1、UNIT 5Secti on One Tactics for liste ningPart 1 Sport DictationWindIn the past we watched the wind closely. (1) Hun ters knew that game moved (2) with the win ds, that keep ing the wi nd in (3) on e's facewas esse ntial to a successful (4) stalk. Farmers knew that cha nging winds brought (5Jain
2、or drought.Polynesian* sailors could find islands beyond the (6) horizon by lying on their backs in their (7) canoesand feeling the swells* caused by winds (8) rushing onto isla nds many miles away. Eskimos could (9)n avigate in Arctic whiteouts*, whe n fog or snow (10) obscured all la ndmarks, by f
3、ollow ing remembered curre nts of air over the snow and ice.Today few people can tell where the wi nd comes from. We live in side walls, (11) surrounded by chrome and glass, and the winds outside are often (12) gusts of our own making - the wake of (13) rushing automobiles the tunneling of air down
4、narrow city streets. We get our weather (14 from the n ews not from the wi nd beh ind us. We hear the wind as house sounds: the (15)rattle of windows , the scratching of bran ches at a window (16)screen, the moan of a draft un der the (17)hall door. These are pop music, not the (18) classical style
5、of the wind, which is the collision of leaf and blade, the (19 groa n of bran ches un der stress, the (20stirri ng of ocea n waves.Part 2 Liste ning for GistEleven years ago, a US Congressmanfrom the state of Michigan introduced legislatio n ask ing Con gress to study slavery reparati ons(賠償款).Si ne
6、e the n, the cities of Washington, Detroit, Cleveland, Dallas and now Chicago haveealled on (請 求) Congressto consider such payments. Chicago aldermen (市議會長老議員) voted 46-1 in support of the resoluti on. Alderma n Freddre nna Lyle is the desce ndant of a slave. She says blacks in the United States are
7、 stia t a disadvantage (處于不禾U 地位) because of slavery."Today, when I am walk across the street and go down the street and go to (the department store) Sak's and people follow me through the store. It is because slavery has taught people to treat us differently based on skin color. So it live
8、s and breathes with us. It is with us every sin gle day."Alderma n Ed Smith says there is not eno ugh money in the uni verse to compe nsate blacks for what they have suffered because of slavery, but he says it is time for the country to try.Directi ons: Liste n to the passage and write dow n th
9、e gist and the key words that help you decide.1. This passage is aboufelavery reparati ons.2. The key words are slavery reparation, payments, vote, resolution, descendant, disadva ntage, skin color, compe nsate, blacks, suffer.Section two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialogueCheapo TicketTerri:Did
10、you see that television series with Michael Palin?Simon:The one where hewent around the world (環(huán)游世界)in eighty days?Terri:Yeah.Simon:Yeah, it was really good. You know, that's something I've always wanted todo.Terri:Me too. Mind you, you have to put up with a lot of hassles (麻煩事)* 1mean. I we
11、nt to Hong Kong last year and it was one long disaster!Simon:Really?Terri:Yeah, I was stuck in Moscow for three days!Simon:How on earth did that happen?Terri:Well, it was like one of those bucket shop (低價位的旅行社)* tickets, you know, from the back of a magazine. I went down to this little place in cent
12、ral London, in Soho and paid cash.Simon:But they're usually OK, aren't they?Terri:That's what I thought at the time. Now I know better! I mean the plane was delayed two hours leaving Heathrow and we were doing a stopover atMoscow. It was Aeroflot*. So we arrived late at Moscow, in the mi
13、ddle ofthe night, and we all went into the transit Iounge (轉(zhuǎn)機候機室)and afterabout two hours this official came in and told us we'dmissed the connection (誤了聯(lián)運的車、船、飛機) to Hong Kong; We 'd have to stay the night in the airport hotel .Simon: But why?Terri:The late departure from Heathrow apparentl
14、y.Simon: So, what was the hotel like?Terri:Grim* . more like a prison really. Anyway, the next morning I went downto reception and asked what was happening. Disaster! They'd checked my ticket or something and decided it wasn't a proper Aeroflot one, only valid for the twice-a-week flight, no
15、t the daily flight. So I had to sit there and watch all the other passengers go off to catch the next plane to Hong Kong while I was stuck in this terrible hotel.Simon: Well, a good chance to explore Moscow.Terri:No way! I didn't have a Russian visa, of course, so they wouldn't let me out.I
