1、科疾病英文名稱英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-CM 年版 ICD-CM 年版 A Code Abdominal pain 腹痛 . . A Acne vulgaris 痤瘡 . . A Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 . . A Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 . . A Acute confusional state 急性譫妄 . . A Acute conjuntivitis 急性結(jié)膜炎 . . A Acute gastroenteritis 急性胃腸炎 . . A Acute glomerulonephritis
2、急性腎絲球腎炎 . . A Acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗塞 . . A Acute pancreatitis 急性胰臟炎 . . A Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 . . A Acute renal failure 急性腎衰竭 . . A Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 . . A Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 A Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 后天免疫不全癥候群 . A Alcoholic drunkenness 酒醉 . . A Alcoho
3、lic gastritis 酒精性胃炎 . . A Alcoholic liver cirrhosis 酒精性肝硬化 . . A Alcoholic liver damage 酒精性肝損害 . . A Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 . . A Anemia 貧血 . . A Anemia (acute blood loss) 急性出血后貧血 . . A Anemia (folate deficiency) 葉酸缺乏性貧血 . . A Anemia (iron deficiency) 缺鐵性貧血 . . A Anemia (vitamin B deficiency) 維生素缺乏
4、性貧血 . . A Angina pectoris 心絞痛 . . A Ankylosing spondylitis 僵直性脊椎炎 . . A Anorexia 厭食 . . A Anxiety state 焦慮狀態(tài) . . A Anxiety (stress reaction) 焦慮(壓力反應(yīng)) . . A Arrhythmia 心律不整 . . A Arthritis, post-traumatic 創(chuàng)傷后關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Arthropathy 關(guān)節(jié)病變 . . A Ascariasis 蛔蟲病 . . A Asthma 氣喘 . . A Atheroscler
5、osis 動脈粥樣硬化 . . A Atopic dermatitis 異位性皮膚炎 . . A Atrial fibrillation 心房顫動 . . A Atrial flutter 心房撲動 . . A Backache 背痛 . . A Bed sore 褥瘡 . . A Behcet''s syndrome 畢賽氏征候群 . . A Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發(fā)性位置性眩暈 . . A Benign prostate hypertrophy 攝護腺(前列腺)肥大 . A Benign breast tumor 乳
6、房良性腫廇 A Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張癥 . A Cancer of bone and cartilage 骨骼及關(guān)節(jié)軟骨之惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of breast, female 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of cervix 子宮頸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of colon 結(jié)腸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of esophagus 食道惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of gastrointestinal and peritoneum 消化道及腹膜之惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of lung 支氣管及肺惡性腫瘤
7、. . A Cancer of mouth 口部惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of ovary 卵巢惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of pancreas 胰臟惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of prostate 攝護腺(前列腺)之惡性腫瘤 A Cancer of rectum 直腸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of stomach 胃惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺惡性腫瘤 A Cancer of unknown primary 原發(fā)部位未明之惡性腫瘤 . . A Candidiasis 念珠菌病 . . A Candidia
8、sis (oral thrush) 口腔念珠菌病(鵝口瘡) . . A Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧征候群 . . A Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 . . A Cerebral hemorrhage 大腦出血 A Cerebral infarction 腦梗塞 . . A Cerebrovascular accident 腦血管意外 A Cerebrovascular accident, old 陳舊性腦血管意外 . A Cervicitis 子宮頸炎 . . A Chest pain 胸痛 . . A Chickenpox 水痘 .
