已閱讀5頁,還剩4頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、考點十六完形填空聚焦考點溫習理解【復習要點】完形填空題是對學生英語語言知識與語言運用能力的一種測試。其考查的形式靈活,綜合性較強, 要求考生能綜合運用所學的知識在特定的語境中進行合理的推理判斷,并能準確地從四個備選項中選出正 確答案,使補足后的短文結構完整,意義通暢。一.完形填空題的特點完形填空題能夠較為準確地檢查學生的各項知識水平和綜合運用語言知識的能力。這種題型的主要考查內容為: 詞語辨析、基本句型、基礎語法;固定搭配與習慣表達;閱讀理解能力和邏輯推理能力。近年來,完形填空題更側重對語言應用能力、閱讀理解能力的考查。完形填空題(cloze test)它有以下兩大特點和規(guī)律:第一,一篇完形填

2、空題是一個有機的整體。盡管看起來形式上有殘缺(若干個空),但它的內容、語言習慣,句與句之間的銜接點,句子與段落 之間的聯(lián)系,段落與段落之間的邏輯順序仍或隱或現(xiàn)地存在于篇章之中。因此,在做完形填空題時,通讀 全文、明了大意、理清觀點、分清層次是十分重要的一步??忌忸}時必須自始至終依托語境,注意上下文之間、詞與詞之間,從語法到意義的合理搭配。尤其要注意短文中承上啟下的過渡詞等,如 so, but, however, then, therefore, also等。 第二,完形填空題選材廣泛。它涉及社會、政治、經(jīng)濟;文化、教育、歷史、地理、科普知識、人物故事等。因此,考生做完形 填空題時,要快速通覽

3、全文,了解文章概貌與各段落的中心意思,把握文章主旨脈絡,掌握文章作者的意 圖。二.完形填空題的設空規(guī)律為了對完形填空題的各種類型有一個深入的了解,探索一下該題型的設空規(guī)律是有必要的。上下文直接信息題:本類題的設置特點是,四個選項之間不存在詞義區(qū)別和用法比較??忌鷳塾趯ι舷挛男畔⒌牟蹲胶蛯ι舷挛陌凳镜念I會。如下列“考題 1”中的第7、8、9小題。 詞、句、文三結合理解題:本類題的設置特點是:其中某一個或幾個選項代入空白處會使句意不通或嚴重違背上下句意義的銜接或直接與短文內容不符,考生在做這類題時要對各選項的詞義作準確的把握。如下列“考題1”中的第4、5小題。詞義辨析題:本類題的設置特點是,各

4、選項代入空中后該句的語法都是正確的,但是句子出現(xiàn)了幾種不同的含義。在做這類題時,考生要認真比較各詞之間的細微差別。如下列“考題 1”中的第1、11、15小題。(4)語法知識和固定短語考查題:考生在解答本類題時要注意句子的語法結構要正確:如時態(tài)、語態(tài)等;對固定短語要注意其結構的完整性,如下列“考題1”中的第10小題。 行文邏輯和全文中心把握題:本類題的設空特點是:把各選項中的對象代入空格中可導致上下文之間出現(xiàn)因果關系、遞進關系、轉折關系、條件關系等。做本類題時,考生要注意全文的主線或脈絡,仔細分析上下文之間的邏輯關系,從而準確地選出正確答案。三、完型填空之命題趨勢剖析完型填空要求考生不僅要會運用

5、自己學過的詞匯和語法知識妥善地處理好每個單句,理解語義,還要處理好單句之間以及單句完形填空題要求填入的詞主要有:構成各種時態(tài)和用法區(qū)別的動詞及短語動詞;名詞和介詞;根據(jù)上下文意思及結構必須填入的形容詞、副詞、代詞和連詞;同義詞八近義詞等易混詞??疾橐詫嵲~為主,兼顧虛詞和語法結構。難點主要集中在根據(jù)上下文作正確判斷的詞的用法上。1 .題材:以故事性題材居多,歷年中考故事小品類題材比例超過50%,故事往往具有幽默性或富有哲理,其他還有科普小品、文化體育、風土人情、人物、史地等。2 .體裁:完形填空選文的體裁也值得一提,以記敘文居多,同樣在近年中考考試中記敘文比例超過50%。其他還有說明文應用文、議

