1、【托福閱讀】精選閱讀真題長難句 50句1、Later experiments in which researchers played recordings of songs to youngbirds showed just how precise this in flue nee was, many of them would learnthe exact patter n of the record ing they had heard.2、The crude song of a bird reared in isolation gives some clues as to what th
2、isrough idea may be the len gth, the freque ncy range and the break ing up intono tes are all aspects of chaffi nch song shared betwee n no rmal birds andthose reared in isolati on.3、Whatever the nature of the learning rules in a particular species, there is nodoubt that they are effective, it is ve
3、ry unusual to hear a wild bird singing asong which is not typical of its own species despite the manydifferent songswhich ofte n occur in a small patch of woodla nd.4、Chemical analysis of bones enables archaeologists to determine theproportion of meat to vegetable foods in the diet by measuring the
4、proporti onof calcium to strontium in ancient bone because strontium in place of calciumin bones comes primarily from ingested plants.5、Each dwelling had a differentarrangement of the giant bones, which camefrom the skelet ons of Ion g-dead ani mals retrieved from the surro unding areaby occupants o
5、f the site, not from animals they had recently hunted.6、In a precede nt-setti ng decisi on, the Federal En ergy Regulatory Commissio nordered the dam removed after con cludi ng that the en vir onmen tal andecono mic ben efits of a free-flow ing river outweighed the electricity gen eratedby the dam.7
6、、Built n early a cen tury ago to provide power to lumber and papermills in thetown of Port Angeles, these damsblocked access to upstream spawning bedsfor six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productivesalm on rivers in the world.8、 The Hetch Hetchy Damn Yosemite National Park might
7、 be taken down toreveal what Joh n Muir, the foun der of the prestigious en vir onmen talorga ni zati on Sierra Club, called a valley“ just as beautiful andworthy ofpreservatio n as the maj estic Yosemite. ”9、A chanee collision between two comets, or the gravitational in flue nee of oneof the Jovia
8、n pla netsJupiter, Satur n, Uranus, and Nept unemayoccasi on ally alter the orbit of a comet in these regi ons eno ugh to send it tothe inner solar system and into our view.10、These comets appear to be distributed in all directionsfrom theSun, formi nga spherical shell around the solar system, calle
9、d the Oort cloud, after theDutch astro no mer Jan Oort.11、 After the arrival of hunter-gatherersin the southwestern region of NorthAmerica, several alter native types of agriculture emerged, allinv olvi ngdiffere nt soluti ons to the Southwest' s fun dame ntal problem: how toobtai neno ugh water
10、 to grow crops in an en vir onment in which rain fall issolow andunpredictable that little or no farming is practiced there today.12、That fate actually befell the Mimbres, who started by farmi ng the floodpla inand the n bega n to farm adjace nt land above the floodpla in as theirpopulation ca me to
11、 exceed the floodplain ' s capacity to support it.13、 However, whendrought conditions returned, that gamble left them with apopulati on double what the floodpla in could support, and Mimbres societycollapsed sudde nly un der the stress.14、One more strategy was to pla nt crops at many sites eve n
12、 though rain fall waslocally un predictable and the n to harvest crops at whichever sites did geteno ugh rain to produce a good harvest and to redistribute someof theharvest to the people still living at all the sites that did not happen to receiveeno ugh rain that year.15、 Sanitationproblems caused
13、 by larger, more sedentary populations wouldhave helped transmit diseases in human waste, as would the use of an imaldung for fertilizer.16、The in crease in many of these came not only from the fact that fewer peoplewere dying from in fectious disease and were livi ng Ion ger but also from theresult
14、s of moder n lifestyles in developed coun tries and among the upperclasses of developing countries - a more sedentary life leading to lessphysical activity, more stress; en vir onmen tal polluti on, and high-fat diets.17、This evolution mayhave been encouraged by what someauthorities con siderour ove
15、ruse of an tibiotics, giving microorga ni sms a greater cha nee to evolveresista nee by expos ing them to a con sta nt barrage of selective challe nges.18、Therefore, on many reefs it is the fast-growi ng, bran chi ng corals thatultimately domin ate at the upper, shallower porti on of the reef, where
16、asmore massive forms domin ate in deeper areas.19、The fact that almost all small invertebrateson reefs are so wellhidde n orhighly camouflaged is ano ther in dicator of how prevale nt predati on is onreefs and its importa nee in determ ining reef structure.20、Fin ally, they n eed reliable methods of
17、 storage because, where pla nt foodscannot provide a dietary safety n et, pla nning has to be precise and detailedto en sure that there is eno ugh to tide them over in periods of shortage.21、Coins also provide a valuable source of writte n records: they can revealinformation about the location where
18、 they are found, which can provideevide nee about trade practices there, and their in scripti ons can bein formative about the issu ing authority, whether they were city-states (as inancient Greece) or sole rulers (as in Imperial Romeor in the kingdoms ofmedieval Europe).22、The great risk with histo
19、rical records is that they can impose their ownperspective so that they beg in not only to supply the an swers to our questio ns but subtly to determ ine the n ature of those questi ons andeve n ourcon cepts and term ino logy.23、Not all bota ni sts agree with an Africa n-South America n cen terfor t
20、heevoluti on and dispersal of the an giosperms, pointing out that manyof themost primitive forms of flowering plants are found in the SouthPacific,in cludi ng porti ons of Fiji, New Caledo nia. New Guin ea, easter n Australia, andthe Malay Archipelago.24、To elaborate, before the eighth cen tury, the