9、. A Cholecystitis 膽囊炎 . . A Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 . . A Chronic glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎 . . A Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 . . A Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 A Chronic renal failure (End stage renal disease) 慢性腎衰竭 A Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 . . A Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 . . A
10、Cluster headache 叢集型偏頭痛 . . A Common cold 感冒 A Congestive heart failure 郁血性心臟衰竭 . . A Constipation 便秘 . . A Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚 . . A Convulsion 痙攣 . . A Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈疾病 . . A Cramp (limbs) 痙攣(四肢) . . A Cushing''s syndrome 庫興氏征候群 . . A Cystitis, acute 急性膀胱炎 . . A Deep vei
11、n thrombosis 深部靜脈栓塞 . . A Dementia, presenile 早發(fā)性老年癡呆癥 . . A Dementia, senile 老年癡呆癥 . . A Depressive disorder 憂郁癥 A Dermatitis herpetiform 疹狀皮膚炎 . . A Dermatomyositis 肌皮炎 . . A Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 . . A Diabetes mellitus foot (gangrene) 糖尿病足(壞疽) . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mel
12、litus with nephropathy 糖尿病并腎病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder 糖尿病并有末稍血管循環(huán)病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy 糖尿病并多發(fā)性神經(jīng)病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with retinopathy 糖尿病并視網(wǎng)膜病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus
13、 with lower limb ulcer 糖尿病伴有下肢潰瘍 . + . . + . A+A Diaper rash 尿布疹 . . A Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 . . A Drug abuse 藥物濫用 . . A Drug dependence 藥癮 . . A Drug eruption 藥疹 . . A Drug poisoning 藥物中毒 . . A Drug psychosis 藥物所致之精神異常 . . A Drug withdrawal syndrome 藥物戒斷征候群 . . A Duoden
14、al ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 . . A Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 功能異常性子宮出血 . . A Dysmenorrhea 痛經(jīng)癥 . . A Dyspnea 呼吸困難 . . A Eczema 濕疹 . . A Edema 水腫 . . A Electrolyte / fluid disease 電解質(zhì)及體液失調(diào)癥 . . A Elevation of ALT, AST, or LDH 胺基交換 或乳酸脫氫 之非特定性上升 . . A Emphysema 肺氣腫 . .
15、 A Epilepsy 癲癇 . . A Erysipelas 丹毒 A Erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑 . . A Erythema nodosum 結(jié)節(jié)性紅斑 . . A Esophageal varices 食道靜脈曲張 . . A Facial palsy / Bell''s palsy 貝爾氏麻痹(顏面神經(jīng)麻痹) . . A Fatty liver 脂肪肝 . . A Fever of unknown origin 不明熱 . . A Fibrositis / rheumatism 纖維組織炎/風(fēng)濕癥 . . A Frozen shoulder 冷
16、凍肩 ( 五十肩 ) . . A Functional disorders of bladder 膀胱功能障礙 . . A Functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃功能性障礙 . . A Furuncle/carbuncle 癰及癤 . . A Gait abnormality 步態(tài)異常 . . A Gallstone 膽囊結(jié)石 . . A Gangrene 壞疽 . . A Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 . . A Gastritis / gastroduodenitis 胃炎及胃十二指腸炎 . . A Gastrointestinal bleed
17、ing 胃腸道出血 . . A Gingival / periodontal disease 齒齦與牙周疾病 . . A Goiter 甲狀腺腫 . . A Gonorrhea 淋病 . . A Gouty arthritis 痛風(fēng)性關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Gouty nephropathy 痛風(fēng)性腎病變 . . A Headache 頭痛 . . A Health checkup 健康檢查 V. V. AV Hearing impairment 聽覺障礙 . . A Heart disease 診斷欠明之心臟疾病 . . A Heart failure 心臟衰竭 . . A Heart murm
18、ur 心雜音 . . A Hematuria 血尿 . . A Hemiplegia 半身麻痹 . . A Hemolytic anemia (acquired) 后天性溶血性貧血 . . A Hemoptysis 咳血 . . A Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 . . A Hepatitis B B型肝炎 . . A Hepatitis C C型肝炎 . . A Hepatoma 肝惡性腫瘤,原發(fā)性 . . A Hepatomegaly 肝腫大 . . A Herniation intervertebral disc 椎間盤凸突出 . . A Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 . .
