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1、2012托業(yè)考試閱讀模擬題1.Odober 20,2006Mr. Jg Fernandez13B5 Midland Ave.Detroit, MichiganDear Mr. Fernandez,As tine president, I am proud to arnounce that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of our long and successful running cnurtry club. This, of course, calls for a night of celebration. And for this rea

2、son, we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m, for a nlit of fine dining and dancing.On this speciai evening, 1he newest members of our dub will 第t an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of our older meinbws and exchange j4eas in an infomia! atmosphere. Thd newest m

3、ambarE, who will be carrying on our tradition, should haanvhal Iha older members have to say.Further, the toed will be superb. IW had a chancG to dine at the hotel several times in the pastme to hold our evert there. I am quiteIn other functiQnsP and h was the food that convinced certain that all of

4、 our members will share my feeling. Arryhowt I am looking forward to 曲is Friday when all of our members can let loose and have some iun.Therefore, this is a letter to officially invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this memorable evening.Please let is know if you can11 atten

5、d.Yours sincerely,153. What is the main purpose of this letter(A) lb provide Information about the dubs history(B) To notify the members erf a yearly meeting(C) lb welcome the newest member to the dub(D) 7b Invite ihe members to an upcoming event154. Which of the following will NOT be part of the ev

6、ent?(A) Discussions(O) Entertainment(P) Presentations(Q) Dinnerb155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led him to hold the event there?(A)i It has become a tradition at the club.(B) He has special ties with the hotel staff.(C) The hotel is lasted close to the club.(D) He was Impressed with its menu.參考

7、答案 DCD“HMBUY NITWORK* STUBIHT 6UIDELINIS, ,上 1 r. 0 m% 丁 映姐界*一On 畫rival at your new homa:J 一 1-:二 FW用昉Ury to remember the names of your host family. If unsure about how to address tlwn, H Is okay to ask how they would like to ba called* For examph. if it 詁 impolite in your Gounky to Gall someon ekfe

8、r by thair first name, ask if its okay to add Mr. or Mrs. In front of their names. Some Anwiorts do not like to be addrsed this way because ft makes them feel oidL Show your family that you are grateful for being your host But do not give expensive gifts. It 電 however; considered appropriate to Mng

9、inexpensive handcrafte from your country or a small gift for the chikiran ot the host family. J 嗎!歲 Vbur hosi family will be curious to know more about you Sring photos of your family and friends to share with them- This Is also a great way to break the ica with them. After you get sattled, your hos

10、t family will help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arriv&ti safely. Aftar youve had dinner, you may ask the host family to be excused early. They will be fully aware of the fact that you might be jetlaggedr so feel fm to ask them.On your first day erf school: On your lir

11、st day of school, your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary registration paperwork, 忖w host family will also make sure that you know ynur way tn anri from school. They will aJso teadi you how to public transportation. When traveling alonq you should at all times carry

12、a map and the phone number of your host fam蟻 In 85號 you are lost and cannoi got in touch whti your host family, you can contact the -Hwiestay156. For whom is this guideline intended?(A) Hostiamilies(B) Foreign students(C) School staff(D) Airline worker3.1S7.Which of the following is NOT mentioned rn

13、 theuideline?(A) Find out how you should address the host familyI(B) Always be prepared for the unexpected(C) Be prompt during meal times(D) Establish a rapped with the host family158. What might b& an appropriate present for the host family?(A) A toy train-(B) A bottle of whtekey(C) A camera(D) A c

14、ellular phone159. What is implied by the guidelines?(A) Americans prefer to address &ach other formally.(S) Newly arrived students often get lost in the city.(T) Host families come from educated backgrounds.(U) Students will depend on the host family to settle in.參考答案:BCADPump Itspecial offerLook yo

15、ur best this summer vitti M staletiie-art equipment and a tailormade training program made specially for you by one of our top rated personal tramersIf you are having a diHtcull time getting molmted, Pump II is where you want to beWith a personal trainer assigned to you, youll be placed in a tailor-

16、made program that will make you look yoiir best in just 12 week&.With our program, you will get the full beoeiils of Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free weights, treadmills, bikes,

17、and even a his and hers sauna Ongoing group classy fram aerobics to yoga to dancerdsc to labs-butt5-thighs just toname akwSo come for a free consultaiion, and get started today!Dont miss out!01% is good until this Friday310 St. Gwrgc Street, Suite 601, ChicagoT: 755-3422 W: pumpitcluhcom160. Who doe

