1、隨著新課程改革的逐漸深入, 人文教育受到了人們的廣泛關(guān)注, 在小學(xué)語文教學(xué)中, 喚 醒小學(xué)生的人文需要和人文追求、 培養(yǎng)小學(xué)生基本的人文素養(yǎng)、 促進(jìn)小學(xué)生個性的自由發(fā)展, 將成為小學(xué)語文教育的核心內(nèi)容并伴隨著小學(xué)語文教育活動的始終。 以下筆者就如何在小學(xué) 語文教學(xué)中滲透人文教育談?wù)剮c(diǎn)見解。一、小學(xué)語文人文教育的重要性分析雅斯貝爾斯說過:“教育是人的靈魂的教育,而非理智知識的堆積” 。從這個意義上說, 教育的重要本質(zhì)特征就是它的人文性。 人文素養(yǎng)追求人生和社會的美好境界, 推崇人的感性 和情感, 看重人的想象性和生活的多樣化。 個人的人文素養(yǎng)是個人健康發(fā)展的結(jié)果, 是提高 社會的人文素養(yǎng)的第一
2、個臺階, 是衡量社會文明的尺度, 也是社會文明的標(biāo)志。 所謂的小學(xué) 語文人文教育, 是指對受教育者所進(jìn)行的教育, 在促進(jìn)其人性境界提升、 理想人格塑造的同 時, 也要使其個人與社會價值得以實(shí)現(xiàn), 其核心是涵養(yǎng)人文精神。 人文素養(yǎng)甚至關(guān)系到整個 人類社會的進(jìn)步,試想, 如果文明進(jìn)步的發(fā)展和人文精神相違背、 相脫離, 那么科學(xué)技術(shù)的 發(fā)展、 經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展、 軍事力量的發(fā)展、社團(tuán)組織的發(fā)展都會成為壓制、 殘害甚至毀滅人類的 野蠻力量。 現(xiàn)如今, 盡管人文教育已經(jīng)得到了普及,但是,對于人文教育內(nèi)涵的理解人們還 是比較模糊的,尤其是在小學(xué)語文課堂中,常存在著“機(jī)械人文性”的現(xiàn)象。隨著新世紀(jì)的 發(fā)展, 要想
3、在世界民族之林中占據(jù)一席之地, 就一定要加強(qiáng)人文精神的培養(yǎng), 也就需要在教 學(xué)過程中, 進(jìn)行不斷的滲透, 從小培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的人文精神, 讓學(xué)生成長為國家發(fā)展需要的人才。二、在小學(xué)語文教學(xué)中滲透人文教育的有效策略1. 深入研究教材,挖掘課文中的人文精神語文教學(xué)既是語文知識的教學(xué), 又是語言教學(xué)和人文教學(xué)。 語言具有工具性、 人文性這 兩個不可分割的本質(zhì),從本質(zhì)上而言,語言學(xué)就是一門人文學(xué)科。任何一個作者在寫作時, 都傾注了豐富的感情, 為整篇文章布局與遣詞造句, 所以, 每篇文章都充分體現(xiàn)著作者的人 文性特點(diǎn)。 課程改革以來, 小學(xué)語文教材中引入了大量的名家名篇, 這些文章都是經(jīng)典中的 經(jīng)典, 文質(zhì)
4、兼美,蘊(yùn)涵著深厚的人文思想,凝聚著古今作者的思想結(jié)晶,讓學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)語文 知識的同時陶冶情操,潤澤心靈,涵養(yǎng)人格, 幫助學(xué)生養(yǎng)成良好的行為習(xí)慣,樹立遠(yuǎn)大的理 想和信念。 在現(xiàn)階段的小學(xué)語文教學(xué)中, 教師要想有效的將人文教育滲透進(jìn)去,那么, 教師 首先要做的就是充分的去研究教材, 必須要對課文中潛藏的人文性進(jìn)行領(lǐng)悟, 充分挖掘小學(xué) 語文課文中的人文精神, 及時地加以點(diǎn)撥, 采用合理的方式引導(dǎo)學(xué)生感悟, 加深學(xué)生對文本 的理解和體會,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的人格素養(yǎng),提高教學(xué)效率。2. 立足課堂,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生人文素養(yǎng)課堂是教師傳授知識, 學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)知識的主陣地, 是滲透人文教育的最佳途徑。 在小學(xué)語 文教學(xué)過程中,
5、 作為教師的我們, 應(yīng)充分的運(yùn)用好課堂教學(xué)的這一途徑, 積極的給學(xué)生滲透 人文教育,使學(xué)生樹立正確的人生觀、價值觀、審美觀等等,養(yǎng)成良好的人文素養(yǎng),提高教 學(xué)效率。在小學(xué)語文課堂教學(xué)中,教師可以通過以下幾個方式給學(xué)生滲透人文教育:(1重視課堂體驗(yàn),突出學(xué)生的主體性。課程改革的今天,要求我們的小學(xué)語文教學(xué) 要充分的尊重學(xué)生, 以學(xué)生為主,突出學(xué)生的主體性和主體地位, 構(gòu)建和諧的課堂。教師是課堂的設(shè)計者, 而課堂的內(nèi)容并不是為自己所涉及,而是學(xué)生所設(shè)計的。因此,在小學(xué)語文 課堂教學(xué)過程中, 作為教師的我們, 在設(shè)計課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容時, 要充分體現(xiàn)出學(xué)生占據(jù)的主體 地位, 而教師則充當(dāng)著引導(dǎo)者與組織者的
6、角色, 留給學(xué)生足夠的空間, 讓學(xué)生盡可能體會文 章中的文化內(nèi)涵,并且進(jìn)行深入的體會, 讓學(xué)生具備一定的人文素質(zhì)。 此外,要設(shè)計多個相 互學(xué)習(xí)的環(huán)節(jié), 并且要求學(xué)生積極、 主動的參與到互動活動當(dāng)中, 鼓勵學(xué)生表達(dá)自己的見解、 獨(dú)立思考、 積極討論,同時尊重學(xué)生個性發(fā)展,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的獨(dú)立人格, 使得整個語文課堂都 充滿著人文魅力。(2注重文本解讀,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生人文素養(yǎng)。語文人文教育主要就是利用語言文字美去感 染學(xué)生的心靈; 利用文章情節(jié)、 思想去感染學(xué)生心靈; 利用老師點(diǎn)撥與引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對文章內(nèi)容 與情感進(jìn)行體會,并且產(chǎn)生一定的共鳴; 通過對文章的理解,不斷凈化學(xué)生的心靈,并且 進(jìn)行一定的啟發(fā), 促進(jìn)學(xué)生
