1、Unit 1 FreSh Start1. EXPIain the UnderIined Part in each Sentence in your Own WOrdSI had just the feeling Of a newcomer to COllege WithOUt the Strength OnIy an experienced StUdent might POSSeSSMy apparent COnfidenCeSOme food to appease my hungerGOing With the tide Of the majority WaS no IOnger CrUCi
2、al to your SUCCeSS in COlIege ReStraintSFOOIiSh and glaring mistakes2 Fiil in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.DiStress; clutched; pose; sneaked; PreOCCUPation; ShaCkIeS3. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COllOCatiOn t
3、aken from the text.LiVed UP to; headed for; Seek out; has broken out; grope for; trying on4. FilI in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given WOrdSASSUre; discretion; relaxation; humi1iation: Strategy: embarrassment5 EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSaI VerbS in your OWn WOrdSBeCame popular; res
4、pect; keep up; Iead to; UnderStand; foundGrammar exercise2. CDBFAE4. even if, WhereaS/while, even, WhiIe/whereas, even though, despiteIranSlate the following SentenCeS into English, USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsIt distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had SUffered repeated fail
5、ures He assumed an air Of CheerfUIness, even though he IOSt favor With his boss GUlIiVer met With extraordinary adventures and SaW a Strange assortment Of PeOPIe He Will be furious With you if you repeat the Same mistakeWe Were all greatly dra¼rn by his frank views, humorous WOrdS and genial ma
6、nner After the thunderous applause die down, the NObeI PriZe Winner began his SPeeCh FilI in each blank in the PaSSage below Idth One WOrd you think appropriate.to, on, SUrVey; primary; money; with; that; attended/ entered; into; to; attracting; majors;POPUIatiOn; decreasedUnit two Tyranny Of the Ur
7、gent1 EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your Own WOrdSa SerieS Of; more demanding; affected me; earnest CalI for instant attention; in VieW of; been dominated by2. Fill in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer minent; rebuked; breach; priority;
8、 haunt; tyranny; imperious; IniSgiVing3 Fill in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSal Verb Or COllOCatiOn taken from thetext CrOWded OUt; CatCh up; CalIed for; involved in; PUShing aside; WiSh for4. FilI in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given WOrdstyrants; urgency; re
9、lieved; undoubtedly; irresistibly; deceive5 EXPIain the UnderIined PhraSaI VerbS in your OWn words.affects; CatChing UP with; been involved in; doing, COndUCting; tell; rejected GramnIar exercise2. not OnIy but also; Eitheror; and; or; so; and; neithernor; but3 The recorded history Of mankind is OnI
10、y 6, OOO Or 7, OOO years, but Within that ShOrt PeriOd Oftime many CiViIiZatiOnS have risen and fallen The PeOPIe Of the NiIe Valley Created a highculture, and SO did the PeOPIe Of the TigirS-EuphrateS Valley, but both Of these CUItUreSdisappeared They Were absorbed into the GreCO-ROman CUltUre that
11、 dominated the Mediterranean world, but this CiViIiZatiOn also disintegrated in timeTranSIate the following SentenCeS into EngliShJ USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsMemOrieS Of his ChildhOOd haunted himMOre VOlUnteerS are needed to finish the exacting WOrkHOUSing ranks first OrI my IiSt Of PriOr
12、itieSFather rebuked his SOrl for being IaZy.In his " The Way to Wealth" , Franklin gave reader many maxims On how to achieve earthlySUCCeSSHiS imperious manner WaS more than I COUId bearThe fire devoured the forestsThe newspaper won' t accept any deceptive advertisementFilI in each bla
13、nk in the PaSSage below With One WOrd you think appropriate however; out; defined; difficult; First; for; yourself; which/that; to; involves; accomplish; are; to;don, t; hourUnit Three ChineSe FOOdCOmPrehenSiOn1. C2. TFTT3 FOod to US ChineSe is One Of the greatest joys in life: it is thought about b
14、efore beingprepared; it is treated With IOtS Of IOVe and Care WhiIe being prepared; and When it is ready, itis enjoyed With excessive amount Of timeThe main reason for the SUdden and tremendous POPUlarity Of ChineSe food throughout theWhOIe WeStern WOrId IieS in tow facts: One is the increased desir
15、e for SenSUaI PIeaSUreS andfreedom from age-old CUStOmS in the WeSt; the Other is the notion Of PhySiCaI PIeaSUre PrOVided by ChineSe food WhiCh is always ready to SatiSfy the taste Of the eater1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your OWn WOrdSemotional Strength; SOmething to keep the
