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1、 人人教版教版(2019)新教材高中英語選擇性必修第二冊新教材高中英語選擇性必修第二冊 UNIT FIVE First Aid 急急 救救 Words and Expressions1.technique teknik: n.技技能能; 技術(shù)技術(shù); 技藝技藝 【多指某一領(lǐng)多指某一領(lǐng)域域(如如藝術(shù)、體育藝術(shù)、體育等等)的的專門技專門技術(shù)術(shù) 或或技技巧巧】technical teknk()l: adj. 技術(shù)的技術(shù)的; 工藝的工藝的technology teknldi: n. 技術(shù)技術(shù);工工藝藝 【含義比含義比 technique 廣廣泛泛,尤尤指生產(chǎn)工藝以指生產(chǎn)工藝以及及 科學或科學或工業(yè)技工業(yè)

2、技術(shù)術(shù)】1)Her technique is almost perfect.2)His technique has improved a lot over the past season(賽季賽季).3)The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.4)Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live. leaflet leaflet leaflet leaflet 2. leaflet liflt: n. 散散頁印刷品頁印刷品; 傳傳

3、單單; 小冊子小冊子1)He picked up a leaflet about housing sales.2)The leaflet explains how to apply for a place/position.3)There are many girls at the entrance giving out leaflets. organ3. organn: n. (人或動植物人或動植物)器官器官; 機機構(gòu)構(gòu); 風琴風琴the sense organs : 感覺器官感覺器官 (包含包含 eyes, ears, nose, etc.)play the organ: 彈風彈風琴琴1)

4、The skin is an essential part of your body and is its largest organ.2)The largest organ in the body is the liver(肝臟肝臟).3)The brain is the organ of thought.4)The nose is the organ of smell.4. toxin tksn: n. 毒素毒素 (尤指細菌產(chǎn)生的致病物質(zhì)尤指細菌產(chǎn)生的致病物質(zhì))virus vars: n 病毒病毒germ dm: n. 微微生物生物; 細菌細菌; 病病菌菌bacterium(復數(shù)復數(shù)bac

5、teria): n. 細菌細菌 bktrm1)Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.2)Do you think there might be some sort of toxin? 5. ray re: n. 光線光線; 光束光束; (熱、電等的熱、電等的)射線射線a ray of.: 一點一點; 少量少量; 一線一線1)Your skin acts as a barrier against disease, toxins, and the suns rays.2)When the suns rays hit the

6、 earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.3)There is a ray of hope left for us.6. sense of touch: 觸覺觸覺sense of sight/smell/hearing/ touch/taste: 視視覺覺/嗅覺嗅覺/聽覺聽覺/觸覺觸覺/味味覺覺1)Your skin also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when th

7、ings are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch.2)His sense of touch gradually took the place of sight.3)A pianist or a violinist must have a good sense of touch.7. radiation redien: n.輻射輻射; 放射放射線線1)The satellite will study energy radiation from stars.2)Her hair started falling out as a

8、result of radiation treatment.8. acid sd: adj. 酸性的酸性的 n. 酸酸 vinegar vn(r): n. 醋醋1)You can get burnt by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, acids, or other chemicals.2)The acid has burnt a hole in my jacket. 3)Acid rain destroys trees and buildings. millime

9、ter9. millimeter/millimetre mlimit(r): n. 毫米毫米;千分之一米千分之一米centimeter/centimetre: n. 厘米厘米meter/metre: n. 米米; 公尺公尺kilometer/kilometre: n. 千米千米; 公里公里1)These affect only the top few millimetres of the skin.2)Millimeter is a unit of length.3)We measure rainfall by the millimeter.10. minor man(r): adj.較較小的

10、小的; 次要的次要的; 輕微的輕微的tiny tani: adj. 極極小的小的; 非常小的非常小的; 微小的微小的 (tiny - tinier - tiniest)1)Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents.2)There will be some minor changes to the schedule/plan.3)There is a minor road in front of us.4)He played a minor role in the organ