19、A Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 . . A Hiatal hernia 橫膈疝氣 . . A Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 人類免疫不全病毒感染 . V A Hoshimoto''s thyroiditis 橋本氏慢性淋巴球性甲狀腺炎 . . A Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 A Hyperlipidemia 高脂血癥 . . A Hypertension, essential 本態(tài)性高血壓 . . A Hypertension, secondary 次發(fā)性高血壓 . . A Hypertensive
20、 heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 . . A Hypertensive renal disease 高血壓性腎臟疾病 . . A Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺亢進 . . A Hypochondriasis 慮病癥 . . A Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺功能低下 . . A Hysteria 歇斯底里 . . A Impetigo 膿庖癥 A Impotence, organic 器質(zhì)性陽萎 . . A Impotence, psychogenic 精神性陽萎 . . A Infectious diarrhea 感染性腹瀉 . . A Influenza 流行性
21、感冒 . . A Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝氣 . . A Insomnia 失眠 . . A Irritable bowel syndrome 躁性大腸征候群 . . A Ischemic heart disease 缺血性心臟病 . . A Jaundice 黃疸 . . A Joint pain 關(guān)節(jié)痛 . . A Joint stiffness 關(guān)節(jié)僵直 . . A Joint swelling 關(guān)節(jié)腫脹 . . A Juvenile rheumatoid artritis (polyarticular) 多發(fā)性少年期類風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Keloid scar 瘢
22、瘤 . . A Laboratory examination 實驗室檢查 V. V. AV Lipoma 脂肪瘤 . . A Liver abscess 肝膿瘍 . . A Liver cirrhosis 肝硬化 . . A Low back pain 下背痛 . . A Lymphadenitis 淋巴腺炎 . . A Lymphadenopathy 淋巴腺病變 . . A Lymphoma 淋巴瘤 . . A Malaise and fatigue 倦怠及疲勞 . . A Malignant melanoma 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤,未明示部位者 . . A Malnutrition
23、 營養(yǎng)不良 . . A Manic-depressive psychosis 躁郁癥 . . A Mass, superficial 局部表淺性腫脹或腫塊 . . A Measles 麻疹 . . A Meniere''s disease 梅尼爾氏癥 . . A Menigitis, aseptic 無菌性腦膜炎 . . A Meningitis, bacterial 細菌性腦膜炎 . . A Menopausal syndrome 停經(jīng)或女性更年期征候群 . . A Menstruation disorder 月經(jīng)異常 . . A Mental retardation 智能不
24、足 A Migraine 偏頭痛 . . A Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 . . A Nausea 惡心 . . A Vomiting 嘔吐 . . A Nausea and vomiting 惡心及嘔吐 . . A Nephritis 腎炎 . . A Nephrotic syndrome 腎病征候群 . . A Neuropathy, lower limb 下肢單一神經(jīng)炎 . . A Neuropathy, upper limb 上肢單一神經(jīng)炎 . . A Neurotic disorder 精神官能癥 . . A Obesity 肥胖癥 . . A
25、Obsessive-compulsive disorder 強迫癥 . . A Old myocardial infarction 陳舊性心肌梗塞 A Oral lesion 口腔病灶 . . A Organic psychosis, chronic 器質(zhì)性腦征候群, 慢性 . . A Osteoarthritis 骨關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Osteoporosis 骨質(zhì)疏松癥 . . A Otitis externa 外耳炎 . . A Otitis media, suppurative 化膿性中耳炎 . . A Palpitation 心悸 . . A Parkinsons disease 帕
26、金森氏癥 . . A Paronychia, finger 手指甲床炎與甲溝炎 . . A Paronychia, toe 足趾甲床炎與甲溝炎 . . A Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 陣發(fā)性心室上心搏過速 . . A Pelvic inflammatory disease 骨盆腔發(fā)炎 . . A Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 . . A Peripheral arteries occlusion disease 末梢動脈阻塞癥 . . A Peripheral neuropathy 末梢神經(jīng)疾病 . . A Periphe
27、ral vascular disease 末梢血管疾病 . . A Pharyngitis 急性咽喉炎 A Phlebitis 靜脈炎 . . A Pityriasis versicolor 變色糠疹 . . A Plantar fascitiis 足底肌膜炎 . . A Pneumoconiosis 塵肺癥 A Pneumonia 肺炎 A Polymyositis 多發(fā)性肌炎 . . A Postural hypotension 姿勢性低血壓 . . A Proteinuria 蛋白尿 . . A Pruritus cutaneous 皮膚搔癢癥 . . A Psoriasis 牛皮癬 .
