1、以下就是各種紙得中英文對(duì)照 單銅紙 J C1 S ar t paper o r CIS ar t board雙灰板:Grey boa r 2銅版紙:Coate d Art P a per (or BO a rd)/glOssy C o a ted pap e r /S BS ( solid B leached S U If a t e ) : C1S( C oated one side 單銅紙)與 C2 S (coat e d t Wo sid e S雙銅紙)( 根據(jù)表面涂布效果分為Matte (啞光紙)與 GIO ssy(光面紙)0 A 啞粉紙:Ma 11 A r t pape r 心雙膠紙
2、:wood f ree pa p e r 包裝紙:T i ssue雙白紙:CCW B :c 1 a y coated white b a C 灰底白板紙:Grey ba C k bO a rd(GB)A 可移性貼紙:removable sticker* 銀錢(qián)口吉紙:金/銀:F oil pa per: gold/ si 1 ve r A 單坑(B坑/E 坑):Si n gle COr r uga t e 少雙坑:D Ou b 1 e Cor rugat e d 灰底白板紙板:CcNB(Clay Co a t ed NeWs Bac k )牛底白板紙板:CCKB (Clay Coated Kraf
3、t Back)心白底灰芯紙板:CCWB(C 1 ay Coated WteBa ck)平板瓦愣紙:C O r rugat e d board西卡紙:B ristolboard再生???test I i ne r H 原生???vi r g i n Kra f tl i nerbO a rd 涂布得 白面牛卡(C O a ted w h ite t O p K L B)廢紙掛面紙板Test line r涂布得白面???coated whitetOp K L B )純??ǎ篕raft linerKL)仿牛卡/掛面仿???Test li n e r ( TLN面紙:oute r lin e r芯紙:
4、i n S id e lin e r瓦愣芯紙:M ediumA表面蠟質(zhì)瓦榜紙箱:wcc ( w a X e d Co r r ug atedCo n t a i n er S )心愣型:flute t ype表面處理:coating/ surface f 1 S hinguV 油:Uvvarnishin g局部 UV 油:spot U V Varni S hing 光膠:Opp Lamin a t i o2啞膠:IV1a t tLd mination吸塑油:Blis t er Varn i sh*光油:GIOss Var n is h詹光:Calend a ri ng Varnish啞油:Ma
5、tt V a rni S h局部印油:Spot Vamis hA環(huán)保磨光:ENV cale n de r in g環(huán)保吸塑:EN V heat-se a 1 心燙金:foil stamping-*結(jié)構(gòu):str U c t U r e 彩盒:co 1 O r bo XA貼紙:S t i c k e r :removable sti ker 可移動(dòng)性貼紙 說(shuō)明書(shū):br O c h urw/l e afl e 3貼體包裝:skin packag i ng天地盒:to p and b a se or bOx with top a nd bottom lid翻蓋盒:I 1 d hinged bas e
6、wit h e X t e ndfla p精品盒 case bo X o r plush box軋型:die - cut平版印刷:offset p r i ntingA制版:make - u 書(shū)刊印刷 boo k and p e rio d i c al pr inti ngS 印不準(zhǔn) OU t o f r eg i s t erA 透印 print th rough印刷 pri n ting染紙:dye d P a pe r A 印刷材料 printing ma t eri a I印刷技術(shù) p r inting tech n ique* 印刷品 printed matter印刷壓力 pri
7、n tingpr e ss U re印刷油墨 p r inti g inkA原稿 or 1 ginal制版 p late ma k ing包襯 cy 1 i n d er-packingg 1 ossy film 亮光膜*mat t e film 亞光膜覆光膜就是 g 1 ossy 1 a m i nat i on覆亞膜就是matte1 aminat ion 壓敬紙 pressure S e nsitive pap e 2 瀝青牛皮紙 asp halt k r a ft pap e r 4石蠟紙 par affin paper a聚乙烯涂覆紙 polye t hy 1 ene coated p
