



1、- aiy ng. Ofica Cmmuni s duty. To fm the parys pupose manate pe opl e thm-le s and dcaion, devin, maita pi oneeing a nd e ntepris ng sit acie a the welol -ta pack* mike contibuins T he incen uncin of pa" ogai zains a al ev .ou. gve ful pay to a-acd m odel s e bli.a re pree ntaie, mvaced a nd ty

2、ial of te timedee i n-stggainit change moddl-in. A ceked sWng Lea ning e dualinpr.rmme for parybui ddng i n ou cy act tfous onsuin of uzy iddas and belies wave, cnnciosne ss purooe of the pary sese hone- and se ldscplne aw aennss i s not st ong, depre ssed us of eticl miscnduct s . y conents seic pr

3、.- m fr all pay m - bes a lideleansde mooi , a nd ta kow t h a modile d wi lefoouued on pu "tw lar n a d" lar nig e ducainre ctiain wt grsp lay of mas lne - at on pact ce acivt- a nd "tre e srctthrre lial" topic e ddcainprobrrc.caion combi nnd u, cnsl dain exa nnedhhs ma of ectia

4、in rsu. stongycorre ctd "fr ofier not fr", ad Ciand eUes crrectd fu wye, tarry forward t I e tadinal Cie - virtes praCi cig the Socals core vaue s, vgrousy cay fwa d the spii of Jia YU _ HngqiCanal spii a nd spii of pe ssece, hony ipoi , srct saan, Stck t o the sprua legits of the Cmmuis s

5、 Fou to devl on, as, do ply a roe iIs fr mple be lue to ca nge it o. Lea nig t o techE inior de tsle te probem, i i doosnot sl<e the i wlfrm, gos troughte motI ns To stegte n te icnsiiisne and isse d on plblim oriente so'ig bar nig ldu i onfr tacion, t.yCnsiUtonPay rue * sees, ldd *so pre cii

6、 ont o id te prbllm, byig a slid founndainfor urher correcie acton. B "mike Uange FFr che ckpuof prbl, thro.ga blsedre UiLain、ian accut a ndtae seiallupevsion, a nd in a ccount PIN, approch, insiseds and guide the broad mss ofpary m - bes to - ua I te 95 anivesay of foundingas a uniy to awad in

7、 rrcognia numbeif outsadng pay membes ' advacd grssr00s pary ogaizai ons, ousa I di ng pay wores, ad put the pi one e tres T hid, thendlla dng ccdrs above thecuy eshalfouson futherreinme problm s Spe ciilo eveypay m - be ad -y cdre, ase - iesa cmbia ndcont old, fcusd ade- put yoursefi,pepe se t、

8、igssee wi h thei ow seclc pr obems t o leanid", a nd rrg uain masss sie of ause, e nnue w ok nne m ore poweul a nd probem sout in more com pl , T hid, we must consl d - our a chi eements For more pul c somepary m - bes wo focus on teousa nd I g isus, cmbi nig cnce .tatd2010年公司內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃方案人事管理部yly

9、fwtititlChivittiithSiltvlvilyfwthi Hi-1"i"f itFt v lylifiOffilcittyTfllthty'itifthl litivtitiiiitiiiititthw"tktibtiThitifftyizttllvlhliflytv tti vtyilfthtiithbftybtltIhf"95iyffitittwi# f bfttityb'vttyiztittitywktthitThithrts o exampe, be sue toCangeito Lear nig t o techE

10、inio de ts te probem, i i .一notsl-the iwlfrm,.estr.ghte mot i ns To stegte nte cnsciusne a nd ii sse d opolem orente sihigear nig ed. - i fr taclm, tuy-epi n-stgatoit change, miUI in. A ce . 1 . Lear nig e .、n pr.amme f”aa,b.i dng i n ou cy ac tf_s suin of u - deas andbeswave,.nsci-ne - purpose of t

11、he party sense, hoe- andsel,cilne aeness i s not st ong, -pre s_ _ es o etia mScnduct st - , conents sp“c pr.ammes o al pay members andleadng.ad a bove t he cuy eve shall f_s futherrefieme proemsSpecliTti e yay member ad . re, as e_ s a andcrnt =, ad e- put your-f i, pepe t 、g* see, - h thei ow sec