16、 body running; IOWer-CIaSS type; a number Of dishes thatare SerVed One after another in an Orderly way; in the SenSe Of the WOrdS2. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.fastidious; ecstasies; IaViSh; elusive; PhenOmenaI; PrOCeeding; enterprise; COntriV
17、ed3. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COlIOCatiOn taken from thetext COme Off; COnfOrm to; derived from; attend to; have SPrUng UP ; COme about4. Fill in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given WOrdS disregard; authoritative; ubiquity; desirable; piqu
18、ancy; CeremOnialIy5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSaI VerbS in your Own WOrdSexplains; accidentally found; discuss with; Start; PIay a dominant role; think about it CarefUlIyGrammar:3. CBDABA4. The noise WaS more than What I Can bearWe are more than happy to heop you in any Way We CanNO IeSS than a th
19、ousand PeOPIe PartiCiPated in the marathonHe is no more interested in ChelniStry than his brotherIt is more a POem than a PiCtUreHe WaS accused Of no IeSS a Crime than high treasonTranSIatiOnYOU ShOUld have told me in advance that you WOUId further your StUdieS in AmeriCa He IaViShed too much Care O
20、n his grandchildren.VariOUS new technology industries have SPrUng up.Many EngIiSh WOrdS derive from Latin, Greek and FrenCh WOrdSA PhiIOSOPher holds that COntradiCtOry OPPOSitiOnS are UbiqUitOUSHiS kindness is Part and ParCel Of his natureHe is POSSeSSed Of PhenOmenaI memory and intelligenceHe is fa
21、stidious about food and CIOtheSCloze: to; having; basic; do; skip; on; served; whatever; staple; with; dinner; also; while; fitUnit FOUr1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your Own WOrdS having just experienced; have accurate and up-to-date information about: AS you WOUld expect; adif
22、ferent PIaCe Or environment to be in; do not feel Iike to; finish/ graduate from2. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.solely; entail; passionately; assumed; replenish; rambles; adhere; entertain3. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriat
23、e PhraSaI Verb Or COllOCatiOn taken from thetext SaW to; relates to; Came across; CIUttered up; SyinPathiZe with; OCCUr to4. Fill in each blank With One Of the WOrdS for each Pairincidentally; accidentally; economical, economic; VaCation, VOCation; Care for; Care about;SenSUOus; sensitive; SenSUaI;
24、SenSible; jealous; envious; jealous5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSal VerbS in your OWn WOrdSmake understood; tried to get; is formed by; thought SeriOUSly about; settle; interruptinggrammar2. themselves; /; /; /; himself; yourselves; herself: yourself; /; /5. need not hurry; dare not take; need not
25、have paid; need not have been; dare not CrOSS; dare notCrOSS; dare not takeTranSIate the following SentenCeS into English, USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsThiS COmPany is mostly COmPOSed Of young PeOPIe fresh from SChOO1It never OCCUrred to me that he WOUld ever do SUCh a thingI' 11 try my
26、best to PerSUade him if need be.It is difficult to keep track Of my fellow StUdentS after graduationWhO is going to See to the desserts after dinnerDon' t bother your boss With SUCh triflesMy WOrk WaS to replenish OUr StOCk time and againHe Often CIUtter UP his StUdyCIOZeSharing/doing; at; What;
27、 bulbs; many; doing; in; than; achievements; alive; while; UPPer: ran; kept;raisedUnit FiVe4. EXPlain in your OWn WOrdS the following SentenCeS taken from the text BUt the ObitUary did IiSt the family members Of the dead man QUite accurately. It WaS the boy WhO made efforts to divert his father* S a
28、ttention from WOrk 1 EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your OWn WOrdSdied from self-motivated OVerWOrk; most likely, the highest POSitiOn in the company; With noSPeCifiC SkilIS Wanted by employers; trying to discover facts about his father; hadbeen Veryimportant; a PerSOn SUited by nat
29、ure for heart-attack2. FiII in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.survived; grabs; discreetly; deceased, obituary; conceivably; board; executives; CIaSSiCS3. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COllOCatiOn taken from thetex
