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1、原文 譯文林語堂戴維斯Giles譯文比較晉太兒中,武 陵人捕魚為業(yè);緣 溪行,忘路之遠(yuǎn)近。During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman of Wuling. One day he was walking along a bank.During the Tailyuan period(376-396 BC) of Jin, a man of Wuling, who made his livingas afisherman, ascendedastream, forgetfulofthe distance he travell

2、ed.During the reign of Tai Yuan of Tsin Dynasty, a certain fisherman of Wuling, who had followed up one of the river branches without taking note whither he was going, came suddenly upon a groveofpeach-treesinfullbloom, extendingsomedistance on each bank, with not a tree of any other kind in sight.林

3、譯簡單易 懂,翻譯得意忘 形;戴譯表達(dá)地 道,更易被目標(biāo) 讀者所接受; Gelies 的譯文 擺脫原文結(jié)構(gòu)的 束縛,表達(dá)地道, 生動形象,但部 分過于脫離原 文。賞析譯文多為 短句,簡單通 暢,“以捕魚為 業(yè)”譯為“fisherman ” 簡練地道?!巴?路之遠(yuǎn)近”并入 下一句翻譯,打 破原文結(jié)構(gòu),得 息后形。譯文將“晉 太元中”譯為 “During theTailyuan period(376-396 BC) of Jin, ” 較 為地道,且注明 時(shí)間,使讀者更 易理解。譯文為 一個(gè)較長的復(fù)合 句,更符合目標(biāo) 讀者的習(xí)慣。譯文亦為較長的復(fù)合 句,并將“忽逢桃花林。夾 岸數(shù)百步,中無雜樹”合

4、并 于此句,一氣呵成,表明了 譯者的英語功底之深厚。但 數(shù)百步譯為some distance 意思不明確?!疤?花林 譯為 a grove of peach-treesin fullbloom”生動形象。忽逢桃花林。After having gone a certain distance,hesuddenly came upon a peach grovewhichextended along the bank for aboutahundred yards.Suddenly he came upon a grove of peach treesinblossom.林譯根據(jù)原 文意思,使用增

5、譯技巧,且將原 文句子合并,譯 文連貫通暢,但 部分翻譯與原文 意思不符;戴譯 使用短句,且表 達(dá)簡練,譯文生 動形象,較符合 語境。賞析譯者根據(jù) 原文意思,增譯 “After having譯文按照原 文,將此句單獨(dú) 翻譯。用“ingone a certain distance, “且 將此句與下文“夾岸數(shù)百步” 相合并,將“數(shù) 百步”譯為“ about a hundred yards ” 不符合原文意 思。blossom ”來作后 置定語修飾“agrove of peach trees ”,形象生 動。且較符合當(dāng) 時(shí)場景。夾岸數(shù)百步, 中無雜樹,芳草鮮 美,落英繽紛,漁 人甚異之。He no

6、ticed with surprise that the grove had a magic effect,sosingularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood,whi lethebeautifully grassy ground was covered with its rose petals.They lined the banks for several hundred paces: among them were no other kinds of tree.Thefragrant herbagewasfreshandbeauti

7、ful; fallenblossomlayinprofusion.The beauty of the scene and the exquisite perfume of the flowers filled the heart of the fisherman with surprise, as he proceeded onwards, anxious to reach the limit of this lovely grove.林譯根據(jù)原 文意思,部分增 添句子,表達(dá)恰 當(dāng),但部分誤譯; 林譯表達(dá)較為準(zhǔn) 確;Giles譯文, 上卜義關(guān)系理解 錯(cuò)誤。賞析譯文顛倒 句子結(jié)構(gòu),增譯 “the

8、 grove had a magic effect ”形象具 體。但此處“落 英”應(yīng)指桃花 瓣,譯為rose petals ”實(shí)為不 妥。譯文符合原 文意思,且表達(dá) 簡練、準(zhǔn)確、地 道。此處意思應(yīng)該是漁人 看到此番美景后很詫異,遂 “復(fù)前行,欲窮其林”,其 中隱含遞進(jìn)或因果關(guān)系,而 譯文用as連接兩句,表小 并列,并沒有準(zhǔn)確表達(dá)其中 的關(guān)系。復(fù)前行,欲窮林。Hewentfurthertoexplore,andwhen hecame tothe end of the grove, he saw a spring which came from aThe freshman,inextreme wo

