1、Preface第1頁/共75頁第一頁,共76頁。Focus 學(xué)會(huì)繪制電路原理圖,并會(huì)仿真; 學(xué)會(huì)基本電路模型(mxng)的夠造: 運(yùn)算放大器(Operational Amplifiers ) 變壓器(transformers)第2頁/共75頁第二頁,共76頁。Discuss Dc analysis 直流分析(fnx) Transient analysis 暫態(tài)分析(fnx) Steady-state sinusoidal analysis 正弦穩(wěn)態(tài)分析(fnx) Fourier series analysis 傅立葉分析(fnx)第3頁/共75頁第三頁,共76頁。CH1A FIRST LOOK
2、 AT PSPICE PSpice簡介( jin ji)第4頁/共75頁第四頁,共76頁。Three steps: Drawing the circuit 繪制電路圖 Specifying the type of circuit analysis 定義分析類型 Simulation Results 查看仿真(fn zhn)結(jié)果第5頁/共75頁第五頁,共76頁。1.1 Drawing the circuit File-New-Project Place-Part 元件(yunjin)旋轉(zhuǎn) CTRL+R 結(jié)束放置 Right click/End Mode Place-Wire第6頁/共75頁第六頁
3、,共76頁。Scale factors F1E-15 P1E-12 N1E-9 U1E-6 M1E-3 K1E3 MEG 1E6 G1E9 T1E12第7頁/共75頁第七頁,共76頁。1.2 SPECIFYING THE TYPE OF CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PSpice-New Simulation Profile Name: your_file_name Analysis type: Bias point Pspice-Run第8頁/共75頁第八頁,共76頁。1.3 Simulation Results View-Output File第9頁/共75頁第九頁,共76頁。SIMP
4、LE DC CIRCUITS簡單( jindn)直流電路CH2第10頁/共75頁第十頁,共76頁。2.1 Independent DC Sources 電流(dinli)源 電壓源第11頁/共75頁第十一頁,共76頁。2.2 Dependent DC Sources Voltage-controlled sources壓控源 Voltage-controlled voltage source壓控壓源 Voltage-controlled current source壓控流源 Current-controlled sources流控源 Current-controlled voltage sou
5、rce流控壓源 Current-controlled current source流控流源第12頁/共75頁第十二頁,共76頁。2.3 Fig.1 Circuit for Example 1 電路(dinl)實(shí)例第13頁/共75頁第十三頁,共76頁。第14頁/共75頁第十四頁,共76頁。Example 1 a) Use PSpice to find the voltages Va and Vb for the circuit shown in Fig.1 利用(lyng)PSpice求出圖1中Va 和Vb的電壓數(shù)值。第15頁/共75頁第十五頁,共76頁。 b) Use the PSpice s
6、olutions to calculate: 利用PSpice的分析結(jié)果計(jì)算求出 1)The total power dissipated in the circuit 計(jì)算電路中的總功率 2)The power supplied by the independent current source 獨(dú)立電流(dinli)源發(fā)出的功率 3)The power supplied by the current-controlled voltage source 流控源發(fā)出的功率第16頁/共75頁第十六頁,共76頁。Fig. 2第17頁/共75頁第十七頁,共76頁。Fig. 3 output file
7、第18頁/共75頁第十八頁,共76頁。Solution a) From the PSpice output: Va =104.00V Vb =106.00V第19頁/共75頁第十九頁,共76頁。Solution b) 1)WPWPWPWPdis270848 .5402 .216300. 4110410680.5402010420.216351042122025第20頁/共75頁第二十頁,共76頁。 2) P24A(supplied)=104(24)=2496W 3) PH1(supplied)=106(2)=212W P(supplied)=2496+212=2708W Note that t
8、he sum of power dissipated equals the sum of power supplied.第21頁/共75頁第二十一頁,共76頁。CH3DC SWEEP ANALYSIS直流掃描(somio)分析第22頁/共75頁第二十二頁,共76頁。3.1 Sweeping a single source第23頁/共75頁第二十三頁,共76頁。Fig.3第24頁/共75頁第二十四頁,共76頁。Example 2 For the circuit shown in Fig.3, use PSpice to find the values of io and vo when vg v
9、aries from 0 to 100V in 10V steps第25頁/共75頁第二十五頁,共76頁。Fig.4第26頁/共75頁第二十六頁,共76頁。Place-Part Analog lib: R Source lib: Vsrc, Isrc Special lib: Iprint (ammeter安培(npi)表) Special lib: Vprint2 (voltmeter伏特表)第27頁/共75頁第二十七頁,共76頁。注意事項(xiàng): Vsrc元件: 參數(shù)不需要改動(dòng) Isrc元件: 選中Isrc元件, (粉色表示(biosh)被選中!) Edit-Properties 修改DC項(xiàng):
10、5, 如圖5第28頁/共75頁第二十八頁,共76頁。Fig.5 修改(xigi)Isrc屬性第29頁/共75頁第二十九頁,共76頁。 Iprint元件需要執(zhí)行Mirror操作(cozu): : 選中Iprint元件, (粉色表示被選中!) Edit-Mirror-Horizontally H 執(zhí)行Mirror操作(cozu) Edit-Properties 修改DC項(xiàng): Y, 如圖6第30頁/共75頁第三十頁,共76頁。Fig.6 修改(xigi)Iprint屬性第31頁/共75頁第三十一頁,共76頁。 Vprint2元件需要(xyo)執(zhí)行Mirror操作: 選中Vprint2元件, (粉色表
11、示被選中!) Edit-Mirror-Horizontally H 執(zhí)行Mirror操作 Edit-Properties 修改DC項(xiàng): Y, 如圖6第32頁/共75頁第三十二頁,共76頁。Fig.6 修改(xigi)Vprint2屬性第33頁/共75頁第三十三頁,共76頁。Fig.7 Simulation Settings dialog第34頁/共75頁第三十四頁,共76頁。 PSpice-Run(如圖8) View-Output file(如圖9)第35頁/共75頁第三十五頁,共76頁。Fig.8 Probe窗口(chungku)第36頁/共75頁第三十六頁,共76頁。Fig.9 Outpu
12、t file第37頁/共75頁第三十七頁,共76頁。Trace/Add Trace(Fig.10) 注意(zh y): Trace Expression: V2(R1)第38頁/共75頁第三十八頁,共76頁。Fig.10 Selecting a variable: V2(R1)第39頁/共75頁第三十九頁,共76頁。Fig.11 the resulting plot第40頁/共75頁第四十頁,共76頁。3.2 Sweep Multiple Sources第41頁/共75頁第四十一頁,共76頁。Example 3 The current source in the circuit shown i