28、 . A Psychophysiological disorder 心理生理功能障礙 . . A Purpura 紫斑癥 . . A Radiculitis, cervicobrachial 頸臂神經(jīng)根炎 . . A Radiculitis, lumbosacral 腰胝骨神經(jīng)根炎 . . A Raynaud''s phenomenon 雷諾氏征候群 . . A Reflux esophagitis 食道炎 . . A Regional enteritis 局部性腸炎 . . A Renal stone 腎結(jié)石 . . A Rheumatic fever 風(fēng)濕熱 A Rheum
29、atic heart disease 風(fēng)濕性心臟病 . . A Rheumatoid arthritis 類風(fēng)濕關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Rubella 德國麻疹 . . A Salmonellosis 沙門氏菌病 . . A Scabies 疥癬(疥瘡) . . A Scarlet fever 猩紅熱 . . A Schizophrenia 精神分裂癥 . . A Sciatica 坐骨神經(jīng)痛 . . A Sensory disturbance 皮膚感覺障礙 . . A Sepsis 敗血癥 . . A Shigella dysenteriae 志賀桿菌性痢疾 . . A Skin infecti
30、on 皮膚感染 . . A Skin rash 皮疹 . . A Skin vesicular eruption 皮膚水泡發(fā)疹 . . A Spinal stenosis, cervical 頸部脊椎狹窄 . . A Spinal stenosis, lumbar 腰部脊椎狹窄 . . A Spondylosis 脊椎關(guān)節(jié)黏連 . . A Spondylosis, cervical 頸部關(guān)節(jié)黏連 . . A Strain / sprain 扭傷及拉傷 . . A Stress incontinence, female 壓力性排尿失禁,女性 . . A Syncope / collapse 暈厥
31、/虛脫 . . A Syphilis 梅毒 . . A Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 全身紅斑性狼瘡 . . A Systemic sclerosis 全身性硬化癥 . . A Tachycardia 心搏過速 . . A Tacycardia, proxysmal 陣發(fā)性心搏過速 . . A Tendinitis 肌腱炎 . . A Tension headache 緊張性頭痛 . . A Thalassemia 地中海型貧血 . . A Thrombocytopenia 血小板缺乏 . . A Tinea coporis 體癬 . . A Tinea
32、 cruris 股癬 . . A Tinea of nail 指(趾)癬 . . A Tinea pedis 足癬 . . A Tinnitus 耳鳴 . . A Transient ischemic attack 暫時性腦部缺氧發(fā)作 . . A Trichomoniasis, genitourinary 泌尿生殖道滴蟲病 . . A Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經(jīng)痛 . . A Tuberculosis 結(jié)核病 . . A Tuberculosis of pulmonary 肺結(jié)核 . . A Typhoid fever 傷寒 . . A Ulcer of lower l
33、imbs 下肢潰瘍 . . A Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 . . A Urethritis 尿道炎 . . A Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 . . A Urine incontinence 小便失禁 . . A Urolithiasis 尿結(jié)石 . . A Urticaria 蕁麻疹 . . A Uterine myoma 子宮平滑肌瘤 . . A Vaginitis 陰道炎 . . A Varicose, lower limbs 下肢靜脈曲張 . . A Vasculitis 血管炎 . . A Vertigo 眩暈
34、征候群 . . A Viral infection 病毒感染 . . A Visual disturbance 視覺障礙 . . A Vitamin B deficiency 維生素缺乏 . . A Vitamin C deficiency 維生素缺乏 A Weight gain, abnormal 體重異常增加 . . A Weight loss, abnormal 體重異常減輕 . . A內(nèi)科疾病英文名稱英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-CM 年版 ICD-CM 年版 A Code Abdominal pain 腹痛 . . A Acne vulgar
35、is 痤瘡 . . A Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 . . A Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 . . A Acute confusional state 急性譫妄 . . A Acute conjuntivitis 急性結(jié)膜炎 . . A Acute gastroenteritis 急性胃腸炎 . . A Acute glomerulonephritis 急性腎絲球腎炎 . . A Acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗塞 . . A Acute pancreatitis 急性胰臟炎 . . A Acute pyeloneph
36、ritis 急性腎盂腎炎 . . A Acute renal failure 急性腎衰竭 . . A Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 . . A Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 A Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 后天免疫不全癥候群 . A Alcoholic drunkenness 酒醉 . . A Alcoholic gastritis 酒精性胃炎 . . A Alcoholic liver cirrhosis 酒精性肝硬化 . . A Alcoholic liver damage 酒精性肝損害 . . A
37、Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 . . A Anemia 貧血 . . A Anemia (acute blood loss) 急性出血后貧血 . . A Anemia (folate deficiency) 葉酸缺乏性貧血 . . A Anemia (iron deficiency) 缺鐵性貧血 . . A Anemia (vitamin B deficiency) 維生素缺乏性貧血 . . A Angina pectoris 心絞痛 . . A Ankylosing spondylitis 僵直性脊椎炎 . . A Anorexia 厭食 . . A Anxie
38、ty state 焦慮狀態(tài) . . A Anxiety (stress reaction) 焦慮(壓力反應(yīng)) . . A Arrhythmia 心律不整 . . A Arthritis, post-traumatic 創(chuàng)傷后關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Arthropathy 關(guān)節(jié)病變 . . A Ascariasis 蛔蟲病 . . A Asthma 氣喘 . . A Atherosclerosis 動脈粥樣硬化 . . A Atopic dermatitis 異位性皮膚炎 . . A Atrial fibrillation 心房顫動 . . A Atrial flutter 心房撲動 .
