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1、師學(xué)院 畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題 目:The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone 紅樓夢中人物的 翻譯 所 在 系: 外語系 專 業(yè): 英 語 學(xué) 號: 07080923 王 雪 指導(dǎo)教師: 譚曉麗 2011年 4 月目 錄任務(wù)書.I開題報告.IV開題報告會紀要 .VII成績評定表(一).VIII成績評定表(二).IX成績評定表(三).XOUTLINE.1論文正文.217 / 30師學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)任務(wù)書論文題目The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the S

2、tone紅樓夢中人物的翻譯學(xué)生王雪學(xué) 號07080923專 業(yè)英語班 級2007級9班指導(dǎo)教師譚曉麗職 稱副教授起止時間2010年9月27日 至2011 年4月30日一、畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)的研究容(或任務(wù)、目標):研究容:紅樓夢是我國的經(jīng)典名著,是我國古典小說描寫人物的典之作,全書不僅冠姓命名的“小說人物”有三四百人之眾,而且其之繁,命名之巧,字號之妙,寓意之深,影響之廣,都是有口皆碑的。論文將從原著出發(fā),對比戴維·霍克斯的英譯本“The Story of the Stone”和憲益夫婦的譯本“A Dream of Red Mansions”中人名的翻譯,分析兩譯作譯者所采取的不同翻譯

3、方法,所采用方法的原因以與產(chǎn)生的效果。并通過中國人名的傳統(tǒng)文化分析對比出兩譯本人物翻譯各自的優(yōu)點與不足。通過研究學(xué)習(xí),得出自己的結(jié)論與見解。本文將大致分為六個部分:一、議論和鋪墊。名著中人物對名著有重要作用并反映人物性格。二、從文化的角度來看人名的翻譯。三、簡析歸化和異化的理論常識。四、從音、形和意方面分析紅樓夢中的。五、譯本對比同時結(jié)合原著,從語用角度看人名的翻譯。六、討論不同作者中選擇不同的翻譯方法的原因,以與所產(chǎn)生的不同效果。七、總結(jié)與思考。總結(jié)研究的結(jié)果,并提出自己的觀點。二、論文進度安排:2010年9月27日開始 收集資料2010年11月13日前 完成開題報告2010年11月28日前

4、 參加開題答辯 2011年1月3月 交論文初稿與修改論文2011年4月9日前 交論文定稿2011年5月前 參加答辯三、主要參考文獻與資料:1LiuXi. The Exploration of the Chinese Pun in Hong Lou Meng( A Dream of Red Mansions) D.電子科技大學(xué), 2005.2David Hawkes. The Story of the StoneM. PenguinBooks, 1977.3Yang HsienYi & Gladys Yang. A Dream of Red MansionsM. Foreign Lang

5、uage Press, Beijing, China, 1994.4YangYing. Study of the Translation of Personal Names in Hawkes Version of“ The Story of the Stone”D.師大學(xué), 2001.5卜愛會.淺析人名文化與翻譯J.科技信息(學(xué)術(shù)研究),2007,(21):174.6雪芹.紅樓夢M.,2001.7龔群.淺析比較紅樓夢譯本和霍譯本對人名翻譯的處理J.華商,2008,(07):132-133.8胡曉梅,許之所.論中國人名的文化涵J.理論月刊,2006,(11):70-72.9濤.肖維青.紅樓夢人

6、名藝術(shù)與英譯方法淺探J.師大學(xué)學(xué)報,2001,(02):109-112.10寶明.紅樓夢人物起名藝術(shù)J.華夏文化,2003,(02):37-39.11四四.從紅樓夢雙關(guān)語翻譯看其譯者的翻譯策略J.科技信息,2008,(33):42-43.12莊衛(wèi)國.紅樓夢人名翻譯人名翻譯中的歸化與異化J.中共市黨委校學(xué)報,2007,(02):45-46.指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 年 月 日教研室意見:負責人簽名: 年 月 日系審核意見:負責人簽名: 年 月 日師學(xué)院本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開題報告論文題目The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone

