1、河北廣播電視大學“人才培養(yǎng)模式改革和開放教育試點”英語專業(yè)本科(教育方向)教學實踐設(shè)計實施細則(04春修訂) 教學實踐設(shè)計是人才培養(yǎng)模式改革與開放教育試點英語專業(yè)(本科)的集中實踐環(huán)節(jié)之一,是培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用專業(yè)知識分析問題、解決問題的能力,和檢驗學生學習效果和理論研究水平的重要手段。為保證我省各試點單位教學實踐設(shè)計的寫作、指導、成績評定工作的順利進行,根據(jù)中央電大英語本科教育方向集中實踐環(huán)節(jié)教學大綱教學實踐設(shè)計的要求,結(jié)合河北廣播電視大學實際情況,特制定本實施細則,望各試點單位遵照執(zhí)行。一、教學實踐設(shè)計的目的教學實踐設(shè)計是本專業(yè)教學過程的重要環(huán)節(jié),既是培養(yǎng)學員綜合運用所學理論知識,提高分析和
3、決問題的方案(design), 然后進行實踐和評價。 所以,它和一般意義上的論文有很大的不同,它強調(diào)調(diào)查研究實踐過程。即,找出一個在教學過程中所遇到的具體問題,并對其進行調(diào)查研究與分析,制定出解決問題的方案,進行實踐,然后對其結(jié)果進行評價,最后寫出報告。 三、教學實踐設(shè)計的資格審定達到以下要求的學生可以進行教學實踐設(shè)計:1未通過的必修課和選修課(除限選課)不超過3門;2限選課全部通過(除教學計劃中最后學期的限選課外)四、寫作原則 論文項目設(shè)計報告寫作必須遵循以下原則:1 獨立完成;2 研究項目必須是可以在課堂上能夠解決的;3 原始數(shù)據(jù)必須真實有效;4 在短時間可以完成的。五、格式要求報告的文體
4、結(jié)構(gòu)、文字編排、格式、封面設(shè)計必須按規(guī)范統(tǒng)一。使用“Word”文本,中文用宋體字,英文用Times New Roman, 標題3號字,正文小4號字,A4紙打印。六、完成時間1 全程分為6個階段共12周。春季自4月中旬至6月中旬,秋季自10月中旬至12月中旬。2 春季6月底、秋季12月底各教學點組織答辯評審小組對畢業(yè)作業(yè)進行成績評定,然后及時將成績單(按中央電大開放教育畢業(yè)作業(yè)成績單的格式要求打印一式三份,加蓋各市校公章)送交省校教學指導中心由論文工作領(lǐng)導小組審閱核準。七、指導教師資格指導教師需具有英語專業(yè)講師以上職稱,熟悉電大英語教學業(yè)務,指導評審主持人須參加中央電大的“開放教育英語專業(yè)學士學
6、求和提醒學生應避免的錯誤。在每一階段指導中,教師必須認真填寫各階段指導記錄表,并由指導教師與學生雙方簽字。 4指導教師要審查學生畢業(yè)論文的真實性,對最終定稿的論文寫出評語,提出初評成績。5每個指導教師每屆指導的學生人數(shù)一般不得超過10人,對每個學生的指導時間(含面對面指導和網(wǎng)上指導)不得低于10學時。九、建立學生檔案(以備中央電大和北京外國語大學檢查)每個學生的檔案袋里必須包括:1指導教師各階段指導記錄表 (見附表)2各階段報告及成績表(見附表)3總報告4軟盤。含總報告“word”文檔,附錄(各階段報告)“word”文檔。文檔名稱: final report; appendices 。5畢業(yè)論
7、文成績評定表十、成績評定方法1論文項目設(shè)計按百分制記分。其中各階段過程報告總分70分,總報告30分??倛蟾嬉笤?000字以上(分數(shù)分配見附表)。2成績按五級評定:優(yōu)、良、中、及格、不及格。90分以上為優(yōu),8089分為良,7079分為中,6069分為及格,59分及以下為不及格。及格者以上者方能獲英語本科學歷和學位證書。成績評定為優(yōu)秀的論文必須經(jīng)過答辯,優(yōu)秀者人數(shù)原則上不超過總數(shù)的20%。畢業(yè)論文成績被評定為不及格者,可準予在下個學期補做一次。3英語表達準確、清晰、邏輯性強,內(nèi)容符合英語報告寫作原則,過程報告完整,在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)完成者可獲高分。4有以下情況之一者應判不及格:l 英語表達不準確,語
8、法錯誤過多;l 內(nèi)容邏輯混亂;l 缺少任何一個階段過程報告或內(nèi)容,數(shù)據(jù)等不真實,不原始,總報告不及格;l 沒有在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)完成論文;l 內(nèi)容和格式不符合要求;l 抄襲他人或由他人代寫。5 畢業(yè)論文成績由各市校組織評審,評審主持人須持有中央電大頒發(fā)的“開放教育英語專業(yè)學士學位(畢業(yè))論文及評審主持人資格證書”。省電大畢業(yè)論文質(zhì)量監(jiān)控小組對評定的成績予以審核。畢業(yè)作業(yè)經(jīng)審核合格后計8學分。未完成畢業(yè)作業(yè)或成績不及格者不計學分。十一、論文工作領(lǐng)導小組和質(zhì)量監(jiān)控小組省電大統(tǒng)一組成論文工作領(lǐng)導小組和質(zhì)量監(jiān)控小組,負責對試點電大的學生的論文進行指導以及質(zhì)量監(jiān)控和審定。十二、工作量計算各試點學??砂串?shù)貥?/p>
9、準根據(jù)工作量為指導教師計酬。十三、其他事宜 各試點學校應當結(jié)合本校實際情況,制定相應的實施細則。附件1:河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文工作領(lǐng)導小組名單河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文工作質(zhì)量監(jiān)控小組名單附件2:河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文教學實踐設(shè)計鑒定表及指導過程表附件1河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文工作領(lǐng)導小組名單組長: 侯俠副組長:趙貴河 高俊科成員: 潘炳信 邢發(fā)國 馮鴻滔河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文工作質(zhì)量監(jiān)控小組名單潘炳信 邢發(fā)國 李果紅 王淑平 張京 李瑞林 段新萍 劉文明附件2:河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文教學實踐設(shè)計鑒定表及指導過程表封
10、面Cover PageHebei Radio & TV UniversityPractical Project Design河北電大開放教育本科英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文教學實踐設(shè)計鑒定表Title: _題目: _Name/姓名:_Number/學號: _School/學校: _Major: English (education oriented)英語專業(yè)(教育方向)Tutor/導師:_Date/日期: _標題頁 Title PageProject Title:Pair Work Design & Learners InterestInvestigatorLiu YingHebei Ra
11、dio & TV UniversitySubmitted on 30th June 2002In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignStudents Tel: Fax: E-mail: 致謝 Acknowledgment AcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to my supervisor Professor Gao without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground.