11、ization.11. layerle(r); le(r): n. 層層; 表層表層; 層次層次lay le: v. 平放平放; 放置放置; 下下(蛋蛋); 產(chǎn)產(chǎn)(卵卵)lay - laid - laidlie - lied - lied: 說說謊謊; 撒謊撒謊 lie - lay - lain: 位位于于; 躺躺; 保保持持1)These go below the top layer of the skin.2)How many layers of clothing are you wearing?3)I could see a thick layer of dust on the tabl

12、e. 12. electric lektrk: adj. 電的電的; 用電的用電的;電動的電動的electrical lektrk()l: adj. 電的電的; 用電的用電的; 發(fā)電的發(fā)電的; 與電有關(guān)的與電有關(guān)的electricity lektrst: n. 電電power pa: n. 力量力量; 能量能量; 電力電力; 電力供應電力供應electrical equipment/appliances/power/ energy/wiring/signal/engineer/ shock: 電氣設備電氣設備/電器電器/電力電力/電能電能/電線線路電線線路/電信號電信號/電氣工程師電氣工程師/

13、觸電觸電electric light(lamp)/guitar/drill/chair/ clock/bell/ fan/iron/stove/ power/shock: 電燈電燈/電吉他電吉他/電鉆電鉆/電椅電椅/電鐘電鐘/電鈴電鈴/ 電扇電扇/電熨斗電熨斗/電爐電爐/電力電力/觸電觸電1)The electric bell rang.2)He invented the first electric clock.3)She will be sent to the electric chair. electric shock13. electric shock: 觸電觸電;電電擊擊get/re

14、ceive an electric shock:觸電觸電1)Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or petrol fires.2)She had been told about the risk of electric shocks and this made her very careful while using hairdryers.3)You will get/receive an electric shock if you touch it. victim14. victim vktm

15、: n. 受受害者害者; 患者患者accident/earthquake/fire/flood victim: 事事故故/地震地震/火災火災/水災的罹難者水災的罹難者(受害者受害者)AIDS/cancer victim: 艾滋病艾滋病/癌癥患者癌癥患者fall victim (to sth): 成成為為的犧牲品的犧牲品/受害受害者者1)These burns cause very severe internal injuries and the victim must go to the hospital at once.2)The victim was outside a shop when

16、 he was attacked.3)The killer has cut the victims throat.4)Be careful not to fall victim to online banking fraud(詐騙詐騙).15. swollen swln: adj. (身體部位身體部位)腫起的腫起的; 腫脹的腫脹的1)My eyes were so swollen that I could hardly see anything.2)My legs are swollen.16. swell swel: vi. 膨膨脹脹; 腫脹腫脹 (swelled swelled/swoll

17、en)1)The cool water stops the burning process and reduces the pain and swelling.2)Do your feet swell at night?3)My leg swelled (up) after the fall. blister17. blister blst(r): n.(皮膚上因摩擦、燙傷等引起的皮膚上因摩擦、燙傷等引起的)水皰水皰; (金屬等表面的金屬等表面的)氣泡氣泡; 水泡水泡1)I am worried about the blisters on my hand.2)It is not a good

18、idea to burst the blister on the foot.3)I have a blister on my heel because my shoe is too tight.18. underneath ndni: prep./adv. 在在底下底下; 隱藏在下面隱藏在下面 (與與 under 的意思相的意思相近近,但但含有將某物隱藏或遮蓋起來之意含有將某物隱藏或遮蓋起來之意)under : prep. 在在下面下面/底下底下 (指某物在另一物的下面或底指某物在另一物的下面或底下下,兩兩者之間有無一定距離均可者之間有無一定距離均可)below bl: prep. 在在下面下

19、面; 低低于于 (指某物所處的位置低于另一物指某物所處的位置低于另一物)beneath bni: prep. 在在下面下面/正下方正下方 (指所處位置指所處位置時時,與與 under, below 基本同義基本同義, 但但有時強調(diào)在某物的正下方有時強調(diào)在某物的正下方)1)She will leave the key underneath the mat.2)The coin has rolled underneath the piano. 3)A bomb exploded underneath the bus.4)This jacket is too big, even with a swe