8、aper A 不規(guī)則聚丙烯防潮牛皮紙 at a c t ic polyprop y I e ne cO a ted mois t ur e p r oof kraft p a p er 必玻璃紙 c ello p hane regene r ated c e llulose fi 1 m ) 聚乙烯加工玻璃紙 p O ly e t h ylene extrus ion -co ated C ellop h a a 氯乙烯 力口工紙 V i ny 1 ide n e C h lori detr eated pa per印刷用膠粘紙 pr S su r e sn S itive adh e si
9、V e pap e rs f or p r i ntin g 紙繩 paper string-* 紙膠帶(包裝用)gummed paper t ap es(f Or packaging )心牛皮 紙袋 kr a ft p aper sa C ks包裝水泥用牛皮紙袋se wn k r a ft pa per Sacksforce merit可延伸牛皮紙 袋 X t e n sible kraft paper S a ck S 4 鋁箔防水包裝紙 a lum i nium f oil lamin a ted package p aper* 光纖維加固得牛皮紙袋 fiber reinforce d
10、kraft paper S ac k S布袋 woven bag a黃麻袋 jute bagtrimmed S ize ofp a pr牛皮紙襯墊、合成樹(shù)脂布袋 k raf t lined, s y n theti C resin Woven bag 甘薯淀粉包柴用牛皮紙袋 kraf t p aper s a c k s f O r sweet potato st arch* 馬鈴薯淀粉包裝用牛皮紙袋k r aft pape r s a ck S for potato st arch a揮發(fā) 性防腐紙 V olati 1 e C orr O sion i n h i bi t o r心紙幅面尺
11、寸 pape r A 砂紙 abr a s i ve pa p e e砂紙?jiān)?a b rasive bas e 吸收性紙 abso r bent pape rpaperA汁算機(jī)用紙吸水紙,吸收性紙 ab S orbing pape r a帳簿紙account book account 1 ng machine p a pe r 必?zé)o酸紙 ac i d free p d p 心耐酸紙 acid proof pap er, acidresis tant p a p er 金隔音紙 acou S tic pa p e r a澳化銀印相紙 a CtinOmeter paper吸濕紙a C tive
12、paper-* i|-算機(jī)用紙adding mach i ne pa peM地址標(biāo)簽紙 ad d res S 1 abel pape r a膠粘紙 a d hesi Ve pap e r廣告紙,招貼紙ad V e r t ising pape仿大理石紙a g a te paper 仿瑪瑙大理石紋紙a gate m a rble paper耐老化紙 age r e S is t a nt papr航空信紙 a i rpap er名片紙 alab a ster pape r 心相簿紙 alabas t er papr蛋白膠紙 a 1 b U me niZed paper蛋白膠紙 albumin p
13、aper a 地圖紙 align i ng paper耐堿紙 alka 1 iproof pape r 心全棉纖維紙 all rag p ape r全木漿紙 all wOod paper仿鱷皮紙 a 11 ogat O r im i ta t i O n pap e r 西班牙草漿印刷紙 alph a printing pape r 鋁紙 alU minum paper 鋁襯紙 alum i num C a S ting pap er 心鋁涂布紙 a 1 umin U m coated paper 鋁粉紙 a ium i num du S ted p a 鋁箔襯紙 alumi num f O
14、il b a c k ing paper A鋁箔夾層紙 a 1 uminum 1 ami n a t e d p a per琥珀條紋紙 amber Id i d paper彈藥筒紙 ammunitiOn paper頻率感應(yīng)記錄紙am plitude response re Cord ing papem分析化學(xué)用濾紙 an a lytic a I fil t er p ape r 斜面紙 an g le paper 斜截面紙 anglecut paper斜角紙an g ula r paper-*動(dòng)物膠表面施膠紙an i ma! tub- S ized pa peU耐酸紙 a n ti - aci