18、s this advertisement mainly target?(A) Anyone who failed at dieting during the summer(B) Pifiopfe without much time on thGir hands(C) Athletes training for upcoming competitions(D) PeopIe who need a little nudge at getting into shape161. What 1& NOT offered In the advertisement?(A) Continuation of o

19、rganized lessons(B) Personalized coaching to suit individuals needs(C) Free signup(D) Annual membership discounts參考答案:DAMEMORANBUMTO:Marked mg staffFROM; Jonathan BlairDA1 August 22RE; New Advertising CampaignWc are very excited .bout our new line of infant clothes this year. He fbtowingwill give yo

20、u a genenl outline of the marketing stialegies we have planned to helppromote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this markut, and we arc anbdpatbg great results, Aftd to add to this, we have put together our biggest&nd most 叩endive ad campaign in scvcra.1 0f the cowiby 如鯽

21、t 血可加兔十,: /TELEVISION SPOTS-1eV Ai iJy二p T,耳.二NEWSPAPER ADD INS:V選正可一 一A thirty-$eoona included in weekend editions.答案為:BABBB.JN THE VICINITYBANKSThere are two banks on the c&mef of Main Afid Wdlafey Street. Its walking distance from tihe hotel. The hours are Mon-Fri 10;00 amB- 4 p m.fitMUSEUM130 Ma

22、m Road (Near Mail). Bus #1 will take you directly to the nujseum, h runs every 1S minutes.HOSPITALSt. George Haspital. 1000 Bathurst Street. Emergency service open 24 hours a day.POST OFFJCENeart post office - 4 min. walk down Gerald Road. Hours 9-5 weekdays.PHARMACYGround floor of the hoUI. Open 24

23、 houfsadaPOLICE STATIONClose to the hotel - On the comer of University and College Struts. &wgency9l1,TAXI STANDJust outside the east 3裙g door Ask the front desk clerk for assistance wrth kjggage.fflGYM1st Basamerrt floor M the hotel.SHUTTLE BUSShuttle to th6 airport 的叫 10 min. Fg Ai 觸 front door.SH

24、OPPING250 Main Road. Hours are from 10 am - & p.m. on weekdays. 12-5 onSalurday ClosedSurd&y.FOff M ORE INFORMATIONASK AT FTtONT DESKPHOTO DEVELOPINGService available from 9 until 6 daily from ycur room. Call the ftort desk.i &L00C.162. Where would this information most likely be posted?(A) At a bus

25、 stop(B) In a hotel lobby(C) At a shopping center(D) At a post office163. According to the information, which can be performed at 1 olock in the morning?(A) Withdraw!some cash(B) Working out at the gym(C) Getting medicine for a cold(D) Getting picture developed164. What can be Inferred from the info

26、rmation? (A) A ride to the airport is available very Infrequently.(B) Packages can be sent during business hours.|(C) Guests can get their suits pressed righl from their rooms.(D) Help with the bags Is available with just a phone call.答案:BCB6.I.Are you suffering from RAGWEED ALLERGIES?1 r ?*Are you

27、om ol those 附opte who suffer from;sneezing?ftjim% ItoW now?red. watery, itchy eyes?during the latter part olthe swnmer rronths.,The Reseat Institute of Ragweed Altergies is currently conducting a study and s asking v的mm to participate in testing an experimental drug.Those who pass the qualrficalion

28、proceduiwill receive compensation for his/her part in contributing to the study.B Call:好跳3333 (extJ)cr Toll free:力曲用型垓44E maih vo牡怙a內(nèi) ga 麗MsHtut+m/eed8mRegular hours of Of涉曲力:Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 Pm.Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.Research Institute of RA物阿 FW in Mi$*wga170. What is the primary r

29、eason for taking cut this not ice?(A) 1b announce a medical breakthrough in curing ragweed allergies(B) Tb Infonri the public about the spread ul u new ly叩 of an alleigy(C) To recruit people who are willing to come forward for a medical cause i(D) To provide the results of a test conducted by ths re

30、search institute171. What oan be implted about Ragweed energies from the notice?網(wǎng) The/re most prevalent during the late summer months.(B) Research about them has been ongoing for the entire summer.(G) They have been the main public issue in recent rronths.(H) They affect a great number of people liv

31、ing in hotdimates.172. Which of the following information is NOT found in the notice?(A) A number where interested people could call(B) The specific compensation each participant will receive for volunteering(C) The subject of the study being conducted(D) The conditions required for those who want t