20、ater underneath.19. nerve nv: n. 神經(jīng)神經(jīng)nervous: adj. 神經(jīng)質(zhì)的神經(jīng)質(zhì)的; 焦慮的焦慮的; 擔憂的擔憂的nervously: adv. 神經(jīng)質(zhì)地神經(jīng)質(zhì)地; 焦急地焦急地; 提提心吊膽地心吊膽地mental: adj. 精神的精神的; 智力智力的的spirit: n. 精精神神; 心靈心靈; 情緒情緒1)Every nerve in her body was tense.2)Have some tea; itll calm/settle your nerves.3)It is a breakthrough in the study of the ne

21、rve system.20. fabric fbrk: n. 織織物物; 布料布料; (社會、機構(gòu)等的社會、機構(gòu)等的)結(jié)構(gòu)結(jié)構(gòu) (尤指用于制作服尤指用于制作服裝裝/窗簾窗簾/家家具覆蓋物等的織物具覆蓋物等的織物)cloth klkl: n. 布布; 布布料料 (普通用普通用詞詞, 指指用于制作服裝用于制作服裝的材料的材料)material mtril: n. 布布; 布布料料 (與與 fabric 同義同義, 可換用可換用)1)Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking t

22、o the burnt skin.2)She likes the fabric, but cant find a use for it.3)The whole fabric of society was changed by the civil war.21. loose lus: adj.松松的的; 未系緊的未系緊的; 寬松的寬松的lose (lost) luz: v. 丟丟失失; 喪失喪失; 輸?shù)糨數(shù)鬺oss ls: n. 損失損失; 喪失喪失1)Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth.2)Crops will grow well if

23、soil is loose.3)You are overweight. You had better buy a loose shirt.22. urgent dnt: adj. 緊急的緊急的; 急迫的急迫的; 急切的急切的emergency mdns: n. 緊急情況緊急情況/事件事件emergency shelter: 應急避難應急避難所所1)If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once

24、.2)There is an urgent need for food and clean water in the region.3)I have an urgent message saying that your father is ill.4)He asked to see the manager for something urgent.23. ease iz: v. 寬慰寬慰; 減輕減輕; 緩解緩解n. 容易容易; 舒適舒適; 自在自在easy iz: adj. 容易的容易的; 簡單的簡單的; 從從容的容的; 舒適的舒適的with ease: 輕松地輕松地; 容易地容易地(feel

25、) in (ones) ease: 舒適舒適;無拘無無拘無束束(feel) at home: 無無拘無束拘無束;舒舒適自適自在在(feel) more at home: 更無更無拘無束拘無束;更舒更舒適自適自在在1)This medicine can ease your pain. 2)To ease my mind, I stopped thinking about it.3)He has passed the exam with ease.4)This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.5)The retired

26、 worker lives a life of ease.24. paramedic prmedk: n.急急救醫(yī)生救醫(yī)生; 護理人員護理人員1)It is my second week as a paramedic.2)To be a paramedic, you have to be kind, strong, and be willing to work under pressure. swallow25. swallow swl: v. 吞下吞下; 咽下咽下 n. 燕子燕子1)We must chew food well before swallowing it.2)The pills

27、 should be swallowed whole.3)The coffee was too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.26. wrap rp: v. 包包; 裹裹; (用手臂等用手臂等)圍圍住住 (wrapped wrapping)unwrap: v. 打開打開; 解開解開wrap A (up) in B: 用用B包包Awrap B around/round A: 用用B包包A1)If this does not work, you can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre by standin

28、g behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist.2)I spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.3)She wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket. = She wrapped a blanket around the baby. bathtub bathtub27. bathtub btb: n.浴浴缸缸; 浴盆浴盆 (US)tub tb: n. 盆盆; 桶桶1)You look like a little boy in the batht

29、ub.2)Never leave small children alone in a bathtub. 3)Now you know you have to clean your bathtub after you use it.28. bath b: n. 洗洗澡澡。 浴缸浴缸; 浴盆浴盆(= bathtub ) (US) v. 給給洗澡洗澡( = bathe)have/take a bath: 洗澡洗澡1)Put non-slip bath mats in and next to the bath and shower.2)I think you had better have a bat

