



1、牛津譯林版八年級第一學期英語10月練習卷(含答案)一、聽力測試(略)二、單項填空 在A、B、C、D四個選項中,選岀可以填入空白處的正確選項。(本大題共15分,每小題1分)21. My ParCntS Will take me to the Park if theytomorrow.A. Will have free time B. are free C. Will be free D. have free22. The number Of the StUdentS in OUr SChOOlthanin any Other One in Ihe townA. is more; those B.

2、 are more; that C. is larger; that D. are large; those23. Amy isthan the OthCr StUdentS She runsOf all in IhiS year's SPOrtS meetingA. fastest; fastest B. the faster; the fastest C. faster; fastest D. the faster; fastest24. ThiS EngIiSh SOng isthat One NOne Of is enjoys it.A. SO bad as B. as bad

3、 as C. much bad than D. badder than25. She found travellingand WaS quitein it.A. interesting; interesting B. interested: interestedC. interesting; interestedD. interested: interesting26. ThiS StOry is not funny. OK. NOW ll tell youone.A. a much funnier B. the funniest C. a more funnier D. much funni

4、est27. difficult for US to findin this ShOP. Let's go toshops.A. That's; SOmething enough beautiful; Other B. That,s; SOmething beautiful; anotherC, It's; SOmething beautiful enough; Other D. It's; SOmething beautiful enough: another28. Theyou are. theyoll find it to answer all the q

5、uestionsA. more carefully; easier B. more careful; more easilyC. more careful; easier D. more carefully; more easily29. He is anboy and he is Standing On a bridge now. The bridge isA.8-year-old: 50 feet Wide B. 8-years- old; 50 feet Wide C. 8 years old; 50 feet WideD. 8 year old; 50-foot-wide30. WhO

6、 WaS the first One toSChOOl this morning?A. reach B. arrive in C. arrive D. get31 great time Iheykites in the OPen area just now!A. What; have to fly B. How; had to fly C. HOW a: have flying D. What a; had flying32. There Will be few StUdentS On the PlaygrOUnd because Of a meeting,?A. WOIft it be B.

7、 Will not there be C. Will there D. is there33. Therea IOt Of traffic On the City roads during sh hours On WeekdayS.A. Were B. WaS C. is D. are34. Can I borrow your bike to ViSit the Museum? 一 Sure. HeIP.A. you B. your C. yourselves D. yourself35 Look, there are SO many PreSentS for US.A. to ChOOSe

8、B. to ChOOSe from C. ChOOSe D. ChOOSe from三、完形填空 先通讀下而的全文,掌握其大意,然后從下而四個答案中選擇可以填入相應(yīng) 空白處的最佳答案。(本大題共5分,每小題0.5分)DO you know 21 匚 King? He and his Wife WOrk in the _36OffiCe She WOrkS harder thanhe does and She is the _37Of their OffiCe The Inan has to _38her. BIlt When they get home, the WOnlan always f

9、eels 39 and doesn't Want to do anything. SO the man does _40_ Of the housework He does the cooking, WaShing and CIeaning. And their Children think his 41 is deliciousIt's SatUrday today and they doft go to WOrk Mrs. King _42SOme friends to dinncr.NOW they,re talking in the Sitting room. Nir.

10、 King is busy in the kitchen. They Say he,s a _43cook, too ThiS makes the man feel44Tm abler(能干的)than her," Said Mr. King, "but her SPOUSe(配偶)is abler than45!"36. A.differentB.sameC.smallD.their37. A.teacherB. workerC.headD.hand38. A.look atB.look afterCAVait forD.listen to39. A.tired

11、B.hungryC.fullD.free40. A.littleB.someC.mostD.lot41. A.flowersB.vegetableC.fruitD.food42. A.invitesB.tellsC.makesD.does43. A.badB.goodC.quickD.slow44. A.sorryB. happyC.carefulD .clear45. A.themB.meC.nineD.ours四、閱讀理解 閱讀下而的短文,然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。(本大題共20分,每小 題2分)AThere are three airports(機場)in NeW YOrk When

12、 you arrive at One Of them, you Can take a bus Or taxi to any PlaCe in NeW York.PUbliC transport交通)In NCW YOrk there,s a good bus and SUbWay(地鐵)senrice If you are Planning to USe the SUbWay a lot, you ShOUld buy a SUbWay ticket for ten journeys because it,s ChCaPCr BUt you don't have to USe PUbl