16、had to stay there for three days. The pits (條件太惡劣)! No TV, no newspapers, no phone lines and the food was gross. All because I had this cheapo ticket,Simon: I guess you won't be buying cheap tickets again.Terri:You're not wrong!Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the follow
17、ing statements are true (T) or false (F).l. T 2. T 3.F 4.F 5. F 6.F 7.F 8. TPart 2 PassageFrozen Ethnic Foods (冷凍的民族食品)1) Two years ago, there were three freezers in the store that catered to people from the Indian subcontinent and now there are 55.2) A few blocks away at the Pacific Supermarket, wh
18、ich specializes in Chinese and Thai food, frozen dinners fill two long aisles.3) Other ethnic groceries are enjoying explosive growth in sales of frozen meals to immigrant and second-generation customers with less time, inclination or ability to cook the foods of their homeland.4) By 2010, the Hispa
19、nic-American population in the United States is expected to grow 96 percent and the Asian-American population is expected to grow 110 percent.5) Europe is ahead of the United States in terms of big companies but the trend could grow here.At Patel Brothers' grocery, you can almost get lost these
20、days in the frozen foodsection. Two years ago, there were three freezers in the store that catered to為 服務(wù) ) people from the Indian subcontinent in New York's Jackson Heights neighborhood. Now, there are 55, aisle after aisle crammed with inexpensive, ready-to-eat versions of chicken, chickpea(s
21、鷹嘴豆) and vegetable balls in sauces and spices.A few blocks away at the Pacific Supermarket, which specializes in Chinese and Thai food, frozen dinners fill two long aisles.Other ethnic groceries, including those offering Mexican food, are enjoying explosive growth in sales of frozen meals to immigra
22、nt and second-generation customers with less time, inclination or ability to cook the foods of their homeland.Filling the frozen food racks are rapidly growing food companies, many of them local or regional, which find that serving ethnic shops is easier and more profitable than selling to grocery c
23、hains. As their profits increase, they are attracting the attention of major corporations.The market for ethnic frozen foods reached US$2.2 billion in 2001, according to the American Frozen Food Institute.The biggest market is for Italian food, totaling US$1.28 billion in 2001, up 6.1 percent from 2
24、000. The overall frozen food market also grew by 6.1 percent, totaling US$26.6 billion.But Mexican frozen food sales grew 20.6 percent to US$488 million. Asian frozen entrees, which include Chinese, Thai and Indian, were up 12.3 percent, totaling US$463 million.The steady growth in popularity of eth
25、nic frozen foods is partly a result of changing demographics* - by 2010, the Hispanic-American population in the United States is expected to grow 96 percent and the Asian-American population is expected to grow 110 percent.But other Americans are also enjoying dishes once considered exotic. The bus
26、y lives of many people help sales.Making the food are mostly small businesses closely linked to immigrant populations from Asia, Latin America and Africa. Still, some are expanding beyond their own ethnic origins.Deep Foods* of Union, New Jersey, is adding frozen Thai and Chinese entrees even as it
27、markets its Green Guru* line of Indian dishes.Deep Foods started out in the late 1970s as a family-owned snack business, and then started making vegetarian frozen food in the mid-1980s. It has since diversified into non-vegetarian, natural and low-sodium* dishes.Heinz sees frozen dishes as a growth
28、area along with organic and natural foods. Just before acquiring Ethnic Gourmet*, Heinz bought a Mexican food manufacturer, Delimex.Europe is ahead of the United States in terms of big companies. But the trend could grow here.A: Pre-listening QuestionThe development and diversity of the delights of
29、Chinese cuisine are representative of China's long history. With each dynasty new recipes were created until the art of food preparation reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty. The dinner called Man Han Quan Xi that incorporates all the very best of Man and Han Cuisines is held in high esteem
30、as it does countless dishes, each with its own distinctive flavor and appeal.The diversity of geography, climate, customs and products have led to the evolution of what are called the "Four Flavors" and "Eight Cuisines".Cuisine in China is a harmonious integration of color, redol