30、h and then go to bed.3)Its your turn to bath the our baby.29. slip slp: v. 滑到滑到; 滑落滑落; 溜走溜走; 悄悄悄塞悄塞; 偷偷放偷偷放 n. 滑倒滑倒; 小錯誤小錯誤; 紙條紙條slippery slpri: adj. 滑的滑的 mistake: n. (言語言語/行動上的行動上的) 錯誤錯誤; (用詞或數(shù)字上的用詞或數(shù)字上的) 錯誤錯誤/口誤口誤/筆誤筆誤error: n. error比比 mistake 更正更正式式, 常??梢曰Q??梢曰Q。slip: n. 小錯誤小錯誤 (指常因粗心或未予以重視造成的小錯誤

31、指常因粗心或未予以重視造成的小錯誤)1)People may slip when the floor is wet so make sure the floor is kept dry.2)She slipped over on the ice and broke her right leg.3)The man slipped out of the house before the others were awake.4)I have slipped some money to the old farmer.5)The child wrote my address down on a slip

32、 of paper.6)Im sorry. Somebody must have made a slip. mosquito mosquito mosquito30. mosquito mskit: n. 蚊子蚊子 (mosquitos/mosquitoes) fly: n. 蒼蠅蒼蠅1)After she had been bitten by mosquitoes, she applied some medicine to her skin.2)A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.3)Not a fly nor a mo

33、squito was found around here.31. elderly eldli: adj. 年年紀較大的紀較大的; 上上了年紀的了年紀的(婉辭婉辭) (指人年老或漸老指人年老或漸老的的,委委婉用婉用詞詞,含含有尊敬之有尊敬之意意)old: adj. 年老的年老的 (普通用詞,指人歲數(shù)大、年老體衰的普通用詞,指人歲數(shù)大、年老體衰的)aged: adj. 年邁的年邁的; 年老的年老的 (正式用詞正式用詞) (常用于指老人高齡常用于指老人高齡的的,含含有年老體衰有年老體衰、 老老態(tài)龍鐘之態(tài)龍鐘之意意,通通常作定語。常作定語。) the old/elderly/aged: 老年人老年人1

34、)The elderly present special challenges, as they may have trouble moving about and can be seriously hurt in falls.2)If you have an elderly person in your home, you may need to take some extra measures to make your home safer.3)The elderly woman is still quite energetic. carpet carpet32. carpet kpt:

35、n.地毯地毯blanket blkt: n. 毯子毯子a wet blanket: 掃興的人掃興的人lay/fit a carpet: 鋪地毯鋪地毯1)Dont run electrical wires under carpets.2)Trying to walk to her sofa to sit down, she fell over onto the carpet.3)We have fitted carpets in our house.33. operator pret(r): n. 電話接線員電話接線員; 操作員操作員operate pret: v. 操作操作; 使用使用; 動手

36、術(shù)動手術(shù); 運轉(zhuǎn)運轉(zhuǎn)operation pren: n. 手術(shù)手術(shù); 操作操作; 運轉(zhuǎn)運轉(zhuǎn); 行行動動1)While attempting to talk to the operator, Mrs Taylor discovered that she could not speak. 2)She told the telephone operator that her call was a matter of life and death.3)He is a computer operator. ambulance34. ambulance mbjlns:n.救護車救護車ambition mb

37、n: n. 野心野心; 雄心雄心call an ambulance: 叫救護叫救護車車1)Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived.2)Telling Mrs Taylor that everythng would be OK, she immediately sent an ambulance.3)We will send the ambulance to pick him up.4)The street is too narrow for the ambulance to drive in.35. delay dle: vt. 推遲推遲; 延期延期(做

38、某事做某事) vi. 耽誤耽誤; 耽擱耽擱 n. 延誤延誤; 耽擱耽擱(的時間的時間); 推遲推遲delay doing.: 推遲推遲; 延期延期(做某事做某事)put off: 推遲推遲; 延期延期; 取取消消1)He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.2)Thousands of passengers were delayed for over two hours at the airport.3)The sports meeting has been put off/delayed until next