13、iC transport there are IOtS Of PIaCeS you Can go to On foot. Iike The EmPire State BUilding, 5th AVenUe and Central Park ThC NeW YOrk taxis are a Part Of the City experience, SO you ShOUId take at IeaSt One taxi during your visit!HOteIS There are IOtS Of good hotels in NeW York. The best is The PlaZ

14、a On 5th AVenUe but you don't have to Pay a IOt to Stay in the city; there are IOtS Of Smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young PeOPle Eating OUt There are many kinds Of food in NeW YOrk and you shouldn't eat at MCDOnaId,s every day. TllCre are gd restaurants in Littl

15、e Italy and Chinatown, for exampleShOPPing ShOPPing in NeW YOrk is fun. There are big ShOPS On 5th AVenUe They are OPen SeVen days a Week BUt be CarefUl When you IOOk at the prices; you have to Pay a SPCCial 8% tax(f)on everything you buy in NeW York.PlaCeS to See Finally, there are a IOt Of PlaCeS

16、to See in NeW YOrk-TimeS Square, the StatUe Of LibCrty. And you ShOUldn't go home WithOUt Clinlbing the StatUe Of Liberty to enjoy the SCenery Of the city.46. ThC Plaza" here is the name OfA. a restaurant B.a hotel C. an airport D. a ShOP47. HOW much do you have to Pay if you buy a book Of

17、$10 in NeW York?A. $ 10.8 B. $10.08 C. $18 D $1048. When you ViSit NeW York, you ShOUldA eat at MCDOnaldS every day B take a taxi WheneVer you go OUtC. Stay at the best hotelD Climb the StatUe Of Liberty49. FrOm the passage, We Can Iearn thatA. PeOPle Can ViSit many PlaCeS Of interest in NeW YOrk On

18、 lt.B NCW YOrk is not a good PlaCe for ShOPPing C. PeOPle InUSt IraVel by PUbliC transport in NeW YOrkD PeOPle have to eat Only One kind Of food in NeW York.BBeef. Of COUrSe. is the meat from a cow, and PerhaPS no food is more POPUlar in the USA than a hamburger made from beef. In the 1960s a busine

19、ssman named Ray KrOC began building SInaIl restaurants that SOld hamburgers quickly, SO PeOPle in a hurry COUld buy and eat them WithOUt Waiting By the end Of the 1960s the McDonald1S COmPany WaS Selling hamburgers in a IOt Of restaurants from CaIifOrnia to Maine. NOt surprisingly, Ray KrOC became O

20、ne Of the richest businessmen in AmeriCaOther business PeOPle WatChed his SUCCeSS SOnIe Of them OPened their OWn hamburger restaurants. One COmPanyt CanedUWendy,sbegan to COmPete (競爭)With MCDOnaId,s. Wendy,s Said its hamburgers Were bigger than those SOld by McDonald1S Or anyone else,s The Wendy,s C

21、OmPany Created the CXPrCSSiOlVwhere's the beef? ,to Inake PeOPle believe that Wendy,s hamburgers Were the biggest Il PrOdUCed a television advertisement to Seil this idea The Wendy,s television advertisement ShOWed three Old WOmen eating hamburgers The bread that COVered the Ineat WaS Very big,

22、but inside there WaS OnIy a tiny (極小的)bit Of meat. One Of the WOmen Said She WOUld not eat a hamburger With SUCh a Iittle PieCe Of beef"Where's the beef? she ShOUted in a funny VOiCe TheSe advertisements for Wendy,s hamburger restaurants Were a SUCCeSS from the first day they appeared On te

23、levision AS We said, it Seenled that everyone began USing the expressionWhere,s the beef? HIt WaS One Of the most POPUlar expressions in the USA.50 FrOm the passage, We know that the McDonald1S COmPany WaS first n byA. MCDOnaId B. Wendy C. Ray KroC,s good friends D Ray KrOC51 The UnderIined CXPrCSSi

24、OWhere's the beef? Hin ParagraPh 2means.A. the beef in the IlambUrgerS is IOStB the beef is as good as it is Said to beC. the hamburger is not as good as describedD the beef CannOt be found52 The PaSSage implies (暗示)that SOme Other PeOPle Wanted to OPCn hamburger restaurantsbecauseA. hamburgers