12、pr oems t o lean"nsiUtoPa. rue s see s,-d sso pre ciiont o id te prbllm, lyig a sld founndainfor urher correc acion.B"mike ca nge FFr che ckpu of prbl », througg >sa blsedre cicain、iv n accut a n.tas se>l lupe - i on, a nd in a ccount PN, approch, inssedidsdeleansdemoddid,a nd t

13、a kow t I a modie _ wi lefoou - d on pu "tw lar n a id" lar nig e ducain re cliain wt g p lay of mas lne at on pact acHiis a nd "tre e s - tthrre lia " topc e ducain problm rictfcaioncombinndu,cnsldalnexannedhhsmaofecliain-u stonggycorre ctd fr ofier not fr", ad li and eddes

14、 crrectd fu wid",andrrguainmassssieofause,ennuewo.nnemorepoweulandprobemsoutin more com pl y T hid, we must consl d our a chi eaments For more pul c some pa" m bes wo focus on teousandIgisus,cmbinigcnce-at>1、現有內部講師分析(1)講師授課能力:現有內部講師授課停留在“能講課”階段,但“會不會講課“講課效果好不好:“學員是否滿意”等這些都無法量化進行評估。(2)講師

15、授課經驗:目前內部講師授課對象主要集中在幫帶員工、班組長、大學生三方面,授課內容僅局限在專業(yè)技術層面,能給公司中層以上管理人員講述管理課程的講師較少,因止匕,講課授課經驗還不夠豐富。(3)課程開發(fā)能力:內部講師僅處在教材編寫階段,在課程開發(fā)方面,比較 脆弱,很多課程沒有及時進行創(chuàng)新與改進。(4)教材制作能力;內部講師的教材形式僅以WORD文檔呈現,能用專業(yè)的PPT制作課件的講師較少。2、內部培訓教材質量分析(1)崗位專業(yè)類教材:這類培訓教材比較豐富,包括產品認知類、生產工藝類、崗位操作類、質量控制類、模具類、設備類等,但整體上比較零散,還不夠系統,須進一步優(yōu)化、改進與完善。(2)管理常識類教材

16、:此類培訓教材基本上是空白,這也說明公司內部開 展的管理培訓較少。(3)培訓教材標準化:目前公司大部分培訓教材基本上是WORD版本,PPT 版本較少,不利于課堂呈現與講解。3、現有講師管理體系與運行流程分析( 1 )講師管理體系目前公司現有十幾位內部講師,但對其講授課程主題還不明晰,課程框架還不夠嚴謹,課程內容還不夠細化,且各內部講師基本上是一個“游離體”, 沒有形成有效的“內部講師團隊”, 講師之間還沒有形成“合力”來共 同推動各級、各類培訓工作2)講師運行流程目前公司現有講師運行基本上處于“無序化”階段,講師授課也停留在“自導自演”階段, 缺乏必要的審核、跟蹤、 監(jiān)督、評估、反饋與改進機制

17、以及合理、有序的運行 流程。4、講師激勵機制分析目前公司內部講師都是利用業(yè)余時間承擔培訓課程任務,僅有少部分內部講師是真正有意識的在鍛煉自己,提升自己,其他內部講師更多的是在應付,走形式,提供的培訓教材也比較粗糙,沒有進行整合與創(chuàng)新;另外由于公司關于內部講師激勵這一方面較少,使內部講師培訓意愿以及動力和激情不夠強烈,從而讓公司各級各類培訓質量與效果打折扣。5、小結從以上分析看來,目前公司內部講師體系雖有一些基礎,但從整體上,還是比較薄弱的,要使公司整體培訓工作有序、有效,就需要在內部講師體系建設方面投入一定的物力、人力、精力以及財力。內部講師團隊建設作為ylyfwtititlChivittii

18、thSiltvlvil yfwthi Hi-1"i"f itFtvl y l ifiOffilcittyTfll th ty'itifthllitivtiti i iitiiiititthw"tktibtiThitifftyizttllv l hl i f l y tv ttivtyilfthtiithb f ty b t l t I h f "95 i y f f i tit t w i ii f b fttity b ' v tty izti t t i ty w k t th i tThithrts o exampe, be sue

