1、淺談黃河下游險工改建加固工程建設項目法人責任制李慶安1 俞憲海1 劉桂銀1 錢萬鈞1(1.濟陽黃河河務局)摘 要 本文通過結合亞行菏澤高村險工改建工程實踐,闡述項目法人在投資,質量,進度等方面應履行的監(jiān)管責任,強調了項目法人在工程建設中的作用等進行了分析總結,并提出見解。關鍵詞 項目法人 水利工程建設 四制 作用 險工近幾年,水利工程建設項目管理全面推行了建設項目法人責任制、招標承包制、建設監(jiān)理制和合同制(簡稱“四制”),把工程建設項目管理納入了社會化、專業(yè)化、法制化的軌道,做到高效、嚴格、科學、經(jīng)濟,項目法人在建設項目管理處于了核心地位。目前水利工程建設過程中存在的工程建設延期、已完工程不能
2、及時驗收、工程質量水平不高等問題,從根本上說與項目法人在建設管理過程中管理不力密切相關,究其原因,還是項目法人制落實不到位,黃河下游菏澤東明險工改建加固工程在建設過程中通過強化項目法人責任意識,認真落實了項目法人制,在質量上、進度、投資控制方面成效顯著,項目建設進展順利,按質,按量,按時完成了工程建設任務。本文通過菏澤東明險工改建加固工程項目法人工作實踐的總結,為在黃河下游險工改建中落實項目法人制提供一些基本思路和方法。1 采取多種措施,確??傮w目標按期實現(xiàn)每個工程項目都應有一個合理建設周期,因此,項目法人必須科學安排工期,制訂一系列切實可行的措施保證在合理時間內完成工程建設任務。菏澤東明險工
5、標履約情況。對于個別施工企業(yè)進工慢,轉包工程,質量不好等常見問題進行專項治理,采用召開工程局主要項目負責人,限期改整,上黑名單,通報等方法。2 提高責任心,科學管理工程質量提高工程質量、避免質量隱患、質量缺陷和質量事故,主要就是強化質量責任意識,有實效的提高所有參建人員的責任心。項目法人應對承建的水利工程質量終身負全責。為明確工程責任,菏澤東明險工在建設初期,就在質量監(jiān)督部門下進行核實造冊登記,報上一級水行政主管部門批準,質量監(jiān)督部門經(jīng)常不定期抽查與長期重大分部隱蔽工程檢查相合的方法。對參建單位的主要負責人進行逐日考勤,成立獨立的質監(jiān)科跟蹤質量管理,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時處理。菏澤東明險工加固工程項目法
7、提高了工程進度與質量。3 充分發(fā)揮監(jiān)理作用,保證工程順利進行在目前水利工程建設中,有這樣一種司空見慣的現(xiàn)象:正式招標確定的監(jiān)理單位沒有或者不能履行投標承諾,項目法人還必須做監(jiān)理單位應該做的事,監(jiān)理單位也沒有充分發(fā)揮自己的職能作用。菏澤東明險工改建加固工程在建設初期就強調監(jiān)理單位應按規(guī)范充分行使職權,切實完成項目法人委托的各項任務,項目法人管理施工單位通過檢查監(jiān)理單位工作效果實理。同時為近一步充分發(fā)揮監(jiān)理單位作用,正式發(fā)文授予總監(jiān)十九項權力,使總監(jiān)責、權、利有效結合。監(jiān)理單位的主要責任是“三控制、兩管理、一協(xié)調”,其核心是控制工程質量,促進工程進度,完善工程建設程序,確保工程資料完整,監(jiān)理單位要
8、圍繞這個中心開展各項工作。監(jiān)理單位在開工之初應重點抓程序到位、手續(xù)完備、特別要及時組織技術交底、批準實際施工技術方案、制訂各種表格、開展技術培訓,使整個工程參建各方建設管理步調一致、規(guī)范有效。同時監(jiān)理單位應按規(guī)范要求制定分部工程驗收計劃,對于不能按計劃完成的要找原因,能采取趕工措施的及時采取趕工措施, 自身不能解決的問題要及時向項目法人書面報告,并提出處理意見和建議,由項目法人負責解決。監(jiān)理單位是負責組織各參建單位的資料收集整理、迎接檔案專項驗收的質量責任主體,因此,從開工之日起,監(jiān)理單位就應由專人負責資料工作,要做到開工有資料收集整理計劃、過程有檢查、驗收前有督辦,使資料工作能滿足驗收要求。
9、4 加強調度管理,確保施工單位履行合同施工單位兌現(xiàn)投標承諾,保質保量完成工程建設任務是其應該履行的義務,但在市場經(jīng)濟情況下,具體承擔施工任務的施工組織,尤其是黃河本系統(tǒng)的事業(yè)單位性質的水利施工隊伍往往對履約情況不重視,因此,在監(jiān)理單位對施工單位進行正常管理外,項目法人加強對施工單位的調度管理也十分重要。施工單位是工程建設的直接責任者,應該按照投標承諾按期向項目法人交付合格產(chǎn)品。目前水利工程建設進度緩慢、工程質量水平不高、工程不能及時組織驗收交付使用,承擔施工任務的往往都是一些所謂事業(yè)單位性質或類似的水利建設隊伍。針對這些情況,菏澤險工改建加固工程依靠水行政主管部門,考核這些施工隊伍投標承諾誠信
11、隊伍可以通過市場競爭選擇。中標施工企業(yè)正式組建項目經(jīng)理部后應以書面形式向項目法人、監(jiān)理單位報告,報告應附切實可行的施工組織設計,施工組織設計應按規(guī)定格式編寫。項目法人接到報告后應及時驗收投標承諾,同時將項目經(jīng)理、質量檢查員的證件連同總監(jiān)證書報招標辦備案,證件待工程竣上驗收后退回。在進駐現(xiàn)場后施工企業(yè)應及時報告機械設備和人員到位情況,原材料要及時按規(guī)范要求送檢和試驗,應根據(jù)工程實際情況劃分單元工程、分部工程、單位工程上報監(jiān)理單位,分部工程、單位工程監(jiān)理審核后應報請質監(jiān)部門核準。在施工過程中,施工企業(yè)應嚴格實行“三檢制”,應嚴格執(zhí)行隱蔽工程和關鍵部位驗收制度,及時按規(guī)定開展單元工程質量評定。5 強
12、化合同管理,及時進行工程結算菏澤東明險工改建加固工程強化合同管理,要求參建單位嚴格執(zhí)行合同。尤其注重及時與施工單位進行工程結算,對已完工程的決算進行審核。工完帳清不僅是項目法人對施工單位的要求,也是主管部門對項目法人的要求,更是項目法人的責任。菏澤東明險工改建加固工程過程中,項目法人一開始就督促監(jiān)理、施工單位及時計量,按招標文件和合同規(guī)定及時撥付工程款。工程進入施工后期時,要求監(jiān)理單位抓緊完善簽證,督促監(jiān)理單位組織施工單位進行工程計量、工程結算,督促監(jiān)理單位對工程結算進行初步審核,為加快進度,項目法人和監(jiān)理人員合署審核、交叉審核。通過采取這些措施基本做到工程完成、結算完成。6結 語實踐證明,在
