1、 Always Thirsty I had an operation, said a man to his friend, and the doctor left a sponge (海綿)in me. Thats terrible! said the friend. Got any pain? No, but I am always thirsty! st gsthnt blk fntwsk sdest ekksept Thirsty, ghost, haunt, block furniture, whisky, suggest, shake accept1.Bytheendofthisye
3、nished1.Theconference_afullweekbythe timeitends.A.musthavelasted B.willhavelastedC.wouldlast D.haslasted2.His new book_ next month. A. will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published 1.When did the earthquake in Lushan happen? It happened _ 8:02 _ the morning of April
4、20, 2013.A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on D. on; on2. Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffee _ sugar.A. than B. for C. with D. to1.So far,themoon_bymanalready.A.isvisitedB.willbevisitedC.hasbeenvisitedD.wasvisited2.Themonkeywas seen_outofthetree.A.jumpB.jumpsC.jumpedD.to
5、jump3. The teachers hope all of us can hand _ our homework _ time every day.A. up; in B. out; on C. on; in D. in; on4. It is reported that a lot of adults take lessons online _further education.A. after B. to C. with D. for5. Sue has many nice dresses. She wears a different one every day _ the week.
6、A. of B. from C. at D. for 1.Theway_(heexplainedthesentencetous)wasnotdifficulttounderstand.2.Theway_(heexplainedtous)wasquitesimple.that/which/不填不填that/inwhich/不填不填關(guān)系詞在定語(yǔ)從句中的語(yǔ)法成分關(guān)系詞在定語(yǔ)從句中的語(yǔ)法成分when/onwhichthat/which/不填不填3.Wewillneverforgetthedays_(westudiedtogether).4.Wewillneverforgetthedays_(wespe
7、nttogether).1.Thisisthereason_wemadeMrLiheadmasterofourschool.A.whereB.whenC.beforeD.why2.Thatwasthereason_Macgavemetheotherday.A.whyB.forthatC.whichD.forwhich(wemadeMrLiheadmasterofourschool.)(Macgavemetheotherday).3. The house _ we once lived in ) is being repaired by the workers.A. which B. where
8、 C. who D. whom4. The house _ we once lived is being repaired by the workers.A. which B. where C. who D. whom(we once lived in(we once lived)1. 潔牙線dental floss2. 用牙線潔牙 floss the teeth3. 做牙齒檢查have dental checkup4. 牙齒不齊crooked teethDentist: a person whose work is filling, cleaning and taking/pulling o
9、ut teeth, and fitting artificial teeth.Having straight teeth is important. Teeth that are crooked or out of place affect( 影響)the way a person chews and talks and how their smile looks. wear a braceFewer than 1/3 of us floss our teeth regularly, and thats a shame. Dental floss reaches spots that your
10、 toothbrush cant. If you dont floss, can you guess how much of each tooths surface you leave uncleaned?A. 25% B. 55% C. 35%Along with flossing and seeing the dentist for regular dental checkups, brushing your teeth plays a major role in preventing(防止) dental problems. Nearly all of us do it, but few
11、 of us do it long enough. How long should you brush your teeth?A. one minute B. 2-3 minutes C. 5 minutesThrow it out! A toothbrush with worn, bent bristles(刷子毛) isnt doing the job. How often, on average(平均起來(lái)), should you replace your toothbrush with a new one?once a month B. every 6 months C. every
12、3 months What do you think is happening in the picture?Where is it?Have you ever been to a dentists?How did you feel? About what?atthedentists New words and expressionsplpull ktn wulcotton woolklektcollectklekncollectionnd nodmi:nwalmeanwhilepull ones legcollect stampshave a collection of stampsnodd
13、ed noddingin the meanwhile=in the meantime4. a group of objects of one type that have been collected by one person or in one place1. to move something towards yourself, sometimes with great physical effort pull2. to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobbycollect3. to move
14、your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting, or to show something by doing thiscollectionnodnodnod 點(diǎn)頭點(diǎn)頭nod ones headnod ones headnod at nod at sbsb vi. vi. 打盹打盹,打瞌睡(常與,打瞌睡(常與offoff連用)連用)他過(guò)去在法語(yǔ)課上常打瞌睡他過(guò)去在法語(yǔ)課上常打瞌睡He used to nod off during the
15、 French classHe used to nod off during the French class Many people in the audience _ in agreement. There is a fine _ of paintings in the art gallery.When did you start _ coins?The earth gravity has a _ on everyone.noddednoddedcollectioncollectioncollectingcollectingpullpullLesson 48Did you want to
16、tell me something?Why did the writer become worried?Why did the writer become very worried?Whydidthewriterfeelveryworried?A.ThedentisthadpulledthewrongtoothB.Hecouldntafford(付不起付不起)theoperationC.Thedentistforgottoremove(除掉除掉)thecottonwool When When its impossible for you toits impossible for you to
17、answer. answer.1. When do dentists ask question?My dentist had just My dentist had just pulled outpulled out one of my teeth one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.and had told me to rest for a while.2. What had your dentist just done and what had he told you to do?My mouth My mouth was
18、 full ofwas full of cotton wool. cotton wool.3. What was your mouth full of?The dentist knew IThe dentist knew I collected collected match boxes. match boxes.4. What did the dentist know about you? He asked He asked whetherwhether my collection was growing, my collection was growing, howhow my broth
