1、動詞短語習題作者:日期:動詞和動詞短語專練50題1. E ver y o ne t reatm enti n th es h ope d t h hos pital.0 U Idafter a fda yA.p ick u pmake upC.D.2.t ak e uplo o k upD on t lose har t. I f y o u work e ctr o ni c e ng in ee r.hard, yo u 1s ucc e ssfulA. tu r nB. changeC.getD.m akeWhya no ii s he alw a ys f o rein g hi f
2、she is no tf o rdaughte r p ianist ?r a ct ice play iA. wan teB. int e n dedC. t r ain e dD. taken4. Wi t h hi s bi g fle s hy nose, h e A. looks l i kes grand pa.B. takes a f terC. looks af t erD. t akes for5. W hen you a s A .in t end edk ed m e ab ou t Cynt h ia, wh a twer eyo ufo rB. ref e r re
3、dC. aim ing atD. mean i ng for 6. A c ompletely into existenc e .new situation willwhen t h e exam in atio nsystem comesA. a r iseB. riseC.raiseD. lif tT he r e's lit tle cha n ce that man k in d woulda nuclea rwar.ex is tC.st a y survive8. I doub t w hether he c a n _h is e fforts muc h lo n ge
4、r as helooks V e ryti red .A. kee p u pA.1 i V eB.k eep 0 nC .ke e p b a ckD.k ee p fr om9.It i s ce rta inthat hewille Xp erie nee d eno ugh.A.tak e overB.th i n k o V erC.h an d ov e rD.go o V er1 0.In the readi ng r o om,w e f oun d her_ _ on a mag a z i ne.A.s it t ing; fixingB.s eat ed; fixedC.
5、seated; f ix i ngD.sit t ing; be i ng f iX e d11.Alth ou gh it takes up mu1 ch o fS't amp co1 lec t ing extre me1 y.A.e xci ti ngB. enc our ag i ngC .rew a rd ingD.ch al 1 e n g i ng12.T h e show attract e d a1 argeau dien c e,A. rangingB .re du cingC.sp readi n gD.diff e rin g13.The girlf'a
6、in ted. Throw some col dA.com e alongB.com e to 1 igh th isC. come to lif eh i s fath er ' s busi e s s whe n h e i sat a desk, wi t h h er a t ten t ion _s p aref romwa t e r on het im e, M r . Smith find schildren t o o 1 d peop 1c e a n d sh e wil 1D. c o me in t o b e in g 1 4. I donotne ed
7、the money and willfo ryou,my d ear b o y ,tocompi ete yo A.studie s .B.pi cket i tit upC.D.pukt it off1 5.e ep itI n 2 0aw ay05, a t sun am ib y a str on g eart hqu ak e kill ed tenof t h ous a n d s of people.A.e t ba c kB.set offa si deC. se t o u tD. set up16.T he water su p ply in thi s area wil
8、l b e8 am t oday to 8amA.tomorr o w. r u n outB.b rok en offC.Cut o utD.cut o f f.As so o nast he band s t arte d playi n g, the crowds il e nt.22. The farmer_ t h e boys intheac tof st ealing h i s app 1e s.c han g edwentC. tookD. appeared18. Ri copc a n a f ford t owha t ever h obb i es they li k
9、e.A. takeupB. m ake upC. save upD. put u p19.When youcom etot he scene,isn itt disa ppointi n g to fi nd aMcDona Id ' s in ee r y t o wn?Wel 1 , peo p le ca n ha v e d iffere n t tast e s.A. thi nk ofB. t h i n k outC. thi n k o v e rD. thi nk up20. Child r en aret o a ctivitiesthey are succ ess
10、fu 1 .A. at t rac tedB. j oi n edC. stu cran sferred21. Ayell ow bac kg ro und willmakethea ract er sA. stan d agaB. sta n d byasid eC. stan dD . st a nd o uA. tookB. caughtC. leftD. graspe d23. Li L e i w a nt ed to tel 1he rever ythn g, bu tsomethi n g made hA. hold upB. hold backC. ho 1 d onD. ho
11、ld ou24. What' A f ter tts thhematter with yo u, L uc y?long walk, my le g s _ _ and I could nt go any f u r t he r.A. gaveB. gave of fC. gave i nD. g a ve u p 25.outh iA.If yo u m fo rhe Ie upany p ro b lem s wh e n you ar ri v e t h ere you c an tur n t ohappentoB.C. run inD. a p pear2 6.