9、nder, again went forward, wishing to go to the end of the grove.林譯“explore ”一詞 用的較好,行文 簡練,意思表達(dá) 準(zhǔn)確;戴譯譯文 準(zhǔn)確流暢。cave in the hill.賞析此處“explore ”用 的恰到好處,表 現(xiàn)了當(dāng)時(shí)漁人 看到美景后,想 要繼續(xù)向前探 索桃花林的奧 秘。且將后句合 并,較為流暢, 表達(dá)簡練,且“a spring which came from a cave in the hill ”表達(dá)較為 詳細(xì)準(zhǔn)確。譯文將“漁 人甚異之”與卜 文句子合并,句 子流暢,意思清 晰準(zhǔn)確。林盡水源,便 小-山

10、。The grove ended at the stream s source,andthere he found a hill.He found that the peach trees ended where the water began, at the foot of a hill;譯文均準(zhǔn)確 地道賞析譯文地道, 準(zhǔn)確。譯文準(zhǔn)確。山有小口, 仿 佛若后光,便舍船 從口入。Having noticed that there seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided to go inande

11、xplore.In the hill was a small opening from which a light seemed to come. So he left his boat and went in through the opening.and there he espied what seemed to be a cave with light issuing from it.林譯意思表 達(dá)較為具體準(zhǔn) 確;戴譯句子地 道,行文流暢; Giles 譯文簡練 準(zhǔn)確。賞析將“舍船” 譯為he tied up his boat ” 較為準(zhǔn)確。又用 了 explore ” 一詞,意思表達(dá)

12、 的淋漓盡致。譯文較為地 道,連詞“ so” 較好地表達(dá)了其 中的因果關(guān)系。譯文準(zhǔn)確簡練??偨Y(jié)總體來說,林譯對原文理解透徹,用詞精確,句子通俗易懂,體現(xiàn)了其中英文 功底深厚,但部分詞譯不準(zhǔn)確;戴譯句子更為地道,行文連貫,用詞得當(dāng),長短句 結(jié)合,讀起來朗朗上口;Giles譯文不拘泥于原文,表達(dá)地道,但部分詞及上下文關(guān)系不夠精確。第二段原文 譯文林語堂戴維斯Giles譯文比較初極狹,才通 人。復(fù)行數(shù)十步, 豁然開朗。At first theopeningwasverynarrow, barely wideenoughfor one person to go in. After a dozen st

13、eps, it opened into a floodoflight.At first it wasverynarrow, barely allowing a man to pass, but as he went on for some tens of paces, it came out into the open air, upon lands level and widewithhouses of a stately appearance.So he made fast his boat, and crept in throughanarrowentrance, which short

14、ly ushered him into a new world of level country, of fine pools, and of luxuriance of mulberry and bamboo.林譯生動形 象;戴譯準(zhǔn)確具 體,用詞精確, 表達(dá)形象地道; Giles 此處譯文 與原文不符,且 句子讀起來繁瑣 拖拉。賞析“豁然開 朗”譯為“it將下句“土 地平曠,屋舍儼譯文 “made fast hisboat”與原文的“棄船”不opened into a flood of light ”形象生動。然”與上句合并, 在句子中作狀 語,形容靜態(tài)景 物,表達(dá)地道。符,且后面的a ne

15、w world of level country, of fine pools, and of luxuriance of mulberry and bamboo ” 出現(xiàn)多個(gè)of,表達(dá)冗贅, 且描寫的不夠形象。土地平曠,屋 舍儼然,有良田、 美池、桑竹之屬, 阡陌交通,雞犬相 聞。其中往來種, 男女衣著,悉如外 人;黃發(fā)垂髯,并 怡然自樂。Hesawbeforehiseyes a wide, level valley, withhousesand fields and farms.Therewere bamboos and mulberries; farmerswereworkingandd

16、ogsandchickenswererunning about. The dresses of themen andwomen were likethose oftheoutsideworld, and the old men and children appeared very happyandcontented.There fine fieldsandbeautiful pools, clumps of mulberries and bamboos. The field dykes intersected; cocks crowed and dogs barked to each othe

17、r. The clothes of the men and women who came andwent,plantedandworkedamongthemwereentirelylikethose of people outside.Thewhite-haired andthechildrenwiththeir hair in tufts happily enjoyed themselves.Highways of traffic ran north and south; sounds of crowing cocks and barking dogs were heard around;

