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1、大學(xué)英語I ( 2018期末)一、單選題1This kind of plant a lot of waterat all times.?A、assumes?B、limits?C、produces?D、Requires正確答案:D2The doctor was an operation tosave the patients life.?A、acting?B、limiting?C、performing?D、assuming正確答案:D3He said he had the performanceof the new model and wassurprised at what he had se

2、en then.?A、endeavored?B、demonstrated?C、witnessed?D、judged正確答案:D4Would you mind keeping a(n)onthe house for us while we are away?A、eye?B、look?C、hand?D、view正確答案:A5He had been completely exhausted butfelt considerably after a meal and a rest.?A、renewed?B、recreated?C、reshaped?D、refreshed正確答案:D6Rod is de

3、termined to get a seat for theconcert it means standing in a queue all night.?A、as if?B、even if?C、provided?D、whatever正確答案:B7Lastly, what are the specialresponsibilities, of the scientists toward the community? A、if is there any? B、is there any?C、if any?D、if any is正確答案:B8The good weather could be an

4、important in tomorrows game.?A、fact?B、factor?C、force?D、activity正確答案:B9You don t know about the difficulty Ihad the work then at all.? A、done?B、to do?C、for doing? D、in doing正確答案:D10In Britain today women 44% ofthe workforce, and nearly halfthe mothers with children are in paid work.?A、make up?B、build

5、 up?C、stand for?D、conform to正確答案:B11Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.? A、are freshmenpermitted? B、freshmen arepermitted?C、permitted arefreshmen?D、are permittedfreshmen正確答案:C12New medicines are remarkableresults in the treatment of cancer.?A、finding?B、requiring?C、solving?D、produ

6、cing正確答案:D13asleep when a terrible noiseawakened me.?A、Scarcely had Ifallen?B、Scarcely I hadfallen?C、I had fallenscarcely?D、I scarcely hadfallen正確答案:C14The two girls are getting on very welland share with each other.?A、little?B、much?C、some?D、none正確答案:B15Americans eat vegetables perperson today as th

7、ey did in 1910.?A、more than twice?B、as twice as many?C、twice as many?D、more than twiceas many正確答案:C16Three people were killed in a head-on between a bus and acar.?A、collapse? B、collision?C、conflict?D、crush正確答案:B17studyingThe discovery of these tombs is for scholars Chinese history.?A、of veryimportan

8、t?B、greatsignificant?C、of greatsignificance?D、greatlyimportance正確答案:C18This old school is still having of students it had ahundred years ago when it was first founded.?A、the sameamountas?B、the sameamountthat?C、the samenumberas?D、the samenumberthat正確答案:C19 is known to us all is that the2012 Olympic G

9、ames will be held in London.?A、It?B、What?C、As?D、Which正確答案:B20The children will not be allowed to comewith us if they dont themselves better.? A、direct?B、accustom?C、adjust? D、behave正確答案:D 二、完型填空1Throughout history man has had to acceptthe fact that all living thingsmust die, but people now live longe

10、r than theyused to. Yet, all 1 thingsstill show the effect of aging, which will eventually 2 death.The body and the 3 , they do notfunction as well as they 4 inchildhood and adolescence. The body provides less 5 againstdisease and is more prone 6 accident.A number of related causes may 7 toaging. So

11、me cells of the bodyhave a 8 longlife, but they are not 9 whenthey die. As a personages, 10 ofbrain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are replacedby new cells.?A、livingB、aliveC、livelyD、lovely?(2)A、 result inB、result fromC、end inD、conclude?A、handsB、brainsC、organsD、legs?A、made

12、B、didC、grewD、had?(5)A、 preventionB、protectionC、 strengthD、vitamin?(6)A、ofB、toC、withD、at?A、contributeB、 compareC、strengthD、 be drown?(8)A、fairlyB、muchC、fairD、fare?A、repeatedB、repliedC、replacedD、rearranged?(10)A、the amountB、any amountC、the numberD、a number正確答案:(1) A (2) A (3) C (4)B (5) B (6) B A (8)