7、 紅樓夢中人物的翻譯學(xué)生王雪學(xué) 號07080923專 業(yè)英語班 級2007級9班指導(dǎo)教師譚曉麗職 稱副教授一、選題的目的、意義與國外研究動態(tài): 選題的目的:紅樓夢一書中人物名字大都引自古詩或諧音寓意。本文將從人物名字入手,結(jié)合人物個性與背景,討論其意義與翻譯辦法并簡析用怎樣的辦法可以將人物名字翻譯得達意并美觀。選題的意義:紅樓夢是一部很卓越的小說,它在各個細節(jié)處都匠心獨運,因此有很多地方是值得探究并討論的。小說中眾多人物名字往往與人物性格、命運甚至是小說故事情節(jié)發(fā)展脈絡(luò)有著至關(guān)重要的聯(lián)系,這更使其人物性格的翻譯值得推敲。中文的翻譯成英文往往面臨眾多問題,例如:如何翻譯本身的涵,如何在達意的基礎(chǔ)


9、之廣,都是有口皆碑的。論文將從原著出發(fā),對比戴維·霍克斯的英譯本“The Story of the Stone”和憲益夫婦的英譯本“A Dream of Red Mansions”中人名的翻譯,分析兩譯作譯者所采取得不同翻譯方法,所采用方法的原因以與產(chǎn)生的效果。并通過中國的傳統(tǒng)文化分析對比出兩譯本人物翻譯各自的優(yōu)點與不足。通過研究學(xué)習(xí),探究譯者選擇其翻譯方法的目的與產(chǎn)生的效果。創(chuàng)新之處:本文將從原著容出發(fā),結(jié)合文獻分析人物與原著之間的微妙關(guān)聯(lián),同時從音、形、意等方面分析原著人物的美感與其語用價值。使探究的過程變得有趣而充滿新奇。文中運用實例對比在歸化和異化的條件下英譯人物的不同,并結(jié)

10、合雙關(guān)、反語等修辭方式以與中國傳統(tǒng)文化等,對比分析霍克斯和憲益夫婦譯本中人物的不同翻譯所產(chǎn)生的不同效果。三、研究方法、設(shè)計方案或論文提綱:I. 引言II. 從文化的角度來看人名的翻譯III. 簡析歸化和異化的理論常識IV. 紅樓夢中的的分析 4.1. 紅樓夢中人物的音美 4.2. 紅樓夢中人物的形美 4.3. 紅樓夢中人物的意美V. 譯本對比同時結(jié)合原著,從語用角度看人名的翻譯 5.1. 兩譯本中人物翻譯中的音美、形美、以與意美 5.2. 原著與譯作中人物中的雙關(guān) 5.3. 原著與譯作中人物中的反語 5.4. 譯作對原文的忠實VI. 討論不同作者中選擇不同的翻譯方法的原因,以與所產(chǎn)生的不同效果

11、VII. 結(jié)語四、完成期限和預(yù)期進度:2010年11月28日前 參加開題答辯 2011年1月3月 交論文初稿與修改論文2011年4月9日前 交論文定稿2011年5月前 參加答辯五、主要參考資料:1David Hawkes. The Story of the StoneM. PenguinBooks, 1977.2LiuXi. The Exploration of the Chinese Pun in Hong Lou Meng( A Dream of Red Mansions) D.電子科技大學(xué), 2005.3Yang HsienYi & Gladys Yang. A Dream of

12、 Red MansionsM. Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, 1994.4YangYing. Study of the Translation of Personal Names in Hawkes Version of“ The Story of the Stone”D.師大學(xué), 2001.5雪芹.紅樓夢M.,2001.6龔群.淺析比較紅樓夢譯本和霍譯本對人名翻譯的處理J.華商,2008,(07):132-133.7濤.肖維青.紅樓夢人名藝術(shù)與英譯方法淺探J.師大學(xué)學(xué)報,2001,(02):109-112.8寶明.紅樓夢人物起名藝術(shù)J.華夏文

