser drilling is simulated and calculated by ANSYS WANG Wen-mi ng, ZENG Co ng-mi n, GAO Yin g-mi nsoftware, and the result shows that the morphology of the holes are coni cal, and the highest temperature is about 5.617103C at 歯e spot and the temperature declines gradually
22、 along the radius Abstract: The mathematic model of four bar lin kage mechanism with the center of the spot. Compared with the actual drilling is constructed by means of complex vector, and the trajectory, results, we find that simulation results and experime ntal results displaceme nt, velocity and
23、 accelerati on of the four bar are coi ncidi ng.mechanism have been analyzed . At the same time, based on VB, Key words: ANSYS; laser drilling; temperature field; numerical the simulation system of four bar linkage mechanism is simulationestablished. This study may provide a method for the desig n a
24、nd applicati on of four bar lin kage mecha ni sm.Key words: computer applicati on; four bar lin kage mecha ni sm; simulatio n systemLAI Shun-qiao Abstract: In order to solve the problems of the artificial scheduli ng call management in logistics enterprises vehicle ZHANG Yong-bo, MU Bin, ZHONG Jin-j
25、in scheduling, and meet the requirements of the JIT (Just in Time production modes better, the paper introduces a logistics vehicle Abstract: Aiming at the shortage and applicati on problem of the in tellige nt scheduli ng man ageme nt system. The work ing skelet on used Top-Dow n desig n, a tech no
26、 logy of Top-Dow n prin ciple of the system is discussed, and the hardware and desig n based on the skelet on and the layout is put forward. software are desig ned. It can improve product ion efficie ncy and Combi ne with the con curre nt engin eeri ng and cooperative desig n man ageme nt level.of a
27、n automotive electr oni cs, the build ing and issua nee of the Key words: automotive logistics; scheduli ng man ageme nt; product con trol con struct ion and the tran sfer of the restructure factory in tellige nt systemsin formatio n is summarized and discussed.Key words: Top-Dow n; cooperative desi
28、g n; layout; automotive electr onicsCAO Bi ng1121Abstract: There are more than 900 enterprises in Deyang, which LIAO Qiang , YAN Wei , XIA Yang , XIE Qia n-taois an importa nt tech no logy and equipme nt manu facturi ng base of China. But the eno rmous discrepa ncy in the tech ni cal level of nu mer
29、ous en terprises restricts the developme nt of whole heavy Abstract: Choos ing S12 si ngle chip microcomputer as the core tech ni cal equip base. Con struct tech ni cal in draught terrace, to realize a new kind of rare earth brushless DC motor system, tech ni cal cooperative terrace and public desig
30、 n terrace con sist ing the hardware and software desig n are offered. The system is of en terprise public portal, by cooperative desig n system based simplified and con trol efficie ncy is enhan ced without special on un itive three-dime nsional digital model, cooperative man age con trol chip. App
31、licati on of optical coupler en sured the correctly system of ASP and internet website of en terprise cooperative tran smitted the sig nal. In creme ntal PID algorithm is used in the portal. Con struct the bridge betwee n primary and subord in ate motor speed-c on trol, the electric curre nt and velocity double en terprises. The subord in ate en terprises share in tale nt, tech ni cal closed-loop con trol is also used to enhance the motors stability.resource, tester and so on, improvi ng their capability of serv ing(1. College of Mechatr onics and Con trolEngin eeri ng, Shen zhe n Uni
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- 課題結題驗收
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- 足球腳背正面運球
- 通信施工單位安全知識
- 跨界審美教育課程介紹
- 正確看待苦與樂演講稿7篇
- 無創(chuàng)呼吸機參數(shù)調(diào)節(jié)課件
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- 文件傳閱單范本
- 電工培養(yǎng)計劃表
- 部編版五年級道德與法治下冊課程綱要
- Q∕SY 02006-2016 PVT取樣技術規(guī)程
- 初中物理公式MicrosoftWord文檔
- 冠心病臨床路徑
- 《專利糾紛與處理》PPT課件
- 基于PLC的電梯控制系統(tǒng)設計
- DLT_5210.1 2021_電力建設施工質量驗收及評價規(guī)程_第1部分土建工