6、論文等。3 .命題形式:完型填空題 的兩空之間一般相隔710個詞,短文首尾句一般不設填空題,每句中只有一個空。4 .試題特點分析:分析近幾年完型填空題可以發(fā)現(xiàn)以下一些規(guī)律:1)本題型設空以考查文意為主,也就是我們所說的 實詞”一一名詞、動詞、形容詞和副詞等,比重極大,且有逐年增加的趨勢。2)降低對單詞本身詞意的考查要求,以突出本題的主要測試目的:理解全文,通篇考慮,掌握大意,注重關聯(lián)。3)增加了考查連詞的題,涉及考生對于行文邏輯的掌握及文句之間關聯(lián)的理解。4)注意結合文意考查對詞語用法的掌握。主要涉及兩個方面:詞義辨析與慣用搭配。同義與近義詞的比較分辨應當放到一定的語境之中才有意義。如果只是一

7、一對應地背記單詞的中文意思,不注意具體語境中單詞的確切含意,是難以分辨一 些詞匯的細微差異的。5 .題目的類型可分為:1)語言知識型,如各種語法規(guī)則、句型、句式等;還包括詞匯型,測試單詞在 一定語境下的基本用法、習慣用法、常用搭配以及對其詞義的記憶或其特定意義的理解和靈活運用。2)判斷推理型,考查對篇章的整體理解、上下文段落的銜接、邏輯思維與判斷推理能力。3)綜合型,即對知識和能力綜合運用的考查。四、完型填空之解題秘笈考試猶如打仗,方可謂 知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)不殆?!痹诹私饬顺鲱}的原則和規(guī)律.后,明白題目的考查點, 再配以好的解題方法和思路,做完型填空題就不會再是學生們過不去的檻。那么,做完型填空的

8、解題秘笈 和步驟是什么呢?在做完型填空題時,通常先弄清語境,并依據(jù)上下文進行合理的分析、判斷,才能作出恰當?shù)倪x擇。 具體可分為以下三步:6 .通覽全文,掌握大意。做題時,應先越過空檔,通讀全文,理順題意,找出信息詞。這是做好完形 填空題的關鍵。因為完型填空的特點是著眼于整體理解。我們如果把短文比作環(huán)環(huán)相扣的鏈條,那么由于 空格的設置,鏈條”從第二句起.有些地方就脫節(jié)了。有些同學習慣于提筆就填或邊讀邊填,急于求成,然而,欲速則不達。由于完形填空屬障礙性閱讀,所以抓住文章的首句(段)和尾句(段),對把握文章的主旨和大意很有幫助,因為文章的首句是觀察全文的窗口”,尾句是文章的總結、結論或點睛之筆,會

9、帶給我們有益的啟示,因此首先看一下文章的首句和尾句,使自己心中大概有個印象,我們應該依據(jù)首句給的啟示,通過邏輯思維,借助短文中關鍵詞所提供的信息,越過空檔,盡快把全文讀完,建立語言的整體感,幫助 我們了解短文大意。然后再去通讀全文,不失為一個竅門。通讀全文的方式也可因文而異,對較易把握大 意的文章可采用粗讀、速讀的方式;而對理解稍有吃力的文章不妨放慢讀速、慎讀,但不管怎樣讀,注意 力都應集中在文章的主線(或中心詞卜了解文章內容,從而確定進行推斷、選擇的基本思路。如果一開始 就忙于見一空填一空, 勢必無法從整體上把握全文概要,造成顧此失彼,既影響準確率,也影響做題速度。7 .先易后難,完成各項。

10、通覽全文后,對文章有了整體印象,在此基礎上,可以根據(jù)全文大意,展開 邏輯思維,分析這一空格處在句中的地位,前后的關系和它所起的作用,確定最佳答案。遇到困難,暫放 一邊,先易后難,這是解題之道。當遇到難以判斷的空檔時,不妨先放一邊,繼續(xù)往下做。因為有些答案 是必須通過下文的理解后才能作出斷定的。有時,前后信息之間還有相互提示作用。因此,當我們遇到難 題時,不能久久停留于此, 這樣會浪費不必要的時間。本著先易后難的原則, 先根據(jù)上下文和自己的語感,推測部分空格的可能答案。然后,再結合選項逐一敲定。綜合考慮指的是根據(jù)全文大意和詞不離句、句不 離文的原則,把上下文的意思、句法結構、詞類和語法功能、慣用