19、er was and my brother was and whetherwhether I liked my I liked my new job in London? new job in London? 5. What did he ask?I I eithereither nodded nodded oror made strange noises made strange noises in in answer toanswer to these questions. these questions.6. How did you answer his questions?Meanwh
20、ileMeanwhile, my tongue was busy searching , my tongue was busy searching out the hole out the hole where the tooth had been.where the tooth had been.7. Meanwhile, what did you do?I couldnt say anything.I couldnt say anything.8. What could you say when you suddenly felt worried? The dentist at last
21、The dentist at last removedremoved the cotton the cotton wool from my mouth.wool from my mouth.9. What did the dentist at last do?10. What were you able to tell him?I I was able towas able to tell him that he had pulled out tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.the wrong tooth.key structur
22、es1. Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.It is possible/ impossible to do sthIts impossible for me to do so much work in an hour.Its possible for you answer this question.practice: 1. 我 不可能吃這種東西。 2. 我不可能和他交朋友 My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had to
23、ld me to rest for a while. 我的牙科醫(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我休息一會(huì)兒。我的牙我的牙科醫(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我休息一會(huì)兒。我的牙科醫(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我休息一會(huì)兒??漆t(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我休息一會(huì)兒。 rest n. 剩余的部分,休息,支撐物,休止符剩余的部分,休息,支撐物,休止符 the rest of The rest of rice_(be) bad. while conj. 當(dāng)當(dāng) . 的時(shí)候,雖然,盡管,然而的時(shí)候,雖然,盡管,然而 1While I was watching TV,the bell rang (我看電視時(shí),鈴響了。
24、)(我看電視時(shí),鈴響了。) While it was late, he went on working. (雖然很晚了,但他還在繼續(xù)工作。)(雖然很晚了,但他還在繼續(xù)工作。) He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home. (他出去散步了,而我卻呆在家里。)(他出去散步了,而我卻呆在家里。) is我的牙科醫(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我我的牙科醫(yī)生剛剛給我拔掉了一顆牙,叫我休息一會(huì)兒。休息一會(huì)兒。My dentist had just My dentist had just pulled out pulled out one of my one o
25、f my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.teeth and had told me to rest for a while.pull out 拔出拔出他立即掏出了一把槍。He pulled out a gun immediately. 作為對(duì)這些問(wèn)題的回答,我不是點(diǎn)頭就是發(fā)作為對(duì)這些問(wèn)題的回答,我不是點(diǎn)頭就是發(fā)出奇怪的聲音。出奇怪的聲音。In answer to In answer to these questions, I these questions, I eithereither nodded nodded oror made st
26、range noises. made strange noises. in answer to in answer to 作為作為 的回答的回答他只是搖點(diǎn)了點(diǎn)頭作為對(duì)我問(wèn)題的回答。他只是搖點(diǎn)了點(diǎn)頭作為對(duì)我問(wèn)題的回答。He just nodded in answer to my question.He just nodded in answer to my question.eitheroreitheror或者或者 或者或者我不是把它落在桌子上就是落在抽屜里了。我不是把它落在桌子上就是落在抽屜里了。I left it either on the table or in the drawer.I
27、left it either on the table or in the drawer. He either nodded or made strange noises. Either you or your father came to fill in the form. I either go shopping or do some washing on sundays. practice: 1.我或者騎車(chē)或者坐車(chē)去公園。我或者騎車(chē)或者坐車(chē)去公園。 2.我或者我媽去買(mǎi)快餐。我或者我媽去買(mǎi)快餐。 1. We can_ see _touch the air . A .not only ,bu
28、t also B .both, and C . either ,or D . neither ,nor 2. You can_ stay at home _ go to my hometown with me . A. not ,only B. either and C .both or D. either or 3. _ John _I are policemen. A. Neither . nor B. Either . or C. Both . and D. Not only. but also 4. Im looking for a babysitter (保姆)(保姆) . She
29、must be _ too old _ too young . A. neither ; nor B. both ; and C. either ; or D. not only ; but alsoDDCAbe busy doing sth My tongue was busy searching out the hole.When I got to the office , they were all busy answering phones.practice: 1.我們都忙著復(fù)習(xí)。我們都忙著復(fù)習(xí)。2.小偷們忙著翻看包里的東西。小偷們忙著翻看包里的東西。同時(shí)同時(shí)我的舌頭正在搜尋剛拔掉的那
30、顆牙所在我的舌頭正在搜尋剛拔掉的那顆牙所在的位置。的位置。search out search out 搜尋,找出搜尋,找出Meanwhile,Meanwhile, my tongue was busy my tongue was busy searching searching out out the hole where the tooth had been. the hole where the tooth had been. 盡管天氣暖和,我們還是找出了一些積雪,盡管天氣暖和,我們還是找出了一些積雪,去滑雪了。去滑雪了。Although/though it is warm , we Al
31、though/though it is warm , we searched outsearched out some snow and went skiing.some snow and went skiing.In the meanwhile/at the same timeWhen the dentist at last When the dentist at last removedremoved the cotton the cotton wool wool fromfrom my mouth my mouth, I was able to tell him I was able t
32、o tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.remove(from) remove(from) 去掉,除掉,拿掉去掉,除掉,拿掉當(dāng)那位牙醫(yī)最后將藥棉從我嘴中取出時(shí),我當(dāng)那位牙醫(yī)最后將藥棉從我嘴中取出時(shí),我總算能夠告訴他他拔錯(cuò)了牙??偹隳軌蚋嬖V他他拔錯(cuò)了牙。我把照片從墻上拿了下來(lái)。我把照片從墻上拿了下來(lái)。I removed the picture from the wall.I removed the picture from the wall.Dentistsalwaysaskquestionswhenitisimpossibleforyoutoanswer.Mydentisthadjustpulledoutoneofmyteethandhadtoldmetorestforawhile.Itriedtosaysomething,butmymouthwasfullofcottonwool.HeknewIcollectedmatchboxesandaskedmewhethermycollectionwasgrowing.Hethenaskedmehowmybrotherwasan
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