15、d papera q U are ( I e ) paper r mature paper arseni C al paper耐酸馬尼拉紙 anti- a cid m a ni 1 a paper-*防蝕紙 anti C orrOsio n paper 防偽造紙 an t ifa Isification pap e”防菴紙 anti-fung i C ide paper 防銹紙 anti- r us t p a pm防銹原紙 ant irust base paper a 防銹紙 anti - ta r n i s h paper * 低光澤紙,仿古紙 an t ique p a pe r 仿古
16、書(shū)籍紙 a n tiqu e boO k p a per-殺菌紙 antiseptic p a per a保光澤紙 anti t arn ishpapr水彩圖畫(huà)紙 檔案紙arch i V a I paper-*絕緣紙a 香料紙a romat i c papeM含碑紙 美術(shù)紙art papwr 美術(shù)裝飾紙ar t co V er paper 水彩畫(huà)紙art drawing pa peU美術(shù)廣告紙,美工宣傳紙 ar t poste r paper a牙 科用紙 arti C u 1 ati ng paper-*牙科用紙 ar t ic U lat i ng pa per 人造革紙 artif i
17、cial leat her paper 仿羊皮紙 ar t ificial pa rch ment pa p e r石棉紙a s b e stos paper a石棉(電)絕緣紙asb e s tos(eI eCtrl c a I) in s ulating p a pe r aj肖蠢紙,防腐紙 a s ept i c pape 無(wú)灰 紙 ashles S papers 無(wú)灰濾紙 as h I e ss f i Iter paper防潮紙,瀝青紙a S phal t pa pwM瀝青原紙aspha 11 ba S e pa pwU防 喘紙 asthma pape r地圖紙altas pa pe
18、r a彩色印刷紙 autochion print! n g pape r a壓感復(fù)寫(xiě)紙 au t o C opy p a pe r 紀(jì)念冊(cè)紙 autograph paper a 自動(dòng)伐I線)記錄紙 autograph 1 C regi S t er p a pe r 山復(fù) 印紙 autographic transfer pape汽車(chē)袋用紙 a utomo b He- bag p a per 復(fù)制紙,影印紙a u t Otype pap e r 食品包裝紙a V e n i zed pape r心藍(lán)條紋書(shū)寫(xiě)紙 azure laid (writ! ng ) papers書(shū)籍襯里紙 back - 1
19、 inin g p a pe r 襪糊紙 ba C king paper臘肉包裝 紙 bacon pa per(紙)袋紙 bag pape r蔗渣漿紙b agass e p aper浸漬絕緣紙bakelite paper浸漬絕緣紙 b a kelized pa p er面包紙 b a ke rs pa per心層合平衡紙 b a I a n C e S heet papers單面瀝青 包裝紙 b a I i ng paper A 氣球用紙 ball oon p d per鮑爾斯唐紙ba Istons pa pwM竹漿紙ba mbOo pape r金繃帶紙band age p aper高級(jí)書(shū)寫(xiě)紙
20、bank paper鈔票紙 bankno t e paper餐桌紙 banqu e t tabi e cov e r p a pwM理發(fā)頭枕紙 b a rber s he a d res t pap e r A抗?jié)B透紙 barrier paper山鉞地紙 bary t a pa per必原紙base paper A(彈筒)裝藥用紙 bas e wad pa per韌皮紙bas t paper A高級(jí)信紙ba t h pa pwr涂蠟裝飾紙batik pa per*蓄電池用紙bat t ery paper涂蠟裝飾紙battik paper A曲折紙板 beam i ng p 3 per床包共紙
21、bed S t ed W r apping papmr啤酒過(guò)濾紙beer-f i 1 ter pa peM夾層紙 betwwe nbypaper a字典紙b i b le paper A 吸水性紙張 bibulous paper-* 帳 U紙 bill paper光澤廣告紙 bill boa r d p a per自動(dòng)記錄紙 billin g m a chine paper* 裝訂用紙 binders p 3 per 生物紙 bi O ch a rgeab 1 e paper 餅干包裝紙biscU it paper 餅干包裝紙bi S cu i t cap p a per蠟筆畫(huà)紙 biste