25、Were easy to makeB they Wanted to make a IOt Of moneyC. they COUId Sell hamburgers from CalifOrnia to MaineD they thought hamburgers Were good to eat CWe know the mosquito ver>r Well MOSqUitOeS fly everywhere They Can be found almost all OVer the world, and Ihere are more than 2,500 kinds Of them

26、.NOOne IikeS the mosquito. BUt the mosquito Inay decide that She IOVeS you. She? Yes, She.It's tne that male IIlOSqUItO doesn't bte()and Only the female mosquito bites because She needs bld to Iay eggs She is always IOOking for things Or PeOPle She WantS to bite If She IikeS What She finds,

27、She bites BUt If She doesn't Iike your blood. She WIil tm to SOmeone else for more delicious blood NeXt time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are ChOSen You,re different from the others!If the mosquito IikeS you, She IandS On YOUr body WithOUt Ietting you know She bites you SO quickly and

28、 quietly that you may not feel anything different After She bites, you Will have an HCh(癢)on your body because ShC PUtS SOmCthing from her InOUth together With your blood By the time the itching begins and She has flown away.And then What happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels

29、 tired She just WantS to find a PlaCe to have a good rest. There, On a Ieaf Or a WalIt She begins to Iay eggs, hundreds Of eggs 53. fcMosquito'' meansm Cliinese.A.蒼蠅 B.蠟蜓 C.跳蚤 D.蚊子54. If die mosquito doesn't bite you, It WillA. get angry With you B. be afraid Of you C. make a IOt Of nois

30、e D ChOOSe another One 55 The mosquito bites youA when you're asleepB because you ChOOSe itC. t quickly to Iet you knowD but doesn,t IIke you第二卷(主觀題共40分)五、單詞拼寫 根據(jù)括號內(nèi)所給提示,寫出單詞的正確形式。(本大題共8分,每小題1分)1. The(興趣)in his Iife are music and Painting.2. IS it(確實的)that OUr SChOOl basketball team WOn the matc

31、h?3. I'm quite happy to See that you(最后)WOrked OUt the most difficult PrOblem4. IfS quite(乏味的)for me to Stay at home On the fine and Warm day.5. The monitor Of ClaSS One is a(Cheer) girl. Everyone WantS to make friends With her.6. DoCS anybody know the(Weigh) Of the bridge? 一 OVCr 100.000 tons.7

32、. The GreenS bought(they) a new Car at the end Of the year because they Inade muchmoney.& DO you think this stor>r is(fun) than that one?六、動詞填空 用括號內(nèi)所給動詞的適當形式填空。(本大題共8分,每小題1分)1. NeVer(be) Iate for the meeting, Will you?2. ThC SUn(Shine) brightly in a Clear Sky today, but it s not Warm YOU ShOU

33、ld be CarefUlnot to CatCh a COld in autumn.3. My mother(ChOOSe) to Wear a blue SUit for the Party the day before yesterday.4. Mr. SaWyer forgot(bring) the Umbrella to his OffiCe HC IOOked CvCryWhCrC at homebut he COUldn,t find it.5. What made the Iittle girl(IaUgh) happily With her mother?6. -HOW SO

34、OnNeil(finish) drawing the picture?-In two WeekS. DO you believe him?7. Don,t make SO much noise, Linda MUnI(PrePare) the COming talk in the study.8.1 hope LUCy(COme) to See me before She IeaVeS We always have fun together.七、缺詞填空 先通讀下而的短文,掌握其大意,然后很拯短文內(nèi)容和所給首字母,在空格 內(nèi)填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~,使短文意思完整。(本大題共5分,每小題0.5分)M

35、OdCnl Iife is impossible WithOIlt travelling. Of COUrSe the f1Way Of travelling is byPIane Today, With a modern airline you Can t 2 to Inany PaCeS in One day While hundreds Of years ago, you needed a In3Or more time to get to the PaCeSTraVelling by train is S_4 than by plane, but it has its StrOng P

36、OintS. YOU Can See the CitieS you are travelling t5 MOdern trains have COmfOrtable S_6 and dining CarS Theymake even the IOngeStj 7enjoyableSOme PeOPle Iike to travel by Sea better When POSSible. There are Iarge IineS and riverboats. You Can ViSit Inany Other COUntrieS and different PlaCeS On them TraVelIing by Sea is a Very PIeaSant Way to S 8_ a holiday.Many PeOPle Iike to travel by car. YOU Can Inake your o_9 timetable YOU Can travel three Or four hundred miles Or Only fifty Or One hundred InileS a day, just as you Ii


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