30、t precisionist; competitiveness; execution; presided; marital; accompanied4. FilI in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given WOrdS died Of: Stay up; CareS for; Straightened out; PiCked out; given UP5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSaI VerbS in your Own WOrdSdisappointed; wait; firmly demande
31、d; read; meant; entered CheerfUlIyTranSIate the following SentenCeS into English, USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsMy immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he WOrkS for OVer ten hours each day all the year roundThe PrinCiPaI attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he bel
32、ieves that they WilIhelp to CUItiVate StUdentSe tremendous interest in the external WOrIdHe always grabs a shower, a SandWiCh and then a taxi to go to WOrk every MOnday morningSinCe you are IeaVing the company, you ShOUld Straighten OUt the accounts Within the WeekHe Ofterl StayS UP at night in Orde
33、r to finish Writing his Ph. D dissertation On time.NOthing Can replace the PrOfOUndeSt IOVe in one' S heart Of heartsHe is COnSidered a natural for the POSt Of the PreSident, for he has been an excellent ViCe-PreSidentfor almost ten yearsHe is just too COmmOn to be PiCked OUt from the CrOWdFilI
34、in each blank in the PaSSage below With One WOrd you think appropriateFar, difference, must, secondly, cannot, by, what, of, sense, what, paid, called, Offers, compelled,IiVingUnit 6ABCDTTTFIt WOUId be UnWiSe to PUrSUe a gaol that is bound to fail though it might be noble to do so.I think the essenc
35、e Of WiSdOIn is to free OneSelf from the COnfinement Of the PhySiCal WOrld andthe emotional WOrId and IOOk beyondVOCabUlary exercise1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your OWn WOrdShelp to CUltiVate Or foster; COnSider, give PrOPer VaIUe to each; certainly, brought a good andhelpful
36、effect to mankind, in reality; talk about SOme thing IeSS important, destroy Or ruin eachother; COnneCt with; accordingly2. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.pursue, ceased; attainable; enmity; POPUlOus; surpassed; impartial; appallingly3. FilI in t
37、he blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COlIOCation taken from thetext intellectual; intelligent; intelligent; intellectualuninterested; disinterestedcontinuous; COntinUaIunaffected; disaffected;By all means; by no meansforgetful; forgettable4. Fill in the blanks With the appro
38、priate forms Of the given WOrdSbeneficiaries;UndeSirable;horizontally; descendants; increasingly;PhiIOSOPhiCaI5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSal VerbS in your Own WOrdScontracted; keep quiet; investigate; treat; go; IOSt COnSCiOUSneSS GramnIar exercise2. When, lest, Although, not Only but also, becau
39、se, Although, While, SinCe5. doesn, t he, won' t it; does she, WOUldr' t he, have we, aren, t they, aren, t I, Can heTranSIate the following SentenCeS into English, USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsThe result SUrPaSSeS their expectationsWe ShOUId take account Of the COSt Of the PrOjeCtTh
40、e fine Weather COntribUted to the SUCCeSS Of the SCientifiC expeditionROnaldo, One Of the football StarS from Brazil, SCOred SeVeraI SPeCtaCUIar goals in the 2002 FlFAWOrld CUPMany honorary degrees from different COlIegeS and UniVerSitieS in AmeriCa Were COnferred UPOnRObert FrOSt for his remarkable
41、 COntribUtiOnS to POetryPatienCe and PerSeVeranCe are required in emancipation from bad habitsThey tried to instill SUCh new ideas into students1 mindsYOU ShOUld demonstrate impartiality in your assessment Of the employeesFilI in each blank in the PaSSage below With One WOrd you think appropriate OV
42、err here, would, to, disciplines, less, ways, underlie, hard, like, altogether, to, achieve, WOrIdUnit 75. explain in your OWn WOrdSJUSt because I have decided to do you a favor Sell you the IOVe potions, I feel Safe telling youall the SeCretS about my medicinesoThey, the IOVe potions, Said the OId
43、man, M WilI help Change the girl, S attitude towards you.She WilI no IOnger neglect Or COntemPt you. InStead, She Will begin to give you deep-feltIOVe and Care ”1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your OWn WOrdSfeeling Very much WOrried and afraid; everything I SelI COUld be Well deem
44、ed as extraordinary;difficult to notice; WhiCh is more than enough; have much more everlasting effects than OnIythe momentary impulse; With extreme happiness and enthusiasm2. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.creaky; peered; acquaintance; detachment