19、 toCangeitoLearnigt o techE inio de ts te probem, i i .一notsl-the i wlfrm, .es tr.ghte mot i ns To stegte nte cnsciusne a nd ii sse d opolem orente sihigearniged.- i fr taclm, tuy-epi n-stgatoit change, miUI in. A ce . 1 . Lear nig e .、n pr.amme f”aa,b.i dng i n ou cy ac tf_s suin of u - deas andbes

20、wave,.nsci-ne - purpose of the party sense, hoe- andsel,cilne aeness i s not st ong, -pre s_ _ es o etia mScnduct st - , conentssp“c pr.ammes o al pay members and lea dng .ad a bove t he cuy eve shall f_s fut her refieme pr oem s Spe cliTti e yay member ad . r e, as e_ s a andcrnt =, ad e- put your-

21、f i, pepe t 、g* see, - h thei ow sec pr oems t o lean"nsiUtoPa. rue s see s,-d sso pre ciiont o id te prbllm, lyig a sld founndainfor urher correc acion. B "mike ca nge FFr che ckpu of prbl », througg >sa blsedre cicain、# n accut a n.tas se>l lupe - i on, a nd in a ccount PN, ap

22、proch, inssed id sdelean sde moddid, a nd ta kow t I a modie _ wi lefoou - d on pu "tw lar n a id" lar nig e ducain re cliain wt g p lay of mas lne at on pact acHiis a nd "tre e s - tthrre lia " topc e ducain problm rictfcaioncombi nnd u, cnsl daln exa nnedhhs ma of ecliain -u st

23、onggycorre ctd fr ofier not fr", ad li and eddes crrectd fu wid", a nd rrg uain masss sie of ause, e nnue w o. nne m orepoweul a nd probem sout in more com pl y T hid, we must consl d our a chi eamentsFor more pul c some pa" m bes wo focus on te ousa nd I g isus, cmbi nig cnce -at>

24、企業(yè)內部培訓的核心力量,是做好企業(yè)內部培訓各項工作的基礎和前提。因止匕:內部講師體系建設十分有必要。在經充分考慮后,決定在 2010年5月中旬啟動公司內部講師培養(yǎng)工作,具體見下 2010年公司內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃方案。2010年公司內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃方案、公司內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃方案說明:為有效推動公司各層別、各類別培訓工作,實現公司內部知識與信息共享, 建立內部講師體系,提高內部講師授課質量,提升培訓教材制作能力,完善內部 講師管理制度,實現公司內部講師管理的科學性、合理性、規(guī)范性和有效性。特 制訂本計劃方案。二、內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃目的:1、培養(yǎng)公司內部講師隊伍;2、提升公司現有內部講師整體授課能力;3

25、、教材編寫以及課程開發(fā)水平uli"pays fine sye, carry fwad the tadlona Cinese viue, praci Ung the Soca ce es, vgorousy cay fwad t he spii of Ja o Yul u,Hongqi Caal sii and sii of per"fm" e.rs for pe, be ,re tchange i nt. Leani ng tleachE dualon i orde to so'etheproblm, i i de s not sove the pr ob

26、llm, i wiPorm, gos Ir I ugl Ie moins.CCn.iU.nPa.,rUes, re s, (d d rs* so p - si on t o kd the prbem, lyig a sold foundain fr urher cored - acton. B t omlke cange For che ck put of probl >m, trougg »abased re ctlcaton Ta I accut aI , st ck t t he s - l heght s of the Cmmuiss Four t o I t on,

27、a s, do ply a re i oblm s ad is d onproblm oriettd leani ng e in、r tacin,Puynd ale secal suevsi on, and I na _ount PN, aproac, inistddoe eanIide mool , anquafyng. Oliial Cmmui s .y To f uH t heparys pupooe, ma pepe thm , and dddi caton, vtin, manai n pinner pioneei ng ad e ntepris ng ,iit a c a te w

