已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、出國旅游英文必備句型(c君整 理)最重要1我是中國人,我來旅游,導游的電話是請聯(lián)系他。Im Chinese. Im here for touring. The number of my guide isPlease call him.2打擾了!我迷路了,我的酒店是這個地方,能不能帶我回酒 店?Excuse me! Fm lost. I live in the XXX hotel. Could vou take me to the hotel?3我不會說英語。I cant speak English.4能不能幫我給這個號碼打個電話,謝謝!Could you do me a favour to c

2、all this number? Thank you!5請聯(lián)系我的家人,電話是Please contact with my family The telephone number is6,這個多少錢?_How much is this?US dollar (美元)7太貴了。Its too expensive.8我不買,謝謝!I dont need/want it. Thank you!9請問附近有洗手間嗎?Is there a washroom near by?10能幫我拍張照片嗎?謝謝!Could you take a picture for me? Thank you!11乘計程車到需要多

3、少錢? How much does it cost toby taxi ?A. $1-10 (LIO 美元)B. $11-30C. $31-50D. $51-100E. $over 100 (100 美元以上)12幾點了?What time is it?13這里可以使用信用卡嗎? Do you accept credit cards?14我的名字是 My name is15你叫什么名字? Whafs vour name?16你能寫在這嗎?Could you write it down here?17門票多少錢?How much is the entrance fee?店(Hotel)1這個房間

4、每晚多少錢?How much is this room per night?2我想要一間安靜一點的房間。 rd like a quiet room.3我想要一間視野好的房間。rd like a room with a nice view.4我可以看一看房間嗎?May I see the room?5隨時都有熱水供應嗎?Is hot water available any time?6洗澡的熱水怎么開?How can I have the warm shower water?7我要訂這間房間。ril take this room8前臺電話是多少?What is the telephone num

5、ber of the reception?9你們有早晨叫醒服務嗎?Can I have a wake-up call, please?10早餐幾點開始供應?What time can I have breakfast?11午餐幾點開始?What time can I have lunch?12晚餐幾點開始供應?What time can I have supper?13餐廳在那兒?Where is the dining room?14請給我一張有旅館地址和電話的名片。Please give me a card with the hotel1 s address and number 15用我房

6、間里的電話給中國打電話一分鐘多少美元?How much does it cost to call PR. China per minute by the hotel telephone in my room?dollars 16請問怎樣用我房間里的電話給中國打電話?How do I call P.R. China by the phone in my room?17請把空調溫度調高一點。Please turn up the air conditioner18請把空調溫度調低點。Please turn down the air conditioner問 路(asking the way )1打擾

7、了!請問如何前往?謝謝!Excuse me! How do I get to the? Thank you!2離這里有多遠?How far is it from here?A. l-500m(l-500 米)B. 5004000mC. 1000-3000mD. 3000-5000mE. over 5000m (5000 米以上)3請問如何前往公車站How do I get to the bus station?問如何前往地下鐵路站?How do I get to the metro station?5請問如何前往郵政局?How do I get to the post office?6請問如何

8、前往旅游資訊局How do I get to the tourist information office?6請問附近有沒有銀行?Is there a bank near by?7請問附近有沒有百貨公司?Is there a department store near by?8這附近是否有價位不貴的餐廳?Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?9請問附近有沒有醫(yī)院?Is there a hospital nearby?10請問附近有沒有公共廁所?Is there a public toilet near by?11請問附近有沒有公共電話?