7、智慧的發(fā)展。 在小學(xué)語文課堂教學(xué)過程中, 教師在和學(xué)生展開 “對 話”之前,一定要先對文本進(jìn)行深入的了解,對文本內(nèi)容、作者等方面進(jìn)行深入的體會,吃 透每一篇文章。 課堂中。 老師一定要從文化主題方面對教材文章進(jìn)行解讀, 明確各篇文章之 間的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,積極引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對文章的字、詞、句、段以及有關(guān)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行賞析,并用富有情 感的語言加以表現(xiàn),引導(dǎo)學(xué)生利用自己的情感進(jìn)行理解與感知,從而喚起學(xué)生的情感體驗(yàn), 陶冶學(xué)生的情操,進(jìn)而潛移默化地培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的人文個性和人文精神,提高人文素養(yǎng)。(3倡導(dǎo)學(xué)生自主探究,提高學(xué)生人文素養(yǎng)。當(dāng)今時代是一個信息高速發(fā)展的時代, 若只是將語文教學(xué)看成是簡單的知識灌輸, 這是一個錯
8、誤的想法。 在傳統(tǒng)的語文教學(xué)中, 教 師一般采用照本宣科的教學(xué)模式,將學(xué)生當(dāng)成知識的“儲蓄罐” ,不管容量的大小,一味地 將知識硬塞進(jìn)學(xué)生的大腦, 學(xué)生只能被迫接受知識, 極大的限制了學(xué)生思維的自由發(fā)展, 不 利于學(xué)生人文素養(yǎng)的養(yǎng)成。 實(shí)際上, 語文教學(xué)的中心思想是利用最佳的思維方法以及結(jié)合語 文資料,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的文學(xué)素養(yǎng)。 課程改革的今天, 極其倡導(dǎo)探究式教學(xué),在小學(xué)語文課堂教 學(xué)中, 作為教師的我們, 在注重文本解讀,重視課堂體驗(yàn)的同時, 我們還應(yīng)充分的引導(dǎo)學(xué)生 進(jìn)行探究學(xué)習(xí), 活化語文教學(xué)的各個環(huán)節(jié), 挖掘文本的人文精神內(nèi)涵, 點(diǎn)燃學(xué)生頭腦的火把, 放飛他們的思維, 全面地體現(xiàn)語文教學(xué)的人
9、文性, 使他們學(xué)會自主感受人文精神的魅力, 從 而提高其人文素養(yǎng)。加強(qiáng)人文教育不僅是時代的召喚, 也是實(shí)施素質(zhì)教育應(yīng)盡的職責(zé), 更是培養(yǎng)跨世紀(jì)全面 發(fā)展的高素質(zhì)新型人才的迫切需要。 在小學(xué)語文教學(xué)中, 作為教師的我們, 應(yīng)不斷的研究教 法,不斷創(chuàng)新教學(xué)模式,合理的給學(xué)生滲透人文教育,不斷提高學(xué)生的人文精神與素質(zhì)。With the new curriculum reform gradually thorough, the humanities education has received the widespread attention, in the Chinese teaching in e
10、lementary school, wake up the elementary student's need and humanistic pursuit of humanity, developing a pupil basic humanities cultivated manners, promote the student the free development of individual character, will become the core content of primary school Chinese education and is always acc
11、ompanied by primary school Chinese education activities. Here the author on how to permeate humanistic education in Chinese teaching in elementary school talk about several opinions.A, analysis of the importance of primary school Chinese humanities educationJaspers said: "education is the soul
12、of education, rather than the reason the accumulation of knowledge". In this sense, the education of the important characteristics is its humanity. The humanities pursuit of life and the ideal of the society, promoting people's perceptual andemotional, value the diversity of the imaginative
13、 and life. The healthy development of individual humanities cultivated manners is a person as a result, the first step is to improve the social humanities cultivated manners, is a measure of social civilization, is also a sign of social civilization. Primary school Chinese humanities education, refe
14、rs to the education, which carries on to the educatees in promoting their realm of human ascension and ideal personality to shape at the same time, also want to make it personal and social value, its core is self-restraint humanistic spirit. Humanistic literacy is related to the progress of human so
15、ciety, even just think, if the development of civilization and runs counter to the humanistic spirit, phase out, so the development of science and technology, economic development, the development of military power, the development of social organizations will be suppressed the brutal force, mutilat