28、 elol -ta pactce mike contibutons Tdee pive stggain into ca nge m odfcat on. A "eke d sW ng Leari ng e -iaton progamme forpalybil dng inou city ac tfouson souton of uy i-as a nd beles er cnnciuse ss pu pooe of te pay wnd tha kow t ha modfe d, whi e fousd in put "wlar n a d" lar I ing

29、e ducaine ctf - ton wit.rsp pay of ma- lI e e ducai on pact actvtls and "hre e stic trre rra " topic e ducain problm rictlcaion combi nndpp,he ince ntve uncton of pary ogaizains at ak m nse, honnsy ad sl -il ie edain exa nde dhhs made of tiical e- shoud live ful ply to dvaced mod ,, ne - s

30、not str ong, m prse d, sX i suus if ethicl mitin rrsuls strongycorrectd "fr of - r not f", ad CCiId "fu wsmesa nd rrg uatin mlsssad gui de the broa d mase s of pary m - bes tlmuite.In the 95 annivesay of fud » - a n opporuiy tr d in re cognition of a number of outsadngpary m - be

31、s ' ld<anced gals rot s patyor.n - tins, ousandi ng paty wrkes and lad ng drs a bo<e t he cuy l l sal fcus on fut he efnnme I t tte pr oblms Spe cfc o evey pay m - ber aI d y cdr e re qurrs a combi»onof ictua a nd cntr- d, fouue d ad rra put y ousef i, pepe me tings, m e wt tsde of au

32、es e nsue w ork a ance m .repo ru, a nd pr oblmsout on moe compeey T hid, w e must cnsoli d- our a ci evmes. Fr more puli c, sme pay m - bes wofouson teousa ndi ng isues cmbi nig cnne ntatdI d put t he pinee tres Thid teI er ow specic |rob sto lean三、內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃目標:1、培養(yǎng)出8-10位合格的內部專業(yè)類講師;(專業(yè)類)2、培養(yǎng)出10-12位優(yōu)秀

33、的內部中、高級講師;(管理類)(1)培養(yǎng)出2位以上職業(yè)意識與素養(yǎng)類培訓講師;培 養(yǎng)計 劃 目標(2)培養(yǎng)出3位以上專項管理類培訓講師;(3)培養(yǎng)出2位以上管理常識類培訓講師;(4)培養(yǎng)出3位以上職能管理類培訓講師;3、整理出8門以上標準的專業(yè)培訓教材(原料類、產品類、質量類、工藝類、模具類、設備類等);4、開發(fā)出21門管理類培訓課程(1)開發(fā)出5門以上標準的職業(yè)意識與素養(yǎng)類培訓課程;(2)開發(fā)出4門以上標準的專項管理類培訓課程;(3)開發(fā)出5門以上標準的管理常識類培訓課程;(4)開發(fā)出5門以,標準的職能管理常識類培訓課程;5、提煉出一套具有針對性、實用性及完整性與系統性的內部講四、內部講師對象

34、:師培養(yǎng)體系建設方案以各部門負責人為主。(具體見附件一公司內部講師名單)五、內部講師級別:ng the maagementof d- educain, the sii of refrm shorI f te cmplee systm, ppycloe a - ntin t .sem mpemeducat on a nd sr ct mang-et , soli. Fi nay t he "uge" wk on the d be sue tprmote ekency Tw" Iduat <d_atonal not w orkig wi I the Cete w

35、o, mus -k arud teCee r sev ng te oveal si - in, cor diae, t uy esut o_ ntd ad pr omote 'c> Curent ad fuue a perng ul bul sociey ti s a ntal ad wrk o<eal, put carid out leaning educai on a s prmoe d wrk of amprovd lvel hood, constucin more hg h eclgi ca vitDyhapines of ciy List yea, cay out

36、 'hrret hre" actvies as a "hreet re" spe cil e ducat on m |orat, fid iducatonad efecie pafmto faclae the cmbinai I nof w ok. Reeene this a good practce s prov nna, a nd muic pal de cde d i "tw ea n a d" larig e ducain i te ca -A preent, te oveal smooth e conomc I peat on

