



1、I Am So Very SorryTo: Jacob From: MegDear Jacob,Ive found that many people tend to not speak up whensomething bothers them, thinking that it is trivial tomentionit. Unfortunately, whathappens is afterrepeatedtimesofnotspeakingup,some smalloccurrence happens andit ends up beingthestrawthatbroke theca

2、melsback. Theother partner, more often than not, has no clue what theyare upset about and thereforethinkthey are over-reacting.I feel like this is the story of our relationship. I hatearguing with you; I hate hearing that pain-filled tone ofyourvoice,or feelingyourcoldshoulderwhen Ibrush pastjusttog

3、eta hintofyourscent.Imnotnaturallyan angryperson; you know that from when you first met me. I have so many bad memories, so many moments that I hold myself in because they seem to be all that is left of me. I feellike a ghost created from torn webs of my past and I have brought all that into a relat

4、ionship, thinking that past problems wont melt over into present dilemmas. Ive been living a lie.Our argument was caused from so many things. My第 1頁insecurities, my lack of self-worth, the selfish want tobe the only one that makes you smile and toss a sparkleacross youreye. Iknow thatthe blame ismos

5、tlymine. Yourfriendsareyour family,much likemy mother ismy family.I defend thethingsshe says and does outofloveand I knowyou do much of the same for them.Im sorry for not taking the time to be patient with you,to sit and listen and understand the way you feel. I knowthat I will never know the things

6、 they share with you andyou share with them and therefore your relationship withthem isofa differentimportancethanyoursand mine. Whenyou say I amwrong ina matter that concernsyour friends,your family,then most likelyIam .Imsorry forhurtingyou and beating you down so often. If anyone shows a lackof r

7、espectin thisrelationshipthen Isuppose itisme whois to blame.I feel like you dont want to be near me, you dont wantto touch me after what Ive said and done towards you. Ifthe ringer were on right now I would know that there wasa chance forme tocome toyourside and say thisinperson.Anythingto let youk

8、now that this is mesaying Im sorry,Jacob, Im so, so sorry. If you could ever forgive me it第 2頁would not go unappreciated, if not then it will not go misunderstood.This is all I can say, and if you ask me to, I will say no more ever again to you.I just wish you to know that my selfish will has broken,my barriers havefallen, and mylovefory


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