13、化,2003,(02):37-39.六、指導(dǎo)教師意見:簽名: 年 月 日 開 題 報 告 會 紀 要時間地點與會人員姓名職務(wù)(職稱)姓 名職務(wù)(職稱)姓 名職務(wù)(職稱)會議記錄摘要:會議主持人:記 錄 人:年 月 日教研室(或開題報告評審小組)意見:負責人簽名:年 月 日系工作小組意見:負責人簽名:年 月 日師學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)成績評定表(一)畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題目The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone紅樓夢中人物的翻譯學(xué)生王雪專業(yè)英語班級2007級9班學(xué)號07080923指導(dǎo)教師評語:建議成績:指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 年

14、 月 日 師學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)成績評定表(二)畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題目The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone紅樓夢中人物的翻譯學(xué)生王雪專業(yè)英語班級2007級9班學(xué)號07080923評閱人評語:建議成績:評閱人簽名: 年 月 日師學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)成績評定表(三)畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題目The Translation of Personal Names in The Story of the Stone紅樓夢中人物的翻譯學(xué)生王雪專業(yè)英語班級07級9班學(xué)號07080923答辯時間2011年4月17日地點西校區(qū)外語樓614答

15、辯小組成員職務(wù)(職稱)職務(wù)(職稱)彩虹講師譚曉麗副教授朱艷寧講師娟講師曾紅明副教授小文講師歐妮莎講師答辯小組評語:建議成績: 組長簽名: 年 月 日系答辯委員會意見:評定成績負責人簽名: 年 月 日OUTLINEAbstractKey WordsI. IntroductionII. The Differences between the English and the Chinese Cultures Reflected in Name TranslationIII. The Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization IV. An Ana

16、lysis of the Names in the Story of the Stone4.1. Artistic Beauty in Sound4.2. Artistic Beauty in Form4.3. Artistic Beauty in SenseV. Comparison between the Translations of David Hawkes, Yangs HsienYi & Gladys Yangs 5.1. Beauties in Sound, Form and Sense in the Two Versions5.2. Puns in the Origin

17、al and the Translations5.3. Irony in the Original and the Translations.5.4. Faithfulness to the OriginalVI. Contrasts between the Two Translations for Purpose and FunctionVII. ConclusionBibliography中文標題、摘要、關(guān)鍵詞The English Translation of Personal NamesinThe Story of the StoneAuthor: WangXue Number: 07

18、080923 Tutor: Tan XiaoliAbstract: We Chinese always have names with special meanings, such as good wishes for the futures, great personalities and so on. There are so many names for the characters in the book of the story of the stone. Different names may have different connotations to convey the ow

19、ners dispositions. Compared with the English names, Chinese names are more complicated in many ways in sound, vision, form, and sense. The great translators such as Hawkes David and Yang HsienYi & Gladys Yang translated this great Chinese classics, The story of the stone. David applies domestica

20、tion to translating the names and the Yangs applied foreignization. Both methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages when adopted in translation like that. This study tries to compare the two translated works and consider what problem from different perspectives. Keywords: names in Th

21、e story of the stone; domestication;foreignization; punI. IntroductionDifferent cultures have their own background and contents. Because of its long history, the Chinese language has become one of the most complex and imaginative languages in the world. Our Chinese names always contain many senses s

22、uch as good wishes. And also, they have some estheticvalue, some of them are short but condensed, meaningful and pleasant to ears. It is hard to translate the Chinese names into English. Translating the names of The Story of the Stone has big significance for the culture communication of the Chinese

23、 and the foreign languages. Novel translators pay much emphasis on creation of their characters, so name translation is crucial to the translating of the whole work. Referring to The Dictionary of the Characters in the Book of the Story of the Stone, we can see that there are more than 1100 characte

24、rs in that work. Such multitudinous amount of people with their unique names, their names embody the feature of the characters. Some names tell something about the features of the characters, and some give clues of the story or reflect the society. By translating the names in the work, we get closed