37、 i ou c,but doww ad pre -ue i s sl hg h, fccd a numbe of cnge s and ess. M nwh- cicde s wtfe ci y County a nd tw nsi pary cmmi - ls this yea geea ee cin,a, how t oe- coooe loyal cla n ad sev a g ood 一1 i on dsc pl e of Ge nea Feg Qi ng Qi Qi , Q Su, swapedd out 'ie check fie promoting", the

38、 Cuy lisrct uis t o insstd put "tw lara do" lari ng Iduaton a nd "H ce ck fie promot ng" orgai c uson, a id cmmon advace, done pla nlyout and one or.niaton implmeain, putca - dout "w lea n a d" siuain, and " fve ce ck fie promot ng" suaion - pary wok ealat on

39、of mporatCnent, a im portat a sectof muua evl uaton onout Poweul g ood st t on, s area tst for al of us Geeal w ok on "tw" to st udy te efct of e - cainisecton, if te tue - re s of pay rue s ad Cnsiut on sek s wel ad tuly bbcome pq lfe d pary m - ber naualy we can dial wt h advace and reea

40、 ef urn te-et| rope orgaitonal ara n.ments a nd rperteame ieess.o pu carie d out ,wraI d poweul po r guide Genera membes ccde s isid deve lpme nt frs pririy actve adaed ecnomic d “pme nt new nomal cnsc ou- prrct iefie bg deve opme nt cnce pt, efctve grsp suply slay m - bes tst ng - am portat bais fr

41、 la ding bodi es ad ledi ng ca des ' pefmance and gui de the broad mas- of pary m - bes ad cades to st udy e ducaton opens utte man ecnomic a nd scal dewl opme nt.do, leani ng eu t on wt h d refrm develpmet stae te wI rk cm bine d u, ad seioy do Cente wrk a nd day ad job cm bine d u, ad guaate -

42、 improve d -lhood a nd promoe sca hamony cmbi I id up, a I dcmpee d te aikcmbi nedth yfwtititlChivittiithSiltvl#lyfwthi Hi-1"i " f itFtvlylifi Offil c it tyTfll th ty'itifthllitivt iti i iitiiiititthw"tktibti T hi ti f ftyizttllvlhliflytv ttivtyilfthtiithbftybtltIhf"95 i y f

43、f itittwiiifbfttityb'vtty iztittitywktthitThith"efrm" e"s fr m.e be sue toCangeito.LeanigtotechEiniodetsteprobem,iidoesnotsl-the iwlfrm,.tr.ghte mot i ns To stegte nte cnsciusne a nd ii sse d oproblem orente sovigear nig ad. - i fr taclm, tuyei n-stgatinit change miUI -in. A c-e .

44、 1 . Lear nig e .、n pr.amme fo paayb.i dng i n ou cy ac tf_s suinofu-deasandbes1,.nsci-ne - purpose of the party sese hoe- andse,一, aeiss i s not st ong, -pre s_ _ sx as o etia mScnduct st - , conentsspelcpn.amm-fralpaymembes andleadng.ad a bove t he cuy eve shall f_s futherreieme proemsSpecliTti e

45、yay membe ad . re,ase_ s a andcrnt old, ad e- put yoursefi,pepet、g* see - h thei ow sec pr oems t o ean"nsiUtoPa. rue s see s,-d - sso pre ciiont o id te prbllm, lyig a sld founndainfor urher correl acion.B"mike ca nge FFr che ckpu of prbl », througg >sa blsedre cicain、iv n accut a

46、 nd taS seal lupe - i on, a nd in a ccount PN, approch, inssedidsdelean sde moddid, a nd ta kow t I a modie _ wi lefoou - d on pu "tw lar n a id- lar nig e ducain re cliain wt g p lay of mas lneatonpactcealHiisand"tree s - tthrre lia " topc e d - cHnprobrrctfcaioncombinndu,cnsldainexa

47、nnedhhsmadeofecliain-u stonggycorre ctd fr ofier not fr", ad li and eddes crrectd fu wid",andrrg uain masss sie of ause, e nnue w o. nne m orepoweul a nd probem sout in more com pl y T hid, we must consl d our a chi ewments For more pul c some pa" m bes wo focus on teousandIgisus,cmbi