22、red pa p er亠防潮紙,瀝青紙 bitum i ni Z ed paper相冊(cè)黑色襯紙blac k a lb U m paper防潮紙 W a t erp r oo f pa pwr防空紙 b 1 ackou t paper刮刀涂布紙bl a de Coa t ed papeU空白書(shū)籍紙blank book papeM毛毯袋 用紙 b 1 anke t bag papwr a空白書(shū)籍紙 bl a nkin g paper彈藥用紙,礦工用紙bias t i ng paper耐漂紙 blach r esistant pape r鮮肉包裝紙blood proof paper吸墨紙 blot
23、t in g pape r 山蘭色洋蠟包裝紙 blu e ca n dl e Wrappi ng pa pwr 藍(lán)印紙 b lu e in gpaper心曬圖紙blueprin t paper施蘭色描圖紙 bl U etrac 1 n g p a per扉頁(yè)紙 board pap e 2單面光扉頁(yè)紙 board g lazed pap e r紗管紙,盤(pán)紙bobbinpa per原紙 body paper涂布原紙 b odystock papers仿制紙 bogu S paper-*證券紙,高級(jí)書(shū)寫(xiě)紙 b ond papeM 書(shū)籍紙 b Ook pa peU 帳簿紙 b O oking pape
24、r* 瓶簽紙 botti e la bell i ng pa per壓光輾用紙bowl p a per A紙盒糊面紙 b Oxcover paper 箱裝書(shū)寫(xiě)紙bO Xed w r i tings p ap e r盲文印刷紙 brail 1 e ( pr i n t ing) paper面包袋紙 bread bag paper-*面包標(biāo)簽紙 bread la bel paper光澤紙br i S t el paper A錦紋紙,壓印花紙broc a de paper小冊(cè)子用印刷紙 bro C h U re papeM破損紙張broken paperi臭素紙,照相放大紙bromide paper
25、金色皺紋紙 b r onz e cep e pap e r 金色紙 b ronze pa p er棕色曬圖紙brow n print paper心刷餛涂布紙b r u S h(cOa ted) paper 植物幼苗防風(fēng)紙b r ushing k r a ft paper-*泡沫涂布紙bu b bl e coated paper施淺 黃得復(fù)寫(xiě)紙 buff copying paper(制革用)磨光紙buff(ing) pa p e r暗色繪圖紙 buff d r awing papeM建筑用紙 b u i 1 d ing paper松厚書(shū)籍紙 bulkingfbook) paper*松厚紙 bul
26、ky paper染色加工紙 bunt paper布紋紙 burla plinwdpa peU高光澤紙 bu r nished pape r染色加工紙,過(guò)干紙 burnt pap e r包肉紙 bu t C herS paper黃油包裝紙butter pape r a (電力)電纜紙cable p ape 2含毛壁紙 caff O y pape r 糕點(diǎn)包裝紙 C ake Wrapping pap e r心日歷紙 C ale n dayPa per壓光輾用紙 calender bowl pa per壓光處理得紙張calen d e r ed p a per仿革紙ca 1 f p ape r布紋紙
27、 calico pape r 布紋紙 camb r ic paper圣經(jīng)紙 b r idge bible pap e r寶石花紋涂布紙Cameo pap erA蠟燭包裝紙cand 1 e paper必糖果袋紙c a ndy bag pape r 心布紋書(shū)寫(xiě)紙 C a nvas note papwr有光紙ca p pa pe r亠電容器紙capac i to r (t i ssu e) papem植物防護(hù) 紙 cappi n gpapmrA 貨車(chē)包覆紙 ca r I i ni ng paper砂糖包裝紙caramel pap e r石碳酸紙ca r b O 1 ic p a per心復(fù)寫(xiě)紙ca r bon pape r 復(fù)寫(xiě)紙?jiān)坈 a rbo nbod y p a per 心復(fù)寫(xiě)紙?jiān)?C a rbon raw pa p er復(fù)寫(xiě)紙?jiān)?ca r b O ni Z ing p a p e r壓感復(fù)寫(xiě)紙c a r b on 1 ess ( C opy) pape打光用紙,研磨紙carborundum p a pe
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