25、 to the author of The Story of the Stone, and have a chance to take a glance at the profoundness of Chinese.Nowadays, scholars often focus on the using of ironies and puns in the names in The Story of the Stone. We can easily find some articles or videos which with the ironies or puns used in the na

26、mes, such as Bu Guxiu, JiaoXing, DaiQuan(卜顧修, 嬌杏, 戴權(quán)), and so on. By studying this, we find a lot of joys. They are just word games in some ways.But there are also some shortages in translating the names. Because of the difference of the cultures, we can find that there are untouched areas in transl

27、ation. Chinese names always contain great sense with short words, so if we want to translate the meaning well, we should use sentences. But sentences cannot be a name. And also, some Chinese cannot be expressed in English, for example, “鴛鴦”, was translated as “faithful goose”. In this article, we wi

28、ll try to discuss name translation in The Story of the Stone. As a special form of Chinese, names give us an opportunity to feel the splendid Chinese literature. Being a bridge for cultural communication, translation requires us to have a good command of the two different cultures and languages. The

29、 Story of the Stone, as a model for classical character writing, gave us challenges in name translation.II. The Differences between the English and the Chinese Cultures Reflected in Name TranslationVocabulary, as the smallest unit in language, though may has the same meanings in different languages,

30、 usually makes different inner reflections because of different culture. And it always has the meaning of the same word is completely not the same in different languages. Both English and Chinese have some vocabularies about some special kinds of creatures, colors, and objects which have some meanin

31、gs under given conditions. We have an example from the fifth chapter.The original : 水溶見他語言清楚,談吐有致,一面又向賈政道:“令郎真乃龍駒鳳雛”。The Yangs : (The prince)turned to observe to JiaZheng,”Your son is truly a dragons colt or young phoenix?”Hawkes : the prince observed to Jia Zheng that “the young phoenix was worthy

32、of his sire.”Both translations relate to these two kinds of animals: 龍 and 鳳. They both have rich cultural connotations. The animal dragon in English means the devil incarnate, but in Chinese the animal symbols auspicious. And phoenix, means rebirth in English, at the same time means auspicious in C

33、hinese, too.So Hawkes remained the meaning of phoenix and left the dragon out. And as the offspring of 龍, the Yangs wanted to introduce the Chinese traditional culture to the English spoken countries. So they translated into “a dragons colt or young phoenix”. We can find that the translations were t

34、aking different sense of culture.Religion, as the representative of a basic standard of moral and behavior in one culture, occupies the central position of the culture. It passes through the whole life of society, the art, even the traditional custom. And language brands its particular marks deeply

35、on the culture during the process. Buddhism has a great influence with the Chinese culture. Many of the Chinese vocabularies which have relations to Buddhism are well used by people. We have some examples in the work from the first chapter:The original: 世人都曉神仙好。The Yangs: All men long to be immortal

36、s.Hawkes: Men all know that salvation should be won.“神仙” is a notion from Taoism. Referring to Taoism, everyone wants to have a chance to be immortals after death. But in the western countries, many people believe in God. And the Bible teaches people that everyone is guilty in this world. They shoul

37、d expiate their guilt continuously and beg the God for their salvations. So from the translation above, we can find that the Yangs reflected the culture both in Buddhism and Taoism, but the translation of Hawkes had an obvious value of Christian religion. III. The Introduction of Domestication and F

38、oreignizationDomestication and foreignization are the two terminologies of translation studies. They were first raised by Lawrence Venuti in the work of The Translator's Invisibility: a History of Translation in 1995.But they were from an article written by a Germanic scholar, Schleiermacher, in

39、 1813. Schleiermacher emphasized the indivisible relationship between translation and comprehension. He pointed that there were two states of translation: one was getting the readers close to the author; the other was making the author closed to the readers. (Lawrence Venuti, 2008:92) Then, if reade

40、rs are close to the author, they will have chances to feel the exotic atmosphere. Domestication is a method which can be accepted by the readers more easily, while foreignization is more faithful to the original translation. The most important feature of domestication is using the real English to tr