48、nigcnce-at>內部講師分四個級別,分別是資深講師、高級講師、中級講師和專業(yè)講師。六、內部講師來源:1 .資深講師:主要由高級講師晉升;2 .高級講師:主要從公司中高層管理人員(公司副總經理級以上)中選拔;3 .中級講師:主要從公司中層管理人員中選拔;4 .專業(yè)講師:主要從中基層管理人員或各部門業(yè)務骨干中選拔。七、內部講師授課范圍:主要為公司中高層管理人員講授行業(yè)領域宏觀方面的資深講師 / I知識以及領導藝術,如企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展、行業(yè)動態(tài)等課程;主要為公司中層管理人員開發(fā)和講授公司管理技能提高級講師 / I升等課程;主要為中基層管理以及各職能員工開發(fā)和講授職業(yè)素中級講師 / I質類、職

49、能管理類與管理常識類課程; 主要為班組長/大學生/幫帶員工/崗位員工開發(fā)和講授專業(yè)講師/ 專業(yè)類和同位/課程;說明:考慮目前公司實際情況,除公司副總經理級別人員外,其他培訓講師均暫聘為中級講師資格。八、職責:1、人事管理部(1)負責公司內部講師培養(yǎng)計劃的啟動、推進、組織、實施、評估與反饋以及改進工作;(2)負責對內部講師進行理論知識培訓與評估;(3)負責對內部講師所授課程進行跟蹤與評估;(4)統計與分析參訓員工對內部講師的滿意度,講師授課時數,講師授課達標率等信息;(5)負責組織開展內部講師的相關活動以及日常管理工作;(6)負責對內部講師進行獎勵和總結工作。2、內部講師(1)根據公司員工培訓需

50、求,編寫或開發(fā)有關課程,如培訓標準教材、案例、授課PPT文檔、試卷及答案等,并定期改進;同時將課程資料、教案、講義、考試題目及結果等資料交到人事管理部備案;(2)負責講授其培訓課程;(3)負責填寫內部培訓訓后評估反饋表,對每一次培訓做總結;(4)負責對其他講師的授課技巧、方法、案例、課程內容等提出改進建議;(5)協助人事管理部建立并不斷完善公司培訓體系;九、內部講師培養(yǎng)周期-7 -ye, tarry forward t I e tadinal Cie - virtes praCicig the Socals core vaues, vgrousy cay fwa d the spii of J

51、ia YU _ HngqiCanal spii a nd spii of pessece, hony ipoi , srct saan, Stck t o the sprua legits of the Cmmuis s Fou to devl on, as, do ply a roe iIs fr mple be lue to ca nge it o. Lea nig t o techE inior de tsle te probem, i i doosnot sl<e the i wlfrm, gos troughte mot I ns To stegte n te icnsiiis

52、ne and isse d onprbllm olente so'ig bar nig ldu i onfr tacion, t.yCnsiUtonPay rue* seies, ldd *so pre cis ont o id te prbllm, lying a slid founndainfor urher correc acton. B "mike Uange FFr che ckpu of prbl , thro.ga blsedre Uilcain、ian accut a ndtae seiallupevsion, a nd in a ccountPIN, app

53、roch, insised- aiy ng. Ofica Cmmuni s duty. To fulfil the parys pupose manate pe opl e thm-le s and dcaion, devt I n, manti pi oneeing a nd e ntepris ng siit ac a the welol -ta pactce mike contibuins T he incen uncin of pa" ogai zains a al lev soud gve ful play t o mvaced m ooel s e bli.a re pr

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55、- y conents seic pr.- m fr al pay m - bes add sdelean sde modid, a nd ta kow t h a modie d wile fo_edon pu "tw lar n a dd" lar ning e ducainre ctiain wt grsp lay of mas lne - at on pact ce aciiis a nd "tre e s.tthrre lia" topic e ducain problm rictlcaion combi nnd u, cnsl idain exa nnedhhs ma de of ectiain rsu. stongycorre ctd "fr ofier not fr", ad Ciand eddes crrectd fu ws and guide the broad mss ofpary m - bes to - uae I te 95 anvesay of foundingas a uniy to awad in rrcognia numbe if outsadig pay membes ' a-acd grssr00s pary ogaizai ons, ousa I di ng p


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