32、o make a contribution答案為:CAB7.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0GOODCREDIT PROBLEM?CREDIT DENIED?WE CAN HELPI(COLLECTION AGENCIES) LATE PAYMENTS REPOSSESSIONS BANKRUPTCIES BIG DEBTSIQRS Exclusive $15-milflon Computer Search Program.Hie only one of its kind h the wortdHow credit agencies may not in complianceWith the C

33、anadian Consumer Reporting Act and whatyou can (to about it.WE REPAIR CREDIT. LEGALLr“A0 information is strictly confidential/Consolidate debts into tower monthly payments!Cali for an appointment:41W557898 .173, Who is the intended audience of this advertisement?(A) People who are in legal trouble(B

34、) An憐ne who is having financial problems(C) Busi nesses that ar In need of tax breaks(D) Workers who must;do their yearly income taxe174, What type of service Joes the company offer?(A) It helps those who are in debt.(B) It lends money at low interest(C) It invests in potentteii companies.(D) It pro

35、vides legal counseiing to people in trouble.參考答案:BAH/KSenses Ltditslo WwaSuakirg:爾acr SEEaw::地acsmileHanKyu Services LtdWapg50黑6煙89Fax: 206 77 啦5MW:與0”火丫rtwwwhanlqiicomTo: Room 1204 - Mr. Mart Newman ls!ard P比力c Hold /Fax: 555眼4From Maggie Wo用;.,a ,廠八 Fax: 775-8655Date: November 3Pag 器:1 pePlease pa

36、$ this mssage on to yotr guest, Mr Mark Newman, who is staying In Rooit 1204. Thanks.a* ,J . I DearMr. Newman.Mr, Ron Devereux has ask&d ne to let you know that tie woiid b& very interred in meettn wth you sonietime tonorro1.* on Satuday. Movemcer4. P&asgivehma Ml on Ms mabilephofieat(206) 755-1456

37、to arrange a time. Thanks %仁 ,一t , Kind regards,Maggie WongPA to Ro De /ereux175. Why did Ms. Wong send the fax?(A) To reserve a room at the hotel(B) To convey a message an behalf of her boss (CJ lb ask about the price of a room at the hotel (Di 1b cancel a meeting with a customer176. Wh。is th inten

38、ded recipient ol this fex?(A HanKyu Services Limited(B) Ron Devereux(C) Mark Newman(D) Island Pacific Hotel177. What will the recipient of the fax do?(A) Check out of the gtel(B) Get his room key(C) Go to Mr. Devereuxs office(D) Make a telephone call178. Who is Maggie Wong?(A) The president of HanKy

39、u Services Limited(B) A hotel front desk clerk(C) A guest who is staying at th hotel(D) The personal assistant of Ron Devereux參考答案:BCDD9.CHINACHINAFree DishChoose any.one dish from the manu on the back (restricted to SB orless food rtems) with any order ovr $40 (before taxes)Not valid in Gonjunotion

40、 with any other offers,Free Chicken WingsWith any order over S18 (before tax). One per order only,Not valid In conjunction with any other offers.Pi ck UpSpecial20% OFFNot valid In conjunction with any other offers.Cash payment only. Daily Combo & Com pi eta Dinners excluded.2145 Jane Rd-(206) 755-1

41、2351T9. How can one receive a meal for free? By paying for the meaJ in casn(B) By antaing ovfrr certain airiount(C) By picking g 由b foodD) By corriing te tte rfestaurant at a certain hour一 pititions, and lecterns for an auto show (see order No JI-35696A1 U 而tuna咖 a sctous emx wa mate. In fact the 部加

42、師on begins one week earlier to inhaled on tfie order fomi. Ihe starting date is MtMy July 7would appreciate it very much if you could 切 S 由州eryth 呵 you can to ensure that our Oder M delmd to us on at data Also. V pcssble, Td Iks to add 20 popup displeys on top cf our o附hd orderI realize that 岫 is a

43、big favor to as% but on the basis of our long-term business relationship I hope that you wiB be 出c to And a way.I % really sorry for any inconvenfence. Please confect ne soon.Vours sincereMichael RobinsonMi嬴/P麻制ProjMjrfiss Man的 er mrcWrtwnlM的板岫is明addU 咖瞅 you mice, 1 wont % p瑞柒 bose 骯 haw ireacy rentei 加m out x 眥口 加ni1,,;W 陽麗 lette: I was 腳r蜩眥 of course mmsd.nat 網(wǎng) 航網(wǎng)聯(lián)IM 岫 uMortmate shiflim向U of on次 Ivriil do hit 淤I b 腐“心 防oinpaii/ hastaomofojr beat ch臨 5陰wbegir operations in 197iAny way J peiw姍觸 a tri。d 刪初歌 w 瞅


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