45、; raptures; giddy; overwhelmed; ObIiged 3 FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COlIOCatiOn taken from thetext SaVe up; Care about; indulges in; reached for; Peered about: deals in4. Fill in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given WOrdS obscurity; acquaint
46、ed; perceptible; apprehension; indifferent: rapt5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSal VerbS in your OWn WOrdSexpect; have; accept; imagine; was; achieveTranSIate the following SentenCeS into English, USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsTO me, you are definitely more than an acquaintanceMany artisans de
47、al in a Variety Of handicrafts in the regionThey Went into raptures OVer the UneXPeCted SUCCeSSMUCh to my surprise, he analyzed With detachment the dangerous SitUatiOn that threatened all Ofthem.She Peered at the Strange from behind the CUrtainDUring the holidays, he indulged in the IUXUry Of a bath
48、 Of SUnShine Orl the beach Wherl She Iearnt the news Of his death, She WaS OVerWhelmed With griefI' m not in favor Of buying a house Orl the installment plan; instead, I maintain that everyone Of USShOUld SaVe UP for a rainy day.FilI in each blank in the PaSSage below With One WOrd you think app
49、ropriateIf, no, through, with, does, that, want, Here, sung, and, but, UPOnt PreCiOus, nor Unit 86. explainIn Order to have a Iittle fun Under the StreSS Of modern life, PeOPIe indulged themselves even moreintensively in dangerous adventures and excessive SeXF alcohol and CirUgSWe have IOng assumed
50、that fun WaS easy to have, but now We are Paying a PriCe for thatShalIOW-mindedness, i e., OUr Party is hardly as much fun as it is intended to be.1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your Own WOrdSbe morally too StriCt With OUrSeIVeS to enjoy life; that made all Other QUeStiOnS IeSSSi
51、gnifiCant; COUnting fun as the most important QUaIity in life; the best example Of your funworld; Iike SOmething negative that you Can hardly get rid Of; inflicting PainS UPOn US as ameans Of revenge2. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With a WOrd taken from the box in the PrOPer form.DePreSSion, s
52、tick, blasphemy, damp, regrettable, deserving, reverence, mirthful3. FilI in the blank in each SentenCe With an appropriate PhraSaI Verb Or COllOCatiOn taken from thetext turn into; OCCUrred to; end up; SteP up; Pay back; IOOk forward to4. FilI in the blanks With the appropriate forms Of the given W
53、OrdSthrilled; insured; depressed; UndeSerVed; generosity; benefits5. EXPlain the UnderIined PhraSal VerbS in your OWn WOrdSshowed; represent ; fully explain; Challenged by; SUPPOrt; UnhaPPyGrammar exercise4. SUCh that; thus; in that; With; SO that; OWing toTranSIate the following SentenCeS into EngI
54、iShl USing the WOrdS given in the bracketsIt goes WithOUt Saying that ShakeSPeare OVerShadOWS all the Other PIayWrightS throughout theages Ihe Great GatSby is COmmOnIy deemed as the epitome Of the JaZZ Age Of the IaSt CentUry inAmeriCaIt is advisable for you not to PUt a damper On his enthusiasm to
55、further his StUdieS at HarVardYOUng PeOPIe tend to make a fetish Of glamorous StarS in SPOrtS and entertainment CirCIeSThey traipsed all the Way to the PeOPIe' S SqUare for the CeIebratiOnS Of the NatiOnaI Day.He does not deserve SUCh SeVere PUniShment as he has COmmitted neither SeriOUS errors
56、nor graveCrimeSEVery time I met him, he WOUId talk a WhOIe IOt Of nonsenseHe Said that reputation is a trap into WhiCh many PeOPle are ready to fal1FilI in each blank in the PaSSage below With One WOrd you think appropriateAs, which, amount, less, relief, nature, even, with, without, ShOUldJ loss, w
57、orth, Whatf PrOVidedUnit 9 On becoming a better StUdent4. EXPlain in your OWn WOrdS the following SentenCeS taken from the textWherI they Start school, Children are CUriOUS and ready to try every means to explore the unkno¼rnHowever, they end UP IOSing the PiOneering SPirit after years Of formal education UAdVanCedM IearnerS are IikeIy to make SOme mistakes FOr example, they Inay become excessively SatiSfied With their PrOgreSS or, On the contrary, PUt too much PreSSUre OrI themselves to SCOre further achievements1. EXPlain the UnderIined Part in each SentenCe in your Own WOrdSBUt t
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