41、anslate the original. So the differences between the two languages become invisible. On the other hand, foreignization remains the differences.We cannot only focus on how to change one language to the other, but to find the deep cultural connotations under the surface of the languages when we are do

42、ing translation. Translators should have known the culture of the language we translate, and have a thorough understanding of difference between the languages and handle the two methods of translation skillfully and flexibly.As thetwo translation strategies, domestication and foreignizationare not t

43、wo extremes, actually, foreignization or domestication doesnt exist in absolute sense. In practice translatorshould bein accord with specificcharacteristics ofdifferent language, the purpose of language, the source language andtarget languagefeatures, such asproper use ofthe twonational culturalpoli

44、cies.An example from the work Gone with the Wind, Mr. 傅東華 translates the name Scarlett O Hara as 郝思嘉. It is superior than other translations like 斯嘉麗 or 斯卡里特. The name has both the cultures from west and east. It seems both from Chinese and English. 賈雨村and 甄士隱, are examples from The Story of the Sto

45、ne. The two names sound like “ 假語存, 真事隱” in Chinese. Themeanings of them are“remain the lies and hide the truths“. The Yangs translated them with the Webster phonetic alphabets as “ChenShih yin" and “ChiaYu tsun”. And Hawkes were “JiaYu cun” and “ZhenShiyin”.IV. An Analysis of the Names in the

46、Story of the Stone 4.1. Artistic Beauty in SoundChinese names are always beautiful in sound. We want the name pleasant to ears and readable, also, easy to remember. For example, the twelve actresses who perform opera in family賈. Their names are meaningless, which have two characters, one for sound,

47、and the other for their jobs. Such as 芳官, 齡官, 艾官, 寶官, 豆官, 葵官, 蕊官, 文官, 營官, 玉官, 藥官, 藕官. 4.2. Artistic Beauty in FormChinese names are always beautiful in form. In China, families usually have books named genealogies, which are about the family trees. The genealogy regulates the names with the order of

48、 generation. The same generation has the same symbol. It can be a word or just a part of the word. It is a common naming way for the one family members, in other words, the names of the same generation in the same family may look alike. As examples in the Story of the Stone, the symbol of the heros

49、generation is “玉” . So, the name of the hero is 賈寶玉, and his brothers are called 賈環(huán), 賈瓊, 賈瑞, 賈璉, 賈瓔, and so on. Another example in this book is the next generation of the hero. Their symbol is “草” . So, their names are 賈蓉, 賈芹, 賈芳, 賈芬, 賈, 賈萍, 賈薔, etc. 4.3. Artistic Beauty in SenseChinese names are al

50、ways beautiful in sense. In China, names often express the good wishes for the children. We wish them to have splendid futures or be all-rounders. Sometimes they reflect the love we give to the children. 板兒, as the grandson of 姥姥, a remote relative of the family of 賈: “板兒” means coins or small amoun

51、t of money. 姥姥, give the name to him to wish he will be rich when he grows up. 來旺, 來喜, 興兒, 隆兒, and小吉祥兒 are some servants in the big family. Their masters think they will bring good luck to the family.Take a special example of the four sisters names and their servants names. The sisters in the family

52、 of 賈The servants賈元春抱琴賈迎春司棋賈探春侍書賈惜春入畫From the form above, we can see that only the middle Chinese character in the four sisters are different. When we read them together as “元迎探惜”, it sounds like “原應(yīng)嘆息” . And the second Chinese characters in the four servants names, we can read as “琴棋書畫” . We can fi

53、nd the author, Cao Xueqin, racked his brains to find names for the characters in his book.V. Comparison between the Translations of Hawkes David, Yang HsienYi & Gladys Yang Hawkes David was a great scholar in England and was a professor at Oxford University. He studied Chinese in Beijing Univers

54、ity at the end of 40th last century. He translated the great work, 紅樓夢, with his son- in-law John Minford. The couple of Yang were the giants on English literature in China. They made great contributions to the communication of culture between English and Chinese.First, the translations of the title of the work are not the same. Hawkes translated it as “The Story of the Stone”. But the Yangs was “A Dream of Red Mans


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