13、東明險工改建加固設中,嚴格落實“四制”,并重點強調項目法人在工程管理中的作用,確保了工程按時并保質保量的完成。東明險工加高改建在黃河下游險工建設中具有廣泛的代表性,因此,該工程的管理方法可供黃河下游的險工加固改建工程借鑒。作者簡介:李慶安(1976-),男,漢族,濟陽黃河河務局,山東濟南人,工程師,主要研究水利工程建設管理Brief introduction of project legal person responsibility system in the reconstruction and reinforcement of Yellow river Lower vulnerable
14、spot Li Qing'an Yu Xianhai Liu Guiyin Qian WanjunYellow River Jiyang BureauAbstract: Based on the reconstruction engineering practice of Gaocun vulnerable spot ,Heze city , the supervising and management duty of project legal person on the investment , quality and progress are shown in this pape
15、r. The function of project legal person in the engineering construction is analyzed and summarized, furthermore, related opinion are put up.Key words: Project legal person, Hydraulic Engineering Construction, Four systems, Function, Vulnerable spotIn recent years, project management of hydraulic eng
16、ineering construction has implemented such principals as project legal person responsibility system, bidding and contract, construction supervision and contract (abbr.the ”four systems”),thus ,the project management of engineering construction is brought into the orbit of socialization ,specializati
17、on and legalization, which make the engineering construction efficiently , scientifically and economically , furthermore , project legal person are in the core position during the course of project management . At present , such problems as the delaying of engineering construction ,the untimely acce
18、ptance of the finished projection as well as the poor engineering quality are existing in the hydraulic engineering construction, which are related to the management ability of legal person .So ,during the reconstruction and reinforcement of the downstream of Yellow River at Dongming vulnerable spot
19、 ,the project legal person responsibility system is enforced , obvious achievements are made in the facets of quality , progress and cost control , in addition , the projects are carried out smoothly , the construction with good quality are finished timely . In this paper, the practice of legal pers
20、on responsibility system used in the reconstruction and reinforcement of the downstream of Yellow River at Dongming vulnerable spot are summarized ,which offer a basic method for the implement of legal person responsibility system during the reconstruction of Yellow River downstream vulnerable spot1
21、 Take multi-measures to assure the realization of general object Every project has its reasonable construction period; therefore, project legal person should arrange the construction period scientifically and take series of feasible measures to assure the engineering finished in a reasonable period.