39、 . A Backache 背痛 . . A Bed sore 褥瘡 . . A Behcet''''s syndrome 畢賽氏征候群 . . A Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發(fā)性位置性眩暈 . . A Benign prostate hypertrophy 攝護腺(前列腺)肥大 . A Benign breast tumor 乳房良性腫廇 A Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張癥 . A Cancer of bone and cartilage 骨骼及關(guān)節(jié)軟骨之惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of
40、 breast, female 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of cervix 子宮頸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of colon 結(jié)腸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of esophagus 食道惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of gastrointestinal and peritoneum 消化道及腹膜之惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of lung 支氣管及肺惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of mouth 口部惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of ovary 卵巢惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of pancreas 胰臟惡性腫瘤 .
41、 . A Cancer of prostate 攝護腺(前列腺)之惡性腫瘤 A Cancer of rectum 直腸惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of stomach 胃惡性腫瘤 . . A Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺惡性腫瘤 A Cancer of unknown primary 原發(fā)部位未明之惡性腫瘤 . . A <BR< p>Candidiasis 念珠菌病 . . A Candidiasis (oral thrush) 口腔念珠菌病(鵝口瘡) . . A Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧征候群 . . A Cell
42、ulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 . . A Cerebral hemorrhage 大腦出血 A Cerebral infarction 腦梗塞 . . A Cerebrovascular accident 腦血管意外 A Cerebrovascular accident, old 陳舊性腦血管意外 . A Cervicitis 子宮頸炎 . . A Chest pain 胸痛 . . A Chickenpox 水痘 . . A Cholecystitis 膽囊炎 . . A Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 . . A Chronic glomeru
43、lonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎 . . A Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 . . A Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 A Chronic renal failure (End stage renal disease) 慢性腎衰竭 A Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 . . A Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 . . A Cluster headache 叢集型偏頭痛 . . A Common cold 感冒 A Congestive heart failure 郁血性
44、心臟衰竭 . . A Constipation 便秘 . . A Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚 . . A Convulsion 痙攣 . . A Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈疾病 . . A Cramp (limbs) 痙攣(四肢) . . A Cushing''''s syndrome 庫興氏征候群 . . A Cystitis, acute 急性膀胱炎 . . A Deep vein thrombosis 深部靜脈栓塞 . . A Dementia, presenile 早發(fā)性老年癡呆癥 . . A Deme
45、ntia, senile 老年癡呆癥 . . A Depressive disorder 憂郁癥 A Dermatitis herpetiform 疹狀皮膚炎 . . A Dermatomyositis 肌皮炎 . . A Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 . . A Diabetes mellitus foot (gangrene) 糖尿病足(壞疽) . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy 糖尿病并腎病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus
46、with peripheral circulatory disorder 糖尿病并有末稍血管循環(huán)病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy 糖尿病并多發(fā)性神經(jīng)病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with retinopathy 糖尿病并視網(wǎng)膜病變 . + . . + . A+A Diabetes mellitus with lower limb ulcer 糖尿病伴有下肢潰瘍 . + . . +
47、; . A+A Diaper rash 尿布疹 . . A Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 . . A Drug abuse 藥物濫用 . . A Drug dependence 藥癮 . . A Drug eruption 藥疹 . . A Drug poisoning 藥物中毒 . . A Drug psychosis 藥物所致之精神異常 . . A Drug withdrawal syndrome 藥物戒斷征候群 . . A Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 . . A Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 功能異常性子