31、ence, taste, shape and the fineness of the instruments. Among the many cooking methods they use are boiling, stewing, braising, frying, steaming, crisping, baking, and simmering and so on.Cuisine can rise to many different occasions from luxury court feasts, fetes, holy sacrificial rites, joyous wed
32、ding ceremonies to simple daily meals and snacks. The art of a good cook is to provide a wholesome and satisfying dish to suit the occasion.Besides the various Han cuisines, the other 55 ethnic groups each have their own.With their peculiar religions and geographical zones, their diets differ respec
33、tively and are full of interest.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirecti ons: Liste n to the passage and fill in the follow ing chart about the growth of the ethnic foods' market shares in
34、the United States in 2001 and then answer the questi ons.Nati on alityItalia nMexica nAsia n coun triesAmountUS$1.28 billio nUS$488 millio nUS$463 millio nPerce ntage6.120.612.3TotalUS$2.2 billio n1. Mak ing the food are mostly small bus in esses closely lin ked to immigra nt populati ons from Asia,
35、 Lat in America and Africa.2. Deep Foods started out in the late 1970s as a family-ow ned sn ack bus in ess, the nstarted making vegetarian frozen food in the mid-1980s. It has since diversified into non-vegetaria n, n atural and low-sodium dishes and is now add ing froze n Thai and Chinese entrees
36、even as it markets its Green Guru line of Indian dishes.D: After-liste ning Discussi onDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1) First, the steady growth in popularity of ethnic frozen food is partly a result of changing demographics - by 2010, the Hispanic-Ameri
37、can population in the Un ited States is expected to grow 96 perce nt and the Asia n-America n populati on is expected to grow 110 perce nt. And the America ns are also enjoying dishes oncecon sidered exotic and the busy lives of many people help sales.Second, many food compa nies find that serv ing
38、eth nic shops is easier and more profitable tha n selli ng to grocery cha ins. As their profits in crease, they are attract ing the atte nti on of major corporati ons. Hei nz sees froze n dishes as a growth area along with organic and natural foods.2) (Open)Sect ion Three NewsNews Item 1Therapy Dogs
39、 at Ground ZeroJea n Owen is a dog trainer and volun teer with Therapy Dogs Intern ati on al, an organization that provides specially trained dogs and their handlers for visits to nursing homes, hospitals and other in stituti ons. Therapy Dogs Intern ati on al, based in New Jersey, is one of a growi
40、ng number of organizations that believes that the comfort and love of a pet can in crease a pers on's physical and emoti onal well-be ing, promote healing and improve the quality of life.Therapy Dogs International was founded in 1976 by Elaine Smith, a registered nurse who observed the ben efits
41、 of pets in teract ing with patie nts. Studies have show n that holdi ng or pett ing an ani mal can lower a pers on's blood pressure, release tension and easel on eli ness and depressi on .Si nee September (terrorist attacks), dog trainer Jean Owen has spent a lot of time visiting firehouses and
42、 Red Cross respite* centers for workers at Ground Zero.In New York City, there continues to be a need for specially trained dogs to comfort people who have bee n traumatized* by disaster. One victim remarked, "With people, you have to talk about your feelings. But a dog knows how you're fee
43、ling."Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This n ews item is about the therapy dogs that are used to in crease a pers on's physical and emoti onal well-be ing. promote heali ng and improve the quality of life.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and com
44、plete the following passage.Therapy Dogs Intern ati on al, located in New Jersey, was foun ded in 1976 by Ela ine Smith, a registered nurse who observed the ben efits of pets in teract ing with patie nts. Studies have show n that hold ing or pett ing an ani mal can lower a pers on's blood pressu
45、re release tensionand easel on eli ness and depressi on.Since September (terrorist attacks), dog trainer Jean Owen has spent a lot of time visiting firehouses and Red Cross respite cen tersfor workers at Ground Zero .In New York City, there con ti nues to be a n eed for specially trained dogs_to com