12、 Iwas a b it d oubt ful at f irst, b u t itto be a re a 1 ly good ide a.A.urB. tuC.nedturn eded upi noutD. tur ne d down“That e isough, ” th gu ard _ goodbye.”impatien t1 y.“ Hu rr y up and saA. brokei nB.b roke o utC .b ro k e aw a yD.brok e t hrough28 .Hello, wil 1丫 ouHo1d o n , p 1easehour ag o.A
13、.c hecke d i nB.checked ou tC .c hec k ed u pD.che c ked on15.In 20 0 5,athouIS a n d s of p eople.A. set b a ckB.set o ffC.s et ou tD.s et u p16.T he wa t e rs u p27 .Pt sunam iyl e aseI ' m sory,put me through to R oom 1019 ?t he gu est in Room 1 0 19halfb y a s t r o ng ea r thqua k e ki 1 le
14、d ten sp 1 y in th i s a rea wi 1 l be_ from 8 am t od ayof8 a mt omor r ow.A. r u n Ou tB. broken of fC. cut outD. cut o ff17. As soon a s th e bandstarte d p1 a y i n g, the crowdsi 1 e n t.A. cha n gedB. w entC. too kD.A.app ea r ed.Ric h peo p le can at ake u pf f o rd tow ha teverh o bb i es th
15、 ey l ik e.m ake upC. save upD. put u p1 9. Wh en yo u comet he seen e, is nit d isapp oi nt i ng to finda McDo na ld 'sin eve ry tow n?Wel 1 , pe op l e can h a ve d ifferent ta stes.A. t h ink o fB. t h i nk ou tC . th i nk o verD. thin k u p20. Childre n a re_ to a c ti v i tiec h t h e y are
16、 suc cessfu 1 .A. a t t r act e dB. joi nedC. stu ckD. transf e rre d21.A ye1 l o w backgr o und will make the st and against1 ackha r act e rsB.s tand b yC.sta nda s id es t a n d ou t22. The farme rt h e boys in thect o fstea 1i ng hi s apples.A. to okB. c a ught C . l e ftD. gr asp edg,but so me
17、t hi ng m ad e him23. L i L ei wan tedt o tel 1 h e r eve r ythiA. h o ld upB.h o ld b ac kC.hold onD.ho ld ou ta nd I couldn ' g oa ny fu r th e r.24. What ' s he matte r with y ou, L ucy ? A f t er the l o ng w al k, my l eg sA. gave o utB. g ave offC. gav e inD. gave up25. If y ou _ m for
18、 hel p .any problems when y ou arriv e th e r e y ouc an turn to h iA. com e upB. happe nC. r un .i n toD.app e26.was a b it d ou b t ful a t fir st, but itto be ar eall y goo di dea.B. tur ned up ed inC . turne d outD . tur n ed dow ne no ugh, "ht guard y goodbye."imp a tiently.2 7 . “h a
19、t s“H urr y up and saA. br o ke inB . b r oke ou tC. b r o k e awayD. broke t h roug h 28. He l lo, Hold o n, plWil le ase . Iyou plea se put m e thro u gh t o Roo m nso rr y, t he g u est in Ro o m 10191019 ?h a lf an h ou r ago.A . ch e ckedB. c h e ck edoutC. checke d upD. ch e cked on42. She use
20、 d t o be te rribly shy , butyear a b ro a d h acom p l e tel yh e r.A. tra ns forme dB. shapedC. tu rn e dD. tra n sfe r red43. The n ews was a te r r ib leblowto he r, bu tsh e willth eshock soo n.A. g e t o u tB. ge t t hrou ghC. ge t offD. get o ver44. J enn y wor ke d h ar d b e f orefina l exa
21、mint i o n and itS h e got an A.A. show e d offB. paid offC.p uttookof fof f4 5.Th ese ien tist s ar e n o w try ing t o dis eo ver w h a t use cou ldbesue hm a terial.A. made outB. m ade upC. m ad e o fD. m a de f r o m46. M o st p eo plA. se t aboutd id n t acc p t the theory whe n it was firstB. set offC. p u t forwa r dD. pu t ou t47 .WhI'm woose ba t is it? I t isi n the water.A.kno ekB. kn ock inn
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