22、The reinforcement engineering of Dongming vulnerable spot comprises of such four spots as the Huangzhai, Huozhai ,Baocheng and Gaocun ,which are located at the wandering reach of the Lower Yellow River, Dongming county , Heze city. Where ,the Huangzhai vulnerable spot is near to the pile section 187
23、+607190+000 of the yellow river right bank , whose engineering length is 4410m, the Huozhai vulnerable spot is near to the pile section 190+000193+350 of the yellow river right bank , whose engineering length is 2993m, the Baocheng vulnerable spot is near to the pile section 190+000193+350of the yel
24、low river right bank , whose engineering length is 3350 m, the Gaocun vulnerable spot is near to the pile section 206+000209+000of the yellow river right bank , whose engineering length is 3441m, there are 27 vulnerable dams at the Dongming vulnerable spot ,which include Duo and Ding dam. In order t
25、o assure the engineering completed before the flood season, the four spots should be constructed for 83 days simultaneity. Because the engineering condition is complex, fragmental and intersectional, if the construction is finished in the planed period, the reasonable and general construction scheme
26、 should be defined, scientific construction sequence should be determined and construction progress should be controlled strictly. The reasonable construction scheme should begin with biding plan, sub bids proposal should be reasonable, the biding sequence should be scientific, besides, the reasonab
27、le and scientific construction period of sub-projects should be established in the public bidding document.When some construction organization win the bid, they should organize related persons entering the site, the project legal person should call for the construction organization to offer the feas
28、ible construction management plan according to actual condition, and then, design organization, supervising organization as well as construction organization are cooperated to establish the construction scheme which are the basis of the control of construction period. During the reinforcement of Don
29、gming vulnerable spot, the construction scheme defined in the first meeting controls the overall construction progress, after the commence of construction , the quantity should be reported every day ,in order to accelerate the construction progress , method of point rating should be adopted to at be
30、ginning of commence ,the excellent are rewarded , the falling-behind should be fined , the contract implement condition of supervising organization and construction organization should be inspected . Such problems as slow construction progress, subcontract as well as poor construction quality should
31、 be modified, such detailed measures as rectification in limited time, blacklist as well as criticism by circulating a notice2 Increase responsibility and manage the project quality scientifically To increase the engineering quality, avoid hidden danger of quality, quality defect and quality acciden
32、t, the main duty is to strengthen the awareness of quality responsibility and increase the responsibility of all persons involved in the project.Project legal person should be responsible for the quality of hydraulic construction for life. In order to define the project responsibility, at the beginn
33、ing construction of Dongming vulnerable spot ,list and register are done under the supervisor of quality inspecting sector , after the permission of superior administration, quality supervising department inspect the quality of important and large-scale hidden engineering . At the same time, the maj
34、or principal of construction organization should be responsible for the checking on work attendance, independent quality department should be established to track the quality management and detect some problems and deal with the problems.Besides, the project legal person of Dongming vulnerable spot
35、control the engineering quality, he also deals with the relationship between quality and progress, the relationship between quality and cost. As well all know, quality and cost are the contradictory unity, therefore, the construction quality should be managed according to actual condition and detail
36、 characteristics, the quality of key parts should be controlled strictly. Reconstruction should be done if necessary .But ,as for the auxiliary parts of engineering , the quality control should be weaken, because the high quality will lead high cost and low construction speed . As results, during th
37、e quality management, the relationship between quality, cost and construction progress should be analyzed and treated scientifically. During the construction of Gaocun 14th dam of Dongming vulnerable spot , due to the water and sand transferring of Yellow river , the dam is eroded seriously and the
38、water level is changed dramatically , if the design scheme are adopted , then , the construction progress can not reach , so , after the experts argumentation, the project legal person is agree with the construction organization to adopt the willow stone pillow and earthwork cloth ,which increase th
39、e construction speed largely . 3. Make full use of the supervisor and assure the project progress trouble-freeAt present, there is a common phenomenon during the construction of hydraulic engineering, that is: the supervising unit wining the bidding can not abide by the promise of bid, the project l
40、egal must do the job of the supervisor because the supervisors do not make full of his function.At the beginning of the reconstruction of Dongming vulnerable spot , supervising unit is demanded to discharge his duties fully and finish the tasks entrusted by the project legal person, the project lega