21、 elite marriagepractice, whichwas an important instrument of political alliance making, haden couragedrulers to maintain multiple palaces: that of their own family andthose of theirspouses, who com monly rema ined at or n ear their n ative familyheadquarters,at least for some years after marriage.25
22、、 Nearly five billi on years ago, someexter nal in flue nce,such as a shock wavetraveli ng from a catastrophic explosi on (super no va), may have triggered thecollapse of this huge cloud of gases and minute grains of heavier eleme nts.caus ing the cloud to begi n to slowly con tract due to the gravi
23、tati onalin teractio ns among its particles.26、Nearly five billi on years ago, someexter nal in flue nee, such as a shock wavetraveli ng from a catastrophic explosi on (super no va), may have triggered thecollapse of this huge cloud of gases and minute grains of heavier eleme nts,caus ing the cloud
24、to begi n to slowly con tract due to the gravitati onalin teractio ns among its particles.27、Steady overseas demandfor colonial products created a prosperity thatenabled colonists to consumeever-largeramounts not only of clothingbut ofdishware, home furnishings, tea, and a range of other items both
25、produced inBritain and imported by British and colonial merchants from elsewhere.28、Such materials as iron and nickel and the elements of which the rock-formi ngmin erals are composed silic on, calcium, sodium, and soforth formedmetallic and rocky clumps that orbited the Sun.29、This act was inten de
26、d less to raise reve nue tha n to serve as a protective tariff(tax) that would ben efit British West In dia n sugar producers at theexpenseof their French rivals.30、Parliame nt used British tax money to pay modest incen tives toAmerica nsproducing such items as silk, iron, dyes, hemp, and lumber, wh
27、ichBritai nwould otherwise have had to import from other countries, and it raised'imports by impos ing protective tariffstheprice of commercial rivals on them.31、The con cept of chromatic adaptati on was proposed in 1883; and thehypothesis was accepted for about 100 years, un til it was realized
28、 that suchzonation did not necessarily occur and that the distribution of seaweedsdepended more on herbivory (the consumption of plant material),competition, varying concentration of the specialized pigments, and the abilityof seaweeds to alter their forms of growth.32、First, dema nd for n ews in cr
29、eased as Europe ' s commercial and politicalin terests spread around the globe mercha nts in London, Liverpool, orGlasgow, for example, came to depe nd on early n ews of Caribbea n harvestsand gains and losses in colonial wars.733、Industries where awith high concentrations of employment in urban
30、 areas,worker' s change of employer does not necessarily require investing in acha nge of reside nee, appear to have higher rates of job turno ver tha n industries concentrated in nonmetropolitan areas do.34、Some researchers, for example, have argued that a particular kind of pottery,called Rame
31、y in cised (which is in cised with figures of eyes, fish,arrows, andabstract objects and was used by the people in the area of present-dayMissouri and Illinois at about A.D 900), was primarily used todistribute foodbut was also used to com muni cate the idea that the society ' s elite,for whomth
32、e pots were made, were mediators of cosmic forces.35、There are several limit ing factors, but results from a rece nt experime ntsuggest that in areas of the ocean where other nutrients are plentiful, ironmay be one of the most important and, until recently, unrecognized variablescon trolli ng phytop
33、la nkton product ion.36、In 1894, C. Lloyd Morga n, an early comparative behaviorist, in sisted thatanimal behavior be explained as simply as possible without referenee toemotions or motivationssince these could not be observed or measured.37、Assuming that in the early 1770s at least half of the dema
34、ndfor grain fromfarmers with surpluses was satisfiedthrough Iong-distaneechannels,theproportion of grain produced for eonsumption beyond the local marketprobably acco un ted for about a quarter of total grain producti oncon sumedby huma ns.38、Sea turtles ' eggs are laid at night to minimize the
35、likelihood of their discoveryby predators, and the offspri ng, whe n ready to emerge from their eggshellsand dig their way out of the sand, hatch at night for the samereason.39、In short, therefore, the site Memphisoffered the rulers of the Early Dyn asticPeriod an ideal location for controllinginter
36、naltrade within theirrealm, anesse ntial requireme nt for a state-directed economy that depe nded onthemoveme nt of goods.40、In particular, research has focused on determ ining why such an appare ntlyin hospitable place as Chaco, which today is extremely arid and has very shortgrowing seasons, shoul
37、d have favored the concentrationof labor that mustcon structi onprojectsover brieflupine, a membeof thepea familyArctic,germ in ated inthree dayshave been required for such massive periodsof time.41、In one case, seeds of the arctic recoveredfrom ancient lemming burrows in the eve nthough they were c
38、arb on-dated at more tha n 10,000years old!42、In fact,unpredictabilityis probably a greater problem than isthe severity ofthe unfav orable period.43、Similar reasoning suggested that one could estimate total elapsed geologictime by divid ing the average thick ness of sedime nt tran sported annu ally
39、tothe oceans into the total thickness of sedimentary rock that had ever bee ndeposited in the past.44、The process that marine creatures use to create light is like that of thecom mon firefly and similar to that which creates the luminous gree n colorseen in plastic glow sticks,often used as children' s toys or forillumi natio nduri ng ni ghttime eve nts.45、But its appearanee under a microscope is even more spectacular, the livi ngcopepod appears as if con structed of delicately han dcrafted, multicoloredpieces of sta ined glass.46、Cleared lands would more likely have been worked by
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