16、ed and even destroy life. Today, despite the humanistic education has got the popularity, however, understanding of the connotation of the humanities education people are still relatively fuzzy, especially in the elementary school language classroom, often exists the phenomenon of "mechanical h
17、umanism". Along with the development of the new century, to be in a place in the forest of the world, it must strengthen the cultivation of humanistic spirit, also needs to be in the teaching process, to constantly infiltration, since the childhood to cultivate the students' humanistic spir
18、it, to let the students grow into national development needs of talent.Second, permeate humanistic education in Chinese teaching in elementary school effective strategies1. The further study of the teaching material, excavate the humanities spirit in the text Chinese language teaching is both langua
19、ge knowledge teaching and language teaching and cultural teaching. Language is instrumental and humanism the essence of the two inseparable, in essence, linguistics is a humanities. Any one author in the writing, pour into the rich emotional, layout and phrasing for the whole article, therefore, eve
20、ry article fully embodies the author's humanistic characteristics. Since the curriculum reform in the elementary school language teaching material introduced a number of famous masterpiece, these articles are the classic of classics, and beauty of language, contains profound humanistic thought,
21、the ancient and modern embodies the author's mind, lets the student in learning the language knowledge at the same time, edify sentiment, moist heart, personality, help students to develop good habits, sets up the lofty ideal and faith. At this stage of primary school Chinese teaching, the teach
22、ers want to effectively use the humanities education into them, then, the teacher first has to do is to study the teaching material adequately, must be hidden in the text of the humanism to comprehend fully the humanism in Chinese text mining elementary school, in a timely manner to intellectualize,
23、 adopt the way of reasonable guide students comprehension, deepen students' understanding of the text and experience, raises the student good personality quality, improve teaching efficiency.2. Based on class, cultivate students' humanities accomplishmentThe classroom is a teacher to teach k
24、nowledge, the main position of students to learn knowledge, is the best way to permeate humanistic education. In the process of Chinese teaching in elementary school, as teachers, we should make full use of good this way of classroom teaching, active permeate humanistic education to the student, cau
25、ses the student to set up the correct outlook on life, values, aesthetic and so on, form a good humanities accomplishment, improve teaching efficiency. In the elementary school language classroom teaching, the teacher can give students permeate humanities education through thefollowing ways:(1 attac
26、hes great importance to the classroom experience, highlight the subjectivity of students. Today, the requirements of curriculum reform of our elementary school language teaching should fully respect the students, give priority to with students, highlights the subjectivity of students and the main bo