41、l person manage the construction unit and check the work efficiency of the supervising unit . At the same time, in order to make full use of the supervising unit , general supervisor is granted nineteen rights by means of formal document .The main responsibility of supervising unit is “three control
42、 ,two management and one coordination”, the core is the control of construction quality , accelerate the construction progress , perfect the construction sequence and assure the project data completely ,besides ,the supervising unit should carry out various of work around the core duty.At the commen
43、ce of the construction ,the supervising unit should try their best to make the construction program reaching the designated position and procedure completely , especially , the technical clarification should be organized timely , the actual construction technical scheme should be approved, various o
44、f tables should be drawn and technical training should be carried out ,which make the contractors involving in the construction coordinate with each other .At the same time , the supervising organization should prepare for the acceptance plan of divisional project according to the requirement of sta
45、ndards , the reasons why the project can not be finished should be given , related measures should be taken to keep up with the construction progress , if the supervisor meet the problems which are not solved by himself ,he should report his opinion and suggestion about the problems to the project l
46、egal person in written paper , and then , the project legal person is responsible for dealing with the problems .Besides , the supervising organization answer for the data collection and arrangement of the organizations involving in the project and receiving the special acceptance of files ,therefor
47、e , at the beginning of construction , supervising organization should assign some persons to answer for the data management ,data collection and arrangement plan is available before work commence ,the course is checked ,supervise is available before acceptance to assure the data can meet the need o
48、f engineering acceptance .4 Strengthen the scheduling management, assure the construction organization abide by the contract Abiding by his bid promise and assuring the complement of the construction are the duty of the construction unit, but, under the circumstance of market economy, hydraulic engi
49、neering construction organizations belong to the Yellow river system are not paying much attention to the duty of the contract, therefore, the supervising organization should manage the construction organization ,in addition ,the project legal person should strength the scheduling management of the
50、construction organization. Construction organization is the direct responder of the engineering construction, who should offer qualified products according to the requirement of bid promise on schedule. At present, there exist such problems during the construction of hydraulic engineering as slow co
51、nstruction progress, poor construction quality as well as untimely engineering acceptance and taking over. Based on these problems, the reconstruction and reinforcement engineering of Heze vulnerable spot depend on the hydro- administrate department to check the honesty of construction organization
52、and responsibility awareness of project manager. Much attention is paid on the men and equipment, special attention should be paid on the responsibility of quality inspecting department, the technique and equipment of the technical personal, the duty and reward of the project manager for life .The p
53、roject manager should have the scheduling management rights on the behalf of the corporation, the quality and quantity of technical personal should meet the need of the construction. At the beginning of project, competitive mechanism should be adopted by the engineering department , the project mana
54、ger should answer for the bidding ,after winning the biding , the project manager should take part in the construction leading his construction team and answer for the completing of construction by means of combining the right and duty. Furthermore, feed back system is adopted to check the work effi
55、ciency of project manager, if the acceptance duty is not finished, such methods as dismissing the project manager from his post or even strict means are adopted to punish the project manager. Besides, much attention should be paid on the equipment; engineering department should answer for the mechan
56、ical equipment winning the bidding entering into the construction field on schedule, the labor team should be chosen by means of competitive mechanism.After the formal establishment of project manager department ,the construction unit should report it to the project legal person and supervising orga
57、nization in written form , feasible construction management design in related format should be available in the report .After the acceptance of the report , the project legal person should check and accept the bidding promise ,at the same time , the certificates of project manager and quality inspec
58、tor as well as the general supervisor should be handed in the bidding recording office . The certificates are handed back after the complement and acceptance of project. after the construction unit entering into the site, they should report whether the mechanical equipment and personal reaching the
59、designated position, raw material should be delivered to be tested according to the requirement of standard, at the same time, according to the actual condition, the engineering should be divided into element engineering, divisional engineering and unit engineering to be reported to supervising unit. After the check of divisional engineering and unit engineering by supervisor, they should be reported to the quality inspection department for approval. D
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