12、 I am also grateful to my colleagues Li, Chang and Liu for their time spent on brainstorming and panel discussions with me.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not the least, bi
13、g thanks go to my mother and my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.摘要AbstractAbstract It presents a detailed report implemented to solve the problem that some of my students do not like doing pair work. It
14、 is hypothesized that learners interest in pair work is increased by better-designed pair work exercises. This hypothesis is verified by a four-week classroom teaching of the newly designed pair work exercises.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, Socratic dialogue,
15、 cause analysis, questionnaire, and brainstorming.目錄格式-(正文)Basic Structure for ContentsPage1Main Headings of the Project Report1.Project objective2.Project hypothesis3.Project rationale4.Control and target groups5.Project implementation6.Project evaluation7.Project findings and discussionReferencesA
16、ppendix A The questionnaire for problem analysisAppendix B Pair work exercisesAppendix C Teaching notesAppendix D Students handoutsAppendix E DiariesAppendix F Audio tapes of students performanceAppendix G The post-trial questionnaireNote: The main headings give the project reader an overall view of
17、 the report. They also act like an outline of the report. From Page2 onwards, Zhang Ling further elaborates each of the main headings. Page2,3 and 4 now look like this:(course book P143).各階段報告進度與任務Stage WeekTask ScoreMaterials neededI1Identifying a problem5II23Analyzing the problem using scientific
18、methods of investigation*analyzing the teaching situation* the teaching objectives/teachers roles/ task./types/studentsrole, etc.*the possible causes of the identified problem10III45Design a problem-solving project*formulating the project objective and hypothesis*making a lesson plan*preparing mater
19、ials and resources needed*proposing data collection method: audio or video taping teaching journal/questionnaire/survey/interviews/ samples of students assignments, etc.20IV68Implement the project*report of the classroom implementation of the lesson plan*report of the data collection30V9Evaluate the
20、 project against a checklist*critical comment on your own teaching by checking your subjective comments against the collected data *suggestions for future teaching5VI1012Writing the project report30分階段報告,評分項目和標準(供指導教師用)Assessment checklist for evaluating project report for the tutorStage 1: Identify
21、ing a problem (5%)The learner has* decided on a problem to be researched, and discussed and agreed the problem with the tutor-1 point* chosen a relevant problem from his/her own teaching experience 1 point* chosen a problem that can be researched within such a project - 1 point* expressed the proble
22、m in clear, accurate and unambiguous English - 1 point* demonstrated that Stage One has been fully understood and worked out a project timetable-1 pointStage 2: Problem analysis (10%)The learner has-* chosen one or more methods of problem analysis 1 point* selected methods suitable to the problem -1
23、 point* applied the problem analysis correctly to his/her own problem-1 point* written in full the stages that the problem analysis took -1 point* demonstrated that the methods of problem analysis have been understood- -1 point* reached sensible conclusions about the nature of the problem -1 point*
24、defined the problem more clearly -1 point* demonstrated that the problem can be researched in this project-1 point* expressed this stage in clear, accurate and unambiguous English-1 pointStage 3: Project design (20%)The learner has*formulated a clear, relevant and realistic project objective -1 poin