13、A C (10) C三、閱讀理解1the first English window was just a slitin the wall. It was cut long, so that it would let in as much light aspossible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather. However, the slit let inmore wind than light. This is why it was called “the wind s eye ” . The wordwindow itself comes fr

14、om two Old Norse words for wind and eye. Before windows were used, the ancienthalls and castles of northern Europe and Britain were dark and smoky. Theirgreat rooms were high, with only a hole in the roof to let out the smoke fromtorches and cooking fires.As time went on, people wanted morelight and

15、 air in their homes. They made the win d s eye wider so as to admit airand light. They stretched canvas across them to keep out the weather.單選題The first window was a.?A、large hold in the roof?B、hole with canvas stretched across it?C、long and narrow slit in the wall?D、slit to let out the smoke from f

16、ires正確答案:C單選題The window got its name because it.?A、kept out the wind?B、blew out the smoke?C、let in more wind than light?D、admitted air and light正確答案:C單選題In the ancient castles, smoke wentout through.?A、the windows?B、the doors?C、the chimney?D、a hole in the roof正確答案:D單選題The word “ canvas in the last s

17、entenceprobably means ? A、a thick board served as a wall? B、hard and coarse cloth used as curtains?C、a stove that gives out warmth?D、a candle to light the house正確答案:B(5)單選題It seems true that the larger,canvas-covered windows.?A、were not as good as the first windows?B、let in the light and kept out th

18、e wind?C、did not let any air in?D、were as good as today s windows正確答案:D2Most people love Michael Jordan. Hesthe NBAs No. 1 player who can run fast, jump high and shoot well. All thesethings are true, but there are other truths about Michael that are not soeasily seen: his understanding of teamwork,

19、his competitive spirit and his lovefor the game. It is these truths that form the deepest connection betweenMichael and me.After coaching him for eightseasons, I still wonder at Michaels love for the game that moves us, even inpractice games. I mean, he never takes a day off. One thing about Michael

20、 isthat he takes nothing about his game for granted. When he first came to the NBAback in 1984, his outside shooting was not perfect, and he began to practiceshooting hundreds of shots each day.In the end, he became a realthree-pointshooter. Playing outstanding defense didnt come straight to him, ei

21、ther. Hehad to study his opponents, learn their usual moves and then try hard to learnthe skills necessary to stop them. He worked extremely hard to perfect hisfootwork and his balance.Today, so many young people cometo the game with the thought that talent is all they need for success. Michaelthink

22、s the other way. He knows his weaknesses, and for me, one of the signs ofMichaels greatness is that he has turned his weaknesses into strengths.Another of the qualities Irespect most about Michael is his performance on the court. Whilst he is verycompetitive, he always respects the other players, wh

23、ether they are on his teamor on the other side. Often, he gives a hand to an opponent who falls down. Heis definitely not the type of player who would try to build himself up bytearing someone else down. This is an act of leadership. Through hisoutstanding performance on the court, he has won love a

24、nd respect from both histeammates and opponents.Every season, Michael makeshimself available to groups of children with serious diseases. He puts them atease, lets them have a laugh, and makes it possible for them to enjoybasketball. When Michael retires, I only hope that young players like GrantHil

25、l and Kobe Bryant will be influenced by his performance and by his sense offair play. I hope that people will remember him for much more than just hischampionship rings. Being Michaels coach has been a great joy. But moreimportantly, I consider Michael to be a friend.單選題The text is written by.?A、a b

26、asketball player?B、a basketball coach?C、a basketball fan?D、a sports news reporter正確答案:B單選題What is true about Michael Jordan?A、He cant jump high.?B、He cant run fast.?C、He can shoot well.?D、He can take a day off.正確答案:C單選題What does Playing outstandingdefense didnt come straight to him in Sentence 6, Pa