39、week due to bad weather.4)We would like to apologize for the delay.5)The delay was due to human error. needle nurse36. needle nidl: n. 針針; 縫衣服縫衣服; 注射針注射針; 指針指針1)This needle is not strong enough to go through the thick material.2)The beautiful nurse stuck the needle into my arm.3)When the needle ente

40、rs the red zone, the engine is too hot. IV needle37. IV needle: n. 靜脈注射針靜脈注射針put in an IV needle: 靜脈注靜脈注射射1)I need to have an IV needle put in my arm.2)The nurse will take the IV needle out your arm in ten minutes.2)Before the operation begins, an IV needle will be put in your hand or arm for medici

41、nes to make you feel relaxed and sleepy.38. vital sign: 生命體征生命體征vital vatl: adj.生生命的命的; 必必不可少的不可少的; 對對極重要的極重要的 1)After arriving, the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen, put in an IV needle, and checked her vital signs.2)Some doctors think sleep should be a new

42、vital sign.3)The woman is still alive but her vital signs are weak. ward39. ward wd: n. 病房病房 1)MrsTaylors health was in no great danger, though she had to stay in the hospital ward.2)The girl works as a nurse on the childrens ward.3)The ward was busy and Lucy hardly had time to talk.40. drown dran:

43、v. (使使)淹死淹死; 溺死溺死; 浸泡浸泡; 淹沒淹沒flood fld: n. 洪水洪水; 水災水災 v. 淹淹沒沒; 泛濫泛濫drown to death: 淹死淹死;溺死溺死be drowned to death: 被淹死被淹死/溺死溺死drown out: 蓋過蓋過; 淹沒淹沒(聲音聲音)1)Last night a boy (was) drowned in the river.2)Last summer about 100 students (were) drowned to death in the province.3)She walked into the sea and

44、drowned herself.4)The great flood drowned /flooded many houses/villages. 5)Clapping drowned the speakers words for a moment.41. sprain spren: vt.扭傷扭傷(關(guān)節(jié)關(guān)節(jié)) n. 扭傷扭傷42. ankle kl: n. 踝關(guān)節(jié)踝關(guān)節(jié); 踝踝hui1)He sprained his ankle when playing baskeball yesterday.2)She came back to help her friend who had spraine

45、d an ankle.3)The sprain made my ankle swell up.4)Ice is far better than heat for ankle sprains.43. bleeding blid: n.流流血血; 失血失血1)Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.2)The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure.44. bleed blid(bled -bled): vi. 流血流血; 失血失血blood bld: n. 血血; 血

46、液血液bleed to death: 流血而死流血而死1)My finger is bleeding.2)The soldier slowly bled to death.45. panic pnk: v. (使使)驚驚慌慌 (panicked - panicking)n. 驚恐驚恐; 恐慌恐慌in (a) panic: 在恐慌中在恐慌中picnic pknk: v. 野餐野餐 (picnicked - picnicking)1)Listen carefully and dont panic.2)I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the eng

47、ine.3)The thunder paniced the horse.4)An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population.5)I still remember the feeling of panic.6)When he arrived home, he found his wife in a panic and his son missing.46. interruptntrpt: vi.打打斷斷; 打擾打擾 vt. 使暫停使暫停; 使中斷使中斷interrupt sb: 打斷某人的談話打斷某人的談話cut

48、 in on sb: 打打斷某人的談話斷某人的談話; 插嘴插嘴pause: n./v. 暫停暫停; 停頓停頓stop: n./v. 停止停止park: v. 停停(車車)1)It is rude to interrupt (other people) when they are talking.2)Sorry to interrupt, but there is someone to see you.3)They were interrupted by a knock at the door.4)The game was interrupted several times by heavy r

49、ain.5)He has interrupted his holiday in Europe to return to China. scream47. scream skrim: v. (因憤怒因憤怒/恐懼恐懼/激動激動)高聲喊高聲喊; 大聲叫大聲叫 n. 尖叫尖叫; 尖銳刺耳的聲音尖銳刺耳的聲音screen skrin: n. 屏幕屏幕; 熒屏熒屏; 銀銀幕幕1)Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another