27、dy status, harmonious classroom. Teachers are the designer of the class, and the content of the class are not involved for oneself, but is designed by students. In elementary school language classroom teaching process, therefore, as teachers, we in the design of classroom teaching content, to give f
28、ull expression to occupy the subject status of students, while the teacher ACTS as a guide and the roles of organizers, for students enough space, let the students understand the cultural connotation in the article as much as possible, and in-depth experience, let the students have a certain cultura
29、l quality. In addition, links to design more learn from each other, and asked the students actively and actively participate in the interactive activities, encourage students to express their views, independent thinking, positive discussion, at the same time respect the student individuality develop
30、ment, cultivate the students' independent personality, make the whole language classroom is full of cultural charm. (2 pay attention to text reading, cultivate students' humanities accomplishment. Chinese humanities education is mainly use the beautiful language to infect students heart; Usi
31、ng the article plot, thought to infect students mind; Using teacher inspiration and guide the students to understand the content and the emotion, and produce a certain resonance; Through the understanding of the article, purifying the hearts of students, and to a certain inspiration, promote the dev
32、elopment of students' wisdom. In the elementary school language classroom teaching process, teachers and students "dialogue" before, must first to understanding of the text, the text content, the author deeply on the aspects such as experience, read each article. In the classroom. Teac
33、her must to read teaching material of the article, from the aspects of cultural theme clear inner link between each article, actively guide the student to the article word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and relevant content of appreciation, and emotional language performance, guide students to use th
34、eir own emotional understanding and awareness, so as to arouse the students' emotional experience, edify students' sentiment, and subtly to cultivate the students' humanities character and humanity spirit, improve the humanities cultivated manners.(3 advocate students explore independent
35、ly, to improve students' humane quality. Current era is a rapid development of information era, if only to Chinese teaching as a simple knowledge, this is a wrong idea. In the traditional Chinese teaching, the teacher usually use scripted teaching mode, the students as knowledge "piggy bank
36、", regardless of the size of the capacity, blindly forcing knowledge into the students' brain, students were forced to accept knowledge, greatly limits the development of students' thinking, is not conducive to the formation of students' humanities accomplishment. In fact, Chinese teaching is the central idea of using one of the
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