46、fort people who have bee n traumatized by disaster. One victim remarked, "With people, you have to talk about your feeli ngs. But a dog knows how you're feeli ng."News Item 2RobotsThe new SDR4.X stands only 60 centimeters tall, but Sony still says it could be part of the family. But it
47、 will have to be a wealthy family. Its creators say it will cost as much as a luxury car!Electro nics compa nies across the globe are racing to develop the n ext great robot for use around the home. Some, such as the SDR4X, are huma no id* robots meant to en terta in their owners with their walki ng
48、, talki ng and tricks. Others are made to do chores, such as mow the law n or wash the car.Robots could help kids do their homework, or make lear ning fun, for example. Rodney Brooks is the Artificial Intelligence Director at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech no logy. His compa ny, Robot (eye-robo
49、t) Corporati on, has developed what it calls "remote prese nce" robots. They allow their owners to con trol them from any where in the world by using the Intern et. He calls this "rebottli ng".As for the fun side, the in dustry is develop ing compa nion robots for elderly people
50、who are Ionely. And Sony expects to put its SDR4X on the market by the end of the year.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the latest development in robots for use around the home.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and discuss the following qu
51、estions.1. It costs as much as a luxury car.2. Sony made it.3. They will en terta in their owners with their walk ing, talk ing and tricks.4. It means that these robots allow their owners to con trol them from any where in the world by using the Intern et.5. Sony will put SDR4X on the market by the
52、end of the year.News Item 3RoboticsThe sophisticated combination of electronics and software empowering today's toys may run tomorrow's household robots, according to engineer Pradeep Khosla, at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute.Mr Khosla is presently working on programming
53、 robots to duplicate human response, so that in the future robots might be able to function as helpers for the elderly or the. handicapped.He says he has made some gains - robots that respond to hand signals, voice commands, light and darkness and those gains are visible on today's toy market.Je
54、ff Burnstein of the Robotics Industries Association says a robot, by definition, is a piece of equipment that is multifunctional, one that can be reprogrammed to do many different tasks.Home robot helpers may be a distant dream, he says, but industrial robots are an essential part of most factories
55、today.As for the future, Pradeep Khosla says a person will be able to turn to his or her robot helper and say - Get me a Coca Cola. That robot will then walk to the refrigerator and open the door.That future is about 20 years off, Mr. Khosla estimates. The children playing with robot toys today coul
56、d be the first generation to live with robots in their homesas adults.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is aboutthe present achievements of robotics and the home robot helper in the future.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and complete the following
57、 passage.Future robots will be able to duplicate huma n resp on se, so that they might be able to fun cti on as helpers for the elderly or the han dicapped Researchers have already made some gains - robots thferesp ond to hand sig nals,voice comma nds, light and dark ness and those gains are visible
58、 ortoday's toy marketIn about 20 years, the children playing with robot toys today could be thefirst.generation to live with robots in their homes as adults.Secti on Four Suppleme ntary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportScratchTwo years ago, computer software engin eers at The Media Lab, MIT'sin
59、no vative tech no logy research cen ter, la un ched a new and easy-to-use program ming Ianguage they called Scratch. Since its launch, Scratch has quickly found its way over the Internet into classrooms and homes around the world, and' putting the creative power of software desig n into the hands of some very young users.Jeff Elkner's students are creating animated stories using Scratch. Most of them, like Lydia Melgar from El Salvador are lear ning En glish as a sec ond
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