50、 table.2)The students were screaming with excitement.3)Someone is screaming for help.4)A scream broke the silence of the night.5)Her daughter let out a scream of pain.48. fellow fel: adj. 同同類的類的; 同事的同事的; 同伴的同伴的; 同情況的同情況的 n. 男人男人; 家伙家伙; 同事同事; 同輩同輩; 同類同類colleague kli: n. 同事同事;同僚同僚follow: v. 跟隨跟隨; 跟著跟著

51、guy: n.家伙家伙; 小伙小伙子子1)His fellow students have found him too rude.2)My fellow workers worked day and night to complete the task.3)He was a nice fellow, very kind and generous.4)I refused to take orders from such a foolish fellow.5)We found it hard to get along with the fellow. diner49. diner dan(r):

52、n. (尤指餐館的尤指餐館的) 就餐者就餐者dinner dn: n. 正餐正餐; 宴會宴會have dinner: 吃吃飯飯have a meal: 吃吃飯飯dine: v.進進餐餐; 用用飯飯1)The poor man sat in a corner, away from other diners.2)You go to ask what the diner will like to have.3)The restaurant can seat 100 diners.50. choke tk: v. (使使)窒息窒息; (使使)哽哽咽咽gng ychoke to death: 窒息而死窒

53、息而死choke on.: 被被.弄窒息弄窒息/噎噎y住住choke up: (因感情激動而因感情激動而)哽咽哽咽1)Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die, leaving no time for an ambulance to arrive.2)If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services.3)With choking victims, every minute coun

54、ts.4)Very small toys can choke a baby.5)The old man almost choked on a fish bone.6)She choked up when she began to talk about her mother. steak steak51. steak stek: n.牛牛排排; 肉排肉排1)A fellow diner at the restaurant, Zhang Tao, was choking on some steak.2)If you want the steak, go ahead and order it.3)T

55、he steak is so delicious that my mouth is watering.52. throat rt: n. 咽喉咽喉; 喉嚨喉嚨clear ones throat: 清喉嚨清喉嚨; 清嗓子清嗓子cut ones own throat: 自自食惡果食惡果; 卡卡自己的脖子自己的脖子;自尋死路自尋死路1)He held the sharp knife to her throat.2)The soldiers throat has been cut.3)The virus seems to have attacked his throat. 53. desperate

56、desprt: adj. 絕望的絕望的; 孤注一擲的孤注一擲的; 非常需要的非常需要的desperately: adv. 絕望地絕望地; 不顧一切地不顧一切地; 拼命地拼命地; 極度地極度地despair dspe(r): n. 絕望絕望 v. 絕望絕望; 感到無望感到無望be desperate for.: 非常需要非常需要; 極渴望極渴望(be) in need/want of: 需要需要in need: 在危難在危難/貧困中貧困中1)The desperate man stood still for a moment, and then turned and left her.2)The

57、y made a desperate attempt to save the country.3)They think you are very desperate for a job.54. slap slp: vt. (用手掌用手掌)打打; 拍拍 n. (用手掌用手掌)打打; 拍拍; 拍擊聲拍擊聲1)He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.2)Slapping the victims back will

58、 often force out the obstruction.3)She slapped his face hard.4)She gave him a slap across the face.55. help sb to ones feet: 幫幫助某人站起身來助某人站起身來1)With the help of Zhangs friends, he was able to help Zhang to his feet.2)He got out of his car and helped the old woman to her feet.56. practical prktkl: adj

59、.切切實可行的實可行的; 實實際的際的; 實踐的實踐的practice prkts: n. 練習練習; 實實習習; 實實踐踐; 慣例慣例; 習慣習慣practise/practice prkts: v. 實踐實踐; 實習實習; 練習練習 practise/practice doing.: 練習做練習做.1)Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick practical, and easy.2)We have gained practical experience of the work.3)We can offer you practical suggestio

60、ns on how to learn English well.4)It is his practice to read two books a week.57. obstruction bstrkn: n. 阻礙阻礙; 堵塞堵塞; 阻塞物阻塞物jam dm: n. 果醬果醬; 堵塞堵塞 a traffic jam: 交通堵交通堵塞塞1)Slapping the victims back will often force out the obstruction.2)Continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out.3)She had


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