9、Is there a public telephone nearby?12你能在地圖上給我指路嗎?Could you show me the way on this map?13在哪里賣票?Where can I get a ticket ?14請在這里停。Stop here, please*吃 飯(dinning)1我不吃辣的。I dont have hot/spicy food.2這個是豬肉、羊肉、牛肉還是雞肉?Is this pork, mutton, beef or chicken?A. pork (豬肉)B. mutton (羊肉)C. beef (牛肉)D. chicken (雞肉

10、)E. others (其他)3這個是肉還是別的?Is this meat, fish or others?A. meat (肉)B. fish (魚)C. others (其他)4請問有素食的食物嗎?Do you serve any vegetarian food?5不加冰,謝謝,飲料不加冰。No ice in my drink. Thank you.6有沒有熱水,請給我一杯熱水。Do you have hot water? I want a glass of hot water, please.7請給我菜單。May I have a menu, please ?8有沒有中文的菜單?Do y

11、ou have a Chinese menu?9請給我有圖片的菜單。Do you have a menu with pictures/photos, please?10我想來些蔬菜。I want some cooked vegetables.11我想來份湯。I want some soup.12我想嘗試一下當?shù)厥澄铩d like to have some local food.13我想點與那份相同的餐。I want to have the same dish as that 14這不是我點的食物。This is not what I ordered.15 太咸了 IVs too salty.

12、太甜 了 Its too sweet.太苦了 If s too bitter.太酸了 too sour.太辣了 Its too hot/spicy.太熱了 Ifs too hot.太冰了 Ifs too icy.16結賬,一共多少錢?Check, please. How much in total?17賬單有一些錯誤。可不可以麻煩再確認一次賬單?I think there is a mistake in the bilL Could you check it again?18請給我收據(jù)。May I have the receipt, please ?19請問附近有中餐廳嗎?Is there a

13、 Chinese restaurant near by?醫(yī) 院(hospital)1我過敏了。I have allergies.2我不舒服。I feel uncomfortable/bad/ilL 3我感冒了。I got cold 4空調太冷了。The air conditioner is too cold.5給我一杯熱水。I want a glass of hot water.6我要去醫(yī)院,請幫我打電話聯(lián)系。謝謝。7我這里疼 我這里不舒服 我心臟疼 我胃疼 我腿疼 我牙疼 我胳膊疼 我頭疼 我眼睛疼 我嗓子疼I need to see a doctor Could you contact w

14、ith a hospital for me?I have a pain here.I feel uncomfortable here.My heart aches.My stomach aches.My legs ache.My teeth ache.My arms ache.My head aches*My eyes ache.I have a sour throat.8我頭暈I feel dizzy9我惡心/想吐。I feel sick/vomiting.10我發(fā)燒了。I have a feven 11我暈車了。I have a carsickness.12我打噴嚏 I sneeze13

15、我流鼻涕 I have a running nose.14我咳嗽I COUghe15請給我一個體溫計。I need a clinical thermometer 16我需要一些止疼藥。I need some painkillers.買東西(shopping)1多少錢?How much ?2我要買這個。Ill have/buy this one.3含稅了嗎?Does it include tax?4 一共多少錢?How much in total ?5多少個?How many ?6便宜一點兒。Can I have it in a cheaper price ?7我能試穿嗎?May I try i

16、t on?8這有免稅店嗎?Is there a duty-free shop?9我只是看看,謝謝。Im just looking. Thank you10我想看看這個。Fd like to see this 11能找個我這么大號的嗎?Could you show me something in my size?12我能拿下來嗎?Can I pick it up?13你有像這個一樣的嗎?Do you have one like this?14我想要個櫥窗里那個。Id like the one in the window.15能給我看看另一件嗎?Could you show me another

17、one?16你們有什么顏色的?What kind of colors do you have?17你有一些小號的嗎?Do you have anything smaller?18這個太大了。This is too big 19你有更大的嗎?Do you have a bigger one?20你有其他顏色的這個東西嗎?Do you have the same thing in any other colors?21我可以試穿嗎?Can I try this on?22這就是我的號This is just my size.23這個不適合。It doesnt fit24 太短了Thisis too

18、 short太長 了Thisis toolong太緊了Thisis tootight太松了Thisis tooloose25還沒有找我錢呢。I dont have my change back yet.26我已經(jīng)付錢了。I already paid.27能給我張退稅表嗎?May I have the form for tax refund?28能換個新的嗎?Could you change it for a new one?29我想退掉它。Id like to return this 30能退給我錢嗎?Can I have a refund?換 錢(exchange)1我想換些美元。I want to ch


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