27、ragraph 2 mean?A、He was not outstanding at playingdefense at the very beginning.?B、He was outstanding at playing defensefrom the very beginning.?C、Playing outstanding defense wasimportant to him.?D、Playing outstanding defense was notimportant to him.正確答案:A單選題Michael Jordan was all the following,exce

28、pt.?A、respecting other players on thecourt?B、giving a hand to an opponent who fallsdown?C、having competitive spirit?D、building himself up by tearing othersdown正確答案:D(5)單選題Which of the following is NOT true?A、The coach regarded Michael Jordan as afriend.?B、Many children with serious diseases canget a

29、 chance to meet Michael Jordan.? C、Michael Jordan has influenced many otherbasketball players through his love for the game.? D、Michael Jordan doesnt think talent iseverything a person needs for success in playing basketball.正確答案:D3College is a newand different experience for me. Im away from home,

30、so I have many things toadjust to, e.g. being on my own, talking with friendly people. These are someof the things I like about college.First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility, ofbeing on my own. My parents arent around to say, No, youre not goingout tonight. or Did you fi

31、nish your homework? Everything I dohas to be my decision, and that makes me responsible for my ownlife.Duringthesecond weekI wasatcollege, I had to go out and lookfor abank whereIcould open anaccount. And when I gottothe bank,I had to decidewhethertohave a current or savings account and whether or n

32、ot to get acredit card.Decisions! Decisions!Friendly people, thats another thing I like about college. On myfirstday I came to Marymount University here in Virginia from New York, I was a bitconfused about where I was going. My mother and I drove in. We did not know thebuilding we were supposed to g

33、o to, but the guard was very nice. With a smile,he told us what building we were looking for and where we could park our car.My room was on the first floor of New Gerard, and I knew I had to go throughsome glass doors, but my mother and Ididnt know which ones. Some students sawme and asked, Are you

34、a new student? When they found out I waslooking for NewGerard, onesaid:Oh, justfollowus; thatswhere weregoing.Even now Ifeelcomfortable inthe dormbecause there arefriendlypeople around to talk with.I do like a lot of things about college, but that doesnt mean I dontthink about things at home. Althou

35、gh I like college, I can still get homesick:New York is a very good place, too!單選題The text isperhaps written by.? A、a new student? B、 a new teacher?C、a foreignreporter?D、a foreignvisitor正確答案:A單選題firstWhat doesgives me a sense of responsibility in the sentence ofParagraph 2 mean? It means.?A、I shall

36、beresponsible for my parents?B、I shall beresponsible for my teacher?C、I shall beresponsible for the school?D、I shall beresponsible for myself正確答案:D 單選題From Paragraph 3we know that.?A、the writerknew Marymount University quite well?B、the writerwas a student from Virginia?C、the writer cameto Marymount

37、University alone?D、the writer likedhis/her dorm very much正確答案:B單選題What is NewGerard?A、Its astudents name.?B、Its a teachersname?C、Its a dormsname?D、Its a schoolsname.正確答案:A(5)單選題Which of thefollowing is NOT true?A、People inMarymount University are friendly.?B、The writer likesthe new experience in the

38、 university.?C、The writer droveto Marymount University on the first day.?D、The writeris not homesick正確答案:D4Every artist knows in his heart that heis saying something to the public.Not only does he want to say it well, but hewants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public

39、will listen and understand-he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learnfrom him. What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make outbut difficult to explain, because painters translate their experiences intoshapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selectio

40、n ofshapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionallyinteresting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we shouldnever have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delightwhich they brought to the artist. Most artists take their shapes and

41、 colorsfrom the world of nature and fromhuman bodies in motion and repose; theirchoices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, thatthey contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merelychoose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing morein it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the characterof their subjects. If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous(生壞疽的)leg and another a lake in moonlight, each ofthem isdirecting our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each


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