13、n Fig.5 varies from 0 to 5A in 1A steps. For each value of the source voltage, plot i0 as vg varies from 0 to 100V in steps of 20V.第42頁/共75頁第四十二頁,共76頁。Solution The schematic is the same as the one in Fig.6. In Capture, select the menu option PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings to specify a Secondary Swe
14、ep, the additional sweep variable and its values Fig.12.第43頁/共75頁第四十三頁,共76頁。Fig.12 Simulation Settings dialog 2第44頁/共75頁第四十四頁,共76頁。 We also changed the increment in the Primary Sweep from 10V to 20V(Fig.12).第45頁/共75頁第四十五頁,共76頁。Fig. 13a Simulation Settings dialog 1第46頁/共75頁第四十六頁,共76頁。Trace/Add Trace(
15、Fig.13) 注意(zh y): Trace Expression: I(R4)第47頁/共75頁第四十七頁,共76頁。Fig.14 Selecting a variable: I(R4)第48頁/共75頁第四十八頁,共76頁。Fig.15 the resulting plot? 第49頁/共75頁第四十九頁,共76頁。PSPICE計(jì)算機(jī)仿真(fn zhn)Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis第50頁/共75頁第五十頁,共76頁。CH4INDUCTORS, CAPACITORS, AND NATURAL RESPONSE電感、
16、電容(dinrng)和零輸入響應(yīng)第51頁/共75頁第五十一頁,共76頁。You should know, Resistor The value of resistance (In ohms) Inductor (initial current) The value of inductance (In henries) Capacitor (initial voltage) The value of capacitance (In farads)第52頁/共75頁第五十二頁,共76頁。4.1 Transient Analysis(暫態(tài)分析(fnx) You use transient analy
17、sis to examine the response of a circuit as a function of time. 利用暫態(tài)分析得到電路隨時(shí)間(shjin)變化的響應(yīng)第53頁/共75頁第五十三頁,共76頁。 You may examine the output of a transient analysis in two different ways. First, you may direct PSpice to write the results of transient analysis to the output file. Second, you may use Prob
18、e to generate plots of voltage and current versus time.第54頁/共75頁第五十四頁,共76頁。4.2 Natural Response To find the natural response of a circuit, you first find the initial inductor currents and capacitor voltages.第55頁/共75頁第五十五頁,共76頁。 Example 4 illustrates how to use PSpice to find the natural response of
19、a series RLC circuit. We incorporated a preliminary analytic solution as part of the example to permit checking the validity of the PSpice solution.第56頁/共75頁第五十六頁,共76頁。Fig. 65第57頁/共75頁第五十七頁,共76頁。Example 4 a) analyze the natural response of the circuit shown in Fig. 16 with respect to the type of dam
20、ping, the peak value of Vc, and the frequency of oscillation.第58頁/共75頁第五十八頁,共76頁。 b) Use PSpice to analyze the circuits natural response. Then use Proble to generate a plot of the voltage Vc versus t, and use the Proble cursor to identify the peak value of the voltage.第59頁/共75頁第五十九頁,共76頁。Solution a)
21、 For the series circuit shown in Fig. 65, 6262105011010002LCLR第60頁/共75頁第六十頁,共76頁。 Hence the response is underdamped(欠阻尼), and the roots of the characteristic equation are:700010007000100021jsjs第61頁/共75頁第六十一頁,共76頁。 Therefore, the form of the solution for Vc is,tcetBtBv1000217000sin7000cos第62頁/共75頁第六十
22、二頁,共76頁。 From the initial conditions, 000,450100tccddvv第63頁/共75頁第六十三頁,共76頁。 Solving for B1 and B2 yields,tcettv10007000sin57000cos10第64頁/共75頁第六十四頁,共76頁。 Based on the solution for Vc, the peak value of Vc is 7.70 V, and it occurs at t=362.69 s. The damped frequency(衰件頻率) is 7000 rad/s, and thus the d
23、amped period(衰減(shui jin)周期) is 897.60 s.第65頁/共75頁第六十五頁,共76頁。Solution b) To get the signs right, you must pay attention to the orientation of these parts. (Fig. 66) The initial voltage is positive at the left-most terminal of the capacitor, or bottom terminal if the part is rotated once. The initial current enters the left-most terminal of the inductor, or terminal of the inductor, or bottom terminal if the part is rotated once.第66頁/共75頁第六十六頁,共76頁。Fig. 66 schematics第67頁/共75頁第六十七頁,共76頁。Set the initial values(設(shè)定(sh dn)初值) The initial capacitor voltage is 10 V. The initial indu
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