48、宮出血 . . A Dysmenorrhea 痛經(jīng)癥 . . A Dyspnea 呼吸困難 . . A Eczema 濕疹 . . A Edema 水腫 . . A Electrolyte / fluid disease 電解質(zhì)及體液失調(diào)癥 . . A <BR< p>Elevation of ALT, AST, or LDH 胺基交換 或乳酸脫氫 之非特定性上升 . . A Emphysema 肺氣腫 . . A Epilepsy 癲癇 . . A Erysipelas 丹毒 A Erythema mul
49、tiforme 多形性紅斑 . . A Erythema nodosum 結(jié)節(jié)性紅斑 . . A Esophageal varices 食道靜脈曲張 . . A Facial palsy / Bell''''s palsy 貝爾氏麻痹(顏面神經(jīng)麻痹) . . A Fatty liver 脂肪肝 . . A Fever of unknown origin 不明熱 . . A Fibrositis / rheumatism 纖維組織炎/風(fēng)濕癥 . . A Frozen shoulder 冷凍肩 ( 五十肩 ) . . A Functional disorders o
50、f bladder 膀胱功能障礙 . . A Functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃功能性障礙 . . A Furuncle/carbuncle 癰及癤 . . A Gait abnormality 步態(tài)異常 . . A Gallstone 膽囊結(jié)石 . . A Gangrene 壞疽 . . A Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 . . A Gastritis / gastroduodenitis 胃炎及胃十二指腸炎 . . A Gastrointestinal bleeding 胃腸道出血 . . A Gingival / periodontal
51、disease 齒齦與牙周疾病 . . A Goiter 甲狀腺腫 . . A Gonorrhea 淋病 . . A Gouty arthritis 痛風(fēng)性關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Gouty nephropathy 痛風(fēng)性腎病變 . . A Headache 頭痛 . . A Health checkup 健康檢查 V. V. AV Hearing impairment 聽覺障礙 . . A Heart disease 診斷欠明之心臟疾病 . . A Heart failure 心臟衰竭 . . A Heart murmur 心雜音 . . A Hematuria 血尿 . . A Hemiple
52、gia 半身麻痹 . . A Hemolytic anemia (acquired) 后天性溶血性貧血 . . A Hemoptysis 咳血 . . A Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 . . A Hepatitis B B型肝炎 . . A Hepatitis C C型肝炎 . . A Hepatoma 肝惡性腫瘤,原發(fā)性 . . A Hepatomegaly 肝腫大 . . A Herniation intervertebral disc 椎間盤凸突出 . . A Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 . . A Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 . . A Hiatal herni
53、a 橫膈疝氣 . . A Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 人類免疫不全病毒感染 . V A Hoshimoto''''s thyroiditis 橋本氏慢性淋巴球性甲狀腺炎 . . A Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 A Hyperlipidemia 高脂血癥 . . A Hypertension, essential 本態(tài)性高血壓 . . A Hypertension, secondary 次發(fā)性高血壓 . . A Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 . . A
54、Hypertensive renal disease 高血壓性腎臟疾病 . . A Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺亢進 . . A Hypochondriasis 慮病癥 . . A Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺功能低下 . . A Hysteria 歇斯底里 . . A Impetigo 膿庖癥 A Impotence, organic 器質(zhì)性陽萎 . . A Impotence, psychogenic 精神性陽萎 . . A Infectious diarrhea 感染性腹瀉 . . A Influenza 流行性感冒 . . A Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝
55、氣 . . A Insomnia 失眠 . . A Irritable bowel syndrome 躁性大腸征候群 . . A <BR< p>Ischemic heart disease 缺血性心臟病 . . A Jaundice 黃疸 . . A Joint pain 關(guān)節(jié)痛 . . A Joint stiffness 關(guān)節(jié)僵直 . . A Joint swelling 關(guān)節(jié)腫脹 . . A Juvenile rheumatoid artritis (polyarticular) 多發(fā)性少年期類風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎 . . A Keloid scar 瘢瘤 . . A Labor
56、atory examination 實驗室檢查 V. V. AV Lipoma 脂肪瘤 . . A Liver abscess 肝膿瘍 . . A Liver cirrhosis 肝硬化 . . A Low back pain 下背痛 . . A Lymphadenitis 淋巴腺炎 . . A Lymphadenopathy 淋巴腺病變 . . A Lymphoma 淋巴瘤 . . A Malaise and fatigue 倦怠及疲勞 . . A Malignant melanoma 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤,未明示部位者 . . A Malnutrition 營養(yǎng)不良 . . A M
57、anic-depressive psychosis 躁郁癥 . . A Mass, superficial 局部表淺性腫脹或腫塊 . . A Measles 麻疹 . . A Meniere''''s disease 梅尼爾氏癥 . . A Menigitis, aseptic 無菌性腦膜炎 . . A Meningitis, bacterial 細菌性腦膜炎 . . A Menopausal syndrome 停經(jīng)或女性更年期征候群 . . A Menstruation disorder 月經(jīng)異常 . . A Mental retardation 智能不足 A Migraine 偏頭痛 . . A Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 . . A Nausea 惡心 . . A Vomiting 嘔吐 . . A Nausea and vom
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