25、t*formulated a clear, relevant and provable project hypothesis -1 point*written the rationale for his/her own project-1 point*expressed the rationale in clear, accurate and unambiguous English -1 point*designed activities to test the hypothesis -1 point*designed an adequate amount of activities (to
26、cover 3-4 weeks of teaching) -2 points*designed original activities relevant to the teaching material used (i.e. based on the relevant units of the school textbook being taught) -4 points*written out the activities in clear, accurate and unambiguous English -2 points*stated clearly the objectives of
27、 the activities and their relationship to the hypothesis -2 points*included a detailed description of the procedure of how the activities will be used by the teacher and the students -2 points*applied the Communicative Approach learnt from the previous coursed in the design of the activities -2 poin
28、ts*included a detailed timetable of how and when the activities will be used in the classroom -1 pointStage 4: Project implementation (30%)The learner has-*designed the title page of the project and written it out clearly -1 point*listed the contents of the project report in an adequate order -1 poi
29、nt*designed the timetable of the whole project and written it out clearly -1 point*included the stages to be followed and listed all the methods and materials used -1 point*implemented the project by using the specially-designed activities in class -5 points*collected the results, such as students r
30、esponse and feedback, teacher observation, etc.(on paper, on tape, etc.) -5 points*proved the project was indeed implemented according to the given stages -2 points*kept a written record of the project implementation-3 points*collected the results in an acceptable scientific way -3 points*interprete
31、d the results in the light of the hypothesis -3 points*shown the hypothesis has been proved or disproved -2 points*come to an intelligent conclusion regarding the research done on the problem identified -3 pointsStage 5: Project evaluation (5%)The learner has-*evaluated the project by asking and ans
32、wering relevant questions on every aspect of it -2 points*examined the project critically and objectively -1 point*shown that he/she has understood the nature of evaluation -1 point*expressed the evaluation in clear, accurate and unambiguous English -1 point總報告評分項目和標準Stage 6: Final report (30%)The l
33、earner has- *given the cover page and the title page -1 point*given an accurate abstract of the report -1 point*included a correct and appropriate list of contents -1 point*included the project objective -1 point*included the project hypothesis -1 point*included the project rationale -1 point*writte
34、n the report legibly in clear, accurate and unambiguous English -5 points*written the report in an appropriate formal style -2 points*arranged the text of the report in a logical and comprehensible manner -2 points*given all the relevant facts of the planning, implementation and evaluation of the pr
35、oject -6 points*expressed sensible and intelligent conclusions -2 points*included a bibliography -1 point* written the bibliography correctly (in alphabetical order under the surname of the author or editor, included full title, date of publication, publisher ) -2 points* included all the relevant materials (questionnaires if used, teaching materials, tables of results, etc.) as appendices correctly numbered and pl
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