18、the dress of the people who passed along or were at work in the fields was of a strange cut; while young and old alike appeared to be contented and happy.此處譯文戴 譯最為精確、生 動、形象,且譯 文表達(dá)地道,而 戴譯和Giles譯 文相比較則顯得 生硬平淡無味。賞析譯文過于 直白,缺少形象 具體的描繪詞 匯,如“阡陌交 通,雞犬相聞” 直接譯為“farmers were workinganddogsandchickens were將“其中往

19、 來種,男女衣著, 悉如外人”以定 語從句方式表 達(dá),意思明確, 簡練地道。另外 “怡然自得”譯為 happily enjoyed themselves.”也此處譯文多為被動,與 另外兩個(gè)譯文相比,則不能 更好地顯示出原文所述場 景的形象生動。running about”顯得平淡無味。較為貼切。見漁人,乃大 驚,問所從來,具 答之。便要還家, 設(shè)酒殺雞作食。村 中聞啟此人,咸來 問訊。They were greatly astonished to seethefisherman and askedhimwhere he had come from. The fisherman told the

20、m and was invitedtotheirhomes,where wine was servedandchickenwaskilledfordinnertoentertainhim.The villagers hearing of his comingallcame to see him and to talk.When they sawthefisherman, theyweregreatly surprisedandasked from what place he came. When he had answered all their questions, they invited

21、 him to come back to their home,wherethey set out wine, killed a chickenandmade a meal. Whenthevillagers heard of this man, they all came to pay their respects.Oneoftheinhabitants,catchingsight of the fisherman, was greatly astonished; but,afterlearningwhere he came, insisted on carryinghim home, an

22、dkilled a chickenandplaced some wine before him.此處譯文整 體來看,戴譯相 比較更勝一籌。賞析譯文中 “where wine was served and chickenwaskilledfordinnertoentertain him” 改為主動形式 則更好?!皢栍崱?指打聽消息,此 處翻譯為“come to talk ”過于 牽強(qiáng)。譯文中多使 用主動,形象具 體。“問訊”譯為came to pay their respects ”過于 發(fā)揮譯者的主動 性。根據(jù)原文,此處主語應(yīng) 為“村中的人(復(fù)數(shù))”,而 此處譯文主語用單數(shù)則略 微不妥。此處“

23、問訊”譯為“turned out to see thevisitor ”也未明確表明?!皃laced some wine before him 未表明款待熱 情之意,過于平淡。自云光世避秦They said thattheirThey told him that theirBefore long, all the people of the place had相比較,戴 譯則最為地道。時(shí)亂,率妻子邑人 來此絕境,不復(fù)出 焉,遂與外人間隔。 問今是何世,乃不 知有漢,無論魏晉。ancestorshadcome here as refugeestoescape from the tyranny o

24、f Tsin Shih-huang (builderofGreatWall)somesixhundred years ago, and they had never left it. They were thus completely cut off from the world,andasked what was therulingdynasty now. They had not even heard of theHanDynasty (two centuries before to two centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei

25、(third century A.D.) and the Chin (thirdandfourth centuries).ancestors, fleeingfromthe troubles during the Qin period (221BC-208BC) , had brought their wives and childrenandneighbourstothis inaccessible spotandhadnotgoneoutagain.Thusthey became cut off from people outside.Theyaskedwhatdynasty it was

26、 now: they did not know that there had been Han(206BC-220AD), nor of courts Wei (220-265AD) or Jin.turnedout to see thevisitor,andtheyinformed him that their ancestors had sought refuge here, with their wives and families, from the troublous times of the house of Chin, adding that they had thus beco

27、me finally cut off from the rest of human race. They then enquired about the politicsof the day,ignorantoftheestablishmentof Handynasty, and of course of the laterdynastieswhich had succeeded it.且朝代加注時(shí) 間,避免因文化 差異而造成的理 解困惑。賞析此處“秦”的譯文應(yīng)該注 明時(shí)間,便于目 標(biāo)讀者理解清 晰?!皌he Han Dynasty (two centuriesbefore to two譯文“Qin period (221BC-208BC , Han(206BC-220AD), nor of courts Wei (220-265AD) ”譯文簡練地道,但缺乏 朝代時(shí)間的標(biāo)注,可能會導(dǎo) 致目標(biāo)讀者對原文理解不 透徹。centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei (third century A.D.) and


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