11、法、邏輯推理常識等各種因素加在一起 綜合考慮,仔細推敲。要準確判斷出題目的類型,語法知識類較多地表現(xiàn)為動詞時態(tài)、語態(tài)的選用或句子 成分的辨識;詞語知識方面的題目要從詞性、詞形區(qū)分,同義詞語辨析、習慣搭配、習慣用語、結構詞選 擇等方面考慮;情景推理題要注重跳出句子層次,注意句間的結構、意義上的連接和照應關系,有時還應在段與段之間、情節(jié)與情節(jié)之間或更大范圍內上下文照應,因此對短文作全景式”的總體把握對每一空的正確解答非常重要。注意句型、語法、詞語搭配和習慣用法。8 .復讀全文,消除疏漏。完成所有空檔后,還要再次通讀全文,看看這時的短文行文是否流暢,意義 是否連貫,邏輯關系是否合理。復查時,可從語法

12、入手,檢查一下句子的時態(tài)、主謂一致、代詞的性、數(shù)、 格以及詞語的搭配等是否正確。凡遇疑點,必須根據(jù)文章的中心思想,從意義、語法的角度來仔細權衡, 除此之外,復讀時對全篇文章的理解,檢查全文是否前后貫通,再次將不合題意的答案調整或修改;如果 實在無法確定,可以作推理性猜測,不可放棄不填。名師點睛典例分類例1It is very important to stay heal thy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework, _31_ newspapers, watch TV and search on

13、 the Internet to learn something new. I often see _32_ do Taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful _33_ she is over seventy. Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked _34_ she kept > so young and healthy. She replied with a smile:I have

14、 a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite _35_ .Keep your mind active , take an interest in the world _36_ you, and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as _37_ you can. Don' t think you are too old to go back to _38_. I know a ma

15、n who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at _39_ tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matt er

16、how old you are, you can make it.Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to _40_ the lady ' s example. I hope all the people will stay young and healthy.31. A.lookB.readC.seeD.watch32. A.herB.himC.otherD.others33. A.thanB.sinceC.thoughD.because34. A.whatB.whyC.whoD.how35.

17、A.earlyB.dearC.easyD.late36. A.u nderB.aroundC.aboveD.between37. A.soonB.busilyC.hardlyD.often38. A.placeB.songC.schoolD.dance39. A.buyingB.losingC.sendingD.playing40. A.followB.giveC.makeD.bringBIt was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen 31 in almost a month. The crops were d

18、ying. If we didn ' t see some rain soon, we would lose everything.I was in the kitchen that day when I saw my son, Billy, walking toward the 32 . Trying to be as still as possible, he was obviously walking with great 33 . Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, to

19、ward the house. Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that 34 way toward the woods. I couldn ' t take it any longer 31nd I him.He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very 36 not to spill ( 溢出)the water he carried.As I came closer, I saw the most surprising s

20、ight. Several large deer stood infront of him.Billy walked right up to them. But the deer did not hurt him nor37 move as . yBilly kneltdown. And then I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously thirsty, lift its head -to lap up thewater in my boy ' s hands. When the water was gone, Billy ju

21、mped up to run back to deer the house. I followed him back to a spigot ( 水龍頭).Billy opened it and let the drip slowly 38 up his " cup".When he stood up and began to turn back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes were filled with tears."I ' m not39 , " was all he said

22、. The week before, he had made the same troilib with our horses, which caused him a lecture from his father about the importance of not wasting water.This time, I 40 him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him take care of the baby deer alone for it was his job. As the tears that roll

23、ed down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops more drops and more. I looked up at the sky. All I can say is that the rain that came that daysaved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy saved another.31.A. windB. snowC. rainD.cloud32.A. woodsB. schoolC.h

24、ouseD.rivers33.A. surpriseB. effortC. doubtD. notice34.A. naturalB. obviousC. popularD. Unusual35. A. stoppedB. followedC. acceptedD. controlled36. A.carefulB.noisy37. A.everB.yet38. A. setB. fill39. A.interruptingB.joking40. A. receivedB. believedC. comfortableD. politeC. evenD. neverC. putD. place

25、C. complainingD. wastingC. joinedD. pushed【點睛】從完形填空題來看,難度不大,全部題目都屬于句子層次。只要看懂了短文的意思,掌握了一些短語的固定搭配,再多做一些精選的練習,做好完形填空題是不難的。凡遇疑點,必須根據(jù)文章的中心思想,從意義、語法的角度來仔細權衡,除此之外,復讀時對全篇文章的理解,檢查全文是否前后貫通,再次將不合題意的答案調整或修改;如果實在無法確定,可以作推理性猜測,不可放棄不填。課時作業(yè)能力提升A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more a

26、nd more people came to 56 inHong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 57 forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.Elephants, tigers and many 58.animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in HongKong, the _5

27、9 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and _60_ pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 61 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food

28、for them._62_ did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon _63_in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong _64 in the zoos. There are still about36 different animals 65 there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kong' animals is the

29、 barking deer.These are beautiful little animals with a rich brown coat and a white patch( 補丁 ) under the tail. They look like deer , but they are much like a dog barking. There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important for people to protect wild animals.56.A. workB. studyB. a fewC. liv

30、e57.A.notC.no58.A.otherB.othersC.another59.A. thingsB.animalsC. plants60.A.grewB.madeC. kept61.A. fireB. stoves (爐子)C. heat62 .A. SoB. SuchC. As63 .A. livedB. diedC. left64 .A. besidesB. exceptC. beside65 .A. to liveB. livedC. livingBOne day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly

31、the bag fell his horse onto the road. He did not know what he could do about it because it was heavy that he couldn ' t lift it himself. He only hoped that someone would soon and lend him a hand. Just at this moment, a man a horse came up to him. But the farmer felt when he saw who he was. It wa

32、s the great man who lived nearby. He thought the great man wouldn ' t help him, and hopemer would come up. But to his , the great man got off his horse he came near, “I see you need help, " herecjidst the rigmt Kiene." Then he tookone end of the bag and the farmer took the other. They

33、lifted it together and put it on the horse.farmer, “ Howcan I1 pay you? " "It q uiteeasy. the greatman answered. "When yousee_in trouble, do thesame for him.A. fromB. downC. offD. overA. soB. tooC. toD. suchA. turn outB. pass byC. drop byD. walk alongA. is ridingB. rodeC. ridingD. rid

34、esA. disappointedB. excitedC.happyD. relaxedA. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. othersA. sadnessB. surpriseC. joyD. happinessA. as long asB. as soon asC. whileD. asA. atB. inC. onD. withA. anyone elseB. no one elseC. the other people D. othersCDear teacher,I was a student of yours in Grade Six , and I

35、hope you still remember me. I36 ' tms letter because Iwant to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.I know I 37 be very quiet in your class , and you never said much to me. But you did something thatmade a big 38 in my life. You see , all through my first yea

36、r in schools , I haled to read. Books were just words that had 39 to do with me , and I felt bored while reading them. I40 ll nevefirst day ofGrade Six when you look out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. It41 that your voicechanged with the people in the story , and you drew pic

37、tures in my mind as you read 42 . After that day , I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You 43 us all kinds of wonderful stories.During the summer after my year in your class , I missed the stories you read. So one day I picked up a book and 44 it all by myself. I found out that

38、I could make the wor ds 45 , too. Now , I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.Yours,Linda36. A. watchingB. readingC. writingD. getting37. A. usedB. used toC. was usedD. was used to38. A. differenceB. mistakeC. decisionD. progress39. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. any

39、thing40. A. rememberB. knowC. forgetD. understand41. A. likedB. lookedC. looked likeD. seemed42. A. loudB. quietC. aloudD. silently43. A. toldB. wroteC. borrowedD. taught44. A. drewB. listened toC. readD. kept45. A. boringB. patientC. necessaryD. interestingDFriends or ExamsTina had two exams that d

40、ay. Physics was first and she hard physics , it was her worst 31 . Her friend Lily had promised to help her study for the physics exam. But for two weeks , Lily didnt answer any of her calls or messages. Tina was disappointed and angry.While taking the exam , Tina found it difficult to answer questi

41、on number five. She looked up and was surprised to see Lily holding her 32under the table and reading from it. Lily would get a good grade by cheating. It wasn t fair ! Tina felt really angry at Lily and even thought about telling the teacher. But what would everyone else think of her? Just then , M

42、r. Reed started to collect the exam papers. Oh no , Tina hadn t 33 it and she was going to fail again !At lunch time , Tina wanted to talk to Lily but couldn t find her. Tina thought about 34 the teacher, but everyone would hate her if she did that “It wasn t fair !” she thought Just then, Mr. Reed walked past her table "Mr. Reed” Tina 35 him.That afternoon , Tina was sitting behind Lily in the history exam. Lily didn t take her phone out. Maybe she didn t need to cheat


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